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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet

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My prediction of 20 pages of posts before the 12 (noon) deadline is on target . . . keep it coming guys, this is great! lol

Those insisting that this is an April Fools joke clearly are not familiar with what xenophobic, idiotic, and completely unprincipled so many Thai politicians can be.

The idea that Thai politicians could propose and pass such a ludicrous and offensive piece of legislation is entirely credible. Just have a look at some of the other laws already on the books, like some of the insane liquor laws.

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Quote: Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active.

Please, Mr. Tidbury can you write a bit more about this; I'm not worried about the marrying issue, but I have a few possessions I'd planned to leave to a Thai friend if I die here. Am I reading correctly that this law would prohibit me from doing this?

And how can I read the proposed law?

thanks in advance for your response.



Gee, it only took 9 pages for someone to spill the beans! Those who knew, and stoked the fires of oblivion should be commended...

The real point, which is, unfortunately, not surprising, is how many busybodies, old maids, and sheep came out of the woodwork.

If seeing a 50+ year old man with a younger woman makes you physically ill, I think you are long overdue for a talk with your priest/therapist/parole officer. Ever hear of live and let live? No, you're not content with screwing up your own teeny, tiny, miserable existence; you feel compelled to bend others to your distorted view of the universe - by force, apparently, if necessary.

Then, of course, we have the sycophants, who blow in the prevailing wind. Actually, they blow EVERYWHERE, but that is for another topic. Another poster said it, "You'd do well in an Orwellian society". Just take it elsewhere, ok?

To risk being repetitious, I like H.L. Mencken's definition of Puritanism: "..The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.

Happy April 1.

Get a life, and leave others to theirs. You know who you are.


The most shocking part of this thread is that no one mentioned that it's April 1 today... :lol:

I did, page or so ago, but my post was deleted. Sad. :crying:


Option A: Today is April Fools day...

Option B: This is real, in which case the government has lost its mind. There will be a lot of sad people in Isan who were planning on the two story house in the village, and a new Vigo truck from the older farang spouse of their lovely farmer daughter. Guess those dreams will go away. Be curious if they apply the same law to the rich older Thai guys with young girls. Oh wait, those are all mia nois so guess not a problem there.....Also in my case my girlfriend can no longer pressure me to marry her, so there is a silver lining in ever cloud. Oh wait, without marriage all the benefits that would have gone to her upon my demise will not be occurring.......

Seems odd Thailand would copy Cambodia ,whom they look down upon as retarded country bumpkins... :jap:


"innocent Thai women" do not marry foriegners. So actually this will probably prevent a large majority of poor old love struck blokes getting taken to the cleaners by an "innocent Thai women". How about adding a law which prevents Thai women from marrying a foriegner then divorcing him in their home country and then going onto benefits to become burden on that countries resources.


" Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed."

THIS IS WORRYING. I have a clause in my will that leaves all my possesions etc to my long term partner, we are not married, but have been together for 7 years, she is nearly 50 (not a young village girl trying to help herself and her family, by marrying an ATM). Can anyone verify this?

So who does one leave one's worldly goods to? If the above statement is true, then there is a big problem for a lot of Thai's and a lot of Farangs who happen to be very attached to Thailand and Thais.

I think crass stupidity and unintelligent would be an understatement for this law. A young girl marrying an older man is a business arrangement, in most cases, and both parties are aware of this. I personally think old/young couples look absurd, but I understand why and I mind my own business.

If these Morons who run Thailand want to eradicate this practice then improvement in education, health care , care for the elderly and job prospects for the poorer segment of Thai society would go a long way towards this.

I noticed that it is 1st of April, so maybe this is an April fool's joke. I HOPE SO.


My prediction of 20 pages of posts before the 12 (noon) deadline is on target . . . keep it coming guys, this is great! lol

Those insisting that this is an April Fools joke clearly are not familiar with what xenophobic, idiotic, and completely unprincipled so many Thai politicians can be.

The idea that Thai politicians could propose and pass such a ludicrous and offensive piece of legislation is entirely credible. Just have a look at some of the other laws already on the books, like some of the insane liquor laws.

And some farang take themselves far too seriously, are exceedingly gullible and have far too high an opinion of themselves lol


How true, It is disgusting that thiese dirty old men go to Thailand to marry the young girl. I think they are closer being a legal age Pedofile.

Everyone here knows they are around.

Exemptions should however be made if the relationship is a long term (known and been in relationship of some form for ????12 months / 2 years)

I think this is directed at the old man and the 18yo and yes, This is Thailand, they can do whatever they want to do to protect their people from the old Farang.

I hope this is enforced.

Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.


Next they wll put before the board a law that says Thai men cannot have as many minoys as they want. Why don't they just pass a law

against boinking

Those particular laws are already being debated and will be implemented the following month as I understand it . . . <grins>


Just to inform you, the average income for the approx. 6 million people living in Bangkok, is approximately 400,000 THB per year. Among the people I know (including my wife, her family and all our friends) I don't know a single one who earns less than 75,000 THB per month. So not all Thais are a burden, just the same way that not all foreigners are a burden.

This is total bull$hit please do tell us what it is your wife and friends do? The only people earning this sort of salary in Thailand are corrupt people, a policeman starts at 6k and an average rank earns around 10k. Teachers earn from 8k to 20k tops, so as I said please do tell us what it is they do for their 75k+


Indeed it is April Fools Day, however it is a completely plausible story for Thailand! So if it is a joke, it does not really fit the realm of the "unbelievable" which is the actual point to an April Fools joke. You will need to do better TV.


I heard that there is going to be an amendment to the law where you ARE able to marry a younger woman if you are over 50, provided that you can pay a "fine" of 500,000 baht for every 5 years that the girl is younger than you. Should provide a loophole for some . . . <winks>


I don't think it should be an over 50 rule, it should be no one should be able to marry someone more than 20 years younger. Then it would be fair, and weed out the wierdos. I am 32 and happily married to a 30 year old Thai, when I see the over 60's wiith 20 something women, it makes me sick. I agree 100% it should not be allowed.


My prediction of 20 pages of posts before the 12 (noon) deadline is on target . . . keep it coming guys, this is great! lol

Those insisting that this is an April Fools joke clearly are not familiar with what xenophobic, idiotic, and completely unprincipled so many Thai politicians can be.

The idea that Thai politicians could propose and pass such a ludicrous and offensive piece of legislation is entirely credible. Just have a look at some of the other laws already on the books, like some of the insane liquor laws.

And some farang take themselves far too seriously, are exceedingly gullible and have far too high an opinion of themselves lol

Ohhh, and of course no Thai's have a high opinion of themselves. Well I guess it's true then, you can learn something everyday.


Must be an April Fools joke, but a good one, look at the news source. Thai Visa News. They have their own reporters now too?

Also this would restrict Thai women aged over 50 to marry foreigners of a similar age which contravenes existing legislation.

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