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The death nell for island paradises in the gulf I fear.

Of course the attempts to bribe the locals with aide packages kicks in instantly. We care for you, since you have oil under you. I don't remember Chevron aide packages for Issan flood victims....

Why....:rolleyes: ...oil and gas exploration and production has been going on for 25 year plus in the Gulf Thailand

This is hardly news at all.....a few new concessions have been awarded

... the death nell for Thailand's island paradises will be their own undoing ... jeez, just look around at what Thais do to themselves and their environment for a few immediate baht ... they are simply incapable of making decisions requiring a vision beyond lunch.

... it is the Thais' destiny, an exorable certainty.

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I do detect a hint of jealousy of offshore oil & gas workers in your post....:whistling:

Yes....I really wish I had to work away from home for what...at the best month on month off and deal with the stench of your oilfields.......instead of what I do now.......I really really envy you.

Why what do you do now?

My guess an "English teacher".....:whistling:

What stench are your talking about...just been outside and breathed in a nice lungful of clean ocean air and then had a cigarette...:lol:

What wrong with month on/ month off.....6 months a year off.... more time to take advantage of the girls, the cheap living costs and saving up my minum wage as you so eloquentley put it in an earlier post.....party on B)


The death nell for island paradises in the gulf I fear.

Of course the attempts to bribe the locals with aide packages kicks in instantly. We care for you, since you have oil under you. I don't remember Chevron aide packages for Issan flood victims....

Why....:rolleyes: ...oil and gas exploration and production has been going on for 25 year plus in the Gulf Thailand

This is hardly news at all.....a few new concessions have been awarded

... the death nell for Thailand's island paradises will be their own undoing ... jeez, just look around at what Thais do to themselves and their environment for a few immediate baht ... they are simply incapable of making decisions requiring a vision beyond lunch.

... it is the Thais' destiny, an exorable certainty.

and other resident industry expert...pray tell dear sir of your vast experience in the gulf of Thailand offshore oil and gas operations...:whistling:


I do detect a hint of jealousy of offshore oil & gas workers in your post....:whistling:

Yes....I really wish I had to work away from home for what...at the best month on month off and deal with the stench of your oilfields.......instead of what I do now.......I really really envy you.

Why what do you do now?

My guess an "English teacher".....:whistling:

What stench are your talking about...just been outside and breathed in a nice lungful of clean ocean air and then had a cigarette...:lol:

What wrong with month on/ month off.....6 months a year off.... more time to take advantage of the girls, the cheap living costs and saving up my minum wage as you so eloquentley put it in an earlier post.....party on B)

Yes, I would guess the same as that. I'm now in the sub-arctic, Sakhalin Island absolutely beautiful. Saw the whale migration earlier in the year. Stellar sea eagles often spotted overhead and no stench. Going home in two weeks for five weeks off. It's a tough life but someone has to do it.


Funny how I knew the answers before they were written.

I hope you have more concern for the environment and its flora and fauna that your well paid for toil effects in the long run......than the sea life you see frolicking about beneath your rig.

It is nice you appreciate the short term benefits......turn a blind eye to all else though and you sleep better at night hey !!

Carry on.

If you knew the answer why did you ask the question then ?....:whistling:

But still not sure <deleted> you are talking in this post..?


But still not sure <deleted> you are talking in this post..?

Can you wift hevy fings ?.........cheesy.gif

I can bench press 200lb...does that help...:whistling:


But still not sure <deleted> you are talking in this post..?

Can you wift hevy fings ?.........cheesy.gif

I can bench press 200lb...does that help...:whistling:

Is that on your resume ??


Funny how I knew the answers before they were written.

I hope you have more concern for the environment and its flora and fauna that your well paid for toil effects in the long run......than the sea life you see frolicking about beneath your rig.

It is nice you appreciate the short term benefits......turn a blind eye to all else though and you sleep better at night hey !!

Carry on.

deep TV voiceover

This protest message was bought to you by Chevron and EGAT.

Chevron - providing the natural gas that is burned to power your computer.

in rapid voice

electricity may be generated by coal in some parts of Thailand, shipped from Australia.


Fine, fine - oil companies (and their cling-on supports) are wonderful! All over the world we can see the re-investment of their profits into the regions they plunder...

You still miss my point. I am no tree-hugger, nor am I berating you or others for not donating. I question the practice of 'earning face' by making a small token offer which gets a mention in the press, but ultimately is insignificant to both themselves and the benefactor.

One company which I googled - Salamander Energy - is listed on the FTSE with revenues of $160 Million. This company donated $7,000 to the victims of the floods, in an area they are exploiting for financial gain, using workers from the surrounding areas. I ask just how far this money is expected to help?

And as to my donations, no I have not as I do not have money to spare. I live a Thai lifestyle here, not an expat life of excess. I see how much this weather affects real people who are living hand to mouth, amazingly they don't moan and bitch about things half as much as the people here. They do agree on one thing though, the oil exploration is not going to benefit them at all.

What exactly are the oil compaies in Thailand plundering ?....I stand to be corrected, but over the 25 years of O&G in the gulf oil companies have paid the Thai goverment somewhere in the order of $7-10 billion in royalites as well creating jobs, educating people and building infastructure.

Other synonyms for pluder are steal, rob, loot or pillage....therefore we have established that oil companies are paying for right to explore and produce O&G in the gulf, so they cannot be pludering anything

"exploiting" for financial gain has another name its called captialism, if there is no financial gain companies would not bother..or would you prefer we live in a communist country ?

As to your last paragrpah.....you said you had a Mercedes ?...but now say you do not have money spare to make a donation to any cause, but here you are on your soap box, preaching that people and companies who have made a gesture irrespective of the amount are so bad....think the technical term for this is called hypocrisy

You really took my statement literally? :lol:

No, I do not own a Mercedes; in fact I do not own a motor car at all. I merely used the metaphor to highlight the difference between the net worth of the wonderful generous corporation and the local people affected. The one baht is equivalent to the $7,000 donated - it is meaningless so why bother to donate anything? At least by not donating they are showing how much they truly care.

I don't claim to be anything, I am certainly not preaching here, I am however questioning the motives behind the fantastically generous offer. You seem to think it is generous anyway...

So driving a "Metaphor" eh? just as bad as a Mercedes IMO.

Just to weigh in here - as another oily expat (and part-time tree hugger)I lived in Samui for a number of years (and was there last week during the floods)Everyone I spoke to asked me about the pollution threat "to their island" from oil companies. Most are blissfully unaware of the drilling and oil and gas production that goes on just over the horizon and powers their hotels, bars, jakuzzis and discos. In my 25 years in Thailand the worst environmental ruin has been carried out by developers and house owners. A once beautiful island in the GOT was ruined by local greed and avarice. The run-off from construction choked and killed Chaweng Reef some 15 years ago. Last week I watched the rivers of mud run down the hillside where trees have been cleared for construction of holiday "dream-homes".

The local Jao Por have reaped millions from central government for infrastructure and continue to plead poverty, launder it and ask for more - at the same time conducting compulsory whip rounds for money to protest the exploration for power resources in the hope of another back hander from these energy companies.

The whole thing reeks of ignorance, hypocrisy and ultimately a lack of care for the environment and the future. Oil companies may not be holier than the rest of us but they actually behave a great deal better and more responsibly than most in this region at least. Bear in mind they are very conscious of their corporate image to their shareholders whereas the local Jao Por are answerable to nobody.

Let's see how many people are still hugging trees when the lights go out and they can't charge their mobiles....


Funny how I knew the answers before they were written.

I hope you have more concern for the environment and its flora and fauna that your well paid for toil effects in the long run......than the sea life you see frolicking about beneath your rig.

It is nice you appreciate the short term benefits......turn a blind eye to all else though and you sleep better at night hey !!

Carry on.

deep TV voiceover

This protest message was bought to you by Chevron and EGAT.

Chevron - providing the natural gas that is burned to power your computer.

in rapid voice

electricity may be generated by coal in some parts of Thailand, shipped from Australia.

:lol: :lol: ...very good

Whats the score now ?.....Thai O&G companies 7....tree huggers and other associated loonies 0

The interesting thing that has come out of this is that not one of the naysayers or associated loonies has come up with any hard facts about the gulf O&G operations....only hyperbole, hystericial rhetoric, general bullsh*t , what they heard sitting on a bar stool..oh and very bad metaphors


Funny how I knew the answers before they were written.

I occurs to me you don't know anything related to the subject matter. The Thai government controls the O&G industry in the country. There are clear environmental and social impact assessment processes in place for any O&G projects before operations begin.


There are clear environmental and social impact assessment processes in place for any O&G projects before operations begin.

Of course there are.......and they are all impeccably adhered to along with all the other rules and regs and guidelines in this country.

You and that other O&G guy above you would get along like a.......well a oil rig on fire I would guess.


Funny how I knew the answers before they were written.

I hope you have more concern for the environment and its flora and fauna that your well paid for toil effects in the long run......than the sea life you see frolicking about beneath your rig.

It is nice you appreciate the short term benefits......turn a blind eye to all else though and you sleep better at night hey !!

Carry on.

deep TV voiceover

This protest message was bought to you by Chevron and EGAT.

Chevron - providing the natural gas that is burned to power your computer.

in rapid voice

electricity may be generated by coal in some parts of Thailand, shipped from Australia.

:lol: :lol: ...very good

Whats the score now ?.....Thai O&G companies 7....tree huggers and other associated loonies 0

The interesting thing that has come out of this is that not one of the naysayers or associated loonies has come up with any hard facts about the gulf O&G operations....only hyperbole, hystericial rhetoric, general bullsh*t , what they heard sitting on a bar stool..oh and very bad metaphors

Funny thing is I count myself as a treehugger.

....but I'll take your scoreline. :)


There are clear environmental and social impact assessment processes in place for any O&G projects before operations begin.

Of course there are.......and they are all impeccably adhered to along with all the other rules and regs and guidelines in this country.

You and that other O&G guy above you would get along like a.......well a oil rig on fire I would guess.

Actually O&G in Thailand is actually one of the few industries which actually does follow the rules...."Seri Thai's" post earlier on in this thread sum's it up nicely.

Again I would challange you to provide any facts to support the various claims you have made on this topic


Thats hilarious Sampan.....got any more like that one ??

Who is Sampan?

If you are talking about me though, I've got plenty of material. I do an early and a late show (except Mondays) and do a Matinee on Sundays for the old folk.



Funny how the O&G guys shout their innocence the loudest.........whereas anyone with the slightest concern for the world around them and not destroying it....simply knows the plethora of environmental damage done out there by theses innocents.

Just google 'oil spills'....go on.....open ya eyes big guy.


PTT EP...........is partly owned by TIT...

Howeveeeeeeeeeeeer, the people here still pay more than it should be....

as the retail' price ,index is based on Singapore market.........................


Funny how the O&G guys shout their innocence the loudest.........whereas anyone with the slightest concern for the world around them and not destroying it....simply knows the plethora of environmental damage done out there by theses innocents.

Just google 'oil spills'....go on.....open ya eyes big guy.

Dont believe any of the O&G's guys are shouting innocence....they have just been providing facts and real life experience unlike your retorts which are based on hysterical rhetoric

I have just "googled" oil spills in the gulf of Thailand and come up with zip, which after all is the topic under discussion, so again I will challange you to provide any factual sources for anything you have said related to offshore oil and gas operations, drilling or exploration in the gulf of Thailand

As somebody earlier no one has said the O&G companies are holier than thou or that accidents and incidents have happened in at various locations the world, they have...but the discussion is about the GOT.

If you wish to start a topic for discussion on oil and gas worldwide on TV, please feel free to do so, I will gladly contribute, but fear it would not last toolong, as would not be Thailand related and would think on the topic being closed, you would be accusing TV of being in the oil companies pockets as well.

So may I humbly suggestion you go back to your solar powered computer, give your donkey some hay and have a bowl of lentils (grown with no presticides of course) to claim your nerves.


Naughtier have a read of this http://www.americant...g_an_envir.html

Shows the damage to marine life lol

And by the way I have never worked in O&G industry I just dislike people stating misinformed information.

Very good article..

Interesting .....:whistling: ....hmmmmm

"An environmental study (by apparently honest scientists) revealed that urban runoff and treated sewage dump 12 times the amount of petroleum into the Gulf (Mexico)than those thousands of oil production platforms"

Over to the tree huggers.....:rolleyes:


You are protesting a tad much there for an innocent big guy.....

Your term 'tree huggers' shows your ignorance in such a big way.......the air you breath is from those trees people try to protect.....perhaps you would prefer bottled air ??


You are protesting a tad much there for an innocent big guy.....

Your term 'tree huggers' shows your ignorance in such a big way.......the air you breath is from those trees people try to protect.....perhaps you would prefer bottled air ??

And the fuel you are putting in your motor bike or maybe even your car , the power for your computer, lights & aircon....comes from O&G guys who are producing that hydrocarbon....perhaps you would prefer no hydrocarbons ?....:rolleyes:

To date you havent even constructed a rational arguement or provided any facts..., so lets talk about ignorance in a subject...:rolleyes:


II've got plenty of material.

Got any funny stuff.....would love to hear it just once ?? Don't be shy...

I could regurgitate a few of your lines if that suits.


Youshould really stop blind support of your employer, just cos he pays you the bigbucks, the blind support shines through your ignorance...carry on big guy.

Whenyour oil leaves your platform, or your area then hands up in the air right ?? notyour responsibility anymore...no...not our fault if anything goes wrong with itafter our bit...

Ilive in a bamboo house and ride a bike. I shag my missus with our solar lightsoff.

oh and sandman.....you are the one trying to be a comedian, so please continue with your original material.....it is hilarious...really.


Youshould really stop blind support of your employer, just cos he pays you the bigbucks, the blind support shines through your ignorance...carry on big guy.

Whenyour oil leaves your platform, or your area then hands up in the air right ?? notyour responsibility anymore...no...not our fault if anything goes wrong with itafter our bit...

Ilive in a bamboo house and ride a bike. I shag my missus with our solar lightsoff.

oh and sandman.....you are the one trying to be a comedian, so please continue with your original material.....it is hilarious...really.

When it leaves a facility and ends up in the air no it's not the guy who works in the oil and gas industry's problem it the human race's problem. Because we all use oil and gas.

The steel machete you used to hack down the bamboo for your house was produced indirectly by oil products. Your bike was produced using oil and gas products. So get down of your high horse and accept that this is the world that we live in and it's powered by.........................Hydrocarbons. So can you think of an alternative? Wind power? Wave machines? All use steel in their construction all produced using, wait for it....... hydrocarbons. Or should we all switch off or computers turn off the ignitions in our cars and go and live in a tree.


another environmental vandal.......you and big guy and sandman should start a 'friends of O&G' feel good group........you could play dunk the pelican in a tub of oil for laughs.

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