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Water Leak, But Don'T Know Where.

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One day my wife noticed that the electric water pump intermittently runs, even when nobody was using water.

We checked all tabs and toilets but couldn't find anything. No leaking tab, no running toilet, nothing visible.

Then the pumps worked more frequently and finally non-stop.

So we kind of knew that have a leaking pipe somewhere. But where? We have a garden and several tabs installed later around the garden. Even a thorough visual inspection yielded nothing.

We called a plumber, who claims to be the specialist for this. They came and asked upfront for 1500 THB. We gave it to him but he couldn't find anything.

Next stop: the people who installed a sprinkler system in the garden. They sent 3 men who worked one whole day and gave up. Pump still running ...

Then my wife found a professional plumber in the Internet, called him and explained our problem. His charge: THB 3500 upfront and repair according to labor and parts. They also said they have experience in this field and guarantee they will find.

OK, we asked them to come and check. Since we did not have a detailed plan of our pipes, they had to dig. I suggested to put valves in various places, shut them and see if the pump still runs. And that's what they did.

A first leak was quickly found near the water tank and fixed. But the pump kept running...

After the 2 valve the problem was isolated to one line of pipes feeding maid's room, laundry room and an outside tab.

And then they found the leak! Heureka!

They fixed it and were finished with the job at 7 PM. Total charge 11,500 THB

Now we are happy again and the pump runs only when necessary. BTW a Grundfos pump, heavy duty. After 3 cheap Japanese pumps, which quit after short time we put the expensive Grundfos and have not had a problem anymore since. Another Grundfos pump was installed for the sprinkler system. So far no problem, but that's only 3 months old.

Anyone interested in name and address of the good plumber PM me.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Now we are happy again and the pump runs only when necessary. BTW a Grundfos pump, heavy duty. After 3 cheap Japanese pumps, which quit after short time we put the expensive Grundfos and have not had a problem anymore since.

your assumption might be correct till the "heavy duty expensive Grundfos pump" blows a few other glued pipe connections because the pressure level it provides is adjusted too high. and if that happens in an area of your house which you can't access easily you do have one or perhaps several big problems.

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