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Thaksin Kicks Off Election Campaign In New Phone-In

Lite Beer

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There you go yet again trying to twist my words 'to fit your sentimental interpretation' of them.

I did NOT call for him to be killed,

though the idea of his taking another identity and disappearing has certain charms.

But I was suggesting neither. If so, a mod would have long since removed it.

You did suggest BOTH and ONLY you did so,

stop projecting your ideas on top of mine, it is unseemly for you.

I was just, and ONLY, pointing out that with Thkasin in the picture NOTHING will be resolved, since he refuses to back off.

And until he does, or some other game changer happens in his life, then this happy horse shit goes on indefinitely elections or not.

Let's look again what you wrote;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

Ok, What does this mean?

1.You are asking for a plane crash int the sea. Ok, that's a wonderful sentiment. You are hoping for a violent event.

2. You don't want the plane found. Well, sunshine, if Thaksin is on the plane and it is not found, what do you suppose happens in the real world? Either the occupants are killed in the crash or drown when the plane sinks. Do you have another explanation?

3. You do not want the airplane crash explained. Nice. Usually, only murderers hope for that outcome as it makes it harder to determine the cause of crash.

4. BTW, what happens to the airplane crew? If the plane is not found, that means the crew is lost too.

It is quite evident that you have called for Thaksin's death. The fact that a moderator has not removed your expressed sentiments is his perogative, but that doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or responsible. I am calling you out as one that advocates death by violent means. If you can't accept responsibility for your sick comment that's your problem, not mine.

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Like Thaksin.Adolf Hitler won 2 elections but had to bremoved by military power from office........Do you red shirt lovers worship Hitler too?? After all he was democratically elected and arguably in his first 6 yrs did very well for the German people we are led to believe..............Thaknsin stole billions, killed thousands in his drug war and to give him ANY credibility whatsoever especially those who misquote Abhisit.......is tantamount to treason!!!! Grow UP red shirts - hes NOT robin Hood

Edited by ianbaggie
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There you go yet again trying to twist my words 'to fit your sentimental interpretation' of them.

I did NOT call for him to be killed,

though the idea of his taking another identity and disappearing has certain charms.

But I was suggesting neither. If so, a mod would have long since removed it.

You did suggest BOTH and ONLY you did so,

stop projecting your ideas on top of mine, it is unseemly for you.

I was just, and ONLY, pointing out that with Thkasin in the picture NOTHING will be resolved, since he refuses to back off.

And until he does, or some other game changer happens in his life, then this happy horse shit goes on indefinitely elections or not.

Let's look again what you wrote;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

Ok, What does this mean?

1.You are asking for a plane crash int the sea. Ok, that's a wonderful sentiment. You are hoping for a violent event.

2. You don't want the plane found. Well, sunshine, if Thaksin is on the plane and it is not found, what do you suppose happens in the real world? Either the occupants are killed in the crash or drown when the plane sinks. Do you have another explanation?

3. You do not want the airplane crash explained. Nice. Usually, only murderers hope for that outcome as it makes it harder to determine the cause of crash.

4. BTW, what happens to the airplane crew? If the plane is not found, that means the crew is lost too.

It is quite evident that you have called for Thaksin's death. The fact that a moderator has not removed your expressed sentiments is his perogative, but that doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or responsible. I am calling you out as one that advocates death by violent means. If you can't accept responsibility for your sick comment that's your problem, not mine.

Sorry GK .. you didn't get this one right either. He didn't call for Thaksin's death or for anyone to kill him, he suggested that a "better resolution would be" and then gave a hypothetical answer. Had he said "someone should" or "I wish" or something similar your hyperbolic statements might have some merit. He didn't.

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Hell, I still try to avoid even using AIS SIM cards, in case he is still getting a backdoor cut.

No doubt much of the monied logistical and practical political support for Thaksin comes from those who do garner income or benefits from his companies. And more still who WISH TO benefit from Thaksin when and if ever returned to office, or practical control of those in office...

No doubt those monied interests are dragging their 'local minions' by similar bait and switch or wishful thinking tactics, or just plain political control of a areas voters, using highest Machiavellian legerdemain to make this come about any way possible.

I refuse to use CP FreshMart, amongst others. I mention this one rather than AIS, etc because they sell ALMOND MEGA ice creams. They are MUCH better than Almond Magnums and slightly cheaper.

Cutting off my nose to spite my face? No, I consider the Almond Mega one of the sacrifices that I have made to fight Evil. Call it civic duty.

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It still amazes me that to this day some still have blinkers on, that blind them to the reality of Thaksins mindset. Regardless if the majority of Thai political players good, bad and indifferent still work within the existing system, the fact remain Thaksin is an exception to the rule of HOW a politician can and should act in and out of office. He sets an extraordinarily dangerous precedent. I love democracy, but there may be times it can not adequately stand up to onslaught, 'clear and present danger', and must be augmented for the safety of those very people Democracy would ostensibly represent.

Augmented with military coups and martial law?

There's always an 'enemy' that the military has to remove for the benefit of others as we can see throughout Thai history.

If we don't learn from history, we are doomed to repeat it.

Better a military coup than a criminal in charge of a country ala Pol Pot, Adolf Hitler..............time to wise up and stop messaging tripe id say Oberkommando

He has preference for absolute philosophies, vs practical solutions for mostly intractable problems.

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Like Thaksin.Adolf Hitler won 2 elections but had to bremoved by military power from office........Do you red shirt lovers worship Hitler too?? After all he was democratically elected and arguably in his first 6 yrs did very well for the German people we are led to believe..............Thaknsin stole billions, killed thousands in his drug war and to give him ANY credibility whatsoever especially those who misquote Abhisit.......is tantamount to treason!!!! Grow UP red shirts - hes NOT robin Hood

Even though I agree with your feelings, I often don't agree with your posts. However, this one is, I think, a really good post as it highlights the flaws in developed democracies. The same flaws from which we expect Thailand, with its few decades of democracy, to be immune.

That's not to say a coup is democratic of course. I just have to wonder whether democracy is actually the best system. (And no, I can't think of a better one.)

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Hell, I still try to avoid even using AIS SIM cards, in case he is still getting a backdoor cut.

No doubt much of the monied logistical and practical political support for Thaksin comes from those who do garner income or benefits from his companies. And more still who WISH TO benefit from Thaksin when and if ever returned to office, or practical control of those in office...

No doubt those monied interests are dragging their 'local minions' by similar bait and switch or wishful thinking tactics, or just plain political control of a areas voters, using highest Machiavellian legerdemain to make this come about any way possible.

I refuse to use CP FreshMart, amongst others. I mention this one rather than AIS, etc because they sell ALMOND MEGA ice creams. They are MUCH better than Almond Magnums and slightly cheaper.

Cutting off my nose to spite my face? No, I consider the Almond Mega one of the sacrifices that I have made to fight Evil. Call it civic duty.

CP is endemic to Thai markets, but I agree I am not a regular shopper of CP products either.

But not quite as easy to avoid, but not too hard. Personally I'll take the Magnams, but Hagen Daas before either.

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I refuse to use CP FreshMart, amongst others. I mention this one rather than AIS, etc because they sell ALMOND MEGA ice creams. They are MUCH better than Almond Magnums and slightly cheaper.

Cutting off my nose to spite my face? No, I consider the Almond Mega one of the sacrifices that I have made to fight Evil. Call it civic duty.

CP is endemic to Thai markets, but I agree I am not a regular shopper of CP products either.

But not quite as easy to avoid, but not too hard. Personally I'll take the Magnams, but Hagen Daas before either.

Forgive me for de-railing the thread, but I'd just like to clarify: YOU PREFER ALMOND MAGNUMS TO ALMOND MEGAS???

I haven't really given the Haagen Daas a chance, basically because it's so ridiculously pricey. No question, they're better... but how much better? The stoic in me tells me that I'd be better off buying 2 Megas or 2 Magnums and giving the spare one to someone standing nearby outside. Still, if I was that stoic, I wouldn't buy one at all.

Anyway... a question, which was the main point of my follow up:

Do any of the other supermarket chains sell Almond Megas?

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Like Thaksin.Adolf Hitler won 2 elections but had to bremoved by military power from office........Do you red shirt lovers worship Hitler too?? After all he was democratically elected and arguably in his first 6 yrs did very well for the German people we are led to believe..............Thaknsin stole billions, killed thousands in his drug war and to give him ANY credibility whatsoever especially those who misquote Abhisit.......is tantamount to treason!!!! Grow UP red shirts - hes NOT robin Hood

Even though I agree with your feelings, I often don't agree with your posts. However, this one is, I think, a really good post as it highlights the flaws in developed democracies. The same flaws from which we expect Thailand, with its few decades of democracy, to be immune.

That's not to say a coup is democratic of course. I just have to wonder whether democracy is actually the best system. (And no, I can't think of a better one.)

Benign Despotism is better but you can't assure that the next leader will be benign.

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There you go yet again trying to twist my words 'to fit your sentimental interpretation' of them.

I did NOT call for him to be killed,

though the idea of his taking another identity and disappearing has certain charms.

But I was suggesting neither. If so, a mod would have long since removed it.

You did suggest BOTH and ONLY you did so,

stop projecting your ideas on top of mine, it is unseemly for you.

I was just, and ONLY, pointing out that with Thkasin in the picture NOTHING will be resolved, since he refuses to back off.

And until he does, or some other game changer happens in his life, then this happy horse shit goes on indefinitely elections or not.

Let's look again what you wrote;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

Ok, What does this mean?

1.You are asking for a plane crash int the sea. Ok, that's a wonderful sentiment. You are hoping for a violent event.

2. You don't want the plane found. Well, sunshine, if Thaksin is on the plane and it is not found, what do you suppose happens in the real world? Either the occupants are killed in the crash or drown when the plane sinks. Do you have another explanation?

3. You do not want the airplane crash explained. Nice. Usually, only murderers hope for that outcome as it makes it harder to determine the cause of crash.

4. BTW, what happens to the airplane crew? If the plane is not found, that means the crew is lost too.

It is quite evident that you have called for Thaksin's death. The fact that a moderator has not removed your expressed sentiments is his perogative, but that doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or responsible. I am calling you out as one that advocates death by violent means. If you can't accept responsibility for your sick comment that's your problem, not mine.

Good one GK, completely agree with you.

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I see from another news source that PTP will now announce their leader and candidate for PM on the 24th April.

How many times has the great announcement date changed now?

Whoever it is will be at the top of the party list therefore no one will have a chance to vote either for or against him, her.

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There you go yet again trying to twist my words 'to fit your sentimental interpretation' of them.

I did NOT call for him to be killed,

though the idea of his taking another identity and disappearing has certain charms.

But I was suggesting neither. If so, a mod would have long since removed it.

You did suggest BOTH and ONLY you did so,

stop projecting your ideas on top of mine, it is unseemly for you.

I was just, and ONLY, pointing out that with Thkasin in the picture NOTHING will be resolved, since he refuses to back off.

And until he does, or some other game changer happens in his life, then this happy horse shit goes on indefinitely elections or not.

Let's look again what you wrote;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

Ok, What does this mean?

1.You are asking for a plane crash int the sea. Ok, that's a wonderful sentiment. You are hoping for a violent event.

2. You don't want the plane found. Well, sunshine, if Thaksin is on the plane and it is not found, what do you suppose happens in the real world? Either the occupants are killed in the crash or drown when the plane sinks. Do you have another explanation?

3. You do not want the airplane crash explained. Nice. Usually, only murderers hope for that outcome as it makes it harder to determine the cause of crash.

4. BTW, what happens to the airplane crew? If the plane is not found, that means the crew is lost too.

It is quite evident that you have called for Thaksin's death. The fact that a moderator has not removed your expressed sentiments is his perogative, but that doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or responsible. I am calling you out as one that advocates death by violent means. If you can't accept responsibility for your sick comment that's your problem, not mine.

Sorry GK .. you didn't get this one right either. He didn't call for Thaksin's death or for anyone to kill him, he suggested that a "better resolution would be" and then gave a hypothetical answer. Had he said "someone should" or "I wish" or something similar your hyperbolic statements might have some merit. He didn't.

Good use of clarity, JD.

Completely agreed.

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I see from another news source that PTP will now announce their leader and candidate for PM on the 24th April.

How many times has the great announcement date changed now?

Whoever it is will be at the top of the party list therefore no one will have a chance to vote either for or against him, her.

They also said that they would wait before announcing the Party's policies until that date.

Also noteworthy is their announcement for Chalerm's replacement as Chairman of the Pheu Thai Party MP's.

It's former Chief Opposition Whip, PTP MP Witthaya Buranasiri


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Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government.


Don't be so uneducated.

Party leader David Cameron, of the Conservatives, is the PM. They won the most votes and took the helm in the coalition that formed.

In the United Kingdom, the Chairman of the Conservative Party is responsible for running the party machine, overseeing Conservative Central Office. When the Conservatives are in power, the Chairman is usually a member of the Cabinet being given a sinecure position such as Minister without Portfolio. Deputy or vice-chairmen may also be appointed, with responsibility for specific aspects of the Conservative Party (for example, local government, women or youth). David Cameron does not run the Party he runs the Government can't you understand the difference.

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Your opinion on what you have achieved is certainly arguable. Thaksin caused the coup because he was so divisive. The man's ego left him thinking that he was above reproach and with the state of democracy in Thailand under Thaksin he almost was. You keep leaving out facts like HE was the one that dissolved parliament years early and that his action led to a constitutional crisis that left him as caretaker-PM after the time allowed had expired. You ignore the facts of the damage he did to the checks and balances required for a functioning democracy. You quote wiki articles that are flawed and you don't properly cite them.

Your post above is about equal to "I say I am right, therefore I am!" Which of course does remind me of a notable figure from Thai politics :)

Posts like this make you look trollish and, sorry, a little bit silly. Why not say why you think the post was a total load of (b******s)? Personally it looked OK to me for just that reason - it didn't have any (b******s).

The only two bits that could be considered as (b******s) are 1) jdinasia's explanation to why 473geo's opinion on what he has achieved is certainly arguable (his opinion is not arguable - what he has achieved might be); and 2) to what 473geo's post is equal. The rest is all true. Sorry, but to refute it shows not only that you don't know what you're talking about, but also that you don't want to know what you're talking about. This is a common trait amongst rank-and-file Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts. Interesting that.

So, where can I find almond Megas outside CP Fresh Mart?

Edited by craigt3365
troll post removed
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There you go yet again trying to twist my words 'to fit your sentimental interpretation' of them.

I did NOT call for him to be killed,

though the idea of his taking another identity and disappearing has certain charms.

But I was suggesting neither. If so, a mod would have long since removed it.

You did suggest BOTH and ONLY you did so,

stop projecting your ideas on top of mine, it is unseemly for you.

I was just, and ONLY, pointing out that with Thkasin in the picture NOTHING will be resolved, since he refuses to back off.

And until he does, or some other game changer happens in his life, then this happy horse shit goes on indefinitely elections or not.

Let's look again what you wrote;

Much better resolution is his plane goes down at sea and is never found or specifically explained.

Ok, What does this mean?

1.You are asking for a plane crash int the sea. Ok, that's a wonderful sentiment. You are hoping for a violent event.

2. You don't want the plane found. Well, sunshine, if Thaksin is on the plane and it is not found, what do you suppose happens in the real world? Either the occupants are killed in the crash or drown when the plane sinks. Do you have another explanation?

3. You do not want the airplane crash explained. Nice. Usually, only murderers hope for that outcome as it makes it harder to determine the cause of crash.

4. BTW, what happens to the airplane crew? If the plane is not found, that means the crew is lost too.

It is quite evident that you have called for Thaksin's death. The fact that a moderator has not removed your expressed sentiments is his perogative, but that doesn't mean that it is either appropriate or responsible. I am calling you out as one that advocates death by violent means. If you can't accept responsibility for your sick comment that's your problem, not mine.

Sorry GK .. you didn't get this one right either. He didn't call for Thaksin's death or for anyone to kill him, he suggested that a "better resolution would be" and then gave a hypothetical answer. Had he said "someone should" or "I wish" or something similar your hyperbolic statements might have some merit. He didn't.

Good use of clarity, JD.

Completely agreed.

Thank you gentlemen.

What GK has repeatedly left out was the context of my comment. Which of course made it easier to twist it out of it's obvious meaning.

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Your opinion on what you have achieved is certainly arguable. Thaksin caused the coup because he was so divisive. The man's ego left him thinking that he was above reproach and with the state of democracy in Thailand under Thaksin he almost was. You keep leaving out facts like HE was the one that dissolved parliament years early and that his action led to a constitutional crisis that left him as caretaker-PM after the time allowed had expired. You ignore the facts of the damage he did to the checks and balances required for a functioning democracy. You quote wiki articles that are flawed and you don't properly cite them.

Your post above is about equal to "I say I am right, therefore I am!" Which of course does remind me of a notable figure from Thai politics :)

Posts like this make you look trollish and, sorry, a little bit silly. Why not say why you think the post was a total load of (b******s)? Personally it looked OK to me for just that reason - it didn't have any (b******s).

The only two bits that could be considered as (b******s) are 1) jdinasia's explanation to why 473geo's opinion on what he has achieved is certainly arguable (his opinion is not arguable - what he has achieved might be); and 2) to what 473geo's post is equal. The rest is all true. Sorry, but to refute it shows not only that you don't know what you're talking about, but also that you don't want to know what you're talking about. This is a common trait amongst rank-and-file Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts. Interesting that.

So, where can I find almond Megas outside CP Fresh Mart?

:) I don't shop at CP Freshmarts .. but only because they just don't have enough "stuff", I am a 7-11 guy by nature and nurture now :) The flame you quoted is one that doesn't appear on my screen except when quoted :) You are correct Geo's opinion is his opinion, the actual results just don't match that high opinion (imho) ;)

Edited by craigt3365
troll post removed
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In the United Kingdom, the Chairman of the Conservative Party is responsible for running the party machine, overseeing Conservative Central Office. When the Conservatives are in power, the Chairman is usually a member of the Cabinet being given a sinecure position such as Minister without Portfolio. Deputy or vice-chairmen may also be appointed, with responsibility for specific aspects of the Conservative Party (for example, local government, women or youth). David Cameron does not run the Party he runs the Government can't you understand the difference.

The "Chairman" is not the leader of the party. He's the office manager.

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Would it be fair to say that every PM is the leader of their party at least politically? I mean he is the top dog in government and it is a party based position and election. Although no democratic or republican president in the US has ever held the position of chairmen of their party it is the president who the party at large takes their cues on issues. yea yea yea I know the president has advisors and all that but when he says something publicly the other party members as a general rule fall in line with his views.

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I see from another news source that PTP will now announce their leader and candidate for PM on the 24th April.

How many times has the great announcement date changed now?

Whoever it is will be at the top of the party list therefore no one will have a chance to vote either for or against him, her.

They also said that they would wait before announcing the Party's policies until that date.

Also noteworthy is their announcement for Chalerm's replacement as Chairman of the Pheu Thai Party MP's.

It's former Chief Opposition Whip, PTP MP Witthaya Buranasiri


One has to presume that Thaksin approved of this or even instigated this new appointment.

It sends a message in regards to Mingkwan's position in that Witthaya opposed Mingkwan's nomination for becoming the new Party Leader, even going so far as criticizing Mingkwan's performance when he was Samak's Commerce Minister. Additionally, for the recent censure debate, it was Witthaya that made the formal opening and not the appointed Censure Debate Leader Mingkwan.

The news yesterday also informed us that the PTP decided their Party Leader will not change from the current Yongyuth, who has been repeatedly trying to resign from the position for the past 2 and half years.

Strife and division continue to plague the PTP and perhaps Thaksin is positioning Witthaya as a bigger player than he already is.

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It is absolutely central to Thaksin's position that no other person can build up a power base that can challenge Thaksin's control. Having a party leader who is also the leader of the members of parliament is a no-no. If and only if he is forced to do so, it will be as close to the election as possible so that the nominal leader cannot build up any independent steam outside of Thaksin as the one and only 'cause' for the campaign. Thaksin's less than discreet preference for a family member to be the leader would be OK with him, but having an obvious figurehead as the leader is hardly discreet. The key point here is that the decision to appoint the leader of the party is Thaksin's. The man who the forum red apologists say is marginal to the so-called liberation struggle. The bogus one.

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Please name a parliamentary democracy where the PM is not the leader of the party in government.


Don't be so uneducated.

Party leader David Cameron, of the Conservatives, is the PM. They won the most votes and took the helm in the coalition that formed.

In the United Kingdom, the Chairman of the Conservative Party is responsible for running the party machine, overseeing Conservative Central Office. When the Conservatives are in power, the Chairman is usually a member of the Cabinet being given a sinecure position such as Minister without Portfolio. Deputy or vice-chairmen may also be appointed, with responsibility for specific aspects of the Conservative Party (for example, local government, women or youth). David Cameron does not run the Party he runs the Government can't you understand the difference.

I am going to give you a valuable hint now: The Party Leader is the leader of the party.

You are welcome.

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Like Thaksin.Adolf Hitler won 2 elections but had to bremoved by military power from office........Do you red shirt lovers worship Hitler too?? After all he was democratically elected and arguably in his first 6 yrs did very well for the German people we are led to believe..............Thaknsin stole billions, killed thousands in his drug war and to give him ANY credibility whatsoever especially those who misquote Abhisit.......is tantamount to treason!!!! Grow UP red shirts - hes NOT robin Hood

Perhaps more of a 'robbing hood', than a 'Robin Hood' ? :whistling::rolleyes:

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In one sense I almost feel sorry for Pheua Thai MPs and the red shirts, they keep talking about true democracy, and yet they are unable to have any say in who will lead the party or its policies.

An April fool all year round!

Edited by Siripon
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I see from another news source that PTP will now announce their leader and candidate for PM on the 24th April.

How many times has the great announcement date changed now?

It's changed again. :blink:

Today, the other paper has Pheu Thai Party (PTP) saying they will announce their candidate for PM two days after the house is dissolved.

Abhisit has said that will occur during the first week of May, so it won't be April 24th when PTP makes their announcement.

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Like Thaksin.Adolf Hitler won 2 elections but had to bremoved by military power from office........Do you red shirt lovers worship Hitler too?? After all he was democratically elected and arguably in his first 6 yrs did very well for the German people we are led to believe..............Thaknsin stole billions, killed thousands in his drug war and to give him ANY credibility whatsoever especially those who misquote Abhisit.......is tantamount to treason!!!! Grow UP red shirts - hes NOT robin Hood

Even though I agree with your feelings, I often don't agree with your posts. However, this one is, I think, a really good post as it highlights the flaws in developed democracies. The same flaws from which we expect Thailand, with its few decades of democracy, to be immune.

That's not to say a coup is democratic of course. I just have to wonder whether democracy is actually the best system. (And no, I can't think of a better one.)

Exactly........Its also interesting to note the "red shirt posters" on this site who believe that us anti Thaksin posters will be subjected to punishments because of our views - funny how THEY dont recieve any punishment under the present Government - but then this is a democratic one - NOT a tin pot dictators desperate gamble to regain power through giving away peranuts. A democratic Government doesnt have to be ellected by the people - its about how Governments behave when they come to power - NOT about how theyre elected.

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A democratic Government doesnt have to be ellected by the people - its about how Governments behave when they come to power - NOT about how theyre elected.

That's actually a very interesting point, to the point that I'm not quite sure if I agree with it or not!

I don't think you can qualify (i.e. "is this govt democratic?") a government as democratic or not - I think you can only quantify it (i.e. "how democratic is this govt?"). Certainly the way a government comes to power has a bearing on its perceived democracy and one that is elected will be perceived as more democratic than one that isn't elected, or even one that is elected by parliamentary means such as the current government.

But when a government practises autocracy, like the Thai govt did under Thaksin, then you can't say it's democratic - even if it is backed by the majority. All that says is that the country isn't interested in democracy... so, is removing democracy "democratic" in such cases, as it is backed by the majority? (The PAD would argue it is - hence their early 30% popular vote/70% appointees idea.)

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Anyone notice what time of year it is? Yes it's the prelude to Songkran, but that's not what I'm alluding to.

It's Reds rioting time of year. Yes, that's right, for the past two years in a row, the Reds have commandeered the headlines with rioting in Pattaya and Bangkok (2009) and then last year, when they took over downtown Bkk.

So, I'm happy to point out that, for the first time since 2008, the Reds are not doing their annual rioting in Bangkok.


Is this an improvement in Thai democracy or what?

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