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Alleged Electrocution Deaths In Lamai

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I have allegedly been hearing reports alleging that two individuals were allegedly killed by alleged electrocution allegedly in a bar in the lady Thai boxing area that allegedly rhymes with Duper whirls. Anyone have any alleged facts on this? I have allegedly heard several versions.

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A client of mine from Singapore told me yesterday that her friend (who I met last week, English, I believe) checked into a hotel sometime last week. I think they said it was Chaweng but I am not sure about that part. They had to wade with their bags from the taxi to the hotel and that there was a body floating in the water near there, a victim of electrocution - allegedly.

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Come on guys, if people were electrocuted, wouldn't we have heard about it, especially Westerners?

Bodies floating around, any pictures, hard proof?

TAT cover up ?? the logic makes sense.... when i asked about why my electic was off, i was told they had to due to people being electrocuted from the power being on and they where waiting for the waters to go down

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I wouldn't put it past them but this would just be too much of a thing that people would talk about and until now I haven't heard anything about this. Too difficult to cover up imho, hope I'm not proven wrong ph34r.gif

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Thus my thread.

As I said, everyone you talk to in Lamai seems to know about this. The story is the same in the aspect that two individuals were killed by electricity in the storm in the same location. It could be some urban myth, but it does seem to have seeds of truth in there somewhere. Oh, and I am talking about Thais killed, not Westerners.

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Same story went around during November floods, in Soi Reggae but turned out to be unsubstantiated. If it really happened, which I don't rule out, too bad for the two Thais and RIP.

You didn't mention any Westerners, somebody else did in a different post in this thread.

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Again not fact - but I've heard about a young Thai lady (early 20s) called Bee who died from electrocution near to the boxing ring in Lamai. I heard she leaned against a 7/11 - don't know what part of 7 and got electrocuted... agan it is hear say and not fact.

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It is possible however unlikely you can be electrocuted from a house wire (220) volt in a large amount of water, clean water is a poor conductor of electricity, salt water is a good conductor.

Some people are more susceptible to electric shock than others (very young, very old, overweight, drunk), there are many factors that effect the severity of an electric shock.

If the victim comes in contact with the "live" conductor, while standing in sea water, in the rain, maybe.

Now if you are in a puddle of water and line of the "High Voltage" drops into the puddle, yes very, very possible because the voltage is 33,000 vac

that will kill you right now "if" the conditions are right.

Low voltage electrocutions are very,rare, a unique set of conditions must be present to cause death.

In any event Electricity needs to be respected it can kill you!

A simple explanation of how the above works is available at the following link


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It is possible however unlikely you can be electrocuted from a house wire (220) volt in a large amount of water, clean water is a poor conductor of electricity, salt water is a good conductor.

Some people are more susceptible to electric shock than others (very young, very old, overweight, drunk), there are many factors that effect the severity of an electric shock.

If the victim comes in contact with the "live" conductor, while standing in sea water, in the rain, maybe.

Now if you are in a puddle of water and line of the "High Voltage" drops into the puddle, yes very, very possible because the voltage is 33,000 vac

that will kill you right now "if" the conditions are right.

Low voltage electrocutions are very,rare, a unique set of conditions must be present to cause death.

In any event Electricity needs to be respected it can kill you!

A simple explanation of how the above works is available at the following link


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