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Hi. My linksys WAG200G has been dropping it's wireless signal lately, and only lately. I have never had issues with this unit. It is about 4 years old. I have manually reset it, which fixed it until next time, then updated the firmware which fixed it until this time. Been on linksys site which is where i got the firmware suggestion from, but I haven't tried telephone support yet.Any suggestions????


Have you eliminated DSL problems? That is to say, do you have any issues when using a wired ethernet connection? Do you have the same issue with other WiFi clients? Some other communications products, like cordless phones, can interfere with WiFi. Maybe a neighbor just got one of these? Have tried changing the WiFi channel? Does the problem persist? How many nearby WiFi networks can you 'see' with your client(s)? Did anything change on your client(s)?


Four likely causes of wifi dropping, first over heating of radio in router, second is another router or radio source like microwave near by causing interference, third over heating wifi card in notebook, fourth driver or firmware issue. My guess since you resetting the router and it works again would be option one or two. Resetting will most likely change the radio channel your router is operating on if it is not a over heating issue. Failing or defective radios in Wifi routers are what fail most often.


More info...

Neither of my laptops or my ipod see my wifi when it goes off. All of them see it when it is on. There are no other devices within range of my property. My cordless telephone base has always sat close to my router, but I just moved it. When wireless stops broadcasting, wired still works fine. I will try switching channels manually without resetting.



Made your own unique SSID?

Bluetooth device can also interfere as most also operates on the 2.4 GHz frequency.


and bluetooth device that are nearby always have been. My mouse and keyboard are bluetooth.


Does this model afford any logging information? Also what's happening with IP addresses? Any conflict? Sometimes devices go to sleep with an IP address, the router then hands that address out to another device, the sleeping device wakes up and has a conflict.

I guess, based on all your comments, that the router's WiFi sub-system is starting to fail as a result of long-term temperature-related issues (capacitors cracking from metal fatigue is a common problem here)?


I got similar problems when the neighbors got wireless.

Seams the networks disturb each other.


Just an update because this is new behavior for the router.

Based on suggestions received I simultaneously changed the channel and moved my cordless base away from the router. Nothing happened, but when I returned later on, it fixed itself. Not sure what did it but I suspect the relocating of the wireless base.

Thanks for suggestions.

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