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Thai Private Eye Lifts Curtain On Cheating Spouses

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The private eye should have said; The only man you can trust is a RICH dead one.

This proves that women are only interested in the money and only the men with money can have the luxury of multiple mistresses.

For us average Joes, we mostly stay loyal to one partner because we cannot afford to do otherwise.

The main reasons for these women’s concerns is that one of the mistresses could become more favourable to the husband and the little wifey may be cheated out of her sugar Daddy’s assets.

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Well, for both of you I am happy to burst your bubbles! I am absolutely happily married to the most wonderful woman I have ever met. The most important thing in her life is myself and our two children. She is a dedicated Mother, a truly inspirational wife, my best friend, sensational lover and could get a Michelin star for her cooking. If I were to cheat on her, it would devastate her to the core, and I would never ever threaten the most precious thing I have found for 20 mins inside the pants of some bar girl. She is similar and would never ever even contemplate going with another person. I am absolutely sure there are many many other guys out there in the same position as myself who are truly happy, and a 'bit on the side' is just not on the agenda either for themselves or their wives. Some couples here did find love you know, and not everyones wife was a bar girl focused on dollar signs. Thailand has a real problem with divorce rates and 'playing around', and I have a theory as to why, but not all marriages are bad and not all Thai men/women are bad, come to that matter, not all farang are bad either.

Ditto for me. I love my Thai wife with all my heart. She feels the same about me. There are no Thai boyfriends/husbands secreted away somewhere. Married for 10 years. We have 2 beautiful children that are the joy of our lives. Neither one of us would ever consider straying. Just not on the agenda. I have all I could ever want...why would I even consider risking that for some slut who just wants to make a quick 1000 baht?

The whole concept is just completely ridiculous. Many men, Thai and Farang, are faithful. Many women, Thai and Farang, are faithful. Sadly, this forum seems to be filled with old curmudgeons and sex tourists who don't value the sanctity of marriage, have no desire for a loving family, and just don't want to go to the effort to find a Thai partner with similar values.

The stereotypes just get old. Yes, I understand there are people out there who cheat, might even be a majority of them for all I know. But the point is all my friends are happy and monogamous. This lifestyle is also quite common if you care to look for it. Here's a hint though...you won't find it at a gogo bar. Try broadening your horizons.

Well Greg, If ever you and your family head down South then pm me, you would be very welcome to stop over for dinner. It would be wonderful to meet someone as happy as we are.

To all those that think all women/Thai women are cheating thiefs who are vitriolic etc etc, the shocker is guys that you have to look at yourselves. You either are attracted to that kind of woman or your behaviour is so appalling that you create the situation. If you want to find peace and love in a relationship here in Thailand there are boundless opportunities out there. Same as in any country really.

To all those that think all women/Thai women are cheating thiefs who are vitriolic etc etc, the shocker is guys that you have to look at yourselves. You either are attracted to that kind of woman or your behaviour is so appalling that you create the situation. If you want to find peace and love in a relationship here in Thailand there are boundless opportunities out there. Same as in any country really.

Nailed it.


If this dear little lady continues fighting for the rights of these poor women abused by their influential, prominent husbands, who does this out of the goodness of her heart of course, may at sometime find herself looking down the barrel of a shotgun from one of hubbies hired contract killers.

So I hope that she considers all her efforts and the financial benefits from this job, worth taking the risks involved?


Why does Admin. continually run these ridiculous stories? When do I ever see anything positive come to my e-mail account. Nothing but crap.

Well, how about this..

Unsubscribe from the newsletter emails, sign out of the forum and never come back.

totster :ph34r:

A new twist to the message saying that if you don't like here then go home. Isn't Thailand famous for its cultural diversity?


... if this private investigator can figure out how to endure, she has a real gold mine ... as modern society outside of Thailand influences more and more Thais inside of Thailand, fewer women will accept their husband's infidelities, viewed by Thai men as a common accommodation of simply being ... a Thai man.

... widely practiced throughout Thai history, polygamy was outlawed in Thailand in 1935 ... but, foreign residents of Thailand all recognize that Thai rules of law are hardly enforced for even the most egregious criminal offenses, much less for something as this.

... I recall reading an authoritative Asia regional survey in the early 2000's citing that approximately 20% of all Thai men then "currently maintained a second household" ... Thai men who had at one time of another in their lives maintained a second wife were multiples of that figure ... I seem to recall approximately 60-70% (the exact figure of which I am uncertain, but the order of magnitude is defensible).

... these are the cultural values of Thailand ... superior, or inferior? ... are these the values with which you would like your children raised? ... are these the values that will allow (much less encourage) Thailand to thrive as a nation?

... is there any wonder why Thailand is how it is? ... sort of natural response by a nation of children with no impulse control, eh?

... this is a more obvious outward sign of the inward social decay (assuming, of course, that Thai culture evolved beyond tribal society, and there existed something of higher value to decay) ... what of Thailand's other cultural values? ... truth? ... sacrifice? ... fairness? ... kindness? ... bravery? ... charity? ... and on, and on, and on.

... my, what a civilized modern society Thailand is.


... if this private investigator can figure out how to endure, she has a real gold mine ... as modern society outside of Thailand influences more and more Thais inside of Thailand, fewer women will accept their husband's infidelities, viewed by Thai men as a common accommodation of simply being ... a Thai man.

... widely practiced throughout Thai history, polygamy was outlawed in Thailand in 1935 ... but, foreign residents of Thailand all recognize that Thai rules of law are hardly enforced for even the most egregious criminal offenses, much less for something as this.

... I recall reading an authoritative Asia regional survey in the early 2000's citing that approximately 20% of all Thai men then "currently maintained a second household" ... Thai men who had at one time of another in their lives maintained a second wife were multiples of that figure ... I seem to recall approximately 60-70% (the exact figure of which I am uncertain, but the order of magnitude is defensible).

... these are the cultural values of Thailand ... superior, or inferior? ... are these the values with which you would like your children raised? ... are these the values that will allow (much less encourage) Thailand to thrive as a nation?

... is there any wonder why Thailand is how it is? ... sort of natural response by a nation of children with no impulse control, eh?

... my, what a civilized modern society Thailand is.

Sorry, I don't understand. You seem to be implying something, but it is not clear what.

Perhaps if you were to use fewer rhetorical questions, and not start your sentences half way through ... ... it might be clearer.

Am I right in thinking that the last line was intended as a sarcastic closing remark?




So I'm starting my new consultation service on how not to get caught. It's the Anti-PI Services.

My fee will be 1/2 the cost of her PI services and we'll throw in attorney services, doctored photos and videos, firm alibis, and even body doubles.


... if this private investigator can figure out how to endure, she has a real gold mine ... as modern society outside of Thailand influences more and more Thais inside of Thailand, fewer women will accept their husband's infidelities, viewed by Thai men as a common accommodation of simply being ... a Thai man.

... widely practiced throughout Thai history, polygamy was outlawed in Thailand in 1935 ... but, foreign residents of Thailand all recognize that Thai rules of law are hardly enforced for even the most egregious criminal offenses, much less for something as this.

... I recall reading an authoritative Asia regional survey in the early 2000's citing that approximately 20% of all Thai men then "currently maintained a second household" ... Thai men who had at one time of another in their lives maintained a second wife were multiples of that figure ... I seem to recall approximately 60-70% (the exact figure of which I am uncertain, but the order of magnitude is defensible).

... these are the cultural values of Thailand ... superior, or inferior? ... are these the values with which you would like your children raised? ... are these the values that will allow (much less encourage) Thailand to thrive as a nation?

... is there any wonder why Thailand is how it is? ... sort of natural response by a nation of children with no impulse control, eh?

... my, what a civilized modern society Thailand is.

Sorry, I don't understand. You seem to be implying something, but it is not clear what.

Perhaps if you were to use fewer rhetorical questions, and not start your sentences half way through ... ... it might be clearer.

Am I right in thinking that the last line was intended as a sarcastic closing remark?



... just offered a few edits, SC ... please re-read my original post ... and, yes, SC ... sarcastic ... definately sarcastic ... the rhetorical questions are a feature of Talmudic teaching ... people needn't be preached to always ... while I do not plod in a noun-verb, noun-verb style, you are probably bright enough to understand the message.


So I'm starting my new consultation service on how not to get caught. It's the Anti-PI Services.

My fee will be 1/2 the cost of her PI services and we'll throw in attorney services, doctored photos and videos, firm alibis, and even body doubles.

I'd like to volunteer as a body double.



So I'm starting my new consultation service on how not to get caught. It's the Anti-PI Services.

My fee will be 1/2 the cost of her PI services and we'll throw in attorney services, doctored photos and videos, firm alibis, and even body doubles.

I'd like to volunteer as a body double.


Great. That's the spirit. Now our office has doubled in staff.


... if this private investigator can figure out how to endure, she has a real gold mine ... as modern society outside of Thailand influences more and more Thais inside of Thailand, fewer women will accept their husband's infidelities, viewed by Thai men as a common accommodation of simply being ... a Thai man.

... widely practiced throughout Thai history, polygamy was outlawed in Thailand in 1935 ... but, foreign residents of Thailand all recognize that Thai rules of law are hardly enforced for even the most egregious criminal offenses, much less for something as this.

... I recall reading an authoritative Asia regional survey in the early 2000's citing that approximately 20% of all Thai men then "currently maintained a second household" ... Thai men who had at one time of another in their lives maintained a second wife were multiples of that figure ... I seem to recall approximately 60-70% (the exact figure of which I am uncertain, but the order of magnitude is defensible).

... these are the cultural values of Thailand ... superior, or inferior? ... are these the values with which you would like your children raised? ... are these the values that will allow (much less encourage) Thailand to thrive as a nation?

... is there any wonder why Thailand is how it is? ... sort of natural response by a nation of children with no impulse control, eh?

... my, what a civilized modern society Thailand is.

Sorry, I don't understand. You seem to be implying something, but it is not clear what.

Perhaps if you were to use fewer rhetorical questions, and not start your sentences half way through ... ... it might be clearer.

Am I right in thinking that the last line was intended as a sarcastic closing remark?



... just offered a few edits, SC ... please re-read my original post ... and, yes, SC ... sarcastic ... definately sarcastic ... the rhetorical questions are a feature of Talmudic teaching ... people needn't be preached to always ... while I do not plod in a noun-verb, noun-verb style, you are probably bright enough to understand the message.

If I get this right, you are saying that you disapprove of polygamy, which you think is culturally endemic in Thai society, but you expect that someone could make a living, rather than being drawn to a termination, by challenging that polygamy.

You seem to believe that polygamy has some sort of effect on economic development, though I did not see any justification for that belief.

In my opinion, polygamy is an alternative to Inheritance Tax, which is required to prevent or slow down oligarchies from developing. Obviously, in Thailand it does not appear to be very effective, but, to me at least, it appears superficially more attractive.

I think that amongst the values that help Thailand thrive as a nation - it is better off (in terms of GDP per capita) than all its neighbours bar Malaysia, which had the unfair advantage of the rule of law and the protection of the British Crown. Of course, it is a muslim country, and polygamy may even be legal there, for all I know...

Personally, I think that most people, when they go to a Private Eye, are looking for one of two things:

- either reassurance that their partner is not straying (which is unlikely, since why would they have suspected?)

- or evidence to get a better financial settlement.

Not really very morally uplifting, in my opinion, and not a significant deterrent to straying. As I have posted many times before, a deterrent must be dreadful, and credible.



So I'm starting my new consultation service on how not to get caught. It's the Anti-PI Services.

My fee will be 1/2 the cost of her PI services and we'll throw in attorney services, doctored photos and videos, firm alibis, and even body doubles.

I'd like to volunteer as a body double.


Great. That's the spirit. Now our office has doubled in staff.

Will you be needing some ethnic diversity? I can bob my head like the best of them?

"The only man you can trust is a dead one"

I assume she's primarily referring to Thai men. Even so, please do not tar us all with the same brush you simple-minded doris. Have enough experience with females who couldn't keep their legs closed that would sure close your mouth. <_<


... if this private investigator can figure out how to endure, she has a real gold mine ... as modern society outside of Thailand influences more and more Thais inside of Thailand, fewer women will accept their husband's infidelities, viewed by Thai men as a common accommodation of simply being ... a Thai man.

... widely practiced throughout Thai history, polygamy was outlawed in Thailand in 1935 ... but, foreign residents of Thailand all recognize that Thai rules of law are hardly enforced for even the most egregious criminal offenses, much less for something as this.

... I recall reading an authoritative Asia regional survey in the early 2000's citing that approximately 20% of all Thai men then "currently maintained a second household" ... Thai men who had at one time of another in their lives maintained a second wife were multiples of that figure ... I seem to recall approximately 60-70% (the exact figure of which I am uncertain, but the order of magnitude is defensible).

... these are the cultural values of Thailand ... superior, or inferior? ... are these the values with which you would like your children raised? ... are these the values that will allow (much less encourage) Thailand to thrive as a nation?

... is there any wonder why Thailand is how it is? ... sort of natural response by a nation of children with no impulse control, eh?

... my, what a civilized modern society Thailand is.

Sorry, I don't understand. You seem to be implying something, but it is not clear what.

Perhaps if you were to use fewer rhetorical questions, and not start your sentences half way through ... ... it might be clearer.

Am I right in thinking that the last line was intended as a sarcastic closing remark?



... just offered a few edits, SC ... please re-read my original post ... and, yes, SC ... sarcastic ... definately sarcastic ... the rhetorical questions are a feature of Talmudic teaching ... people needn't be preached to always ... while I do not plod in a noun-verb, noun-verb style, you are probably bright enough to understand the message.

If I get this right, you are saying that you disapprove of polygamy, which you think is culturally endemic in Thai society, but you expect that someone could make a living, rather than being drawn to a termination, by challenging that polygamy.

You seem to believe that polygamy has some sort of effect on economic development, though I did not see any justification for that belief.

In my opinion, polygamy is an alternative to Inheritance Tax, which is required to prevent or slow down oligarchies from developing. Obviously, in Thailand it does not appear to be very effective, but, to me at least, it appears superficially more attractive.

I think that amongst the values that help Thailand thrive as a nation - it is better off (in terms of GDP per capita) than all its neighbours bar Malaysia, which had the unfair advantage of the rule of law and the protection of the British Crown. Of course, it is a muslim country, and polygamy may even be legal there, for all I know...

Personally, I think that most people, when they go to a Private Eye, are looking for one of two things:

- either reassurance that their partner is not straying (which is unlikely, since why would they have suspected?)

- or evidence to get a better financial settlement.

Not really very morally uplifting, in my opinion, and not a significant deterrent to straying. As I have posted many times before, a deterrent must be dreadful, and credible.


... couple of things here, SC:

... I am unprepared to argue whether polygamy is a beneficial institution, or not ... practiced "as it should be practiced" (Muslims, Mormons), there is an expectation that the wives and children are not merely financially supported, but emotionally nurtured, resulting in a healthy, happy family, whose children grow up to contribute to a healthy, happy society ... the overwhelming preponderance of Thais neither financially support, nor emotionaly nurture their second families, in most cases merely abandoning them.

... few Thai men can afford, or are responsible enough, to support a second family ... I live in a Thai world awash in abandoned children and "wives with no strings" ... they produce socially damaged children, as no Muslim or Mormon practicing polygamy "as it should be practiced" would contemplate.

... as far as I can re-read in my post, I make no association between polygamy and economic development that you cite ... although, I agree with you that what you percieve as polygamy (as opposed to inheritance taxes) is not working to staunch the economic stranglehold by the few Thai oligarchs on the throats of the millions of prai ... but again, Thais do not practice what I would call polygamy ... it is more of a serial child abandonment, whose economic consequences are to create a dysfunctional society producing more net burdens on the economy than net contributors to it.

... however, I do refer to cultural values that encourage and allow "Thailand to thrive as a nation", which I intend more a reflection of the "happiness index" ... simply, a nation of healthy, functional people free to seek fulfillment in whatever way they choose ... serial child abandonment is not one of those cultural values ... behaviorial psychologists with whom I have worked here describe Thailand as a "pathologically sick nation" ... those are Thai behaviorial psychologists, who associate mental health with the social environments in which Thais are raised and live ... products of Thai "cultural values".

... your view of Thailand's economic advantages over it's neighbors is an interesting stand ... though, I think a right of the decimal point arguement ... with few exceptions, citizens in most of Thailand's neighbors generally live equally economically disadvantaged lives ... after you factor in GINI Coefficients, quality of life metrics, etc., I would be hard pressed to argue that Thailand's superior cultural values distinguish it economically above its peers in any meaningful way.

... my simple statement really, SC, is that the real value Thais place on the sanctity of family is inferior ... much is made about Thai family values, but I view it more as a survival instinct out of necessity, rather than any moral commitment to a spouse with the shared hope of raising better children upon which a next generation will create a better Thai society ... no luxury here, Thais have a survivalist mentality, caring little for the social wreckage they create behind themselves ... Thais are a people still focussed on assuring their own selfish interests, even if on the backs of their children, abandoned because they are a financial burden, traded into marriages of economic advantage (or, worse), or used as draft animals whose blood (and futures) are sucked dry to support the parent.

... the rampant incidence of Thai marital infidelity is merely a barometer reflecting what I witness as the sad reality of Thai inferior cultural values.

... aw, crap! ... I have now bummed myself out again.


The only man you can trust is a dead one.

If your wife knows from the start, and knows that the mistress will never take you away from her, then she can trust you; trust you to be you and to come back to her and the kids and the house.

This is why they get away with it Thailand.It works sabai sabai, let him do it. Especially where the marriage is from 2 different ends of the scale. If she stands to loose out she will allow him to do it knowing that while it hurts her he will be back.


Most Farangs I know that live in Thailand cheat on their wives at any given opportunity, some are members here but would never openly say that they do, even though they're anonymous.

It goes against the Thai Bad / Farang Good mindset of this and other Thai based Farang websites.

Similar to the threads that involve driving in Thailand, Farangs get on their high horse about Thais driving drunk, but most Farangs I know drive a car or ride a motorcycle after having too much to drink also.


Most Farangs I know that live in Thailand cheat on their wives at any given opportunity, some are members here but would never openly say that they do, even though they're anonymous.

It goes against the Thai Bad / Farang Good mindset of this and other Thai based Farang websites.

Similar to the threads that involve driving in Thailand, Farangs get on their high horse about Thais driving drunk, but most Farangs I know drive a car or ride a motorcycle after having too much to drink also.

Maybe its just the company you keep.

Maybe now your friends will be embarrassed to come out as such, knowing they will be tarred as philandering drink-drivers.

Luckily we do not realise that we know one another...



The only man you can trust is a dead one.

If your wife knows from the start, and knows that the mistress will never take you away from her, then she can trust you; trust you to be you and to come back to her and the kids and the house.

This is why they get away with it Thailand.It works sabai sabai, let him do it. Especially where the marriage is from 2 different ends of the scale. If she stands to loose out she will allow him to do it knowing that while it hurts her he will be back.

... maprao, I believe this is the common case even between two people from the SAME end of the socio-economic scale.

... I now know several Thai marriages between equally socially prominent Thai families where the wife tolerates the husband's infidelity ... I understand that she does it to preserve her and her family's face, and to preserve the combined family wealth.

... one in particular is an arranged marriage pushed on a Thai friend who I was stunned to hear admit that he did it for building familial wealth ... that if he did not, he would be 'cut-out' of the family inheritance ... a modern, educated, world-travelled man of independent means, incapable of standing up and being his own man in the face of his grandparents and parents antiquated values on marriage ... it is not about love, but about wealth ... I was so deeply saddened for him and see how infidelity can be almost guaranteed.

... now unhappily married after 6-7 years, he is quite the man about town ... sad ... he is respectful of her and her family's face, and doesn't do it openly, but there is simply no way she doesn't know he sleeps about.

... so ... they've successfully bred and now have young 'inheritors' ... children are remarkably perceptive ... their children will not miss that they are the products of a loveless marriage, and be imprinted by it ... no discussion of divorce is even considered ... hope he will not take on second family children and the wreckage to young lives that causes.

... another was between a farang friend who married into a hi-so Thai family ... when it did not work, he wanted a divorce ... rather than divorce, she offered that he could have his girlfiends if they would continue the charade ... rather than live in a loveless marriage, he divorced her ... and they came after him ... (yet, another interesting story about Thai cultural values).

... these are the obsolete cultural values that still persist in 'modern' Thailand ... they are sociologically closer to Sub-Sahara African tribal than I care to contemplate.

... still, I am glad to see that some enlighted modern Thai women see the inferiority of their and their children's lives in such dysfunctional relationships and are pushing back.


Most Farangs I know that live in Thailand cheat on their wives at any given opportunity, some are members here but would never openly say that they do, even though they're anonymous.

It goes against the Thai Bad / Farang Good mindset of this and other Thai based Farang websites.

Similar to the threads that involve driving in Thailand, Farangs get on their high horse about Thais driving drunk, but most Farangs I know drive a car or ride a motorcycle after having too much to drink also.

Maybe its just the company you keep.

Maybe now your friends will be embarrassed to come out as such, knowing they will be tarred as philandering drink-drivers.

Luckily we do not realise that we know one another...


... as SC cites, I believe it is significantly about the company you keep.

... Thailand is a real test of a man's character ... back home, our behaviors are not just internally, but externally constrained by rule of law, family, colleagues, school teachers, police, whole communities looking over our shoulders and watching us.

... in Thailand, we have none of that ... no Thai will condemn a farang for the same behaviors they practice ... a happily married farang man who comes here will be tested, from within ... will his character and convictions stand-up to a Thai world in which there are no external constraints on a man's behaviors?

... I know many farang here that do not, but about an equal number who do.

... people of low-quality character tend to yield to what they can get away with when there are no external constraints on their behaviors ... and Thais? ... they seem to do whatever they want, with no apparent sense of guilt ... internally, they seem without conscience, but externally they will kill to preserve their 'face' when they are held publicly accountable for their misbehaviors ... it is a real connundrum for Thais ... I just don't know how they live with the incredible hypocracy of Thai cultural values.

... I view their behavior as a reflection of their cultural values ... simply inferior.


I moved to SEA when I was 22 years of age. I saw quite a few arranged marriages and face saving arrangements back then.

When I was growing up in a Catholic environment in the 1950's I saw quite a few marriages stay together because of the church and others stay together because of business.

Somehow I think in the West 50 or 100 years ago staying together because family or religion or business was not uncommon.

I don't really know that divorce and Prozac currently the fad in the West is better than a couple of 19 year old mia nois.

I don't say this lightly. I have tried both. Not everyone has the same side effects I had with Prozac but in my case the mia noi's are definitely the preferred way to go. And given I was paying $200 an hour for a shrink and $100 for marriage counseling the ladies were a more economic way of dealing with the problem.



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

Mrs Mills

Get out of the pub and stop mixing with the wrong company. Most of the Farangs I know do not cheat on their wives and under no circumstances drink and drive. It's all about the friends you keep!



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

Mrs Mills

Get out of the pub and stop mixing with the wrong company. Most of the Farangs I know do not cheat on their wives and under no circumstances drink and drive. It's all about the friends you keep!

You and Swillowbee are the great white hope. Your superior moral and ethical values will obviously save us from the yellow menace of Asian arranged marriages, loose morals, minor wives, infidelity and in general carrying on in a non Western fashion.



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

A young lady would rather own 4 hotels than have a husband, even though he was rich.

I think the parents were right, she was the one who put money before love.



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

A young lady would rather own 4 hotels than have a husband, even though he was rich.

I think the parents were right, she was the one who put money before love.

Mike: I'd agree with you completely except one can't overestimate the hold filial piety --a fundamental value in Thai culture and a core component of Thai self-identity and worth -- has on people (especially young women); it can't be ruled out that it was that rather tha the loss of the hotels that was behind her decision (an explanation i find no less palatable, really).



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

Mrs Mills

Get out of the pub and stop mixing with the wrong company. Most of the Farangs I know do not cheat on their wives and under no circumstances drink and drive. It's all about the friends you keep!

You and Swillowbee are the great white hope. Your superior moral and ethical values will obviously save us from the yellow menace of Asian arranged marriages, loose morals, minor wives, infidelity and in general carrying on in a non Western fashion.

... how pithy ... a real razor, you are.

... yes, Mark45y, saving the world from the yellows is for what GentlemanJim and I dedicate ourselves ... our reason for living ... having a life with meaning is, however, a big part of how I was raised.

... I would dare you to make such trite remarks if you were inclined to try to make a difference at a very personal level here ... not all the yellows, you see, but even just a few ... the sad wreckage of Thai children abandoned by the wretched animals they have to call their families might touch even a cynic as you.

... I've been touched by 5 Thai kids who I made my own ... I raise them as my own ... the youngest came to me at just under 2-years of age ... a traumatized child who did not cry and did not speak ... a product of a not too untypical Thai family ... mostly wife beating, but some child abuse, alcoholism, gambling, jobless men and a few other shining behaviors quite common within accepted Thai cultural values.

... am I better than the animals that were destroying this beautiful little boy? ... you bet, mark45y ... superior in every way.


This issue is put to rest by the Chris Rock joke, " That men are only as faithful as their options". In farangland with limited options, fidelity is a more realistic concept. In Thailand with endless lovely women available , a married man is truly put to the test of fire.

As far as the " hiso" Chinese Thai mothers forcing their daughters to marry some other " hiso" man that fits into their family 100 year wealth plan, screw them all I say to the daughters. and marry who you makes you happy. No wonder the poor guy has mia nois on the side, if they were both forced into a loveless marriage that was based upon financial planning by the parents.



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

Mrs Mills

Get out of the pub and stop mixing with the wrong company. Most of the Farangs I know do not cheat on their wives and under no circumstances drink and drive. It's all about the friends you keep!

You and Swillowbee are the great white hope. Your superior moral and ethical values will obviously save us from the yellow menace of Asian arranged marriages, loose morals, minor wives, infidelity and in general carrying on in a non Western fashion.

... how pithy ... a real razor, you are.

... yes, Mark45y, saving the world from the yellows is for what GentlemanJim and I dedicate ourselves ... our reason for living ... having a life with meaning is, however, a big part of how I was raised.

... I would dare you to make such trite remarks if you were inclined to try to make a difference at a very personal level here ... not all the yellows, you see, but even just a few ... the sad wreckage of Thai children abandoned by the wretched animals they have to call their families might touch even a cynic as you.

... I've been touched by 5 Thai kids who I made my own ... I raise them as my own ... the youngest came to me at just under 2-years of age ... a traumatized child who did not cry and did not speak ... a product of a not too untypical Thai family ... mostly wife beating, but some child abuse, alcoholism, gambling, jobless men and a few other shining behaviors quite common within accepted Thai cultural values.

... am I better than the animals that were destroying this beautiful little boy? ... you bet, mark45y ... superior in every way.

You are wrong on two levels. The first is Asian/Thai values. Thai people don't like to be told Western values are superior to theirs. Japanese people don't like to be told nor do Chinese people like to be told. Matter of fact neither do Indian or Muslim people. You may think your values are better and they may be. But the British and French got kicked out of every colonial country around here because the country did not think so.

Secondly you are wrong on a family business level and the Thai family is correct – FOR THAILAND.

Nor do I believe in missionaries or meddling NGO's doing the same things you are advocating.

America is going to hell in a handbag trying to enforce their ideas of government on other nations and you are doing the same thing in your own small way.

I am sure there are enough problems to solve in your own country to take care of rather than traveling all this way to try to save Thailand.

I'll admit it took me a while to adjust. The first year I was here, 1968, I saw many things I thought were wrong. Now I have a more balanced view.

I have no problem with you lighting one candle rather than cursing the darkness. I just wish you would do it in your own country, where you have a better idea what the consequences of the light will be.



Good posts! Continuing on, I know or rather knew a really lovely couple. They were HiSo I guess you could say. Very close friends of ours and very loving. He was independently wealthyish and she as the daughter of an old school Governor was loaded and had a string of hotels on beaches somewhere very popular. Basically, here family were minted, she was at a table nearbye with her Mum, and Uncle, who were discussing the forthcoming marraige and her Mum and Uncle (Father away as normal with one of his other wives) were saying they would not accept sinsod below 200 million Baht !!! &lt;deleted&gt;! The couple loved each other dearly. We overheard the young woman pleading with her Mum saying her boyfriend couldn't afford that, it would wipe him out, then what do they live on and use to maintain standard of life etc etc. The Mum and Uncle were ruthless and unrelenting and basically told her that she must find someone who can afford it or lose ownership and rights to her 4 hotels (big ones!). her family are worth a couple of billion baht. We weren't eves dropping, we were 4 meters away. Had both of them in our house after that crying their eyes out. The marraige was stopped, they split up and are now both the most miserable people on earth. She has parents that need shooting and he is ready to top himself.!! A perfect example of everything that is wrong with the values of certain parts of Thai society. He was effectively wealthy and what couple can't live on 200 Mill, but she was terrified of being cut off from the 'family', a group of evil monsters that need putting down! Seems family and money won! The couple lost!

Mrs Mills

Get out of the pub and stop mixing with the wrong company. Most of the Farangs I know do not cheat on their wives and under no circumstances drink and drive. It's all about the friends you keep!

You and Swillowbee are the great white hope. Your superior moral and ethical values will obviously save us from the yellow menace of Asian arranged marriages, loose morals, minor wives, infidelity and in general carrying on in a non Western fashion.

That's below par, Mark.

I hope its not sycophantic to say I expect better from you.

If I did not know better, I would say that is Happy Hour talk....


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