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Five Indians Drugged And Robbed By One Thai


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Five Indians Drugged And Robbed By One Thai

PATTAYA: -- Five Indian males were drugged and robbed of approximately 36,000 Baht cash by the hired Thai prostitute

Pattaya, 2 April 2011 [PDN]: At 2:30 a.m., Police General Lieutenant, Chuangchote Mongkolthanayuth, Inspecting Officer of Pattaya Police Department was informed that several foreigners had been drugged and robbed at Rooms 540-546 on 5th Floor of Diamond Beach Hotel (located at Pattaya No.2 Road, opposite to Walking Street, Moo.10, South Pattaya, Nongprue, Chonburi). The police hurried to the crime scene.

At the scene, the police discovered four Indian nationals, appeared intoxicated, while the other, identified as Mr. Mandeep Singh, 32, was unconscious.

Mr. Mandeep Singh was rushed to the hospital. Glasses of liquor, cans of soda and used condoms were found in the room.

Full story and pictures HERE

PATTAYA DAILY NEWS: -- 2011-04-04


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There is a reason many girls refuse to go with Indians. One fear is going to a hotel-room and find his 4 friends there waiting for them...as being told by several girls.

Yes, this is true, unfortunately. Very few girls will go with Indians for this reason. Groups of them will quite openly haggle with one girl and try and persuade her to go back to their hotel, where she is expected to have sex with all of them for 1000 baht.. I have witnessed them doing it in one of my local bars. Whilst sharing one bottle of water between them! In the end the bar owner sent them on their way with some choice anglo saxon expressions ringing in their ears. They wandered off shaking their heads in bemusement, obviously puzzled as to why anybody would find their behaviour unacceptable. They really are strange. There is a kind of poetic justice in this report though, they lost 36,000 baht. Now that really would have hurt. To be honest i find it hard to have any sympathy.

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This could probably go into some kind of record book. Giving a half hour or so for getting to the room, having a drink, each one having a go, passing out and being robbed in the space of 5 hour+_. In this case, without making any judgment, run girl, run.

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This could probably go into some kind of record book. Giving a half hour or so for getting to the room, having a drink, each one having a go, passing out and being robbed in the space of 5 hour+_. In this case, without making any judgment, run girl, run.

Heh Heh. Your summary of the sordid events, "each one having a go, passing out and being robbed etc", really does sum it up nicely. Cant really seeing the Guinness Book of Records running with it though! Shame. Under normal circumstances i would hope that any member of the oldest profession who drugged and robbed her clients would be apprehended and punished accordingly. But in this case i agree with you, i hope she gets away with it. I reckon she fully earned the 36,000 baht. Hopefully this case will deter other bargain hunters from the sub continent behaving in this cheap and sleazy way. But i wont hold my breath. This is the way they conduct business. Fine if you are buying clothes etc from the market, we all like the best deal we can get. But these guys behaviour is just plain wrong. What they dont seem to appreciate is that because of this all of their fellow countrymen get tarred with the same brush. Which is a shame. A couple of years ago on a wet afternoon a friend and i decided to spend an hour or two at an afternoon "gentlemens club" in the Jomtien area. Purely for research purposes obviously! The guy i went with had a friend staying for a few days, an Indian guy who was a director of a very well known bank. A lovely man, seriously wealthy and very cultured, who came with us. Although we had known the mama san very well for years the problems started as soon as we went in. She made it quite clear she wasnt happy but said, ' as he's with you he can come in' Of course he was shocked, and we were embarrassed to put it mildly. We had one drink and left. When we got outside he asked, Why dont the Thais like Indians? Are they racist? So i decided to be honest with him, and told him about the way most of his fellow countrymen behaved in the bars and entertainment places here, sharing one drink between them etc. Explained that unfortunately this sort of behaviour tended to make life difficult here for people like him, as they would be stereotyped. He took it very well and explained that people from India who holidayed here would have plenty of money, but most of them knew no other way. I felt really sorry for him to be honest, he was so humble and apologetic. He has never been back.

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There is a reason many girls refuse to go with Indians. One fear is going to a hotel-room and find his 4 friends there waiting for them...as being told by several girls.

Yes, this is true, unfortunately. Very few girls will go with Indians for this reason. Groups of them will quite openly haggle with one girl and try and persuade her to go back to their hotel, where she is expected to have sex with all of them for 1000 baht.. I have witnessed them doing it in one of my local bars. Whilst sharing one bottle of water between them! In the end the bar owner sent them on their way with some choice anglo saxon expressions ringing in their ears. They wandered off shaking their heads in bemusement, obviously puzzled as to why anybody would find their behaviour unacceptable. They really are strange. There is a kind of poetic justice in this report though, they lost 36,000 baht. Now that really would have hurt. To be honest i find it hard to have any sympathy.

No sympathy from me either. The Indian guys plan to scam the girl backfired on them. Smart girl though, if she knew their was more than one from the beginning. She maximized her earning potential / more wallets to clean out. Finding the 6000 that she was reasonably owed would have been good, but finding a fat wedge of greenbacks would have been like Christmas!

At least she was good enough to have sex with them before she fcked them!

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A lot of disgraceful racist anti-Indian sentiment here. I am sad to hear it. While hiring one prostitute for a group of your friends may not be your custom, if a sex worker agrees to that in good faith, that's a free will arrangement. There is no justification at all for either the drugging (which sometimes results in death) or the thievery.

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A lot of disgraceful racist anti-Indian sentiment here. I am sad to hear it. While hiring one prostitute for a group of your friends may not be your custom, if a sex worker agrees to that in good faith, that's a free will arrangement. There is no justification at all for either the drugging (which sometimes results in death) or the thievery.

Yup, a lot of TV posters delight in the misfortunes of non WASPs...and if you don't speak English (especially if you are Russian), serves you right too. Whether there were one or 5 guys, nobody deserves to get drugged and robbed.

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My wife and i were sitting having a drink the other day in beach road ,i couldnt help laughing watching 3 Indians trying to persuade a girl to go with them ,while they shared a drink , know wonder she walked off leaving them sitting there.

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"...used condoms were found in the room."

I think these cheap bastards got their moneys worth.

Don't jump the gun mate. Perhaps the condoms belonged to male friends of the girl, after she had drugged them and they were out for the count, she got her "mates" round to teach them a lesson.

No wonder they look sad.

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A lot of disgraceful racist anti-Indian sentiment here. I am sad to hear it. While hiring one prostitute for a group of your friends may not be your custom, if a sex worker agrees to that in good faith, that's a free will arrangement. There is no justification at all for either the drugging (which sometimes results in death) or the thievery.

Yup, a lot of TV posters delight in the misfortunes of non WASPs...and if you don't speak English (especially if you are Russian), serves you right too. Whether there were one or 5 guys, nobody deserves to get drugged and robbed.

' Disgraceful racist anti-Indian sentiment'.! Not from me. If you read my post properly you will see that is far from the case. It is a fact that tourists from India here in Pattaya do behave in this way. Given the news item that started this thread it is entirely legitimate to point this out without the politically correct police getting on their high horses and screaming 'Racism'. Anybody who takes the trouble to talk about this to bar owners and the girls working there will know that this is the usual practice with tourists from India. Fortunately, no self respecting bar girl would dream of agreeing to go with five men for 1,000 baht, hence the reason why one, or sometimes two "punters", will strike a deal, only for the unfortunate girl to be confronted with three of their mates waiting back in their room, ready for action. Like it or not, this happens. It is quite possible that this is what happened in this case, after all they would hardly admit to it would they. Who knows. Whatever, given the reputation of the girls on beach road late at night at the very least they were putting themselves' in harms way' by their behaviour. The comment about Russians puzzled me, my understanding is that Russian men never go with Asian girls, and look down their noses at westerners who do because the girls are not white. Racist or what! The point is that although western men certainly do 'fill their boots' when it comes to getting their share of all that Pattaya has to offer, and i agree sometimes behave in a loud and obnoxious way when they have had too many cold drinks, at least they have had too many cold drinks. If i were a bar owner i know which i would prefer. And they are quite happy to part with a bar fine and 1,000 baht for their nights entertainment. But certainly no sharing! Incidently, the Indian banker acquaintance i referred to in my earlier post was equally appalled and apologetic about this behaviour by his fellow countrymen. Does this make him a disgraceful racist too? ( and before you jump all over me Jingthing, Indian Banker is not cockney rhyming slang). BTW, what is a WASP? Or a non WASP for that matter.

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A lot of disgraceful racist anti-Indian sentiment here. I am sad to hear it. While hiring one prostitute for a group of your friends may not be your custom, if a sex worker agrees to that in good faith, that's a free will arrangement. There is no justification at all for either the drugging (which sometimes results in death) or the thievery.

You're hilarious. Please tell me you're joking. You sound just as bewildered as they looked in the picture. You honestly don't understand why everyone(almost) thinks they deserved what they got? 55555555555555

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