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Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

As a convicted on the run criminal, in what position is he to tell anyone that?

Because the man was not nice to Mr. Thaksin?

However, I believe that Mr. Thaksin, being the warm hearted and kind, thoughtful leader that he is will make an effort to help.

Mr. Thaksin is a forgiving and loving man. Besides, what better way to demonstrate that world leaders listen to Thaksin while ignoring PM Abhisit.

This is just too funny. I anticipate this will be played for all its worth and Mr. Abhisit is going to look bad.

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Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

Very unkind words, my dear chap. Even though we disagree many times, I would still like to believe your mother would do something similar to get you out of troubles if need be.

It's mother's love....you don't get it ?


You should not have said so, how know, may be you will be in the same situation.

Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

I will be a political activist, holding my own country to ransom and then trespassing as a spy into a neighboring country???? I don't think so :whistling:


Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

Very unkind words, my dear chap. Even though we disagree many times, I would still like to believe your mother would do something similar to get you out of troubles if need be.

It's mother's love....you don't get it ?

Is Veera where he deserves to be??

Also I never said anything about the mother asking, of course the mother is going to speak to a powerful man that can help, considering the men with the ill gotten power seem powerless to do anything, but you are missing the point, veera is where he deserves to be, so when the mother quite rightly tries to free her son, she should be told to piss off as her son is where he deserves to be.


Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

Very unkind words, my dear chap. Even though we disagree many times, I would still like to believe your mother would do something similar to get you out of troubles if need be.

It's mother's love....you don't get it ?

Is Veera where he deserves to be??

Also I never said anything about the mother asking, of course the mother is going to speak to a powerful man that can help, considering the men with the ill gotten power seem powerless to do anything, but you are missing the point, veera is where he deserves to be, so when the mother quite rightly tries to free her son, she should be told to piss off as her son is where he deserves to be.

Tell mom he should do the time if he has done the crime.


Tell mom he should do the time if he has done the crime.

it migh be an innocent misunderstanding brought on by silly politics.

Mr. Thaksin will understand this, as he is after all a martyr of the nation.

I anticipate that when Thaksin comes home to a hero's welcome all who opposed him will be rushing to shine his shoes.biggrin.gif


PAD slams PM for insincerity in helping Veera and Ratree; believes Hun Sen will not authorize their release without gaining benefits /TAN_Network

Before I state what I am about to say I want everyone to know it can be taken as a joke.

Thaksin assists in Veera and Ratree release. But the deal is Thailand forgives Thaksin his criminal record and he can return to run in the election for prime minster. Everyone gets something out of the deal.

in other words no deal because forgiving Thaksin his crimes in exchange for his helping another person who blatantly and purposefully committed a crime, is totally countrary to the whole point of having borders and legal system to prosecute criminal trespass.

Not to mention:

Why would Abhisit want to give a free pass to someone financing groups that say they want to kill him if they can and is doing all he can to remove him from office, and doing it for someone who has worked so hard to put Thailand in a war with its neighbor and ALSO wants to remove him from office.

I cannot help but agree with you .

But this is Thailand politics we are discussing. So keeping this in mind. We look at Veera he states he wasnot trespaaing it is Thai soil and many people belive that I am sure that is why he was there to try and prove that point.So as far as Thailand is concerned no border was crossed. So prosecution was illegal in Thai eyes. So it never happened.

Aphisit is a puppet. Needed but it disposable same as PAD .To get Thaksin back there is no better way than to invite him back through the front door. It can be like the spider and the fly.

I amnot saying this is the way it will go because as stated in original post by myself I am joking about this situation.

Thaksin can be dealt with once he sets foot on Thai soil. I amnot saying heavy handed dealing but Thai political power plays. Maybe even a coup before the election. Leaving him out of office and struggling to have power over anything, back but helpless. The coup could change the whole game again. No election no problem.

Please remember I am only joking here I simply wish to let my imaginative mind get some exercise.


Tell mom he should do the time if he has done the crime.

it migh be an innocent misunderstanding brought on by silly politics.

Mr. Thaksin will understand this, as he is after all a martyr of the nation.

I anticipate that when Thaksin comes home to a hero's welcome all who opposed him will be rushing to shine his shoes.biggrin.gif

When Veera dies in combat defending Bangkok from being taken by farang armies, we can then call him a martyr for the country. Such hyperbol. Not to mention he is not dead yet, and that I believe STILL IS a prerequisite for martyrdom.

Till then he is just a guy who stuck his 'nose without portfolio' into an international territorial dispute and broke the laws of at least one of the two countries involved. ie a crime was committed with obvious intent.. I would feel exactly the same if he was Cambodian and did something as criminally stupid. Sadly for Veera, being 'criminally stupid' is not a 'get out of jail' card, though low IQ can at least stop your execution in some countries. Sorry the fool is too stupid to kill, leave him locked up forever.


Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

Very unkind words, my dear chap. Even though we disagree many times, I would still like to believe your mother would do something similar to get you out of troubles if need be.

So it is alright for hiso families to bail their errant kids out after they have killed a few by driving like a maniac? This mother may be experiencing grief but I suggest that she faces up to the fact that her son caused it by his showboating bravado. He needs to be locked up for more than one reason.


Hopefully he tells her to piss off, her son is where he deserves to be

As a convicted on the run criminal, in what position is he to tell anyone that?

Because the man was not nice to Mr. Thaksin?

However, I believe that Mr. Thaksin, being the warm hearted and kind, thoughtful leader that he is will make an effort to help.

Mr. Thaksin is a forgiving and loving man. Besides, what better way to demonstrate that world leaders listen to Thaksin while ignoring PM Abhisit.

This is just too funny. I anticipate this will be played for all its worth and Mr. Abhisit is going to look bad.

Warm hearted, kind, thoughtful, forgiving, loving...??? We are talking about Mr Thaksin, right?

You seemed to have slipped just a little from your usual "i may defend the man at every turn, but i can assure you i have no affection for him" mantra, with your gushings above. Better to keep a lid on those feelings i would say.


The Cambodians have announced there will be no Royal Pardon for Veera as he must serve two-thirds of his sentence before being able to apply.

Bummer, huh?

Ooops! :lol:



The Cambodians have announced there will be no Royal Pardon for Veera as he must serve two-thirds of his sentence before being able to apply.

Bummer, huh?

I am devastated for him :D



The mother of yellow-shirt activist Veera Somkwamkid yesterday sought assistance from arch rival former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to have her son freed from a Cambodia prison.



-- The Nation 2011-04-04

I understand a mother's plight and seeking help anywhere she can find it.

Still I'm really surprised at what some people think the level of influence k. Thaksin may have with the Cambodian government. Mind you just out of spite Cambodia might pardon the two (even against their will) if k. Thaksin well publicized asks for it.

Not out of spite, my friend. Hun Sen is far to shrewd for that. Abhisit's Govt's diplomatic attempts to get Veera Somkwamkid realeased were rebuffed. K. Thaksin intervenes at the mother's request and shortly before the election Hun Sen announces that the two PAD/TPN criminals are to be released early - say the balance of their sentences are to be suspended to ensure future good behaviour - even if Veera Somkwamkid does not want it. Hun Sen kills two birds with one stone and much kudos to k. Thaksin. Speculation? Yes it is. Is it possible? Definitely!

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