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President Obama launches re-election campaign


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Blame Obama for a government shutdown. That's rich.

Why wouldn't I? What are the biggest problems?

Leaving Social Security out of it as it should be.....

What are the biggest problems?

1) Interest on Debt approved & enlarged by Obama & his appointed money man Chairman of the FED Reserve Ben Bernanke with his bailout/QE1, QE2 & probably next will be QE3

Note: Bernanke was also Bush's man...so much for the big difference you mentioned between Dems & Repubs on things that matter...Not to mention how the bailout served many of Obamas largest contributors not least of all Goldman Sachs...

2)Defense..... Afghanistan?, Libya? who's next?

Note: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was also Bush's man.....again so different those Dems & Repubs eh?

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you have to laugh at the irony though.................

Last year the headline was " Obama criticizes generation iPad "

" US president Barack Obama has criticized the iPad and Xbox 360 for transforming relevant information into a "diversion" and putting "new pressures" on democracy.

"With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, - none of which I know how to work - information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation," Obama claimed in a speech at Hampton University quoted by AFP."


but then 11 months later he makes this announcement on twitter :cheesy:

twitter is an instant messaging service intended for mobile telephones. It grew out of the instant messaging systems that started a decade ago with ICQ. It can hardly be compared to ipads, xboxes and playstations. The xbox and playstation are game consoles. Ipods are for music and ipads are a underpowered under memory capacity updates of notebooks. None of these devices compares to a twitter feed, which is basically a glorified sms. Not too technically astute are you? The only ones laughing are those of us that have a grasp of the technology. And guess what? The laughter is at you.

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Blame Obama for a government shutdown. That's rich.

Why wouldn't I? What are the biggest problems?

Leaving Social Security out of it as it should be.....

What are the biggest problems?

1) Interest on Debt approved & enlarged by Obama & his appointed money man Chairman of the FED Reserve Ben Bernanke with his bailout/QE1, QE2 & probably next will be QE3

Note: Bernanke was also Bush's man...so much for the big difference you mentioned between Dems & Repubs on things that matter...Not to mention how the bailout served many of Obamas largest contributors not least of all Goldman Sachs...

2)Defense..... Afghanistan?, Libya? who's next?

Note: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was also Bush's man.....again so different those Dems & Repubs eh?

Social security is the biggest problem.

The debt was run up during previous Republican administrations. Reagan is the man that nearly bankrupted the USA and it was Clinton that restored fiscal solvency. It was Bush with his inflated spending on defense and tax cuts for the super wealthy that buggered it up. The bail out program Obama continued started with Bush. He couldn't shut it down as it was in full swing.

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The people that continue to come up with claims that Obama was not born in Hawaii are mentally deficient.

They are mentally deficient because multiple investigations have shown that Obama was born in Hawaii and they cannot accept anything that goes against their fantasies. The Republican governor of Hawaii has stated Obama was born in Hawaii. The fact that the paper work does not satisfy an election clerk is not important. The clerk wasn't around at the time. More importantly, the clerk is basically admitting to a violation of state privacy laws as he had no right to go snooping. He was authorised only to verify if people were legally allowed to vote in the district he worked in.

Multiple lawyers and groups of concerned parties have investigated and agreed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Where I was born, the Church was designated as the issuer of birth certificates. However, if one did not wish to be registered under the Catholic Church, one opted for a Protestant or other faith form. There was no automisation at the time. My oldest brother that was born in a Catholic hospital had parents that did not want him registered ther. It took 2 months for his birth certificate to be issued. he was never entered into the official system until he went for his school registration when it was discovered he did not exist. This was typical of people born in the 1960's in some countries. My brother was not born in kenya, nor Indonesia. He was lost in the paperwork.

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Social security is the biggest problem.

The debt was run up during previous Republican administrations. Reagan is the man that nearly bankrupted the USA and it was Clinton that restored fiscal solvency. It was Bush with his inflated spending on defense and tax cuts for the super wealthy that buggered it up. The bail out program Obama continued started with Bush. He couldn't shut it down as it was in full swing.

The debt now absolutely dwarfs that of the Reagan administration, though a clever derivatives based hall of mirrors tries to disguise it. Granted successive administrations of all hues have just kicked the debt can down the road, but I think it's unrealistic to pin it all on the last administration, QE1 perhaps, but not QE2. And there's more to come. Here is Tim Geithner threatening destruction if the government cheque book is not expanded yet again by May 16th.


If Congress does not act by May 16, I will take all measures available to me to give Congress additional time to act and to protect the creditworthiness of the country....Defaulting on legal obligations of the United States would lead to sharply higher interest rates and borrowing costs, declining home values and reduced retirement savings for Americans. Default would cause a financial crisis potentially more severe than the crisis from which we are only now starting to recover....defaulting on legal obligations of the United States would lead to sharply higher interest rates and borrowing costs, declining home values and reduced retirement savings for Americans. Default would cause a financial crisis potentially more severe than the crisis from which we are only now starting to recover. Nor is it possible to avoid raising the debt limit by cutting spending or raising taxes. Because of the magnitude of past commitments by Congress, immediate cuts in spending or tax increases cannot make the necessary cash available. In order to avoid an increase in the debt limit, Congress would need to eliminate annual deficits immediately. " We are now, thusly, screwed.

Or to put into plain English, give us more money now so the inevitable collapse doesn't occur on our watch.

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The people that continue to come up with claims that Obama was not born in Hawaii are mentally deficient.

They are mentally deficient because multiple investigations have shown that Obama was born in Hawaii and they cannot accept anything that goes against their fantasies. The Republican governor of Hawaii has stated Obama was born in Hawaii. The fact that the paper work does not satisfy an election clerk is not important. The clerk wasn't around at the time. More importantly, the clerk is basically admitting to a violation of state privacy laws as he had no right to go snooping. He was authorised only to verify if people were legally allowed to vote in the district he worked in.

Multiple lawyers and groups of concerned parties have investigated and agreed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Where I was born, the Church was designated as the issuer of birth certificates. However, if one did not wish to be registered under the Catholic Church, one opted for a Protestant or other faith form. There was no automisation at the time. My oldest brother that was born in a Catholic hospital had parents that did not want him registered ther. It took 2 months for his birth certificate to be issued. he was never entered into the official system until he went for his school registration when it was discovered he did not exist. This was typical of people born in the 1960's in some countries. My brother was not born in kenya, nor Indonesia. He was lost in the paperwork.

and in a similar vein, anyone who thinks he his not hiding something by not showing

his certificate is also mentally deficient because no one in their right mind would

spend $800,000 and engage in 42-some-odd court cases just to stop people seeing your birth certificate unless there was something to hide.

Anyway time will tell.......Montana, Arizona, Pennsylvania,Georgia and Texas are all

introducing legislation to force him to produce the actual birth certificate

if he wants to run in 2012.

Edited by midas
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The people that continue to come up with claims that Obama was not born in Hawaii are mentally deficient.

They are mentally deficient because multiple investigations have shown that Obama was born in Hawaii and they cannot accept anything that goes against their fantasies. The Republican governor of Hawaii has stated Obama was born in Hawaii. The fact that the paper work does not satisfy an election clerk is not important. The clerk wasn't around at the time. More importantly, the clerk is basically admitting to a violation of state privacy laws as he had no right to go snooping. He was authorised only to verify if people were legally allowed to vote in the district he worked in.

Multiple lawyers and groups of concerned parties have investigated and agreed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Where I was born, the Church was designated as the issuer of birth certificates. However, if one did not wish to be registered under the Catholic Church, one opted for a Protestant or other faith form. There was no automisation at the time. My oldest brother that was born in a Catholic hospital had parents that did not want him registered ther. It took 2 months for his birth certificate to be issued. he was never entered into the official system until he went for his school registration when it was discovered he did not exist. This was typical of people born in the 1960's in some countries. My brother was not born in kenya, nor Indonesia. He was lost in the paperwork.

and in a similar vein, anyone who thinks he his not hiding something by not showing

his certificate is also mentally deficient because no one in their right mind would

spend $800,000 and engage in 42-some-odd court cases just to stop people seeing your birth certificate unless there was something to hide.

Anyway time will tell.......Montana, Arizona, Pennsylvania,Georgia and Texas are all

introducing legislation to force him to produce the actual birth certificate

if he wants to run in 2012.

I assume he is a native born American, even though he is hiding his long form birth certificate for some reason.

What I would like to see are his school transcripts from elementary level through Harvard Law. A large part of the money he has spent hiding his real identity has been in insuring all of his school records are not made public. He attended Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law. ALL of them have been refused permission by him from releasing any of his college transcripts.

If anybody can provide a link in order for me to see these records, I would be greatly appreciative.

Somewhere on this forum I made a post about three years ago in which I voiced my opinion that he is nothing more than a sleazy politician from the sewers known as Chicago politics.

He has done nothing over the past two years to change my opinion.

Edited by chuckd
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Funny, the remarks about Obama by some of our esteemed American members; now I don't hear them about America bashing what would be considered as America Bashing if a non-American would write something negative about Obama.


I better refrain, although I have to say I was very enthousaistic about Obama when he took Office (but so were many American members on TV) but that his track record is not very impressive.

On the other hand, it must not be very easy for a Democratic President if he doesn't control the voting majority anymore.

Take Guantanamo: could he have closed it as he promised before taking Office ?

I mean...would he... IF he had a majority voting control ?

Curious; not bashing ;)


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Funny, the remarks about Obama by some of our esteemed American members; now I don't hear them about America bashing what would be considered as America Bashing if a non-American would write something negative about Obama.


I better refrain, although I have to say I was very enthousaistic about Obama when he took Office (but so were many American members on TV) but that his track record is not very impressive.

On the other hand, it must not be very easy for a Democratic President if he doesn't control the voting majority anymore.

Take Guantanamo: could he have closed it as he promised before taking Office ?

I mean...would he... IF he had a majority voting control ?

Curious; not bashing ;)


Bash away, Mr. LaoPo. Give him the same treatment that most liberals gave George Bush when he was in office and are still giving him today.

Obama had a majority of both Houses of Congress for his first year in office. How do you think he managed to get through that monstrosity of a bill on socialized medicine?

He can close down Guantanamo tomorrow. All he has to do is come up with a workable solution to back up his campaign rhetoric on holding trials for the detainees. He simply does not have th political backbone to do much more on this subject.

One of the first things he surely learned is that 'doing' is much tougher than talking about 'doing'.

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Funny, the remarks about Obama by some of our esteemed American members; now I don't hear them about America bashing what would be considered as America Bashing if a non-American would write something negative about Obama.


I better refrain, although I have to say I was very enthousaistic about Obama when he took Office (but so were many American members on TV) but that his track record is not very impressive.

On the other hand, it must not be very easy for a Democratic President if he doesn't control the voting majority anymore.

Take Guantanamo: could he have closed it as he promised before taking Office ?

I mean...would he... IF he had a majority voting control ?

Curious; not bashing ;)


Bash away, Mr. LaoPo. Give him the same treatment that most liberals gave George Bush when he was in office and are still giving him today.

Obama had a majority of both Houses of Congress for his first year in office. How do you think he managed to get through that monstrosity of a bill on socialized medicine?

He can close down Guantanamo tomorrow. All he has to do is come up with a workable solution to back up his campaign rhetoric on holding trials for the detainees. He simply does not have th political backbone to do much more on this subject.

One of the first things he surely learned is that 'doing' is much tougher than talking about 'doing'.

1. not bashing, but you are one of those who like to put other members in certain boxes if you don't agree with them; go ahead but don't forget about your own box ;)

2. Europeans will never understand the American way of thinking and vice versa: the Americans will never understand the Europeans, although the majority of Americans have their roots in the old world; it shows how people can be influenced by a new world, a new society after one, two or more generations.

Europeans are more liberal by nature than Americans and because of their views upon other -closeby- countries, languages and societies we might be able to better understand each others' views and cultures and that's what Europe makes so fascinating.

Americans are raised and educated to think in 2 parts: black and white - Democratic or Republican with a grey area in between.

In European countries we have 5 - 8 - 10 - 12 political parties. In my country we even have a PARTy for the ANIMALS with 1 seat in Parliament; silly but true.

Not saying that's the ultimate solution but at least there's space for other thoughts and opinions; just like on Thaivisa :lol:

Not all countries in Europe have the same form of medical care and insurance but I tell you that I am very VERY pleased with my own country's insurance system and that I am 100% insured, all over the world, and the basic price for that is around € 100/month and is (more or less) the same amount for everybody else.

Maybe I'm not completely correct but I understood that some 50 million Americans are not insured for medical care and it must be very frightening for people who get seriously sick or to have an operation and to realize you are not insured...:(

3. Guantanamo: intereresting to learn he is/was able to close it but was there a solution for the detainees ? were there enough states in the US who would have them?; how many other world countries offered their help? Not many.

As I understand it, there was no other option, so it stays open.

If I'm wrong, please explain but leave some space for others' opinions, OK?


Edited by LaoPo
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The debt was run up during previous Republican administrations. Reagan is the man that nearly bankrupted the USA and it was Clinton that restored fiscal solvency. It was Bush with his inflated spending on defense and tax cuts for the super wealthy that buggered it up. The bail out program Obama continued started with Bush. He couldn't shut it down as it was in full swing.

This is always the claim of folks that are stuck in the illusion.

It is always the previous guy or the guy before him who actually caused the problem.

Yet the new guy is never short of promises during his campaign. Whether it be more jobs, less taxes, more green, less this, more that.

Then once in office & years later the whining continues of how it is not their fault it is a previous person.

Yet the facts are there to see aren't they?

Is the unemployment higher or lower? Is the debt higher or lower? Are more or less Americans on food assistance than ever before?

Tax cuts on the wealthy buggered it all? Maybe it does not help...Maybe instead they should tax those who provide the jobs into leaving the country to open shop somewhere in the world where it is still possible to turn a profit?

Bailout program cannot be shut once started? Why the hell not? Oh back to the campaign contributors are we? Look at the top ten & see how it matches the bailout list nicely.

This is the real problem.....The voters continue to think they have a choice between parties that serve the same masters.

It will not stop but will at least start to get better when the people wake up & vote in the person who does not swerve the same masters.

The person/persons who actually stops the hemorrhaging of dollars & restores true sound budgets. ( this is not at the presidential level alone )

Stops the insane useless spending of dollars & lives in countries where we not only have no business being. Spending billions which billed to the tax payers under the guise of defense but actually puts us more & more at risk of actual harm.

The person who knows it is a shell game & that we will never be able to pay even the interest on debt if this continues let alone start to pay the debt down.

Or we can continue to be swayed by promises that none can deliver on but instead turn out to just continue be a giant transfer of wealth from the working class to the same old masters.

None so far want true repair because it involves pain...Same pain countries like Iceland felt. Yet look now as they at least make true progress. We only kick the can further down the road delaying the pain while increasing what we will ultimately experience in pain & time to recover.

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A lot of right wingers posting here. Interesting.

Also a lot of assumptions......

I for one am not interested in either party....right wing...left wing....same corrupt bird

Look at the major campaign contributors for both & see for yourself.

It is only the illusion of choice that you assume when playing the right vs left card

I am most curious if the RP has any candidate that could beat the gigantic -Obama's expected- campaign wallet of $ 1 Billion (Obama's last campaign had a mere $ 750 million, so I heard)

Can any candidate from the RP beat him with that kind of money ?


My concern as well :( ..

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Blame Obama for a government shutdown. That's rich.

Why wouldn't I? What are the biggest problems?

Leaving Social Security out of it as it should be.....

What are the biggest problems?

1) Interest on Debt approved & enlarged by Obama & his appointed money man Chairman of the FED Reserve Ben Bernanke with his bailout/QE1, QE2 & probably next will be QE3

Note: Bernanke was also Bush's man...so much for the big difference you mentioned between Dems & Repubs on things that matter...Not to mention how the bailout served many of Obamas largest contributors not least of all Goldman Sachs...

2)Defense..... Afghanistan?, Libya? who's next?

Note: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was also Bush's man.....again so different those Dems & Repubs eh?

Social security is the biggest problem.

The debt was run up during previous Republican administrations. Reagan is the man that nearly bankrupted the USA and it was Clinton that restored fiscal solvency. It was Bush with his inflated spending on defense and tax cuts for the super wealthy that buggered it up. The bail out program Obama continued started with Bush. He couldn't shut it down as it was in full swing.

:cheesy: :cheesy: Can not believe how blinkered some people are...

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The people that continue to come up with claims that Obama was not born in Hawaii are mentally deficient.

They are mentally deficient because multiple investigations have shown that Obama was born in Hawaii and they cannot accept anything that goes against their fantasies. The Republican governor of Hawaii has stated Obama was born in Hawaii. The fact that the paper work does not satisfy an election clerk is not important. The clerk wasn't around at the time. More importantly, the clerk is basically admitting to a violation of state privacy laws as he had no right to go snooping. He was authorised only to verify if people were legally allowed to vote in the district he worked in.

Multiple lawyers and groups of concerned parties have investigated and agreed that Obama was born in Hawaii. Where I was born, the Church was designated as the issuer of birth certificates. However, if one did not wish to be registered under the Catholic Church, one opted for a Protestant or other faith form. There was no automisation at the time. My oldest brother that was born in a Catholic hospital had parents that did not want him registered ther. It took 2 months for his birth certificate to be issued. he was never entered into the official system until he went for his school registration when it was discovered he did not exist. This was typical of people born in the 1960's in some countries. My brother was not born in kenya, nor Indonesia. He was lost in the paperwork.

The Governor wasn't in office at that time either, he is only repeating what he has been told by people in a similar position as the clerk, AKA assistants..

It depends on where you were born and he was born in an urban area to educated parents, I was born then and have had no problem with obtaining and have in my possession, my original birth certificate so that's a fair stretch on your part..

I still have trouble understanding the problem with producing the original birth certificate and putting this all to rest. Were you pulled over by a cop and asked to allow search of your car, though you're well within your rights to refuse then he'd be suspicious and call in a K9 unit to do an external search for evidence to allow an interior search believing you had something to hide.

I just reapplied to renew my boys passport and obtain their SS#'s and we had to provide a host of corroborating documents as to our relationship and their citizenship but yet the POTUS has no requirment to produce an original birth certificate :blink: ?? Rubbish..

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Funny, the remarks about Obama by some of our esteemed American members; now I don't hear them about America bashing what would be considered as America Bashing if a non-American would write something negative about Obama.


I better refrain, although I have to say I was very enthousaistic about Obama when he took Office (but so were many American members on TV) but that his track record is not very impressive.

On the other hand, it must not be very easy for a Democratic President if he doesn't control the voting majority anymore.

Take Guantanamo: could he have closed it as he promised before taking Office ?

I mean...would he... IF he had a majority voting control ?

Curious; not bashing ;)


No bashing, but he had a majority for his first 2 years and that's when he promised it would be closed anyway as well as many of his other empty promises that were supposed to be accomplished in his first 2 years.. He lost his majority due to his poor record, double speak and back stepping..

Edit: I see now I almost echoed Chuck verbatim..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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A lot of right wingers posting here. Interesting.

Nope just because I don't like this poser as POTUS doesn't make me right wing, I'm about as centrist as one can get..

But you have come out as a birther. That's right wing. So basically I am sure I would disagree about your politics.

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Obama had a majority of both Houses of Congress for his first year in office. How do you think he managed to get through that monstrosity of a bill on socialized medicine?

It's not socialized medicine. It's welfare for big pharma and the insurance industry.

We should be so lucky as to get a REAL universal health care program like Canada. That's what Obama wanted originally, and that is really the ONLY possible way to solve both the access and cost crisis in health care, but Americans were too brainwashed about this "socialist" garbage and amazingly always oppose their own self interest in such matters.

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3. Guantanamo: intereresting to learn he is/was able to close it but was there a solution for the detainees ? were there enough states in the US who would have them?; how many other world countries offered their help? Not many.

As I understand it, there was no other option, so it stays open.

If I'm wrong, please explain but leave some space for others' opinions, OK?


Can't send them to the US that places them on American soil and convolutes their legal status same for sending them abroad, their in lies a big part of his deception or ignorance for which he so vehemently misspoke ..

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A lot of right wingers posting here. Interesting.

Nope just because I don't like this poser as POTUS doesn't make me right wing, I'm about as centrist as one can get..

But you have come out as a birther. That's right wing. So basically I am sure I would disagree about your politics.

No you've labeled me as birther, quite a different matter..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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A lot of right wingers posting here. Interesting.

Nope just because I don't like this poser as POTUS doesn't make me right wing, I'm about as centrist as one can get..

But you have come out as a birther. That's right wing. So basically I am sure I would disagree about your politics.

No you've labeled me as birther, quite a different matter..

Fine, you're not a birther, whatever you say, but you just wrote a post about how you care about the issue of Obama's birth certificate. More reality based Americans care about REAL issues, like war and peace, health care, taxes, education, civil rights, unemployment, foreign policy, etc.

Next ...

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Obama had a majority of both Houses of Congress for his first year in office. How do you think he managed to get through that monstrosity of a bill on socialized medicine?

It's not socialized medicine. It's welfare for big pharma and the insurance industry.

We should be so lucky as to get a REAL universal health care program like Canada. That's what Obama wanted originally, and that is really the ONLY possible way to solve both the access and cost crisis in health care, but Americans were too brainwashed about this "socialist" garbage and amazingly always oppose their own self interest in such matters.

Generally speaking I'd say you are absolutely blinded by this Obama guy. So much so that i suspect you still watch all that crappy American punditry TV :bah: you got this part right though. It's a victory for business. You can call it pharma or insurance business, but its not really, it's just business. I'm looking for that change we can believe in but this guy is either too weak or too bought to get the job done. So who else is on tap for 2012?

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Funny, the remarks about Obama by some of our esteemed American members; now I don't hear them about America bashing what would be considered as America Bashing if a non-American would write something negative about Obama.


I better refrain, although I have to say I was very enthousaistic about Obama when he took Office (but so were many American members on TV) but that his track record is not very impressive.

On the other hand, it must not be very easy for a Democratic President if he doesn't control the voting majority anymore.

Take Guantanamo: could he have closed it as he promised before taking Office ?

I mean...would he... IF he had a majority voting control ?

Curious; not bashing ;)


No bashing, but he had a majority for his first 2 years and that's when he promised it would be closed anyway as well as many of his other empty promises that were supposed to be accomplished in his first 2 years.. He lost his majority due to his poor record, double speak and back stepping..

Edit: I see now I almost echoed Chuck verbatim..


But I am, with many others, very confused but also curious WHY he did NOT close Guantanamo if it was so easy for him when he had the majority.


Is there any simple plausible reason ?


Edited by LaoPo
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Obama could have tried to be a greater leader and insisted on a Canadian style system or nothing. But he would have gotten nothing. I can't blame him for trying to get something. In this case, I blame the American people for being uneducated about their own self interest.

BTW, I am totally not blinded by Obama at all. I was never a true believer. I just know whoever the far right wing R party puts up will be much worse.

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Only got a few posts into this thread before it wore me out but I can't help but comment on this...

Well on the foreign policy front we have appeasing Iran and probably turning Egypt into a fledgling theocracy, not to mention fnot to mention fighting alongside the Taleban for the first time since 1978...F

I never fail to be surprised at how widely believed that easily debunked canard is. It's late so rather than get into any lengthy (off topic) breakdown I'll keep it simple:

The Taliban didn't exist in 1978 -- and wouldn't for another 12 - 13 years. (Nor did the US fight in Afghanistan then, for that matter -- we didn't even get involved at all until almost 2 years after that, and we certainly weren't fighting.)


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Obama could have tried to be a greater leader and insisted on a Canadian style system or nothing. But he would have gotten nothing. I can't blame him for trying to get something. In this case, I blame the American people for being uneducated about their own self interest.

BTW, I am totally not blinded by Obama at all. I was never a true believer. I just know whoever the far right wing R party puts up will be much worse.

How come he always looks like he's posing for a picture? Or at least the few times I've seen him tha's how he looks.;


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