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Please, I prefer this to remain in the technology forum.

Most are not aware of the dangers imposed

by ants to computers/electronics/appliances.

It can quickly become a serious, potentially costly issue.

I've several friends whom have had their computer affected by ants...

Three lost their data due to ants getting "into" the hard disk,

via chewing true the vent hole material (2 laptops, 1 desktop),

= Lost data and hard disk

Another lost the internal PSU in a laptop,

= lost laptop, mobo required replacement, not warranty covered.

Another lost a good Blu-Ray DVD player.

Here, we lost a Braun coffeemaker, and nearly a Hitachi microwave.

I've had to replace ...

- two STDP 20A breakers,

- several light switches,

- several flourescent starters

I've had to clean ...

- power strips

- wall recepticals.

In all cases the ants were the very small black/red type.

Ants are attracted to magnetic fields,

and the lubricants used in switches and hard disk.

They can very quickly invade and set up home.

I have used ...

- boric acid powder, very cheap and locally available

--- as a bait- mixed with honey, molassas, jello, peanut butter (depends)

--- straight powder- "puffed" or dusted into/on/around

- the "Ant Chalk" stick is common here (boric acid)

- the "ARS Ant Killer" bait traps

- when necessary, the Chaindrite spray

All are effective.

a good tv thread...



source for boric acid (see post #8)


Northern Chemical 053 223-866(7)

(in 2008 I purchased a kilo from them, had it shipped)

a link (thai) concerning diy bait mixtures...


wish I had pics of the hard disks...








Lost 2 of my hard drive back in the Philippines because of ants. So, I'm quite critical when I saw ants near my electronic items. It seems that they love the heat generated by hard drives.

Though I never had a problem with ants here in Bangkok.


Good warning, thanks! There's ants around my computer, I'll pay some more attention to them. Though I never leave the laptop in one place long enough for them to get comfy.


What about moth balls? I use these all over the house because the g%dam moths eat all my clothes so spreading a few around my computers would be a breeze. Luckily have not had the problem with computers yet but being forewarned is being forearmed or something like that. :rolleyes:


My desktop keyboard was totally destroyed inside by ants, I opened it up to clean it after having some sticky keys and a full fledged nest was in there... I think the beer attracted them... :whistling:

totster :D


I had an infestation of ants trying to settle in my toaster. I just cycled the toaster a few times, shook out the dead ants, problem solved!

I also, inadvertently toasted a couple Geckos along with my bread on two occasions, not very appetizing. I now keep it covered. :lol:


Had the same problem

sprayed Baygon (red cap)on their highway.Spray can be found in any good supermarket.

Maid cleaned the desk/cables afterward

Laptop cleaned by IT shop (200b).

Problem solved

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