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..... Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks."


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How come every time it is reported on this forum that someone is arrested and accused of a crime that half a dozen, and usually the same people feel the need to write in and suggest some form of mediaeval punishment for them?

Frequently the evidence given by the reports is quite ludicrous e.g. "had been doing it for 10 years” - well why didn't they stop it 10 years ago? In a case of sexual abuse someone was accused of 300 offences – who was counting? Did they decide that 299 was the limit?

More recently - they were saying how much some drug dealers earned per week - who knows how much and for how long? Did they have accounts? If so why wait so long?

The legal system and justice in this country do not run as smoothly as in a lot of the western world the criteria for submission of evidence are in no way adhered to as in the West, but what good can it possibly do to list the body parts that the accused should be strung up by? Is it to make the poster feel more comfortable within himself? Or are these protests the rantings of people trying to mask their own guilty secrets? E.g. – Those most vociferously anti-gay are often merely latent homosexuals in denial?

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Maybe they vent their frustration out in a post? Maybe some people wish they could change things so that these crimes wouldn't occur, but they can't because they are not Thai and can't vote, so they rant about it here?

Maybe are some how moved by the events reported and feel better if they express themselves?

Maybe they are just humans reacting to something the only way they know how?

Maybe you are a little off the wall for suggesting that someone who speaks their opinion on the sentencing of a child rapist is secretly raping kids?

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Since I have retired to Thailand, I have noticed that I get angrier than before about atrocities and other crimes against humanity.

Perhaps I have more time to think about it, more time to learn what demons Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and others were, having been too busy earning a living before to think about these types of people. The Pope didn't bother me before, this one makes me angry. U.S. President makes me angy, didn't before.

Probably too much time to think about it, too wonderful a life in Thailand so decry injustice more, probably just getting old, but aren't we all.

Man's inhumanity to man is nothing new, perhaps more in mind of late due to retirement. My only remedy when the anger builds is to remind myself that I have retired not only from work, but from worrying about problems I can do nothing about.

I agree that posted complaints tell us more about the complainer than that complained of.

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How come every time it is reported on this forum that someone is arrested and accused of a crime that half a dozen, and usually the same people feel the need to write in and suggest some form of mediaeval punishment for them?

Perhaps folk who express these opinions are from countries where the law seems to covet scumbags? UK for example... society there is falling apart at an alarming rate and the law does very little to protect the innocent.

People are just venting thier frustrations and there is nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps you would rather see sex offenders, sent on holiday somewhere nice with mamby pamby social workers to chat to....all paid for with taxpayers money.

In my opinion, safely convicted sex offenders should be "Hung, Drawn and Quartered".........which is medieval, but appropriate

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It's because they have no control over their thought processes and when they start thinking about something like this they can't stop so they have to either scream or hit someone and they can do both of these in the virtual world by posting with semi hysterical language about physically damaging someone. It's very close to obsessive compulsive disorder.

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I agree with you Wilko.

I leave these threads alone and let the linch mob rant away.

Nowadays the mods keep a watch out and thankfully close them down.

George even gives a warning in the original post sometimes but they still let loose with their suggested forms of punishment.

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Maybe there are people who have been silent for their whole life. They have had opinions but not spoken about them to anyone. Then something happend and they felt so strongly about it that they had to tell someone.

A public forum such as TV is an easy way for someone to post their opinions. They have time to think about what they want to say. (for some this dosent help). They type some....delete some....and then select add reply.

Finally, they have opened up to the world and discovered they do have an opinion. It might not be a very popular opinion but they have shared with the world their thoughts. And for once,.....they are relieved.

It feels so good the first time they feel they have to do it again and again.

Before they know it,.....they have thousands of post and either very little friends (from making people angry) or are very popular (from pointing people in the ight direction).

Either way, as long as they stick to forum guidelines, they should be allowed to say what they want.

It's not the people who speak their opinion who worry me, its the people who try to stop others from voiceing their opinion that worry me.

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There is another topic out there now about a baby that fell out of a condo to its death and the poster was upset because they didn't cover it with a blanket but only with a newspaper.....do you think it would be OK if I posted a reply asking which section of the newpaper did they use...perhaps it was the Sunday funnies?

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Since I have retired to Thailand, I have noticed that I get angrier than before about atrocities and other crimes against humanity.

Perhaps I have more time to think about it, more time to learn what demons Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao and others were, having been too busy earning a living before to think about these types of people.  The Pope didn't bother me before, this one makes me angry. U.S. President makes me angy, didn't before.

Probably too much time to think about it, too wonderful a life in Thailand so decry injustice more, probably just getting old, but aren't we all.

Man's inhumanity to man is nothing new, perhaps more in mind of late due to retirement. My only remedy when the anger builds is to remind myself that I have retired not only from work, but from worrying about problems I can do nothing about.

I agree that posted complaints tell us more about the complainer than that complained of.

I think this is the general stance of most of the world's consumerist population.... far too busy earning a living on the treadmill to take notice or worry about what is happening around us.

Sad but true!!!

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How come every time it is reported on this forum that someone is arrested and accused of a crime that half a dozen, and usually the same people feel the need to write in and suggest some form of mediaeval punishment for them?

Perhaps folk who express these opinions are from countries where the law seems to covet scumbags? UK for example... society there is falling apart at an alarming rate and the law does very little to protect the innocent.

People are just venting thier frustrations and there is nothing wrong with that.

Perhaps you would rather see sex offenders, sent on holiday somewhere nice with mamby pamby social workers to chat to....all paid for with taxpayers money.

In my opinion, safely convicted sex offenders should be "Hung, Drawn and Quartered".........which is medieval, but appropriate

there's one!!!!

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In my opinion, safely convicted sex offenders should be "Hung, Drawn and Quartered".........which is medieval, but appropriate

you know as well as anyone, there is no such thing

even in cases where the accused has admitted his crimes, later events have shown him to be innocent

so any corporal/capital punishment should be avoided, as they are inhuman and irreversible

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How come every time it is reported on this forum that someone is arrested and accused of a crime that half a dozen, and usually the same people feel the need to write in and suggest some form of mediaeval punishment for them?

Frequently the evidence given by the reports is quite ludicrous e.g. "had been doing it for 10 years” - well why didn't they stop it 10 years ago? In a case of sexual abuse someone was accused of 300 offences – who was counting? Did they decide that 299 was the limit?

More recently - they were saying how much some drug dealers earned per week - who knows how much and for how long? Did they have accounts? If so why wait so long?

The legal system and justice in this country do not run as smoothly as in a lot of the western world the criteria for submission of evidence are in no way adhered to as in the West, but what good can it possibly do to list the body parts that the accused should be strung up by? Is it to make the poster feel more comfortable within himself? Or are these protests the rantings of people trying to mask their own guilty secrets? E.g. – Those most vociferously anti-gay are often merely latent homosexuals in denial?

because some people use the online world to act out their fantasies of what and who they really want to be, but in the reality of everyday life they are just another unacknowledged,nameless,faceless nobody clinging desperately to the fabric of society.

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Frequently the evidence given by the reports is quite ludicrous e.g. "had been doing it for 10 years” - well why didn't they stop it 10 years ago?

Perhaps his computer files indicated he was doing these things for ten years. Computer files will show when the file was created, when it was modified and when it was accessed. Look it up in Properties of a file.

I don't know what to tell you about the rest of your post. Maybe it's because farangs live in a society where they have no say or vote, so they make a post about emotional issues here on the forum. Blowing off steam I guess.

Edited by aughie
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I agree with you Wilko.

I leave these threads alone and let the linch mob rant away.

Nowadays the mods keep a watch out and thankfully close them down.

George even gives a warning in the original post sometimes but they still let loose with their suggested forms of punishment.

While I support freedom of expression within the forum (provided it does not intrude the the freedom of others), it does alarm me the number of people who immediately come out with all these lynch mob solutions: or are they just a very vocal minority ? If civilisation means anything, surely it means moving away from witch hunts, mob rule, and barbaric punishments ? An independant judiciary and appropriate (humane) forms of punishment, with freedom from torture, are goals to be striven for. Let us not fall back into the quagmires of "hanging, drawing and quartering" as soon as we are shocked by a heinous crime. We surely all feel angered by these crimes, but that is why we have set up the institutions of police and court to handle them for us - so that our anger does not destroy the justice we so much desire in our societies.

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I agree with you Wilko.

I leave these threads alone and let the linch mob rant away.

Nowadays the mods keep a watch out and thankfully close them down.

George even gives a warning in the original post sometimes but they still let loose with their suggested forms of punishment.

While I support freedom of expression within the forum (provided it does not intrude the the freedom of others), it does alarm me the number of people who immediately come out with all these lynch mob solutions: or are they just a very vocal minority ? If civilisation means anything, surely it means moving away from witch hunts, mob rule, and barbaric punishments ? An independant judiciary and appropriate (humane) forms of punishment, with freedom from torture, are goals to be striven for. Let us not fall back into the quagmires of "hanging, drawing and quartering" as soon as we are shocked by a heinous crime. We surely all feel angered by these crimes, but that is why we have set up the institutions of police and court to handle them for us - so that our anger does not destroy the justice we so much desire in our societies.

well said!!

unfortunately, as soon as any society starts to break up, out come the revenge and kill mob. It must be a basic human trait. :o

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but that is why we have set up the institutions of police and court to handle them for us - so that our anger does not destroy the justice we so much desire in our societies.

Which goes back to what I said. Farangs cannot vote they cannot particapte in the establishment of the justice system or the police insititutions. They cannot participate in correcting a percieved injustice or flaw in the system. This can be frustrating to some because they do not feel represented in the system which they live in. So they blow off some steam on a forum. Big deal.

edited: added quote

Edited by aughie
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In my opinion, safely convicted sex offenders should be "Hung, Drawn and Quartered".........which is medieval, but appropriate

you know as well as anyone, there is no such thing

even in cases where the accused has admitted his crimes, later events have shown him to be innocent

so any corporal/capital punishment should be avoided, as they are inhuman and irreversible

maybe not in Thailand...but in other parts of the world where forensic science can prove way beyond reasonable doubt..DNA etc etc?

I would say that a lot of the posters who call for tough measures on here are dismayed at the apparent lack of proper investigation into suspicious deaths of farangs in Thailand. Every day we read about another guy who flew out of a window of a condo building and its almost as if the police come along and bag up the bits and then go home, no questions asked. I am not saying this is how it is....but to me it's how it seems

I am from the Uk...capital punishment was stopped a long time ago and will never be brought back, but referring to it as a means if indicating a suitable punishment is a good way to express feelings, even though you are aware such action will never take place.

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maybe not in Thailand...but in other parts of the world where forensic science can prove way beyond reasonable doubt..DNA etc etc?

I am from the Uk...capital punishment was stopped a long time ago and will never be brought back, but referring to it as a means if indicating a suitable punishment is a good way to express feelings, even though you are aware such action will never take place.

well, they have DNA in Thailand too!! even if it is not used much.

If DNA is used as evidence, all it proves is the suspect was there etc, but is only part of evidence etc. It an still be incorrectly interpreted. For instance, it can prove sex took place, but not in what circumstances.

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I think it has a lot to do with fear of being an outsider. Maybe thats not putting it well.

From childhood most want to be part of the mob, without having to think too much about it. Acceptance by the majority. To shout, 'kill the sex-offender' is safe, few will shoot me down. Thats why fashion, class etc is big.

They change their 'minds' as the majority change. Nobody shouts 'burn the witch' anymore.

Just another sad mindless follower doing his/her thing. Thats why leaders don't have to be great, just 'acceptable'.

Judgements can be made easily, opinions formed without missing a step of daily boring life. No need to stop, investigate and think in an unbiased way. Not being biased sometimes calls for painful introspection, a big no-no if you want to love yourself.

Sad, has been going on since the dawn of time, will continue till the end of time.

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Why is it that humans are the only species on earth that kill each other for no good reason?

have you ever seen a fox in a chicken pen?

a lack of knowledge is a very dangerous thing :o:D

it leads all sorts of people to talk about things they have no idea about!

the law and punishments are another example of why the masses need to be ignored:

they literaly do not have the brain for reasoned argument! :D:D

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I also sometimes get concerned about the "rantings", but then I think that everyone has their pet peeves or the things they just can't tolerate and for which nothing less than a horrible death is sufficient.

When I hear these things, I put them in the context that it is just that one person (or few) and that it doesn't represent everyone. I also remember that it is a good thing that there are police and jails--if not to keep bad people away from us, at least to keep posters from getting their hands on those poor people!!

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I have to say that I feel quite heartened by some of the responses to this posting…I may have grossly underestimated the amount of humanity in this forum…

And I would have to say that there are a whole lotta people here who think they are so much better than anyone else because they have "high minded ideals".

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I also sometimes get concerned about the "rantings", but then I think that everyone has their pet peeves or the things they just can't tolerate and for which nothing less than a horrible death is sufficient. 

When I hear these things, I put them in the context that it is just that one person (or few) and that it doesn't represent everyone.  I also remember that it is a good thing that there are police and jails--if not to keep bad people away from us, at least to keep posters from getting their hands on those poor people!!

I suppose you are right - letting off steam in a forum is a lot better than running to the cupboard to find the rope :o

Wilko> I agree - re-assuring to see some moderate views out there !

Thaibebop> If you are suggesting by "better than anyone else" that the huge majority want witch hunts and lynch mobs, perhaps I was right to be alarmed in the first place !!

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