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Topless Sunbathing At A Condo Pool


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Geez, well, got a bit of a surprise at the condo pool seeing a farang girl sunbathing topless.

Fair enough if its on a European beach, but i couldnt help feeling its out of line here. Particularly given the setting.

I realise we are all responsible for ourselves, but at the same time i was thinking what impression is it giving Thai people of farang women.

Am i being a prude?

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Not appropriate here and you'd have doing the ignorant woman a service to clue her in. People tend to slam asians generally, but one thing I would say that distinguishes them from us "farang" ; when they visit our countries they wear their best clothes and use their best manners. When we visit their countries it tends to be just the opposite.

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She was a pretty girl. But she should be more aware. Couple of young kids swimming and Thai girls in those little granny kinda costumes with the skirts attached. Its pretty clueless imo. Balconies overlooking the pool. I wasnt in the pool area, just looked over my balcony...and whether i did the right thing or not, decided to call reception and let them know. No idea if anyone went to her, she was gone when i looked out some time later. I personally thought it was inappropriate. Dont mean to come over as being a prude. I think its the wrong setting to be so liberal.

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Not appropriate here and you'd have doing the ignorant woman a service to clue her in. People tend to slam asians generally, but one thing I would say that distinguishes them from us "farang" ; when they visit our countries they wear their best clothes and use their best manners. When we visit their countries it tends to be just the opposite.

I agree, let her know that we are always guests here, and we should respect their culture whenever possible.

I swim naked because I have a VERY private pool, with blind housekeepers :)

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I agree with you, Eek.

One has to determine what is and what is not appropriate behaviour depending on the situation. Some beaches, even here in Thailand, have seemed to accept it - near Krabi, maybe Phuket - but in the majority, it's still inappropriate.

I wouldn't say prude, just aware of where one is.

After all, I'm sure she'd have been most upset if a gang of young Thai guys had reacted as they felt appropriate to a semi-naked falang girl!

+1 for you.

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My friend suggested i should have shouted out in a really deep loud voice "Hey baby, nice t*ts!" Haha!! If i had had the courage, i wonder if she would have been offended :P Ah well, sorry to be a spoil sport for the oglers. So sorry boys! :P

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As much as I enjoy looking at an attractive female, naked or otherwise, I understand where eek is coming from. I have spent many days on nude beaches in Canada, Australia and Europe, but nobody thinks much of it after a while. However, I don't think it's proper to upset the locals in Thailand. A couple of times I've told off couples who were having sex openly on a nude beach in Canada. That's not proper, either. I think it is just ignorance that people should be aware of.

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The thing that I find ironic is that 100 years ago Europeans were offended and outraged at the lack of culture and etiquette of the Thais because both men and women would walk around topless. Now the times have changed and Thais are considered prudish and out of date. I think that Eek should have just called the police or told them that it is illegal here to go topless.

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I agree with you, Eek.

One has to determine what is and what is not appropriate behaviour depending on the situation. Some beaches, even here in Thailand, have seemed to accept it - near Krabi, maybe Phuket - but in the majority, it's still inappropriate.

I wouldn't say prude, just aware of where one is.

After all, I'm sure she'd have been most upset if a gang of young Thai guys had reacted as they felt appropriate to a semi-naked falang girl!

+1 for you.

I can remember as far back as 1989 on my first trip to Phuket and each subsequent visit thereafter for many years seeing Scandinavian and other European women tourists topless sunbathing on the beaches. Not really a big deal. But I agree, perfectly acceptable in North and South America and Europe. Not so much here as they are somewhat prude and it is disrespectful to their culture. I think lannarebirth hit the nail on the head. Typically newbie001 would go for the most extreme measure. Call the police? Come on, get a life.

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My friend suggested i should have shouted out in a really deep loud voice "Hey baby, nice t*ts!" Haha!! If i had had the courage, i wonder if she would have been offended :P Ah well, sorry to be a spoil sport for the oglers. So sorry boys! :P

Certainly no need to apologize K'eek. I agree that it certainly is way out of line.

BTW, any vacancies?

Edited by venturalaw
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In my former Condo complex in Jomtien a few tasty Russians did the same .No complaints from me or anyone else as far as i know .

I am Irish but lived a few years in Germany ,where its quite common for the ladyies to go topless at the local pools in Summer .The same in French beaches .

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I agree with you Eek, it wasn't appropriate in Thailand, but I think this young woman's behaviour is perhaps reflective of a me-me-me attitude held by all-too-many international travellers. While most of the male offenders seem to play up in the nightlife precincts (and thus are playing to a somewhat de-sensitized audience), the females in this category seem to strut their stuff in public areas like temples, markets, shops, etc.

Perhaps I'm out of line, but perhaps this mindset is somewhat reflected in the following quote from a post in a pinned topic in the women's section of ThaiVisa:

"I hate to admit that a woman shouldn't be able to walk about as she pleases, but here, wearing a low-cut or short dress may be perceived as being "easy," so prudence should take precedence over principle."

Which of the following statements do you think most represents a "principle", and which just represents unfettered self-indulgence?

I have a right to display my body in various states of undress where and when I like as I'm a sassy women and it's 2011 for god's sake


I have an obligation to walk lightly and respectfully in the culture of a foreign country

Edited by chiangmaibruce
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In my former Condo complex in Jomtien a few tasty Russians did the same .No complaints from me or anyone else as far as i know .

I am Irish but lived a few years in Germany ,where its quite common for the ladyies to go topless at the local pools in Summer .The same in French beaches .

Yeah, why not ??

What's the problem going topless in a Thailand in a private pool area ? A condo.

Inappropriate for a western woman to go topless but says a lot about the priorities of the OP.

The same condo probably has many foreign occupants nightly engaging with boys and ladies of the night.........But "that's all right then", to quote Private Eye.

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<br />I am absolutely disgusted.<br /><br />Is this a frequent event? Which condo is it?    ;-0    <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

I'm also TOTALLY disgusted.

Could you please give me the name of the condo where this happend so that I can make sure to NEVER go swimming there ever again.

What is the world coming to... women showing their wonderful private parts.

Glad I didn't see such a disgusting thing like that becasue I would have had to get my 1000 MM ZOOM Lens out for my camera.

Boy do I miss the beaches of France and Croatia sometimes... 10,000 people all naked and it's all O.K.

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The world is a strange place....I lived in Nice in France for 3 years - Topless was everywhere. The uglier, the older the fatter a woman was the higher the chances of her getting them out in the sun...

I worked in Africa and native paintings showing local women at the river topless in sarongs, were bought by my Texan colleagues ONLY if the artist painted a bra onto the t*ts...Baptists or Methodist extremists I think...

Thailand, and the locals swim fully clothed on the beaches here and you hardly ever see a Thai woman in a bikini - even "Bar Girls'" on a day out turn into Madam Prude !!!

I went to deepest Isaan to my GF's village last year and a very old lady was sweeping leaves in her yard with only a sarong and her saggy, wrinkly old boobs swinging free....no one batted an eyelid. Not even me.

If a woman went topless in the U.A.E. she would be jailed, whipped and who knows what.... ?

I have no hang-ups about nudity. So much so that if I saw someone topless at a condo pool, and I have seen a few, and on occasions also on Jomtien Beach.....I would not go out of my way to post it on T.V.......

I am from Scotland where you can see lots of Tits ....Blue, Coal, Crested and Long Tailed.

There is one other kind that comes in pairs ....Very Blue Ones Especially when they come out on a cold day....:blink:


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I'd be more than happy to have a chat with the young lady and point out the error of her ways. Besides, I am always looking for models to photograph and could put her errant behavior to good use in front of my cameras. biggrin.gif


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I consider the OP to be totally out of order, its not his business. No one asked him to take offence on behalf of the Thais, and there are quite enough of the politically correct brigade who relish in taking offence on behalf of others, without him joining their ranks.

If the Thai's consider that the lady concerned was out of order then they should take it up with the condo management. However, they may be reluctant to do that if they are not condo residents because they would have no right to be there in the first place. Believe me, this happens a lot.

The OP can always raise the issue at the next Annual General Meeting of the condo's owners, assuming that he is one of course.

I have a pretty good idea which condo he is referring to. Either that, or it's also happening here, and has been for some time.

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I consider the OP to be totally out of order, its not his business. No one asked him to take offence on behalf of the Thais, and there are quite enough of the politically correct brigade who relish in taking offence on behalf of others, without him joining their ranks.

#1 the OP is a she not a he & a very polite one at that

#2 She never gave the impression she was taking offense on behalf of Thai's. She merely asked an opinion of others.

Edited by flying
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Ah it's terrible. Could I also please have the name of the condo so that I can avoid it and PM me any photos so that I can have better context with which to criticize this terrible act.

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I knew some wouId bite my head off..its not a new thing on thaivisa :P

My point isnt so much about someone being topIess, its more about appropriateness given a situation. TopIess on a beach where others consider it norm, or not a probIem, is fine. But, topIess in a beach in Penang...not a good idea! Just as a woman wearing a short skirt and high heeIs is no biggy most pIaces, wouId be viewed dramaticaIIy differentIy in Bahrain. Its not about women either, I think peopIe in generaI shouId have a IeveI of awareness. Its ok to push the bounderies a bit, sure, but sureIy there is a point where you (we)know we have gone too far? ie: I wouIdnt wear the stuff i wear to a cIub, to a tempIe.

WouId you go to airport pIaza or out to dinner with a nice Iady to a nice restaurant shirtIess in boardshorts.

Stop focusing on the disappointment of boobs being put away guys, and focus instead the environment and circumstances, then give me your opinion :P

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Its not about women either, I think people in general should have a level of awareness.

Stop focusing on the disappointment of boobs being put away guys, and focus instead the environment and circumstances, then give me your opinion :P

Bottom line...Common Sense

When in Rome etc etc etc ;)

My mom use to say...there are tourist & there are tourist

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Send me your numbers guys, then next time the pretty girI is out, i can caII you aII up. Bring cameras, a Ieery expression, and a few good phrases. Make sure you dress Iike buiIders ..haha!

..no ..dont send my your numbers..pIease dont!

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