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Emails Of A Bar Girl.


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i got done when i first came here,

stayed for 2 weeks, fell in love (what a ######)

great sex though, will do anything

That's the point.

Men have a tendency to mix up love with sex.

What can we do, this is the way we are,...

But anyway, happy it works for you,... :o

Someone once said:

"Men give love so that they can get sex, women give sex so that they can get love"

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after she closed on a house I wasn't needed.   Lessons learned.

I guess she knew how to keep the blood from getting to your brain..

Yepp---Hopeing she sells the house & the car and calls me this month :D

Good luck on that one! lol

I got lucky, my gf wants to send me money! I refused, being a gentleman, but i take it as more proof that she really does love me. Ive found myself the one.

Yep. I would even say: "do what your heart tells you, as it is right for you, and you shall never regret it." :o

Words to live your life by. And if your in Phuket this summer, i'll buy you a drink! :D

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Just received this one tonight, they make you laugh these girls...

How are you doing there? I am sad for what happning between you and me. I got drunk on my birthday, I always cry when I get drunk, I didn't know who called me, I were unware. So I said the wrong name, sorry if I made you upset. When you come back, you will know that I like you. Someone can give me more than you, but I said I will wait for you. Every ladies is same men that is she wants to have only one man. About Marjin, (should be martin another brit) I don't have anything special with him. I told him that if I have boyfriend, I will let him know. And that me then I cannot go around with him anymore. He is my friend, really...he is not my customer...

Well, how is your work, are you tired from working? Please take good care, Please know that I am waiting for you here.

Miss you xxx

Nice eh? :o

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I got lucky, my gf wants to send me money! I refused, being a gentleman, but i take it as more proof that she really does love me. Ive found myself the one.


no disrespect mate but a thai girl cannot afford to send you money, she's just trying to show you how honest she is. (i'm not saying she is'nt honest)

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Just received this one tonight, they make you laugh these girls...

How are you doing there? I am sad for what happning between you and me. I got drunk on my birthday, I always cry when I get drunk, I didn't know who called me, I were unware. So I said the wrong name, sorry if I made you upset. When you come back, you will know that I like you. Someone can give me more than you, but I said I will wait for you. Every ladies is same men that is she wants to have only one man. About Marjin, (should be martin another brit) I don't have anything special with him. I told him that if I have boyfriend, I will let him know. And that me then I cannot go around with him anymore. He is my friend, really...he is not my customer...

Well, how is your work, are you tired from working? Please take good care, Please know that I am waiting for you here.

Miss you xxx

Nice eh? :D

where have i heard that before? :o

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Sorry forgot to add I didnt ring her on her Birthday cause I dont have her phone number, so wonder which John it was?

This made my day....the first was great but this was a real kicker...you have to love them one and all!!! :o:D

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I got lucky, my gf wants to send me money! I refused, being a gentleman, but i take it as more proof that she really does love me. Ive found myself the one.


no disrespect mate but a thai girl cannot afford to send you money, she's just trying to show you how honest she is. (i'm not saying she is'nt honest)

I know she doesnt even earn in a month what i can in a week in the UK, so i wouldnt let her send me money. I wouldnt feel right. She wouldnt let me spend a penny (or should i say Baht) on her. I just know she's honest and thats enough for me.

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Guest IT Manager
but i think they are just being themselves, ######s!

Oh dear . . . seems like you didn't have a very happy Christmas - but I suppose Christmas is for families, Valentines' day for lovers and Palm Sunday for you! :o





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Guest IT Manager

My hat off to you. As a young man, I held many of my elders in contempt. Having grown old, I now return the favor by holding many of my juniors thusly too. Who gives a rat's *** what they think.

Now to be honest, it may be a bit self-delusional to believe that they are seeing you with envy. Oh, they may envy the sweet thing on your arm. But not that she is with some geezer. (I say that as a self-proclaimed member of the geezer society in good standing.)

Anyway, their turn is coming. Now IT_M is a bit older, so I'm slightly surprised at his attitude, but hey, takes all kinds. The younger guys I understand because young stuff belongs to them, or so they tell themselves (and us). Heh, except sometimes it doesn't and the old farts aren't dead in the grave yet, so hey ... tough ... deal with it or look the other way.

The older I get, the more I realize, if you don't go after what you want, you don't get it.


Good one Jeepz. Very adroit.


Breakfast. I have just got to breakfast. 200 people sitting down to eat.

In walks man on cane (no I am not agist, this is the fact).

Takes a seat in the middle of the room. 2 (two) grills with him. One 19 the other perhaps 22/23.

Me: I am a watcher of faces.

From my corner table, I watch other diners watch him, and I watch them.

Envy: oops missed any of those.

Contempt: Yes a few.

Anger: One or two middle aged matrons.

Disgust: Plenty, mostly among married couples.

Do I care: Not a whit.

Do I judge: Nope, not the slightest.

Do I wonder: Sure as shit I wonder. What happens if he carks it mid-stride. Who gets called? How is it explained?

My view of him: Nothing at all. I am just a watcher.

If he is reading this: I don't seriously care. Make sure you take your amplodine.

I don't see this behaviour as anything but what it is, an old man getting his jollies prior to carking it.


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Someone once said:

"Men give love so that they can get sex, women give sex so that they can get love"

Depends on what period in your life you are.

Jacqueline Kennedy/Onassis summarized it very well:

" When I was young, I married for love. The second time, I married for money. Now that I am old, I look for companionship"

But as I said before, a survey conducted in Japan showed that for Japanese girls, money was first, love second,...

What about Thai women?

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This e-mail was sent "cc" to me now I know that the girl who wrote it can hardly speak english let alone type it....so the girl in the internet cafe must send a few of these out....

" Hello xxxx how are you I miss you so much, I working every day my dughter sick but canot go home as no money you help miss you very very much you special man lots of love axxxxxxxxxxxxx" :o

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my 60 year old sister has been living with a girl who is 23 now. They have been together for about 5 years. Both are fat and white.

So it seems the real problem is an old guy with a pretty girl.

A friend once commented years ago when he was coming out of rehab for coke, everyone in tehre was an old white guy or young chick. After all who is giving coke to a 45 year old bitrch with sagging tits.

he is 68 and she is 19 and they decided to be together.

How would all you righteously indignant people feel if we came over to your house and bad mouthed you about marrying outside your race, or social class, nationality, someone with a different hair color

Just amazing

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There is an issue of unequality in regards to power, responsibility and potential abuse in relationships between mature adult males and very young women, specially when money is used to pay for affection. It gets more pronounced the younger the girl or woman is, and the more drug addiction stands in the foreground.

The same does not apply to relationships with a partner of different hair colour. :o

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It is all just a game guys. Business is business.

Emails like this are sent CC everyday from all over Thailand. Go sit at an internet cafe and see. Listen to the calls that come in on the mobile phones at the same time. It is not...how you say....pocket science :o

If you want to respond to them fine, if not fine but a girls gotta do....

If you want to get marry to anyone in the world, anywhere you would check first right?

i believe i read somewhere that Nigeria?? makes a pretty good part of its national income by sending out emails??


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This e-mail was sent "cc" to me now I know that the girl who wrote it can hardly speak english let alone type it....so the girl in the internet cafe must send a few of these out....

" Hello xxxx how are you I miss you so much, I working every day my dughter sick but canot go home as no money you help miss you very very much you special man lots of love axxxxxxxxxxxxx" :o

Any point to this thread?

Listen mate, if you do not want e-mails from bargirls, dont go to bars , don't pay for sex, don't give your e-mail address.

What is so fascinating about an e-mail anyway? LondonGuy, yoiu need to get out more.

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I think the point here is that it is funny to consider that not only are such practices commonplace among the prostitutes in Thailand, but that the practices actually work. Hundreds of farang send hundreds of pounds every week to hundreds of prostitutes, who actively and deliberately (usually) deceive them to gain money.

This is fantastic, because there is the added level of humour gained from the irony that these same farang actively and deliberately (usually) seek to use these prositutes and enjoy a power-trip of equal standing.

What goes around, comes around!

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Sorry darling that I sent you e-mail, but mama-san asks for 10 mails a day,. No can, bonus on drinks cut.
You don't worry, I love you real, e-mail only why mama give text...

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