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Reusable Shopping Bags


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This is the way to go.

We use them in OZ :jap:

My Oz Coles supermarket, reusable bags, are a source of amusement at our local street market. It's taken them 2 years to understand why I dont need to go home with a dozen plastic bags.Unfortuantly no one is following my lead !!!!

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Just would like to offer this....

I have found that the bags that are available [for a few baht] are worth just that, maybe last 2 or 3 times then if you carry anything heavier than a loaf of bread, the handles tear off.

By a stroke of very good luck, I have Ms. Gonzo.

She will take the larger rice bags [woven threaded HD plastic of 15 or 25 kg size] and sew on handles of the same material This gives us a very strong, sturdy and larger than most shopping bags, way of getting home goods from the market.

If you can get your hands on one of these type bags, I think you will be pleased.


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The Rimping bags are OK but we have been using reusable bags bought in HK over 12 years ago and still going strong after regular use in 3 different countries.

Yes, and we still get the stares from locals and Farangs with every item in a plastic bag and then put in bigger plastic bags. Perhaps one day we will be the norm but not for many years unless they ban plastic bags here or charge for them as they are doing in many countries including China.

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All the throwaway bags get put to a second use in our household. The Thai grocery store bags are so much better than the ones in the U.S. -- stronger and no gaps in the seams. They're perfect for lining the little trash bins in the bathrooms. Each evening, I just remove the bag with its used toilet paper and kitty litter, tie a knot to seal it and put it in our larger trash bag with the kitchen waste. Sometimes twice a day if Wonder Cat has been especially active in his sandbox. The other, smaller, non-grocery store bags are great for wrapping produce for storage in the refrigerator or putting around the packages of meat before they go into the freezer. Yeah, I know they're not approved food storage bags, like Ziplocs, but since I wash all our food very carefully before using, I figure I can get away with storing the lettuce or carrots in one of those little, translucent bags the vendors give us. Plus, I always have one of those smaller bags next to the cutting board to collect the waste when I make salads and prepare veggies and fruit for our meals.

Frankly, if they banned plastic bags from the stores and vendors, I'd just end up buying trash bags and Ziploc food storage bags. Not exactly a savings for the environment or our budget.

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