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Day#2: A Day In Pattaya In Search Of An Air Card

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Thanks for everyone's help from the first post. Here is today's report :)

((If you don't want to waste your valuable time reading the details I have a question at the bottom.....))

Stop#1: Went to True at Tesco South. They don't sell the Prepaid package (for reasons I couldn't understand) but the (helpful) gentleman said True at North Tesco does....(PS: No Air Cards available). The guy gave me a brochure that clearly stated the Prepaid packages which I was going to show the staff a Tesco North.

Stop#2: Back to True at Tesco North and this time asked for Prepaid. They said yes we do that but not today and she mentioned something "wrong with system". Not able to get clarity but she said to try again tomorrow.

Stop#3: Tokcom! I reaise a critical mistake I made on my first visit. I only went to the 1st floor eg Mobile Phones to look for a Aircard. This time I explored the building and found one booth that sold the I-FOX 920 which is perfect. It's ZTE 850/2100 on the 3G side. The kicker: It came with a TRUE MOVE sim card attached to the outer part of the package. The shopkeeper had no idea how much was on the card but I grabbed it!

Stop#4: Home. Loaded up the iFOX software, selected TRUE 3G network only and got it in! It appears there is 15 hours of 3G based on the SMS text I sent. It didn't list a download limit which I found strange as it seems the Prepaid packages have a download GB max.I ran the Speedtest from this site and got 1.8 MPS which feels good.

I am at the far end of Soi 4 in Jomtien and move to View Talay Villas. My fingers are crossed that the signal will extend another 1000 metres or so.....

Q: How do you TOP UP the 3G TrueMove Sim card? I see at least two methods at 7-11:

(1) I am reading about a "ONLINE TOP UP" available at 7-11 that requires my phone number. How does that work at 7-11?

(2) I also see a TrueMove Top Up CARD? How does that work versus the ONLINE TrueMove TOP UP at 7-11.

I use a 12Call for my phone (I don't make a lot of calls) but I am guessing the procedure for Top up for TrueMove is different.

Thanks everyone!

Edited by divenMaster
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Whatever you do, if you use the 15 hours up before 30 days, don't try to add another package to the same SIM card. Buy another SIM. A 49 baht Inter SIM will do. Add the new package to that.

Each package(other than a 1 Day/1 hour package) will block the SIM from beginning another package for 30 days).

You can call or send a SMS to TRUE in order to stop the package recurring/continuing to take credit from the SIM each month).

No data download limit on the Time Based packages.

Depends on your usage pattern. If you want to stay connected, you may need a Volume Based package. If you want an occasional connection and perhaps larger downloads over a short time, then a time based. Perhaps you can have two SIMs, each with a suitable package.

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The D-Link DWM-156 is a decent tri-band (850/1900/2100) aircard widely available here.

What is the name of the SIM? "Hi Speed Net SIM"?

You should try to find out which "package" you are currently subscribed to.

Make sure you have at least 1.5x (2.0x preferred) (of your monthly recurring package price) balance on the card.

If you can "dial" from the UI or by putting the SIM in a handset, enter #123# and DIAL, you should receive a service message with the remaining balance and expiration.

If you can originate an SMS from the UI or by putting the SIM in a handset, send an SMS to 9789 with the single letter "b" in the body (no quotes, lower-case B), and you should receive service messages with the details of your plan; package, usage, etc.

You can put the SIM in a handset, dial another mobile and note the "number".

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Thank you Iomatopo and Jiu-Jitsu.

Good news: I am typing this from View Talay Villas and according to Speed Test I am getting close to 2MPS download and 1.1MPS upload. Respectable results.

Iomatopo: Here is the package I have based on the response of my ('b') SMS (translated from Thai): A package of promotions for the 3G 14 hours 39 minutes remaining valid until06/05/2011. The closest I can see to the name of SIM is on a label on the plastic pouch attached to the iFox Air Card package; it said "Pre, Data 3G". The actual Sim card just says "TRUE MOVE". The SIM didn't come in a cardboard sleeve; just the plastic pouch.

Jiu-Jitsu: You mention getting a new SIM card when the promotion (15 hours) is complete. You mention a "49 Baht Inter Sim".

  • What is that? Is a that something to get at 7-11? Do I get this SIM *instead* of getting a SIM at the TRUE counter?
  • Do I than take that 49 baht Inter SIM to the TRUE counter to add a new Prepay package? I have seen the Prepay packages on the TRUE website so I am guessing I need to goto TRUE and *not* 7-11?
  • Where does 7-11 fit into the picture in regards to TRUE 3G Top Up? I am still confused on what can be done at the TRUE Counter vs 7-11?

Thanks guys!

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Did you already top-up? Did you choose a package?

It seems like you have the T3 package: a time-based data package for 349 baht/month, which includes 100 hours total of WiFi+2G, 15 hours of 3G.

You might consider a volume-based package in the future, but this is entirely dependent on your usage patterns.

Not sure what an Inter SIM is, I think it may be for international calling?

If you do need to get another SIM I'd recommend the Hi Speed NetSIM, ~ 59 baht in any convenience store (not available in a True shop). You can subscribe to a volume-based package over-the-air, text code to 9789, after you have topped up.

Edited by lomatopo
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Not sure what an Inter SIM is, I think it may be for international calling?

I have an InterSIM. It's the cheapest pre-pay option available that I found and, above all, it remains valid for 365 days after the first top-up regardless of how much you use it. International calls are 1B (VOIP) or 3B (real).

I bought mine from Family Mart or 7/11 back in November 2010 for 49 or 99 Baht (I cant remember which) and that included 10B credit. I topped it up with 50B at the time (7/11 wouldnt do less) and my credit is still 47B.

Needless to say I dont make many outgoing calls. :lol:

I get a lot of calls, and I have sent one or two SMSs, and of course it is handy for getting SMSs from Kbank etc. My main interest was in the long validity for little cost and I am very happy. It can be upgraded to 3G or other packages. True keep sending me offers via SMS in Thai which I cant read, but there is a nice chap downstairs who can.

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Thank you Iomatopo and Jiu-Jitsu.

Good news: I am typing this from View Talay Villas and according to Speed Test I am getting close to 2MPS download and 1.1MPS upload. Respectable results.

Iomatopo: Here is the package I have based on the response of my ('b') SMS (translated from Thai): A package of promotions for the 3G 14 hours 39 minutes remaining valid until06/05/2011. The closest I can see to the name of SIM is on a label on the plastic pouch attached to the iFox Air Card package; it said "Pre, Data 3G". The actual Sim card just says "TRUE MOVE". The SIM didn't come in a cardboard sleeve; just the plastic pouch.

Jiu-Jitsu: You mention getting a new SIM card when the promotion (15 hours) is complete. You mention a "49 Baht Inter Sim".

  • What is that? Is a that something to get at 7-11? Do I get this SIM *instead* of getting a SIM at the TRUE counter?
  • Do I than take that 49 baht Inter SIM to the TRUE counter to add a new Prepay package? I have seen the Prepay packages on the TRUE website so I am guessing I need to goto TRUE and *not* 7-11?
  • Where does 7-11 fit into the picture in regards to TRUE 3G Top Up? I am still confused on what can be done at the TRUE Counter vs 7-11?

Thanks guys!

Yes, from a 7/11. Pop the SIM in to your mobile telephone and follow the instructions on this page to subscribe to the relevant package.

You can pop the first SIM into your mobile telephone and follow the instructions to cancel/stop the 15 hour pack from recurring every month.

No need to visit a TRUE counter at all. Just click on the TOP UP link provided earlier for simple instructions. Just make a note of your telephone number. Any of the staff in 7/11 or Family Mart will top up your balance without hassle.

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Thanks guys!

It seems simple to get the 3G package.

  1. Goto 7-11 and buy either a TRUE InterSim or TRUE Hi Speed NetSim. Either one should be fine.
  2. Place SIM in phone and either SMS (9789) or dial *9000 to order package (I like the time based T3).

Q: My question is that you mention to Top Up before getting package. Did I understand that correctly? What am I topping up since the SIM will not have a package on it when I first get it?

Q: How do I actually pay for the package? Will it ask for a credit card# when I SMS or dial *9000?

Thank you for your continued patience.

PS: The Turtles were out in North Rock today by Pattaya. Dived with one for almost 10 minutes. Very cool.

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Wait a sec....I think I might finally get it....

(1) I have to buy the SIM AND a TRUE TopUp card.

(2) I than apply the TopUp to the SIM card. This gives me the baht to then........==>

(3) Order the package.

Am I getting close?

That's it.

Some cards from TRUE may need activating. The instructions will be within the card packaging.

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