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Booze-Free 'Safety Areas' Set For Songkran


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Booze-free 'safety areas' set for Songkran

By The Nation


"Safety areas" for Songkran water fights and celebrations are to be designated at 60 locations in 44 provinces this year, a network of antialcohol and accident prevention groups said yesterday.

The zones are aimed at tackling drunk driving and reducing road accident rates and crime during the festival from April 13 - 17 this year.

Sale and consumption of liquor will be prohibited in the areas, with Sonkgran revellers encouraged to gather and celebrate traditional events, said Supreeda Adulyanont, a senior Thai Health Promotion Foundation official.

The idea, which will be rolled out at 16 tourist attractions with names beginning with Khao, in imitation of Bangkok's Khao San Road, is also aimed at curbing sexual assaults on women by wayward celebrants while reducing accidents and deaths associated with drinking, she added.

To discourage drunken celebrations, a group of 2,000 volunteers will be stationed at the 60 locations to take pictures of drunk people before posting them on online social media services, for police to monitor and make arrests in case they commit crimes.

Citing a survey, she said there were more than 2.4 times as many injuries during the Songkran holiday break compared to regular times, while crimes, accidents and deaths, including drowning, were 6.58 times higher.

Young people drink 1.8 times as heavily during Songkran and tend to drink regularly afterwards, she said.

There have been an average of 1,948 deaths per year during Songkran in the past four years and another 1,423 people made disabled by road accidents caused by drunk driving.

A similar survey found that 58 per cent of people killed in road accidents last year had been drinking, with a quarter of them being under 20.

The director of the Accident Prevention Network, Prommin Kantiya, said police manning road checkpoints during the Songkran break had been asked to interview drunk motorists who are pulled over or arrested to find out where they bought their liquor.


-- The Nation 2011-04-08

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Wonder where the 1948 deaths/year during Songkran came from? Staggering number, as the road accident deaths are never reported as even near this figure.

Not sure how you would calculate that young people drank 1.8 times heavier than at other times. Is that bottles of booze, beer, or weight of same?

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On which planet does Mr Kantiya live? I would like to read the transcripts of these interviews. A drunk policeman asking a drunk driver where he bought his liquor? The police only arrest drivers after they have caused an accident.

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<br>There must be a goverment department of usless statistic's which is next door to the ministry of silly walks....<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:"><br>
<br><br>Actually there a department for statistics, my friend is a statistician for the government. As for being usless... I doubt it.<br>
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They're confidence in this working is shown in the following snews article;

Hospitals Ordered To Prepare For Songkran Road Accidents


Booze free safety areas states, "There have been an average of 1,948 deaths per year during Songkran in the past four years and another 1,423 people made disabled by road accidents caused by drunk driving", and yet "Govt hopes to bring down number of deaths" article states;

"During the same period last year, 361 people were killed in road accidents and 3,802 others injured." Thai Math or drunk Statitions?

Edited by featography
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Wonder where the 1948 deaths/year during Songkran came from? Staggering number, as the road accident deaths are never reported as even near this figure.

Not sure how you would calculate that young people drank 1.8 times heavier than at other times. Is that bottles of booze, beer, or weight of same?

From the other Songkran thread.

"During the same period last year, 361 people were killed in road accidents and 3,802 others injured."

Maybe they meant during the last 5 years.

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'To discourage drunken celebrations, a group of 2,000 volunteers will be stationed at the 60 locations to take pictures of drunk people before posting them on online social media services, for police to monitor and make arrests in case they commit crimes.'

I have been seeing these 'no alcohol' signs around Chiang Mai for a few weeks now and have been wondering who is going to monitor this, as the police tend to keep a very low profile whilst the Songkran festival is on !

and it looks like they will be sitting it out, eating donuts/kanom ! Just tell me where i can apply for a job on the police 'force/farce', i have the belly for it, just need a tight uniform!

I wish everyone a safe holiday, enjoy !


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To discourage drunken celebrations, a group of 2,000 volunteers will be stationed at the 60 locations to take pictures of drunk people before posting them on online social media services, for police to monitor and make arrests in case they commit crimes.

Who is going to head up these volunteers? "JJ" and his band of jetski operators.

Where are these designated safety areas? How will tourists be informed of these areas when they arrive or do they just run with the bulls whilst throwing money into the air for the scammers. I thought it was illegal to post pictures of others on social media sites without the authority of the person involved. What of the sober person who gets snapped on camera for merely being next to a drunk? Thier picture is splashed on facebook and the like and publically shamed by thai authorities for mearly choosing to come to Thailand at the wrong time of the year. Where are thier basic human rights?

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.



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Songkran.....half the people love it and half the people dislike it.

It seems to be a great reason to let loose and get drunk and sloppy and silly for 3 to 4 to 5 days.

I like watching it but I seriously avoid getting wet....maybe this year I will...on second thought ...I think not.

If I was a drinker..... I would probably get involved...but seeing how I am not a drinker .....I think I will just be a bystander...again ...and glad to see it pass by with a return to sanity and normality.

I hope less people get hurt or die this year on the roads than last year.

I sometimes envision myself being able to be perched above the roads and highways watching the drunken calamities occuring , minute by minute, on all the highways and roadways as alcohol induced "Songkran Fever" takes hold of the nation.

After someones death during Songkran I imagine many of the Thais saying: "Well at least he died while he was drunk during Songkran...he died happy " as a means of trying to accept the death of a loved one or person they knew.

But that does not account for all the carnage that occures because some peple go overboard with the alcohol and riun it for others.

Meantime...it is fun to watch and as long as people drink sensibly and people are kept in control by thier sensibilities and the authorities ..to a degree...then Songkran is all around good fun for everyone.

Cheers and enjoy the season.

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I get it - everyone has to 'run the gauntlet' to get to a safety area, by which time you're soaking wet and covered in flour and well pissed off. You sit down behind the barricade, thoroughly disgruntled to read a wet paperback, dry your telephone, and smoke a few soggy fags with a bottle of soda paid for with dripping wet money. A little time later, once you've dried off nicely and wish you'd stayed at home, you leave, crouching beside little old ladies or stray monks for protection, and run the water gauntlet all over again. I can't stand the water throwing business, but I'm warming to the idea of sitting at the nearest bar to do a bit of ice-cold squirting at the inmates intimates.

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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.

Who's your Daddylaugh.gif

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On which planet does Mr Kantiya live? I would like to read the transcripts of these interviews. A drunk policeman asking a drunk driver where he bought his liquor? The police only arrest drivers after they have caused an accident.

I agree, instead of "interviewing" the drunk, why not LOCK him up! or is that against police policy?
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<br>There must be a goverment department of usless statistic's which is next door to the ministry of silly walks....<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":whistling:"><br>
<br><br>Actually there a department for statistics, my friend is a statistician for the government. As for being usless... I doubt it.<br>

I don't :blink:

Perhaps you and your friend can work to make Thailand the hub of statistics :lol:

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This always amazes me that certain people on this forum hate this festival, hate getting wet, hate the whole thing but still go into town.laugh.gif The ones that jump on a plane should just keep going.post-4641-1156694005.gif

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They're confidence in this working is shown in the following snews article;

Hospitals Ordered To Prepare For Songkran Road Accidents


Booze free safety areas states, "There have been an average of 1,948 deaths per year during Songkran in the past four years and another 1,423 people made disabled by road accidents caused by drunk driving", and yet "Govt hopes to bring down number of deaths" article states;

"During the same period last year, 361 people were killed in road accidents and 3,802 others injured." Thai Math or drunk Statitions?

That must be Thai math. It is similar to the claim of the police, that in 2010 there were about 11.000 people killed on the road, and no source given. The last official statistic I have seen was from 2005 and it stated 18.000 deaths and an estimated number of unreported cases of about 2000.

Today with more cars and motorcycles on the road, with no extended road safety education, nor any law enforcement on the roads of Thailand, how come that the roadtoll decreased by about 50%. Must be another example of Thai math, or a massive increase of nonreported cases.

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Game on! What price smuggled booze?

Hat Yai, JW black, 600 THB/lit. Cigs: 200 Box 180THB, NEW: Malaysian Premium Gas, 97 Oktan 30THB/lit.

Here we are all set for Songkran!!

Edited by fxe1200
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No drinking? Mai sanook na ka!

I think you can enjoy yourself without alcohol.

Yes Dad......!

Sorry to sound a bit crazy, but I always get a bit irritated when people think that the only way they can have fun is to dull their normal feelings with some drug or another. While I understand that drinking can be a pleasant experience, this is only pleasant for others when the drinking is done in moderation.

Drunk, out of control, aggressive people are always the main problem when these kind of festivals happen across the world. It is the most serious problem that we will have this coming SongKran, and many moderate or dare I say non drinkers (including impressionable children) will bear the sufferance of a person that is so intoxicated that they are unaware of how much an ass-hole they are being.

If you can't have fun without getting out of it, then there is something seriously wrong with you (or your life) and you should probably go see a psychiatrist or something.

I ain't your daddy, but I do love my children, I won't be drinking this SongKran.

I agree. Drinking in moderation would prevent the high death toll during this religious holiday. In my opinion, it would be nice to return to its original religious intent instead of the drunk water spraying festival it currently is. Thai Buddhism has been corrupted enough.

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This always amazes me that certain people on this forum hate this festival, hate getting wet, hate the whole thing but still go into town.laugh.gif The ones that jump on a plane should just keep going.post-4641-1156694005.gif





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Can we have a water free 'safety area' too please & whilst you're at it, a 'drunk driver free' area on the roads too!?!?

We value our lives & safety and avoid the annual carnage & craziness by making sure every year that we're safely out of the Kingdom, a few days before the so-called 'fun' begins! :(

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