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Great Moments In Thai Journalism

bangna bound

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Thai-language newspaper Kom Chad Leuk broke new grounds in journalism in its Sunday edition.

On its front page was a photograph of a concerned looking man holding a dead chicken by its feet.

The man, the paper reports in a little too much detail, was arrested after "raping" and strangling the chicken, although it wasn't too clear what he did first.

The man was described as a social misfit, who had recently been released from a mental institution.

He reason he was in the mental institution was because ... yep, you guessed it, he had previously been arrested for raping and strangling a chicken.

Yep, the man is a serial chicken rapist!

Unfortunately this is true.

While chicken rape-and-murder stories do on rare occassions appear in English-langauge newspapers, they are usually confined to a a paragraph or two in a briefs' column on the inside pages; not on the front page, under a banner headline and illustrated with a photograph of both the perpetrator and the victim!

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I'm sure it's just a simple case of confusion, as to which sort of "gai" the miscreant was guided to by the local maeng-da. He shouldn't count his chickens before they've hatch about being given "farm duties" in the clink, nevermind getting early parole. Wonder if he was a pheasant pluckers son? :o

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Guest IT Manager

Or as one soon to live here member would say, "this chap is a serialist homosexualist cockerel raper of the worst type and should be brand".

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Or as one soon to live here member would say, "this chap is a serialist homosexualist cockerel raper of the worst type and should be brand".

Branded as KFC-friendly perhaps? Anybody who eats there gets all the antibiotics and chicken rapist leftovers, coming to them. Ha!Ha! :o

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