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Tony'S Foodcourt


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I went up to Tony's foodcourt on South Pattaya the other day,hardly any customers.

They had a variety of food stalls from Thai food to hamburgers.

I could see there was no where to park bikes so that may be the problem.

I have a thai friend wanting to invest in a business there,3,000 baht per month,no key money or deposit,sounds good but he's decided against it.

Too much of a risk ,unless there's a certain food that is not there already.

Tony is certainly is a successful businessman and good enterpreuner but i think this may close soon,probaly will end up condo's,even though theres a lovely big house next door.

Edited by actiondell4
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Yeah, Tony's food court is a massive dud.

There's another "food court" in town that I wonder about. The "luxury" food court on one of the higher floors at Central Pattaya Beach (not the basement one which is booming). I have eaten there twice and it's been almost empty both times. Both times I was thoroughly unimpressed with the food, value for money, both with what I ate and what I looked at (which was all over the place). But the kicker is the waiters. They hover over you to an extreme degree because the place is so empty and they are fishing for tips of course. I don't even like the idea of tipping at a food court (which already adds tax as well) to begin with. The overly visible waiters there for me make the place unpleasant but of course if I really liked the food, I'd be a regular. Are they keeping that place open for face? I don't see how they are making money? In my opinion, what could work there foodwise is something very different that you can't get anywhere in town, such as a Singapore/Malaysian food outlet.

Edited by Jingthing
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I drive by Tony's everyday, rarely is there any customers partaking in the splendid array of gourmet delights up for offer. They had a band playing nitely, but as passing motorists were the only audience that went down the crapper. The cheap fading plastic facade that covers the structure is the the ugly exposed warty anus of Pattaya, if i were Tony I would be embarrassed by this giant stinky turd of a business and promptly hang myself!@

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Yeah, Tony's food court is a massive dud.

There's another "food court" in town that I wonder about. The "luxury" food court on one of the higher floors at Central Pattaya Beach (not the basement one which is booming). I have eaten there twice and it's been almost empty both times. Both times I was thoroughly unimpressed with the food, value for money, both with what I ate and what I looked at (which was all over the place). But the kicker is the waiters. They hover over you to an extreme degree because the place is so empty and they are fishing for tips of course. I don't even like the idea of tipping at a food court (which already adds tax as well) to begin with. The overly visible waiters there for me make the place unpleasant but of course if I really liked the food, I'd be a regular. Are they keeping that place open for face? I don't see how they are making money? In my opinion, what could work there foodwise is something very different that you can't get anywhere in town, such as a Singapore/Malaysian food outlet.


The reason for going to any food court is the variety of cusine a group can have. I felt the food at the Central Food Court was.... good. I liked the service and did not feel that they were "hovering" over myself and friends. It is a bit pricey so it isn't a common day place I would go to. I like going there on special occasions with visiting friends for the view, food, and "space'". Eating downstairs at Central is like eating in a packed diner in Moscow; but the food is good qualaity for the price.

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Yeah, Tony's food court is a massive dud.

There's another "food court" in town that I wonder about. The "luxury" food court on one of the higher floors at Central Pattaya Beach (not the basement one which is booming). I have eaten there twice and it's been almost empty both times. Both times I was thoroughly unimpressed with the food, value for money, both with what I ate and what I looked at (which was all over the place). But the kicker is the waiters. They hover over you to an extreme degree because the place is so empty and they are fishing for tips of course. I don't even like the idea of tipping at a food court (which already adds tax as well) to begin with. The overly visible waiters there for me make the place unpleasant but of course if I really liked the food, I'd be a regular. Are they keeping that place open for face? I don't see how they are making money? In my opinion, what could work there foodwise is something very different that you can't get anywhere in town, such as a Singapore/Malaysian food outlet.

We had dinner in the Loft with a few friends some time ago and found the food mediocre for the price they were charging. We didn't go back. I guess that's the same for others and that's why it's so empty while many other restaurants in Central are packed.

I was told they are a being subsidized by Central as they prefer a mostly empty restaurant over a closed one.

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Over the last few months I have been to the Royal Garden Plaza food court on the top floor.

I have had a few Indian Curries and also T bone steak and Sirloin steak set meals - I thought they were Ok - its never going to be Michelin Star. but hey ....at least its not an over crowded suburb of the former U.S.S.R....Although in saying that the majority of punters in Yawyin gahdin as the GF pronounces it are soviet extraction. But the seating lay out is less cramped and does not resemble a school canteen. Some of the pasta meals are passable as well.

Tony's is a dead loss...I have never seen anyone in there except the afore mentioned band....Does Tony read the blogs on Thai Visa ?

That other notable Pattaya celeb, Howard does.

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We had dinner in the Loft with a few friends some time ago and found the food mediocre for the price they were charging. We didn't go back. I guess that's the same for others and that's why it's so empty while many other restaurants in Central are packed.

I was told they are a being subsidized by Central as they prefer a mostly empty restaurant over a closed one.

That is exactly what I guessed is happening. Central is a big brand name and closing that luxury loft would look bad. The sad thing to me is that I feel they could turn it around with BETTER vendors. To me it's not the price, but what they are offering for the price. I already mentioned Singapore/Malaysia food being a potential draw there. Here's another one. A French style creperie offering classic Brittany style savory crepes (as opposed to desert ones). Vietnamese? Yes they have one there, but the usual Thai style mediocre stuff. How about doing REAL pho with REAL pho broth, the kind westerners in the know crave? Mexican? How about a place doing only real taqueria style soft tacos with homemade corn tortillas and authentic salsas? If they a few of those "only place in town" places, they could really create a serious buzz. But they don't.

The actual food DOES matter. Look at Zicos outside the mall. The only place in town doing Brazilian churrascaria, and appears to be doing a booming business, no matter the higher end pricing.

The Loft does have a hook with tourists though who don't already know the value for money offer there is poor. You enter with a money spending card and I reckon the vast majority of people who walk in there to check it out, at least the first time, end up eating there the one time even if they aren't thrilled with what they see inside (it's a bit weird to walk out without spending anything, though of course you're allowed to). But I seriously doubt many locals eat there often once they have checked it out.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am not a great fan of the food on the ground floor at Central except for the place near the supermarket where you pay cash not a ticket. The rest are extremely mediocre.

I do like the restaurants upstairs on the 5th floor. I had the New Years buffet from the place up the top and it was pretty mediocre considering we paid 800baht a head. I don't except too much for 800 baht but they really took the piss with what they served up.

The view was good but the previous two years went to Sea Zone on Walking St and the food there was way better.

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There used to be an Indian stall at Tony's which was OK for the 120 bath price tag, I wonder if it is still there? Properly not.

Try the Japanese restaurants at Central, 4 & 5 floor, very good + very cheap, around 200 bath pr person, always a lot of Thais there.

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"Tony is certainly is a successful businessman and good enterpreuner but i think this may close soon,probaly will end up condo's,even though theres a lovely big house next door."

You need to consider some things before you start massaging Tony's ego. He may appear to be a "successful businesman and good entrepreuner", but I don't think so. Most of his businesses around town seem to fail - Tony's disco, Euro disco, his gyms (the new one is always empty and other ones aren't doing well), food court, tent city etc.

Edited by tropo
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"Tony is certainly is a successful businessman and good enterpreuner but i think this may close soon,probaly will end up condo's,even though theres a lovely big house next door."

You need to consider some things before you start massaging Tony's ego. He may appear to be a "successful businesman and good entrepreuner", but I don't think so. Most of his businesses around town seem to fail - Tony's disco, Euro disco, his gyms (the new one is always empty and other ones aren't doing well), food court, tent city etc.

And I still wonder where those luxury cars came from that (used to?) park in the lobby of Tony's Disco, aka Tony's Car Park. So much profits from a mediocre running disco? The mind boggles....or was there...naaa...not in Pattaya, eh?

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And I still wonder where those luxury cars came from that (used to?) park in the lobby of Tony's Disco, aka Tony's Car Park. So much profits from a mediocre running disco? The mind boggles....or was there...naaa...not in Pattaya, eh?

Tony's Jetski Emporium, perhaps?

I'll get me coat !!!!!:ph34r:


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And I still wonder where those luxury cars came from that (used to?) park in the lobby of Tony's Disco, aka Tony's Car Park. So much profits from a mediocre running disco? The mind boggles....or was there...naaa...not in Pattaya, eh?

I'd have more respect for the man if he treated his staff like human beings. After years of working out at one of his gyms I could tell you some stories about the way he treats them, not to mention the very low wages.

He does treat dogs well though.

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"Tony is certainly is a successful businessman and good enterpreuner but i think this may close soon,probaly will end up condo's,even though theres a lovely big house next door."

You need to consider some things before you start massaging Tony's ego. He may appear to be a "successful businesman and good entrepreuner", but I don't think so. Most of his businesses around town seem to fail - Tony's disco, Euro disco, his gyms (the new one is always empty and other ones aren't doing well), food court, tent city etc.

And I still wonder where those luxury cars came from that (used to?) park in the lobby of Tony's Disco, aka Tony's Car Park. So much profits from a mediocre running disco? The mind boggles....or was there...naaa...not in Pattaya, eh?

Naa, some 10-14 years ago, I remember Tony's Disco was

"the in" spot. The place to be after hours. It was packed, prices

high, double drink orders required, etc ... Tony used to be

there every night, playing the keyboard etc ... than he ventured

off to bkk, tried to start a Tony's Disco there ... that seems to

have been a failure, and since than, he has been on a down turn ...

Now, it looks like he is targeting arabs/muslims. The music

seems wired, the atmosphere even weirder ... may be it's

just me ... Haven't been to any of Tony's places in years ...

wonder why ...



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I heard he is from a rich old family...

I think you hit the nail on the head. All his businesses in Pattaya are all about show, not substance. When he saw how popular California Wow had become he started opening up gyms all around town out of protest. More places for him to plaster his name and poster on. Lots of big, empty, half done gyms where he is too stingy to offer free drinking water (and aircon after 9pm).

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And I still wonder where those luxury cars came from that (used to?) park in the lobby of Tony's Disco, aka Tony's Car Park. So much profits from a mediocre running disco? The mind boggles....or was there...naaa...not in Pattaya, eh?

I'd have more respect for the man if he treated his staff like human beings. After years of working out at one of his gyms I could tell you some stories about the way he treats them, not to mention the very low wages.

He does treat dogs well though.

I have heard the same story first hand from my maid who used

to be a cleaner at Tony's disco many years ago. He is apparently

not a nice person when he interacts with his staff ....


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