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Brings to mind the old adage, if you need to ask then you probably can't afford it. For many of us it will cost much more just to drive into town, than they would ever charge for a movie at the theatre. A good quality .MKV bluray file will no doubt cost much less and is yours to watch again and again, in the comfort of your own viewing room. If cost is an issue there are many other options. :)

I can afford it and can still ask. Bad "adage".

In wholehearted agreement. :jap:

A bit insensitive to disparage an adage by labeling it as ‘bad’. Agreement or disagreement is a completely different matter. :D

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The line, "If you have to ask , then you probably cannot afford it", is hardly an adage. And "old adage " is certainly redundant. There is no such thing as a new adage.

ad·age (abreve.gifdprime.gifibreve.gifj)n.A saying that sets forth a general truth and that has gained credit through long use.

That line is far from a general truth for any person with a sense of how money is gained by honest working people.

Truly, that line is used most often to insult people or to give others the idea that they aren't quite up to par. Often, it is used in jest to tease a friend. Just as often, I believe, it is used in a snide way to try to put oneself above others.

Here's another line: A fool and his money are soon parted.

I can't think of anyone I know who had to work to earn their money who now buy things or services without asking the price. I do know people who inherit money who do that. These folks don't know the value of money, or work, and someone will come along and bail them out when they waste too much money.

Whether rich or poor, there aren't many wise people on the planet who buy without asking.

A fool and his money are soon parted and a whole lot sooner if he thinks he has enough that he doesn't need to ask the price. Just because some thing or service is for sale doesn't mean it is worth what the asking price.

But for anyone out there who wants to buy things without asking the price, keep on truckin'. For every one of you out there, there is another who operates on the theory that there is a fool born every minute.


A rather peculiar and disingenuous proclamation from someone purportedly in favor of the rational, constructive, mannerly, and proper, one thinks. Sounds rather condescending, threatening and imperious. :D

I have never ever met anyone that "EGO" as you are!

Please let this forum be open to everyone without all this xxxxx !

You use a lot of fancy words and in my world that shows there is a very fancy brain behind !



A lot of piss and vinegar spewing forth at this early evening hour. Playful use of the written language, in a written forum, seems to draw heated responses, completely out of proportion to the original intent. Hard to gauge where some people’s sensitivities lie, I suppose. As fancy as my words may be they are never directed at individuals or worded as personal insults. If that is the preferred modus operandi I must apologize for not being able to comply. :unsure:


Seriously, do people ask the price of everything in a shop before they ever go for a look. Do they ask how much it will cost them to drive there? Do they ask how much it will cost to drive to a potluck or to a day ride on the bike? One is not a fool for doing things one enjoys without grilling everyone about what costs might be incurred in advance.

Some things you want to do or you don’t. Going to the movies is a luxury not a necessity and the price does not vary that much in this country, anyway. If cost is that big of an issue, then isn’t it more sensible to stay home and watch a DVD. Save transportation costs and the cost of popcorn and the like.

I did not call anyone names or insult anyone. If anyone took it that way, then I am sorry for you. :)


No person in this thread has asked the price of everything. One did ask the price of a movie. Pretty common thing on here to ask a price of something. But suddenly, he can't afford a movie because he asked. I guess from here on out, whenever anyone asks the price of a hotel or anything else, we just tell than that they obviously cannot afford it.

And yes, people do consider costs when they plan to attend an event. Or make a purchase . Just because there is money in the bank doesn't mean that you should run out and throw it away until it is gone. Some people stick to budgets, regardless of the amount they have. Does it mean they cannot afford it? No. It means that they know the value of money. It might even mean that they have children and grandchildren that they would like to do something for, in addition to taking care of their own lives and futures. Those are decisions made by intelligent people who get intelligent answers to honest questions. Pretty common practice amongst the normal people on this planet.

It is a forum, remember? And it seems to me that not too long ago some guy was bemoaning the lack of participation in that forum and now the same guy is trying to make sure that some people say to hell with it.


Posters are reminded to stay on topic and to refrain from comments concerning the character of other posters. Some derogatory and insulting posts have been removed.


The gist of my reference was that we are talking about a very small variance in the price of a very low ticket item, a movie ticket. We are not talking houses or cars. We are talking about a price swing of maybe a dollar. How does that have anything to do with foolishness, class, ego, or work ethic? I don't get this level of sensitivity.


The gist of my reference was that we are talking about a very small variance in the price of a very low ticket item, a movie ticket. We are not talking houses or cars. We are talking about a price swing of maybe a dollar. How does that have anything to do with foolishness, class, ego, or work ethic? I don't get this level of sensitivity.

How many people is the questioner taking to the movie? How often? Who is he asking for? Who will benefit from the answers? Does he want to tell his Thia family and friends about the answers he got to his questions? And on and on and on. No need to label him or anyone else based on the things you DON'T think about. And no need to offend anyone else off of the forum because they see those kinds of answers to legitimate questions.


The gist of my reference was that we are talking about a very small variance in the price of a very low ticket item, a movie ticket. We are not talking houses or cars. We are talking about a price swing of maybe a dollar. How does that have anything to do with foolishness, class, ego, or work ethic? I don't get this level of sensitivity.

How many people is the questioner taking to the movie? How often? Who is he asking for? Who will benefit from the answers? Does he want to tell his Thia family and friends about the answers he got to his questions? And on and on and on. No need to label him or anyone else based on the things you DON'T think about. And no need to offend anyone else off of the forum because they see those kinds of answers to legitimate questions.

Hey, I’m not the one trying to get people band here. I’ve already explained myself, so nothing else I can do about how sensitive some people might be.


I am happy that some people are fortunate to be able to buy what they want , its the same world over. Some have and some have not . I am in the lesser majority where I wish I could afford to do what the wealthier do but even though I cant afford the luxury of buying what I want , I am rich in knowing the realities of life and I live the best I can with what I have. Shopping in the new Mall is a rare occasion for me , but I dont begrudge those who buy up the whole shop .


The gist of my reference was that we are talking about a very small variance in the price of a very low ticket item, a movie ticket. We are not talking houses or cars. We are talking about a price swing of maybe a dollar. How does that have anything to do with foolishness, class, ego, or work ethic? I don't get this level of sensitivity.

How many people is the questioner taking to the movie? How often? Who is he asking for? Who will benefit from the answers? Does he want to tell his Thia family and friends about the answers he got to his questions? And on and on and on. No need to label him or anyone else based on the things you DON'T think about. And no need to offend anyone else off of the forum because they see those kinds of answers to legitimate questions.

Hey, I'm not the one trying to get people band here. I've already explained myself, so nothing else I can do about how sensitive some people might be.

Yeah, I don't see anything here that might be cause to ban anyone nor does it appear that anyone is in danger of being banned. Banned is a bad thing that really doesn't need to happen with adults. I just see the value of some civil communication in the ol' forum without making someone look or feel like they are less than the others. Easy stuff, really.



I was in the Mall today. I arrived at about 10.30 and had to wait . Yeah ! ... I'd forgot it doesn't open normal times. :)

Had a look upstairs at the Cinema, didnt check the price of tickets, but there was loads of people going to the Cinema at 11am. Now thats strange in my book too.

Next time I go I'm gonna get myself a Jar of Haywards Pickled Onions; because I can afford them and you only live once or twice at most.

who give s&$t about McDonalds breakfast !? ...... I do ... B)

vive la difference ! :D



I was in the Mall today. I arrived at about 10.30 and had to wait . Yeah ! ... I'd forgot it doesn't open normal times. :)

Had a look upstairs at the Cinema, didnt check the price of tickets, but there was loads of people going to the Cinema at 11am. Now thats strange in my book too.

Next time I go I'm gonna get myself a Jar of Haywards Pickled Onions; because I can afford them and you only live once or twice at most.

who give s&$t about McDonalds breakfast !? ...... I do ... B)

vive la difference ! :D

Where do you buy Haywards pickles.:rolleyes:


No person in this thread has asked the price of everything. One did ask the price of a movie. Pretty common thing on here to ask a price of something. But suddenly, he can't afford a movie because he asked. I guess from here on out, whenever anyone asks the price of a hotel or anything else, we just tell than that they obviously cannot afford it.

And yes, people do consider costs when they plan to attend an event. Or make a purchase . Just because there is money in the bank doesn't mean that you should run out and throw it away until it is gone. Some people stick to budgets, regardless of the amount they have. Does it mean they cannot afford it? No. It means that they know the value of money. It might even mean that they have children and grandchildren that they would like to do something for, in addition to taking care of their own lives and futures. Those are decisions made by intelligent people who get intelligent answers to honest questions. Pretty common practice amongst the normal people on this planet.

It is a forum, remember? And it seems to me that not too long ago some guy was bemoaning the lack of participation in that forum and now the same guy is trying to make sure that some people say to hell with it.

:clap2::clap2: Well said Kandahar


The gist of my reference was that we are talking about a very small variance in the price of a very low ticket item, a movie ticket. We are not talking houses or cars. We are talking about a price swing of maybe a dollar. How does that have anything to do with foolishness, class, ego, or work ethic? I don't get this level of sensitivity.

How many people is the questioner taking to the movie? How often? Who is he asking for? Who will benefit from the answers? Does he want to tell his Thia family and friends about the answers he got to his questions? And on and on and on. No need to label him or anyone else based on the things you DON'T think about. And no need to offend anyone else off of the forum because they see those kinds of answers to legitimate questions.

Thank you for a bit of sanity. If anyone gives a rats axss the REASON i wanted to know the price of the movie is not because I am an old broke guy sitting on the corner begging for coins but BECAUSE I am thinking of buying several dozen tickets to give some poor CR kids that I know. I guess asking a simple little question like "how much" must bother some people who have nothing better to do than jump to all kinds of conclusions or try and belittle someone.


Thank you for a bit of sanity. If anyone gives a rats axss the REASON i wanted to know the price of the movie is not because I am an old broke guy sitting on the corner begging for coins but BECAUSE I am thinking of buying several dozen tickets to give some poor CR kids that I know. I guess asking a simple little question like "how much" must bother some people who have nothing better to do than jump to all kinds of conclusions or try and belittle someone.

As I normally say, you should go to the source with a question like that. We can’t possibly tell you what kind of a deal you can get from management for a bulk charitable purchase.

Would it have hurt to mention this purchase in the first place or for people not blow things out of proportion, jump to conclusions about what I meant and belittle me? Remember, better questions get better answers.

Sorry if you were offended. That was not my intention.


Thats torn it!

Now your gonna get people jumping on you back for being a rich, arrogant, kiddie fiddler


Unless you see the tickets it remains a moot point.


Thank you for a bit of sanity. If anyone gives a rats axss the REASON i wanted to know the price of the movie is not because I am an old broke guy sitting on the corner begging for coins but BECAUSE I am thinking of buying several dozen tickets to give some poor CR kids that I know. I guess asking a simple little question like "how much" must bother some people who have nothing better to do than jump to all kinds of conclusions or try and belittle someone.

As I normally say, you should go to the source with a question like that. We can’t possibly tell you what kind of a deal you can get from management for a bulk charitable purchase.

Would it have hurt to mention this purchase in the first place or for people not blow things out of proportion, jump to conclusions about what I meant and belittle me? Remember, better questions get better answers.

Sorry if you were offended. That was not my intention.

I was just trying to get a ballpark figure to know approximately how many tickets I could buy. I saw no need to say why I wanted to buy tickets. It was a simple question "how much". I was looking for a simple answer and not a lecture on watching DVD's or questioning whether I might be able to afford to buy a ticket or advice on how I might write a "better question".

Apology accepted.


Thank you for a bit of sanity. If anyone gives a rats axss the REASON i wanted to know the price of the movie is not because I am an old broke guy sitting on the corner begging for coins but BECAUSE I am thinking of buying several dozen tickets to give some poor CR kids that I know. I guess asking a simple little question like "how much" must bother some people who have nothing better to do than jump to all kinds of conclusions or try and belittle someone.

As I normally say, you should go to the source with a question like that. We can’t possibly tell you what kind of a deal you can get from management for a bulk charitable purchase.

Would it have hurt to mention this purchase in the first place or for people not blow things out of proportion, jump to conclusions about what I meant and belittle me? Remember, better questions get better answers.

Sorry if you were offended. That was not my intention.

I was just trying to get a ballpark figure to know approximately how many tickets I could buy. I saw no need to say why I wanted to buy tickets. It was a simple question "how much". I was looking for a simple answer and not a lecture on watching DVD's or questioning whether I might be able to afford to buy a ticket or advice on how I might write a "better question".

Apology accepted.

Good to see you are improving the English Language skills of the poor kids in CR.


My question now is will there be any follow up? Will we be told who was contacted and what the ticket price ended up being? Not just a ballpark guess of between 100 and 200 baht. Perhaps even some pictures of smiling faces, to motivate others to do the same.

Or will this be like the guy who needed a baby sitter/nanny for three days so he could get some pictures rubbing shoulders with royalty? We never heard another word.


My question now is will there be any follow up? Will we be told who was contacted and what the ticket price ended up being? Not just a ballpark guess of between 100 and 200 baht. Perhaps even some pictures of smiling faces, to motivate others to do the same.

Or will this be like the guy who needed a baby sitter/nanny for three days so he could get some pictures rubbing shoulders with royalty? We never heard another word.

While none of us have to prove anything to anyone on TV or most other places it would be nice to see something tangible in this case. The answer given seemed smarmy (a new word for Limbo?).

Whoops wheres the moderator ?

As a frequent supporter of multiple Thai Temple projects and a member in good standing of the executive in our area I know I can count on all of you to support us in our latest endeavours. Boy has this thread gone off topic!!

Without me publishing the paperwork who knows if I do or dont. But if you give generously I will send you a letter.


My question now is will there be any follow up? Will we be told who was contacted and what the ticket price ended up being? Not just a ballpark guess of between 100 and 200 baht. Perhaps even some pictures of smiling faces, to motivate others to do the same.

Or will this be like the guy who needed a baby sitter/nanny for three days so he could get some pictures rubbing shoulders with royalty? We never heard another word.

I am really not sure why you seem to feel the need to question what I do or don't do. I do help quite a few poor Thai kids and dont' necessarily feel the need to post pictures on the web of everything I do. Let it go.


My question now is will there be any follow up? Will we be told who was contacted and what the ticket price ended up being? Not just a ballpark guess of between 100 and 200 baht. Perhaps even some pictures of smiling faces, to motivate others to do the same.

Or will this be like the guy who needed a baby sitter/nanny for three days so he could get some pictures rubbing shoulders with royalty? We never heard another word.

I am really not sure why you seem to feel the need to question what I do or don't do. I do help quite a few poor Thai kids and dont' necessarily feel the need to post pictures on the web of everything I do. Let it go.

Agreed! A little civility please.


This might be of interest and clarifies a few points. It is a direct cut from Wikepedia about Cineplex. Whether it is up to date is another question. Go for it Lurghy & PornShop

Ticketing, seating and customs

Ticket prices range from around 70 baht to 160 baht, depending on the time of day, the day of the week, the location of the theater and the movie being screened.

[edit] Language and subtitlingIn central Bangkok and cities with many tourists and foreign residents, such as Chiang Mai, Pattaya and Phuket, foreign films (including Hollywood releases) will have the original soundtrack (called "soundtrack") with Thai subtitles. Outside of tourism centers and in some suburban Bangkok cinemas, all the foreign films, including Hollywood films, will generally be dubbed into Thai language.

Films from other Asian countries, including China, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea, often play in Thailand theaters, but the soundtracks will usually be dubbed into Thai. Exceptions to this will be found at the Apex chain theaters in Siam Square and at House cinema on Royal City Avenue.

Often, films from Hollywood, such as The Da Vinci Code, as well as films from European countries that feature languages other than English, will have only Thai subtitles.[1]

For Thai films, most cinemas in tourism centers will have English subtitles.

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