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Britains Stranded In Thailand


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Well my experience with something very similar though an elderly Aussie I new for some years who was being basically held hostage and starved to death (again long story) was that the Aussie embassy had no desire to help him out at all. I know this because I took him there and the consular at the time was a real scum bag I'll never forget his name (Hampton silver spoon) as he wouldn't let me sit in on the interview and I knew this old man was not going to be able to tell them the complete story which also included his poor health, sadly he was also a WWII vet and his benefits had been suspended too since he was unable to return to keep them current as per regulation..

We took out the last bit of savings we had in order to pay his maximum over-stay fine and buy him a ticket back to Aus where he has been staying with a long time friend of his now.

Just so you know his wasn't a romance gone wrong but a business scam on the part of his Thai partner who had bilked him out of his life savings and beyond..

Now we've exchanged places with him but it's all good as we're younger with more prospects but it's not been easy for our family with a lot of sacrifices.. Bottom line is we weren't scammed and did this of our own good will and are better people for it..

There area a lot of nice naive people in the world that doesn't make them scammers or losers just people trying to make a life for themselves and stumbling in the process.. A loser is not one who tries and fails but one who fails to try..


Very good quote which I no doubt believe will be overlooked/ignored by the majority of the smug drivel posters on here.

Walk a mile in another man's shoes ... and all that.

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I don't understand why these people would not have some family or friends. Did they have such awful relationships in their home countries that they had none?

This of course is the main point. As I wrote earlier, I hold no brief for British embassy officials who sometimes have behaved in an appalling, uncaring and frequently a racist manner to distressed Brits and those wishing to be with their loved ones.

However, the plain fact is. and the consulate knows this more than anyone, that very few Brits, in this day and age , do not have someone to call on in the case of emergency. They may not WANT to call on them, but just because they are refusing to ask for help from family and friends, does that mean that the British government should foot the bill?

The embassy website advises that one of their standard services is to contact friends and family back in the UK on your behalf, should you wish them to. So any destitute or stranded person in Thailand can request the embassy to make these contacts. The embassy will also provide assistance if your are sick, are a victim of a violent crime or are in jail, but they make it clear that they cannot get you out of jail.

In the very rare circumstances, probably one in a hundred, where they have satisfied themselves that the person is genuinely stranded and destitute and that there is no one back in the UK who is willing to fork out for an air fare, then they will repatriate the person after restricting their passport until the cost of the airfare is repaid. This is standard procedure all over the world and quite frankly, you can't blame the embassies for making it so difficult, considering all the lying scum bags and dross of the world who try and get a free airfare home. The British tax payer would not want it any other way.

I cannot say whether the OP and the story he has posted is true , or whether the man he is trying to help is lying. I have no way of knowing and it is always possible that the embassy overstepped the mark in this particular case, but I very seriously doubt it.

However, if it is the case that the man is telling the WHOLE truth, then he has recourse. He should contact his MP in the UK who will take up the matter on his behalf. This is quite a common occurrence and usually meets with with instant results, provided the facts are as they are purported to be. Often, the threat of contacting an MP is sufficient to provoke the embassy into action - PROVIDED ALWAYS that the facts as they have been presented in this thread are accurate in every respect, and that nothing relevant to the case is being hidden or withheld.

Good luck to the victim, if he is on the level, and may he go and rot if he selling the OP a bag of goods....

You know, not everyone has family or close friends they can turn to in their hour of need.

Some people just do not have close family or the family is not interested.

Friends, well, you know the old attitudes; a friend in need, is a friend to be avoided. United we stand, divided we fall.

Friends are OK if you can stay at they're level, but once you have problems, they turn the other cheek.

I've been let down badly in the past and have always been a survivor because I had to be. My incentives being that I wouldn't give people the satisfaction of seeing me down in the gutter.

I would never in a million years have came to settle in Thailand if it was not well planned, felt that I could not survive here or had to rely on others for their help.

I don`t ask anything from anyone or want anything from anyone. Learn to stand on your own 2 feet and you will always succeed in the end.

My favourite people or those that push, strive and make a success of their lives. I would help and give my all to anyone if I consider them worthy. But I have no time for self-proclaimed losers.

Or perhaps I am unique, but I don`t believe I am.

Geez BettleJuice I'd say we're actually cut of much of the same cloth.

We've disagreed on plenty even in this thread but most of this post I agree with, but you kind of contradict yourself in the end as you mention how once you are at different stations in life from your "friends" they drop off and I understand this perfectly, but then you go onto say that you would help anyone if you consider them worthy??

How could you be friends with anyone who you wouldn't consider worthy of financial help when they need it? To me being someones friend makes them worthy of something I value far more, theirs or my friendship.. Money is just money and can be replaced but to me a valued friend is priceless and why I don't use the term lightly, personally my friends would already have all the virtues you mention as that's me too or they wouldn't be my "friends" in the first place..

The first part of your post is spot on though...Big assumptions made on the part of some about peoples relationships and life..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Well my experience with something very similar though an elderly Aussie I new for some years who was being basically held hostage and starved to death (again long story) was that the Aussie embassy had no desire to help him out at all. I know this because I took him there and the consular at the time was a real scum bag I'll never forget his name (Hampton silver spoon) as he wouldn't let me sit in on the interview and I knew this old man was not going to be able to tell them the complete story which also included his poor health, sadly he was also a WWII vet and his benefits had been suspended too since he was unable to return to keep them current as per regulation..

We took out the last bit of savings we had in order to pay his maximum over-stay fine and buy him a ticket back to Aus where he has been staying with a long time friend of his now.

Just so you know his wasn't a romance gone wrong but a business scam on the part of his Thai partner who had bilked him out of his life savings and beyond..

Now we've exchanged places with him but it's all good as we're younger with more prospects but it's not been easy for our family with a lot of sacrifices.. Bottom line is we weren't scammed and did this of our own good will and are better people for it..

There area a lot of nice naive people in the world that doesn't make them scammers or losers just people trying to make a life for themselves and stumbling in the process.. A loser is not one who tries and fails but one who fails to try..

Very good quote which I no doubt believe will be overlooked/ignored by the majority of the smug drivel posters on here.

Walk a mile in another man's shoes ... and all that.

Cheers, based on many posts following it, many already have :( ...

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If these people are in such a state, begging for food and money, if they really are genuine, why don't they walk through the front gates of their embassy and ask for repatriation?

Easier to beg...nice warm weather....no need to sign on once a fortnight.

"Look I'm poor! I'm hungry! I've been scammed!"

Little bit of foresight needed when travelling abroad.

Give these people a one way ticket home and have their passports revoked. Permanently.

From your posts,I believe the world a better more compassionate place if people like you would have their Birth Certificates revoked.

Edited by inmysights
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For sure, the British Embassy in Bangkok will lend UK Natonals money under certain conditions, so no Brits should say they are stranded in Thailand - tell them to go to them embassy for a loan. If you are highly empathetic offer to take them yourself and see how quickly they change their story! This story resonates with similar issues amongst homeless in all countries; help exists and many people on the streets seem to 'want' to be there in the sense that emotional or substance-based issues cause them to sadly reject or dismiss solutions.

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It seems that you did insult Warpspeed also myself, so a simple apology from such a gracious person as you would be sufficient thank you . :jap:

Wow, here's one to go in my little Black Book if ever i've seen one Mr Mobi..;)

What is the point of this post may I ask?

Did you read my response?

Why don't you return to your rubbishing of Spurs, where you are much more in your element as a typical, childish football yobo and leave these forums to the 'grown ups'....

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Relax. It's Saturday night in the Land of Smiles , the weather is warm and the women are beautiful and we have an incredible weekend of sport. :)

Ahhh, now i understand completely the reason behind Mr Mobi's being in LOS...:whistling: .

Just as i thought..;)

And the point is, my child?

Sounds like more childish thoughts?

Past your bedtime isn't it?

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It's threads like this where it becomes evident that people often just miss the point.

Most people here aren't putting down people who have been unfortunate and are down and out, not at all. Much rather people are simply questioning the validity of the stories and the motives behind them. People are accusing others of being cynical and cold-hearted simply for not believing everything they hear and in a country where there are scammers a plenty.

The guy in the OP is lying. He could just cancel his passport and get an emergency one, it really is no big deal.

I wonder how samaritan like some posters on here if it wasn't an internet discussion. I wonder how caring they would be in a real life situation where somebody was asking them for help. Would they just hand over cash without any questions asked, or would they perhaps wonder first if the person doing the asking is being completely honest?

It is often said that a fool and his money are soon parted, it's not difficult to see why. And it isn't difficult either to see why there are a lot of scammers out there because there appears to be quite some business potential in it.

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I can see valid points on both sides of the argument that this thread addresses, but what is VERY scary to think about is what would YOU do if the unthinkable were to happen?

What if (through no fault of your own) you'd lost or been scammed of everything you had and as a result were left standing in the street with only the clothes you were wearing?

Although highly unlikely, it possibly could happen to an absent minded green tourist who had everything..(passport,money,phone, ID)..stashed in a bumbag which got stolen...

SO..in any case, if you were travelling alone and encountered such bad luck and had no money to get to an embassy and didnt even have small change for a phone call, your very survival would pretty much depend on convincing at least one person that you WERE NOT a scammer and genuinely in very deep poo poo.

It would be a pretty hard ask (if not impossible) if ALL the passers by were like some of the guys on this forum who would presume, without any doubt whatsoever, that EVERYONE who claimed they were in a tough spot was a scammer.

It might sometimes be a tough call between helping someone in genuine need and getting scammed yourself but some people could do with a little more compassion, even if that compassion were to be limited to not having to provoke someone like Mr Warpspeed...who at the end of the day has done a very nice thing for someone who was in a very tough situation.

I think you are to be congradulated Warpspeed..if only there were more people like you maybe the world wouldnt be in such a mess

Edited by ozzieovaseas
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i was also one of the unique breeds always willing to help,exspecially one of my countryman till i lent a brit some money in patts.back in the 80s,whent to his appartment next day to give him some more but he had already done a runner,luckely it was only 20k baht,if he does come back i will gladly be there to greet him with a welcoming few others.

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If you think it's a problem in Thailand you should try Cambodia. I have never met such a bullshitting hand to mouth group of people than some of the fellow Westerners in Sihanoukville. Not talking about destitute people on the street either but people who are renting apartments,driving big old thirsty motorbikes and doing the rounds of the bars. I've still not received a cent back from two of these people who always seem to have money for drinking and their dirty drugs but always an excuse about not being flush at present when it comes to repayment. FOOL ME ONCE SHAME ON YOU, FOOL ME TWICE SHAME ON ME.

Edited by sunnyrolfe
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"He has tried to send many letter from Thailand to the UK but they never seem to get through."

Tell him to try the internet. I find it nearly 100% effective. ;)

If he sent the letters via the usual postal service from Thailand, then he may have to wait for weeks. Then again, a bank back home that sent a letter to me once, penny-pinched on the airmail and sent the letter by ship instead, even managing to mis-send it to Sri Lanka(!) first. <_<

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Surely one could get online (10 baht an hour at local internet cafe) and email family members or friends; even if you don't have their email addresses it's not hard to find them.

Ok let's assume that you are Oliver Twist and have absolutely zero family. Why not get on facebook and start looking up your old school friends (or Orphanage friends) and asking them if they can buy you a one way ticket back to UK which you will pay back when you return.

If a person cannot even find one old friend or family member in this world that is willing to lend you a few hundred quid to save your life...I can only imagine the kind of person you'd have to be. Pretty much scrum of the earth and no one wants anything to do with you; in which case why would this person be worthy of charity from complete strangers?

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If these people are in such a state, begging for food and money, if they really are genuine, why don't they walk through the front gates of their embassy and ask for repatriation?

Easier to beg...nice warm weather....no need to sign on once a fortnight.

"Look I'm poor! I'm hungry! I've been scammed!"

Little bit of foresight needed when travelling abroad.

Give these people a one way ticket home and have their passports revoked. Permanently.

From your posts,I believe the world a better more compassionate place if people like you would have their Birth Certificates revoked.

More compassionate or more stupid? He's questioning why people in such dire straits would'nt just go to the embassy and get helped out, as i questioned in my post that he replied to.

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Not being the British one, my embassy will ask you to contact family and friends first, but if you really can't get any money wired they will help you out with money for the cheapest transportation plus perhaps, one or two nights in a cheap room. Mind you that they will later insist on having the money refunded once you're back home.

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It seems that you did insult Warpspeed also myself, so a simple apology from such a gracious person as you would be sufficient thank you . :jap:

Wow, here's one to go in my little Black Book if ever i've seen one Mr Mobi..;)

What is the point of this post may I ask?

Did you read my response?

Why don't you return to your rubbishing of Spurs, where you are much more in your element as a typical, childish football yobo and leave these forums to the 'grown ups'....

:lol: The cavalry arrives and a firm bitch slap for singher. Mobi is a Spurs tv forum legend :D

Edited by carmine
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I don't understand why these people would not have some family or friends. Did they have such awful relationships in their home countries that they had none?

These types of replies, of which there seem to be many, are far too simplistic.

Your family/friends, whom you may or may not have had contact for any length of time, have enough problems of their own. They do not see a relative/friend in a nice sunny tropical country as top of their list of priorities over and above keeping their spouses/partners/children, fed, clothed and a roof over their heads. It shouldn't be that way, we see them as perhaps being better off in that many have access to welfare/bank loans and many more opportunities for gainful employment. But weigh that perception up against the expense of simply surviving in the West on a daily basis. Unless you're on mama/papa's largess or a 'gap year'.

I'm guessing most of the 'let them rot' brigade on here quoting 'lazy/scamming scum' are either oil rig workers or on nice fat private pensions thank you very much.

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There are Brits who come to Thailand 1 way ticket and then spend all their money . P**Sing it against the wall amongst other wasteful activities,

Then they beg for help they had no Plan when they came. Wonder if they beg agressively?

I well remember the agressive beggars in London, abusing and insulting if you never gave them money, one even squared up to me, Wont tell you where he finished up after I dealt with his attitude.:angry:

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Surely one could get online (10 baht an hour at local internet cafe) and email family members or friends; even if you don't have their email addresses it's not hard to find them.

Ok let's assume that you are Oliver Twist and have absolutely zero family. Why not get on facebook and start looking up your old school friends (or Orphanage friends) and asking them if they can buy you a one way ticket back to UK which you will pay back when you return.

If a person cannot even find one old friend or family member in this world that is willing to lend you a few hundred quid to save your life...I can only imagine the kind of person you'd have to be. Pretty much scrum of the earth and no one wants anything to do with you; in which case why would this person be worthy of charity from complete strangers?

Ahh what an ingenue you are. One of the many reasons I loathe FAKEBOOK is that people are always popping up from your past you wouldn't have bothered tracking down in less technologically advanced times. The notices advising you it's some one's birthday 'this week' are particularly irksome, you know the poor buggers have received exactly the same about your's, so sincerity not exactly at the forefront there either. And I loathe birthdays.

But the ones I find particularly pathetic are those who live in the same country, if not area. If you cared that much about them and they you, we have 'phones and email.

Just as an experiment, you go on to Fakebook and post on your 'wall' your being in desperate straits and can anyone of your 3000 odd 'friends' help out ... and wait for the deafening silence.

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There are Brits who come to Thailand 1 way ticket and then spend all their money . P**Sing it against the wall amongst other wasteful activities,

Then they beg for help they had no Plan when they came. Wonder if they beg agressively?

I well remember the agressive beggars in London, abusing and insulting if you never gave them money, one even squared up to me, Wont tell you where he finished up after I dealt with his attitude.:angry:

So, let me see. You are saying all the Brits that come here spend all their money getting drunk and like such activity and then spend the rest of their lives agressively begging!!! :huh:

By using the term Brit, would you be north American?

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I've always thought of myself as someone who is fairly adventurous, but there's no way that I'd go the better part of halfway around the world without a backup plan or at least access to some emergency funds.

Perhaps the OP would be better off trying to get the guy connected with someone (or some agency) in his home country that can help.

I've got to admit that there are some things that make me a little suspicious about the situation, especially the idea that his letters don't make it back to his home country.

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Just as an experiment, you go on to Fakebook and post on your 'wall' your being in desperate straits and can anyone of your 3000 odd 'friends' help out ... and wait for the deafening silence.

My point is that if you said to the destitute block in the OP "why not email some people", his answer is almost guaranteed to be "I don't know anyone's email address"

But in this day and age with the likes of Facebook, whitepage etc.. it's so easy to find people that not having an address book on hand is not really a valid excuse to not being able to contact anyone.

And given that it's so easy to find people, saying "I'm not able to contact anyone who can help me" is in reality saying "There is no one in the world that is willing to help me".

Edited by dave111223
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It seems that you did insult Warpspeed also myself, so a simple apology from such a gracious person as you would be sufficient thank you . :jap:

I have nothing to apologise for. I have already stated that my original comments were not aimed specifically at either the OP or you.

Instead of incessantly banging on about some perceived slight on your honesty, why don't you direct your energies in contacting your MP as I have advised, and lets see what happens.

Thank you sir. But that was 9 years ago now and i was just so bloody grateful for the help given by the British Consul for getting me out of Holland and into GB. But "of course" you are right as usual. I would apoligise to you for 'banging on' but you would not understand the meaning of an apoligy . :angry:

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There are Brits who come to Thailand 1 way ticket and then spend all their money . P**Sing it against the wall amongst other wasteful activities,

Then they beg for help they had no Plan when they came. Wonder if they beg agressively?

I well remember the agressive beggars in London, abusing and insulting if you never gave them money, one even squared up to me, Wont tell you where he finished up after I dealt with his attitude.:angry:

So, let me see. You are saying all the Brits that come here spend all their money getting drunk and like such activity and then spend the rest of their lives agressively begging!!! :huh:

By using the term Brit, would you be north American?

No I'm British, Not afraid to criticize wasters in Thailand.

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Relax. It's Saturday night in the Land of Smiles , the weather is warm and the women are beautiful and we have an incredible weekend of sport. :)

Ahhh, now i understand completely the reason behind Mr Mobi's being in LOS...:whistling: .

Just as i thought..;)

And the point is, my child?

Sounds like more childish thoughts?

Past your bedtime isn't it?

Oooooh ouch! :)

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There are Brits who come to Thailand 1 way ticket and then spend all their money . P**Sing it against the wall amongst other wasteful activities,

Then they beg for help they had no Plan when they came. Wonder if they beg agressively?

I well remember the agressive beggars in London, abusing and insulting if you never gave them money, one even squared up to me, Wont tell you where he finished up after I dealt with his attitude.:angry:

So, let me see. You are saying all the Brits that come here spend all their money getting drunk and like such activity and then spend the rest of their lives agressively begging!!! :huh:

By using the term Brit, would you be north American?

No I'm British, Not afraid to criticize wasters in Thailand.

No, what it was was a childish generalisation, unworthy of being labelled as a criticism.

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