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Why Do All Thai'S Get Labelled The Same On Thaivisa When Not All Thai'S Are The Same


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I've noticed especially on thaivisa in certain forums or certain topics it would seem that a lot foreigners seem to assume that ALL thai's are the same, examples include




and to many other words that i'm not going even bother putting down. I must be in the minority because over the few years I've meet quite a few descent thai people from all over thailand and have had good experiences, I know thailand has its problems and a lot things that are not addressed or fixed, but i choose not to assume that all thai people are the same.

Am I alone in this minority or does the majority of thaivisa users have zero positive experiences with the thai people. I mean seriously if all the thai people are so bad why do you still stay here, are you to poor to go back home, is it some kind of superiority complex that you have.

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I think most don't assume this - But most people won't post something along the lines of "Hey, I had a normal non-eventful day, and everyone around was 'normal'"

Generally only the 'interesting' events / topic will achieve responses and a high page count, this is when the negativity leaks out. For example: No one is going to reply to a topic about how kind someone's next door neighbor is.

IMO: There are idiots in every country and Thailand has its fair share of them. Because I live in Thailand I am exposed to more idiots, xenophobic, lazy, greedy etc etc Thai's than I am British people, but then again I am also exposed to more decent Thai's than British people because I am in Thailand.

To Summarise: We each need to filter what we read and balance the information. The nature of a web forum entices a general negativity.

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I think you are generalising the same as the TV posters you are writing about , by far the majority of posts are opinions or experiences which are often written quickly with not much thought to how content will be taken by others , especially the PC brigade who seem to be always on tap waiting for an opportunity to pounce on the unsuspecting .I take those posts to be in reference to certain Thai they have noticed with certain traits at a particular space in time , I think most of us know better than to include all Thai carte blanche .

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same reason why all farangs are the same stupid buffaloes.

most people are unable to express a balanced view.


The smart arse condescending apologists are just as bad as the chip on their shoulder characters that come on here to slag off Thais. They are all bigots in their own way, unable to understand anothers opinion and too blinkered to offer a balanced view. ....... and so predictable.


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Why do defenders of all things Thai constantly say the exact same thing "if you don't like it then leave". Even more interesting a question is why do defenders of all things Thai not notice that they all say the exact same thing? I bet a scientific study correlating IQ and that question would clear up a lot of confusion.

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Why do defenders of all things Thai constantly say the exact same thing "if you don't like it then leave". Even more interesting a question is why do defenders of all things Thai not notice that they all say the exact same thing? I bet a scientific study correlating IQ and that question would clear up a lot of confusion.

The defenders of "all things Thai" ... hmmmmm ;)

Honestly "If you don't like it, leave" is a bit shallow and 2 dimensional, however I fully stand by "Life is too short to live in a place where you are unhappy, If you are unhappy in Thailand you should find a place where you would not be unhappy"

Of course, some people will be unhappy wherever they are :)

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OP: Are you alone in your positive experiences and your feelings on this? Absolutely not.


The smart arse condescending apologists are just as bad as the chip on their shoulder characters that come on here to slag off Thais. They are all bigots in their own way, unable to understand anothers opinion and too blinkered to offer a balanced view. ....... and so predictable.

I've said almost precisely the same thing not long ago and have always felt that way.


"If you don't like it, leave" is a bit shallow and 2 dimensional, however I fully stand by "Life is too short to live in a place where you are unhappy, If you are unhappy in Thailand you should find a place where you would not be unhappy"

Of course, some people will be unhappy wherever they are

Nailed it.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Why do defenders of all things Thai constantly say the exact same thing "if you don't like it then leave".

Probably because there is nothing else they can say, without agreeing with the comments to which they are objecting. "If you don't like it then leave" is the last resort of someone with little or no brain.

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SJ ... stop it, people will think you are sweet on me with all these compliments!

Honestly, I could live just about anywhere in the world. I choose Thailand. There are things here I would like to see change, but am a realist. If I were unhappy living here, I'd be gone, FAST.

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snapback.pngTheLaughingMan, on 2011-04-09 20:13:18, said:

Why do defenders of all things Thai constantly say the exact same thing "if you don't like it then leave".

Actually it's eminently sensible (if, as JD points out, a bit shallow and 2 dimensional):

A guy is standing in the rain and complaining about getting wet, what would you say to him? A guy who hates chicken soup but ladels spoonful after spoonful into his mouth while he alternately tells you how much he hates tomato soup? A person who hates sand and chooses to live in the desert?

I'll bet you get the idea.

Admittedly, I'm sure the question is often rhetorical. The implied message being, "You say you hate it but you can't get enough of it. If I'm wrong, prove it. Leave. I dare ya"

I remember when I lived in Pattaya (nearly 20 years ago) and amongst people that I'd regularly meet in the pub etc were various guys that would work hard in their home countries for 9 or 10 months and then fly to Thailand for the other 2 or 3 months. Year after year.

And spend most of their time here bit*hin' about the place. (And so often put a tremendous amount of effort at trying to win over Thai girls, all the while talking about how horrible they were). Saw the same thing when (even longer ago) I ran bars in BKK.

What's up with that?

Edited by SteeleJoe
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snapback.pngTheLaughingMan, on 2011-04-09 20:13:18, said:

Why do defenders of all things Thai constantly say the exact same thing "if you don't like it then leave".

Actually it's eminently sensible

Unless one just enjoys b*tching constantly.

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Oops! Sorry SJ! You didn't stop me fast enough. It's both a conscious and unconscious habit I developed years ago when I used to regularly participate on another forum. Because I tend not to suffer fools and while never being vindictive or gratuitously vicious (I hope), will be fairly brutal w/ people who say stuff I think is dumb or unwarranted etc. -- i reckon I'm obligated to balance that with freely giving praise where it's due.

Besides, contrary to what most people think when reading me on forums -- I'm actually a helluva nice guy. wink.gif

Back to topic (and ThaiVisa style): shut up you apologist!

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snapback.pngTheLaughingMan, on 2011-04-09 20:13:18, said:

Why do defenders of all things Thai constantly say the exact same thing "if you don't like it then leave".

Actually it's eminently sensible

Unless one just enjoys b*tching constantly.

Sure. No doubt there's a lot of that going around.

But I have my theory about why some people do it who are not doing it because they love to bitch.

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I'm not keen on whingers myself.

However, if somebody gives me good reason to have a moan, I'll moan.

Considering that I am living in Thailand the odds are that if somebody does give me reason to moan, they will be Thai. Therefore I will probably be moaning about a person, who happens to be Thai. For some it seems to be too great a leap of logic that I am not necessarily Thai bashing, I am just bashing an individual who happens to be Thai.

There is a handful of people on TV who act as though Thai people are innocent children who should be defended at all costs. What they seem to be unable to comprehend at times is that all people should face the consequences of their actions, regardless of their nationality.

Why not just call a spade a spade?

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Perhaps those that come to Thailand for sex and are getting it don't feel they have anything to complain about.........

Maybe the others may take a more balanced view.....:)

Ah, I hope you aren't saying this but -- those who aren't complaining are people who have come her for sex? But the ones who aren't here for the sex are able to be more balanced (and thus see Thailand for the horrible place it is)?

I'm not here for the sex and never was. For whatever reason (and not the rea$on that the cynics will assume), I always got loads of it. I always saw things that were worthy of complaint and did some complaining when i needed to vent. But I never lost my perspective, always thought the good outweighed the bad, knew that no place - including my homeland - was perfect and remembered that nobody asked me to come here or forced me to stay.

I won't claim to be smart but I will say I'm not stupid enough to repeatedly hit myself on the head with a hammer and cry about how it hurts.

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I'm not keen on whingers myself.

However, if somebody gives me good reason to have a moan, I'll moan.

Considering that I am living in Thailand the odds are that if somebody does give me reason to moan, they will be Thai. Therefore I will probably be moaning about a person, who happens to be Thai. For some it seems to be too great a leap of logic that I am not necessarily Thai bashing, I am just bashing an individual who happens to be Thai.

There is a handful of people on TV who act as though Thai people are innocent children who should be defended at all costs. What they seem to be unable to comprehend at times is that all people should face the consequences of their actions, regardless of their nationality.

Why not just call a spade a spade?

Too right.

The latter bit is, I've always felt, just another form of racism even if it appears benign -- to look at Thais in such a two-dimensional and simplistic way...it's ultimately condescending and insulting.

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Perhaps those that come to Thailand for sex and are getting it don't feel they have anything to complain about.........

Maybe the others may take a more balanced view.....:)

Ah, I hope you aren't saying this but -- those who aren't complaining are people who have come her for sex? But the ones who aren't here for the sex are able to be more balanced (and thus see Thailand for the horrible place it is)?

I'm not here for the sex and never was. For whatever reason (and not the rea$on that the cynics will assume), I always got loads of it. I always saw things that were worthy of complaint and did some complaining when i needed to vent. But I never lost my perspective, always thought the good outweighed the bad, knew that no place - including my homeland - was perfect and remembered that nobody asked me to come here or forced me to stay.

I won't claim to be smart but I will say I'm not stupid enough to repeatedly hit myself on the head with a hammer and cry about how it hurts.

Then there are the folks that stereotype the foreigners here AND the Thais ... at least they are equal opportunity haters!

Moonrakers, when you vent about a person/situation do you start with "Why do Thai people...? or worse "Why do all Thai people..."? The guy or gal that queue jumps at 7-11 doesn't get blasted by me because they are Thai, they get it because they are jerks with a sense of entitlement :)

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I came here for sex so I can't complain. I also lived in Afghanistan for 3 yrs before I moved here. so its pretty frickin great when you factor in all the sex.

I also like to generalize people because it saves a LOT of time.

Edited by mstribling
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Perhaps those that come to Thailand for sex and are getting it don't feel they have anything to complain about.........

Maybe the others may take a more balanced view.....:)

Ah, I hope you aren't saying this but -- those who aren't complaining are people who have come her for sex? But the ones who aren't here for the sex are able to be more balanced (and thus see Thailand for the horrible place it is)?

I'm not here for the sex and never was. For whatever reason (and not the rea$on that the cynics will assume), I always got loads of it. I always saw things that were worthy of complaint and did some complaining when i needed to vent. But I never lost my perspective, always thought the good outweighed the bad, knew that no place - including my homeland - was perfect and remembered that nobody asked me to come here or forced me to stay.

I won't claim to be smart but I will say I'm not stupid enough to repeatedly hit myself on the head with a hammer and cry about how it hurts.

Now why would I suggest the long term sexpats who are getting it are not the complainers? .......I mean that wouldn't go down too well would it?.............:) ........ Reality.......some would have it........is a state of mind brought on by alcohol.........perhaps that would go some way to explaining the posts that continually refer to the downside aspect of Thailand?

The actual reality is, the majority will see their situation from within.........one window one view.......good bad or indifferent......that is the simple explanation

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The guy or gal that queue jumps at 7-11 doesn't get blasted by me because they are Thai, they get it because they are jerks with a sense of entitlement :)


But you'll still get some telling you that you shouldn't bash Thais and go home if you don't like it blah blah

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The opinion you have of Thailand maybe also depends where you live. In the small community, typical gated community, where I live in Bangkok, life is very peaceful. But in an other thread I described my experiences in KSR, I understand you may have a not very positive opinion of Thailand if that's the only thing you know about Thailand. Same in Pattaya, Pukhet, Korat, .... there are nice places and places that are better avoided.

An other explanation I can think about is it also depends when you visit your favorites places. When you have your coffee at 9 am, you have less chance to get into an argument with a drunk customer than at midnight. Same for bar, taxi, police ... people who work the night shift are different from those who work the day shift.

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If this was an Expat forum in America for Thais we would all be talking about the fat, lazy and arrogant Americans.

Would that make the observation true?..........is that complaining................ or debating reality?

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I lived in Central America for a few years,relaxed,when fishing,and yes 99% of all the bars had sex workers if that what you wanted and the forum there had lots of good info. and a lot of funny stuff on it.You would read it and laugh to yourself.Maybe like see a family of 4 on one scooter riding or things that you would never see like in the U.S. I guess that why I moved there.Well after 4 years I thought I needed a little stress in my life so I moved to where I am now well after 9 months I decided I don't need the stress hence moving to Thailand this month.Point being I think I enjoy and look for the good things in life to enjoy and leave the rest to someone else life to short.And I'm going for the sex LOL

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