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Ayc..Are They Okay?

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anyone have experience with these guys? have read a couple things on the net...that basically they only want white people...that they didn't pick them up at the airport as promised... but that doesn't really concern me... (i'm as white as it gets and i'm in thailand already)...

do they treat you okay, and will i get paid are my only real concerns.

thanks much...

Edited by happysanook
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When are you going? I will show up around May 17th/ 18th and besides signing the sketchy contract they sent me, I know very little about this place as well. Certainly wish you good luck. I'm interested in where they plan on sending me.

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I spoke with someone today who had worked for the organization. He was not particularly pleased, but really didn't have any strong negative comments. It sounded like it was more of a bad fit. He didn't like two of his placements. He had some minor problems with pay--coming late, but he said he did get it, just later than he was supposed to get it (This happened once, I believe).

I asked if he would recommend it to others, and he said "yes, it's a good place to start working."

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I had to take a leave of absence from school when My mother was taken ill last November. I contacted AYC and requested a teacher to cover me. They supplied 5 CV's and we hired a 30 year old English Lady. 100% of my salary went to AYC. About 30% of my salary went to the substitute teacher!

It filled the gap in the time table but that's about it. The teacher thought she was coming to assist me and was shocked to learn that she had to actually teach. She did and did the job well.

There is a price to everything depending on need. I was happy, my job was covered, the school was happy, they had a teacher, AYC were happy, they kept 70% of my salary. Oh dear...the substitute wanted more and expected me to "top up" her AYC salary from my own pocket.

Business is business and I don't blame AYC. There are no free meals today.

Regards - John.

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  • 8 months later...

My wife used to work in the office for AYC.

They seem to be okay, not fantastic but just okay, the pay seems to be paid on time most of the time, placement is the main sticking point that I am aware of.

I know they take teachers without degrees when they are stuck for teachers, and they do have great Camps for kids in some nice locations if you can get to be the staff on them.

Edited by beano2274
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Never worked as a teacher, but have heard many stories about many agencies through friends. Sometimes things aren't what they seem with some agencies. Also I had a friend who was "convinced" to up sticks and move across the city within 24 hours just to sort out a contract that this agency has overextended themselves on. To provide balance you must remember that you will really only hear from dissenters.

Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...


AYC and ecc, both hire teachers for Private and Government Schools. Are they good employers? Hell No!! They don't care about their teachers. It's a business. We are the Edutainers. If you want to learn skills, I suggest government schools. If your face fits, you stay. Try to get along with the Thai teachers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd never heard of AYC so I went fishing for their website. Oh my goodness. Considering all of the western-looking faces they plaster on every page, you'd think they could have gotten one of them to proof-read the website, which is written mostly in broken English.


The crucial rules applied in the schools

The score must be fair for all students and well evaluated.

Should listen and respect to head teacher

Should prepare and plan ahead for the lesson, then inform to head teacher

Should report the consequences of teaching to Thai teachers as well as give them an advice and a solution

Must inform AYC in case of absence or leave. Moreover, you should inform to head teacher by letter

No drinks and food during teaching

Do not chew gum during the class

Should bring and clean up your own stuff such as cup and tea spoon

Do not put earmuff during the class

Do not listen music during teaching

Should be punctual, not late and leave the class earlier

Should attend the schools' activities

Do teachers really have to be told not to chew gum while giving a lecture? And ear muffs... Is that really a big problem in Thailand?

This web site makes me want to get my red pen and start making corrections.

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Do teachers really have to be told not to chew gum while giving a lecture?

Some, yes.

I've experienced both sides of the fence in Thailand: employee and employer. As an employer, each year conditons of employment would expand to cover lessons leaned such as "you didn't tell me I couldn't go sick every Monday", "Why can't I wear training shoes?". "I have to shave every day?", "Why can't my sex worker girlfriend from Buriram come to the school wearing her work clothes? Her father's a senior policeman in Buriram bla bla" etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Do teachers really have to be told not to chew gum while giving a lecture? And ear muffs... Is that really a big problem in Thailand?"

Yes, it certainly is a problem in Thailand. I've met guys who were sitting on Thai teachers' desks, hugging female Thai teachers, touching peoples' heads and other nonsense. Some drunks were always hanging out in the center of town, representing their social status of being out of order.

I've worked for them two years, always got paid in time, they also paid for work permit and visa.

So if somebody would ask me I'd say yes to work for them.

Understandable that people who lost their job, because of doing such a 'great' job, won't say good things about them. jap.gif

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