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China hits back at critical U.S. human rights report with its own report


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And just how many that disagres with your American views and ideas of "human rights" and your abuse of arms in the world do you think we can find? One? More? Think so!

Disagree all you like Svens, you've got the floor :D

Nobody said the US was perfect but what country is? And if you want to talk about Human Rights abuses, then what about:

1 Cambodia Khmer Rouge treatment of its people

2 Serbia's treatment of Muslims in former Yugoslav territory

3 Hutus murdering Tutsis in Rawanda

Since you are taking the high moral ground here what did your country do to intervene and prevent these examples of genocide?

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And just how many that disagres with your American views and ideas of "human rights" and your abuse of arms in the world do you think we can find? One? More? Think so!

Disagree all you like Svens, you've got the floor :D

Nobody said the US was perfect but what country is? And if you want to talk about Human Rights abuses, then what about:

1 Cambodia Khmer Rouge treatment of its people

2 Serbia's treatment of Muslims in former Yugoslav territory

3 Hutus murdering Tutsis in Rawanda

Since you are taking the high moral ground here what did your country do to intervene and prevent these examples of genocide?


4 What is the price of a Big Mac in Bejing?

All very interesting questions, but the toppic is: "China said the United States is using the annual report as a political instrument to defame the image of other nations and to seek its own strategic interests. It said these moves expose the "hypocrisy" of the United States by exercising a double standard on human rights."

You just take a look at this list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_Wars and you will understand that "something i rotten in the State of Danmark" to say the least!

And of course "Note that instances where the U.S. gave aid alone, with no military personnel involvement, are excluded, as are CIA-based operations"

I got the ground? Whait for it! No daylight where you are going.:lol: :lol: :lol:


Edit! NEXT!!;)

Edited by EnSvenskTiger
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Yes. He is a white guy. He grow up with his white mother and white grandmother. He got a 'white' education and became a WASP. He does SWPL like like turning the lawn into a organic vegetable garden. He is like the regular white guy who enjoys beer and cigarettes and thinks smoking ganja is a sickness of black people.

What makes you think he is black?

OK, I recognize a wind-up when I see one so I won't bite, but how do you reconcile your above distasteful remarks with the following self righteous statement you made to another member recently in the following post:World News Thread

I will quote:

"If you support such ethnic nationalism that wanna keep the society free of foreigners, immigrants and their culture, opposes multi multiculturalism and miscegenation then move home. If you want it immigrant free and close the borders, be consistent and stay there and don't move out and enjoy the Christian television broadcasting network

If you are bothered about 'foreigners' and 'others' with strange customs in your neighborhood and argue that they don't belong there but should go home then make sure that you don't bother other locals and foreigners where you are a foreigner yourself with your presence."

Edited by Groongthep
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Here's a question, who many of it's people does China keep in prison?


Prison Population Exceeds Two Million

According to a Justice Department report released in July 2003, the U.S. prison population surpassed 2 million for the first time—2,166,260 people were incarcerated in prisons or jails at the end of 2002 (the latest statistics available). Since 1990, the U.S. prison population, already the world's largest, has almost doubled.

About two-thirds of prisoners were in state and federal prisons, while the rest were in local jails. The report does not count all juvenile offenders, but noted that there were more than 10,000 inmates under age 18 held in adult prisons and jails in 2002. The number of women in federal and state prisons reached 97,491.

About 10.4% of the entire African-American male population in the United States aged 25 to 29 was incarcerated, by far the largest racial or ethnic group—by comparison, 2.4% of Hispanic men and 1.2% of white men in that same age group were incarcerated. According to a report by the Justice Policy Institute in 2002, the number of black men in prison has grown to five times the rate it was twenty years ago. Today, more African-American men are in jail than in college. In 2000 there were 791,600 black men in prison and 603,032 enrolled in college. In 1980, there were 143,000 black men in prison and 463,700 enrolled in college.

Read more: Prison Population Exceeds Two Million — Infoplease.com http://www.infopleas...l#ixzz1JHHS48dX

of course China does not occupy other countries militarily - which leads the US to commit human rights abuses on a regular basis everytime they hit the wrong target or everytime one of these chopper pilots decides to commit murder because 'rules of engagement' allow him to do so.. the example of when that reuters camera man was murdered in iraq- the war criminals monitor these innocent civilians, then one of them mentions that a small satchel that one of the men is carrying is an "AK-47" which it clearly was not, they then fire missiles and commit mass murder-including some innocent bystander that tried to stop and help the victims.. the Pentagon reviews the video and decides that that wasn't murder and the war criminals are never charged..instead the person who leaked the video sits in a jail cell and is abused regularly according to his lawyer.. then the question is..How many incidents like this have taken place in Iraq considering some estimates put the death toll at a million people killed since the invasion..this we have no way of knowing but it's certainly much higher than tienamin square which is more than 20 years ago btw!

Then theres the issue of supporting Bahrain, Egypts Mubarak, etc. with foreign aid while they they have been doing who knows what with their secret polices to disidents..and of cource the foreign aid that goes to the israeli aphartied state-which confines half it's population to ghettos based on race/religion/creed and commits endless repression to control the 'terrorist' resistance that such a policy creates.

China has been accused to 'supporting' regimes like Sudan, particularly during the darfur conflict..but this 'support' is merely through trade including arms sales and possibly some direct investment(not military related) ..China does not go around handing out foreign aid to other countries unless it's some kind of emergency..

IMO America's biggest human rights issue since the end of wwii has been this type of 'generosity' from south america to se asia to the me..when you give money's to regimes that abuse human rights, you become complicit in human rights abuses they commit.. I can only imagine how much money would have been saved and how much backlash would have been avoided if the US had never been so 'generous'.

Edited by pkspeaker
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Here's a question, who many of it's people does China keep in prison?


Prison Population Exceeds Two Million

According to a Justice Department report released in July 2003, the U.S. prison population surpassed 2 million for the first time—2,166,260 people were incarcerated in prisons or jails at the end of 2002 (the latest statistics available). Since 1990, the U.S. prison population, already the world's largest, has almost doubled.

About two-thirds of prisoners were in state and federal prisons, while the rest were in local jails. The report does not count all juvenile offenders, but noted that there were more than 10,000 inmates under age 18 held in adult prisons and jails in 2002. The number of women in federal and state prisons reached 97,491.

About 10.4% of the entire African-American male population in the United States aged 25 to 29 was incarcerated, by far the largest racial or ethnic group—by comparison, 2.4% of Hispanic men and 1.2% of white men in that same age group were incarcerated. According to a report by the Justice Policy Institute in 2002, the number of black men in prison has grown to five times the rate it was twenty years ago. Today, more African-American men are in jail than in college. In 2000 there were 791,600 black men in prison and 603,032 enrolled in college. In 1980, there were 143,000 black men in prison and 463,700 enrolled in college.

Read more: Prison Population Exceeds Two Million — Infoplease.com http://www.infopleas...l#ixzz1JHHS48dX

of course China does not occupy other countries militarily - which leads the US to commit human rights abuses on a regular basis everytime they hit the wrong target or everytime one of these chopper pilots decides to commit murder because 'rules of engagement' allow him to do so.. the example of when that reuters camera man was murdered in iraq- the war criminals monitor these innocent civilians, then one of them mentions that a small satchel that one of the men is carrying is an "AK-47" which it clearly was not, they then fire missiles and commit mass murder-including some innocent bystander that tried to stop and help the victims.. the Pentagon reviews the video and decides that that wasn't murder and the war criminals are never charged..instead the person who leaked the video sits in a jail cell and is abused regularly according to his lawyer.. then the question is..How many incidents like this have taken place in Iraq considering some estimates put the death toll at a million people killed since the invasion..this we have no way of knowing but it's certainly much higher than tienamin square which is more than 20 years ago btw!

Then theres the issue of supporting Bahrain, Egypts Mubarak, etc. with foreign aid while they they have been doing who knows what with their secret polices to disidents..and of cource the foreign aid that goes to the israeli aphartied state-which confines half it's population to ghettos based on race/religion/creed and commits endless repression to control the 'terrorist' resistance that such a policy creates.

China has been accused to 'supporting' regimes like Sudan, particularly during the darfur conflict..but this 'support' is merely through trade including arms sales and possibly some direct investment(not military related) ..China does not go around handing out foreign aid to other countries unless it's some kind of emergency..

IMO America's biggest human rights issue since the end of wwii has been this type of 'generosity' from south america to se asia to the me..when you give money's to regimes that abuse human rights, you become complicit in human rights abuses they commit.. I can only imagine how much money would have been saved and how much backlash would have been avoided if the US had never been so 'generous'.

I think we can safely put you in the Anti-US column.

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

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Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

hahahaha, voted number 1 joke of the day. :D

More than the US that's for sure.

Can you back up this bash with some facts, or is it more conjecture?

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I think we can safely put you in the Anti-US column.

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

You go first.

It's no secret where I am from but you have repeatedly refused to tell us your country of origin.

What are you afraid of?

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I think we can safely put you in the Anti-US column.

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

You go first.

It's no secret where I am from but you have repeatedly refused to tell us your country of origin.

What are you afraid of?

You have repeatedly stated that you ignore me, so don't whinge if i don't react to all your requests. :P

I am Bangkokeddy, i am handsome, i fraternise with people of various backgrounds and don't judge them by their nationality. I don't put the world peace in danger.

Who is 'us'? You never answer that question. A pluralis majestatis? Are you some kind of royal or the pope? Or do you think you are many?

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I think we can safely put you in the Anti-US column.

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

Would you care to share with us what your nation has done for world peace?

You go first.

It's no secret where I am from but you have repeatedly refused to tell us your country of origin.

What are you afraid of?

You have repeatedly stated that you ignore me, so don't whinge if i don't react to all your requests. :P

I am Bangkokeddy, i am handsome, i fraternise with people of various backgrounds and don't judge them by their nationality. I don't put the world peace in danger.

Who is 'us'? You never answer that question. A pluralis majestatis? Are you some kind of royal or the pope? Or do you think you are many?

Words! Just Words!

But these are priceless..."I am Bangkokeddy, i am handsome," :cheesy::cheesy:

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i'm from usa, long beach ca

mm lets see what have we done.. apple computer? peace corps.. mm bringing blacks over as slaves-well at least they didn't wind up getting killed in that rwanda or congo thing .. i would say internet but that was actually invented in case of nuclear war.. weve mostly done war

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i'm from usa, long beach ca

mm lets see what have we done.. apple computer? peace corps.. mm bringing blacks over as slaves-well at least they didn't wind up getting killed in that rwanda or congo thing .. i would say internet but that was actually invented in case of nuclear war.. weve mostly done war

hahaha, I like it.

Unfortunately my country has blindly followed the US in it's many wars. I would think the US has done done more to distabilize the world than help world peace. They do have a tendency to force political change, invade, then claim they are a peacemaker. Seems odd that they create most of the chaos and then claim world peacemaker.

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