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A Word Of Advice


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If for some reason you decide to come to Thailand and construct yourself a palace, if you inhabit it with PIGS, no matter how much you spend building it, it will end up as a filthy Pig Sty!

Pigs will always turn what they have back to what they understand.

1:Cats look down at us,

2:Dogs look up to us

3: Pigs just look at us as equals!

Thais are probably number 4 on the list.

Edited by Willeyeam
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Does this mean you have got yourself lumbered with the wrong partner, lower class, perhaps?

A pig is a pig and will behave like a pig, no matter what environment it is placed in.

Take someone out of the slum and put him/her into a palace, he/she will revert back to the slum again.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Does this mean you have got yourself lumbered with the wrong partner, lower class, perhaps?

sorry you edited your own reply a second before I replied --- yes to both your points as many (90%) of us have.

Don't think this post will run the course.

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Does this mean you have got yourself lumbered with the wrong partner, lower class, perhaps?

A pig is a pig and will behave like a pig, no matter what eviroment it is placed in.

Perhaps someone doesn't get on the the family extensions terribly well.:o

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Does this mean you have got yourself lumbered with the wrong partner, lower class, perhaps?

A pig is a pig and will behave like a pig, no matter what eviroment it is placed in.

Kind of, a pig seems to know where it fits in, like I said, a Cat sort of looks at you with contempt, a Dog will grovel and scrape, but a Pig...well it just sort of looks at you. Like an equal, no looking up, no looking down.

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