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Blacklist For Fake Stamp?

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dear all,

i have recently gone through all the crap related to the fake visa, it was my fault and yeah i should have known better. I take responsibility for my actions and i am not moaning about it, as i shouldnt have used an agent, full stop! Anyway, i have been deported from Thailand after a long saga involving court, , bail, court and finally idc and now i am back in my home country. I just wanted to know how long is the blacklist going to be for the falang involved in this senario ? does anyone know? It seems from the stamp at the airport that it is not clear and no body seems to have any idea. I am ready for a year ban or so, but surely a full on 99 year ban for something which is more stupidity than outright criminal is a bit harsh. Anybody shed any light, as at least knowing one way or the other will enable me to plan for the future a bit better.

Confused here, hope someone knows something....


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Dear dr,

thanks as ever for you prompt and informed response. It is indeed bad news indeed. I thought that the maximum blacklist was 99 years but the length of blacklist varied depending on crime. I was told if you got fined at court, the usual blacklist for a fine offence was 3 months, ( most falang with this problem got fined at court , including me). the longer blacklist would maybe come into full effect in terms of years ( 1-99 ) depending on how long your prison sentence was ( if you were given a prison sentence at court ) Therefore the length of blacklist would be directly related to the severity of the crime commited. So therefore 99 years would maybe be a murder or a bad drugs charge. I know some falang did not get blacklist from this case, so it seems to vary from case to case.

It seems unbelievably harsh to blacklist outright people who have made a genuine mistake in using an agent and in my case i got directly deported, so i have a lot of loose ends left in thailand.

Still rules are rules and we have to work around them, but all seems draconian to me, are you sure about appeal?

cheers dr, have a wicked crimbo,


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I agree with Dr Pong 99 years it is. By the way its not living around the rules its living within the rules.

Why would someone want to come back so soon to a country he feels has draconian rules therefore has treated him so badly.

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Da man did say he went wrong. Going wrong leaves ones self open and althought the hand he's delt is too harsh I still find LOS Big Sanook. There is nothing I do that would get me into trouble. Having a fake gucci purse or a couple CD's but other than that stay cool man and things will be cool.

No place is perfect but LOS is very nice, just stay cool.

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dear erco.

it is of course a working within the rules and not around them, point taken! though such a literal meaning was not expected!! I meant only to work around them as in go somewhere else instead of Thailand in the future. However, i would like to come back someday as i have lots of loose ends to tie up in los which i did not get the chance to do when i had to leave. Thailand is big sanook and all good fun i have only positive things to say about it, although i consider myself slightly unlucky and a 99 year ban is the thing which appears draconian. Anyway sabai sabai, mai pen arai...i have to take responsibility....

if that is the deal, it is the deal......


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hello all and hello askar (btw - i am wondering if you are from india, i am thinking if there may sometimes be differing treatment depending whether a falang is 'western' or not...??)

my feeling is that indeed the punishment seems very harsh and in particular if there has been no effort on behalf of authorities to deal with the 'agent' problem...

i think both the change of name and new passport solution seem to be worthwhile, otherwise 99 years is gonna be a bit of a tight one to wait out, although there's plenty to do in south east asia while you wait... saanuk

anyway, may the Force be with you askar - Suk san wan pee mai !!!


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The blacklisting is indeed for 99 years. Although I have a friend who has recently been deported who has told me that they have friends here in Thailand who are going to appeal against the ban.

Very unfair I think, but what else can you do?

I think if you have anyone here who has the time to help you, ask them, otherwise follow the other suggestion and change your passport/name.

good luck :o

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Dear all,

first jedi no i am british national, but i think in this case it doesnt really matter where you are from, the punishment is the same as i understand it.

dr pong, you mean apply for a new visa using the same passport or get a new one first? I take your point and it is a good idea, but i believe the stamp is some kind of blacklist as it is red, but i am still in the process of getting it translated, when i do that i will let you know.

Pablo, do you know if your friends are appealing as a group or individually, perhaps a group appeal by as many people who are involved as possible may be more effective. I imagine some of the people may have long term gfs or even wives, also any ideas who exactly they are appealing to?

Anyway all, i am just trying to ascertain exact facts as i think it is very unjust, as some people were not blacklisted for the same thing. As for not coming back to LOS, not so bothered, just very annoying to be treated like a bad ass criminal for something which albeit stupid and my responsibility, was not directly and 100% my fault.

take it easy,

plenty more places to go and things to do,

mai pen arai,


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hello all and hello askar (btw - i am wondering if you are from india, i am thinking if there may sometimes be differing treatment depending whether a falang is 'western' or not...??)

The term FARANG relates only to white westerners. An African, or Indian etc are foreigners, but never farang.

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