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Tantara Prince Massage Gay?


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To unpack the actual request here:

'I'm staying at a fairly expensive and classy downtown hotel which is part of a large mall/office/shopping complex. Is their official spa located a fair distance above street level a location which likely typically employs self-identified male prostitutes acting under the guise of 'masseurs'?'

Probably not. Most of the big hotels are rather classy and expensive places and they wouldn't want anything publicly associated with them to be routinely sleazy.

That's not to say that you wouldn't find someone willing to do just about whatever you wanted based on the right compensation- you just won't be able to take it for granted that will happen as a matter of course.

If you're from out of town and you want sleaze, go to where the sleaze for people from out of town is. I think you'll find that to be a much more efficient, direct, and probably cheaper way to find what you're looking for. I suggest Silom/Suriwong area (it's not that far from your hotel and it's easy to get there; do a google or look on a map). We don't generally get more specific about that side of the gay tourist life on this website, fyi.

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Thanks for the non judgemental, straight forward answer Pauln.

I shouldn't worry too much. Like most open gay forums we're occasionally subjected to bigoted moral outrage. Those of us who've lived a life ignore it.

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