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I Thought I Could Get Away From This


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post-55993-0-93768200-1303012441_thumb.j "Jesus triumphs over death" post-55993-0-70878900-1303012415_thumb.j "Sinners fear the lord" post-55993-0-16254900-1303012387_thumb.j "In Christ there is eternal life" post-55993-0-93088800-1303012367_thumb.j "After death there is judgment"

For several months now I've seen these signs posted around the area. Orang37's posting of the vehement street preacher inspired me to take some photos this morning. The Christianites are out there continuing to spread their fear of the lord, their fear of judgment day, and claiming that only Jesus will save Thai people.

There are many more messages on other similar signs, such as, "Perplexed? seek the lord," and "Is your name in heaven or not?"

Sometimes not being able to read Thai is a good thing.

Edited to put captions on the photos

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Since the local religion called Buddhism -which is actually 100% animism but they don't know- is just after money to build more and more gold plated temples, get more and more power and exclusive cars but not helping people with their sorrows or help the country to develop, I think it's good Christians step in, even if they might be a bit fanatic sometimes but they are OK and want to help the people from their heart. My best Thai friends are Christians they are just more serious and conscious have more dignity and self esteem. (and beautiful daughters :rolleyes:) The rest is not sincere just greedy. People who love Christian or Jehova's witness bashing are not normal themselves.

Edited by KhunChay
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Since the local religion called Buddhism -which is actually 100% animism but they don't know- is just after money to build more and more gold plated temples, get more and more power and exclusive cars but not helping people with their sorrows or help the country to develop, I think it's good Christians step in, even if they might be a bit fanatic sometimes but they are OK and want to help the people from their heart. My best Thai friends are Christians they are just more serious and conscious have more dignity and self esteem. The rest is not sincere just greedy. People who love Christian or Jehova's witness bashing are not normal themselves.

True Buddhists understand the difference between Animism so you are not correct. Christians should keep their 'zeal' in their own countries - Jehovah's are the worst. I agree that Buddhism here needs a thorough overhaul but what is doesn't need is Christians!

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Mr. Brad - What made you think you could get away from this?

These loons will hunt you down in the middle of the Amazon rain forests!

Chiang Mai is a piece of cake for them.

Edited by uptheos
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'God botherers' of any type are a blight on the modern World.. Wonder when we will finally cast religion and all it's fairy tale nonsense into the trash and forget about it ? Hasn't it caused enough death and misery. Apart from the US, Christianity is is becoming less and less popular it is struggling to find priests in Europe so they are now trying hard in Africa and the Far East.. They don't want to loose power and income. Shame that the religious types will still be brainwashing kids from birth unless laws are enacted to prohibit religion untill later in life.. Alcohol, drugs and guns are all prescribed until adulthood and they have killed far less than religion..

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We had some Jehova's witnesses pestering people here on Samui in a noodle soup stall the other month. They were politely told where to go by myself and the Thai's just looked at them as if they were stupid :D

The Thais got that one right. :huh:

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Here's an idea: Let's determine who wins the great ThaiVisa religion war by seeing which side expresses more tolerance, compassion, and understanding for the other in this thread. Winner gets eternal salvation, online bragging rights, and a Reuben sandwich on cardboard rye at the Duke's. Ready? 1...2...3...go!

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These signs, all on metal boards and mounted about 3-5 meters off the road on poles and trees, are EVERYWHERE on side roads in Chiang Mai, Lampang, Chiang Rai, Phrae, Phayou.... It is my suspicion that they are installed by PSP satelight company because their own signs are ofen mounted too, under the Christian signs.

My feeling is no big deal, there are many Thai and hilltribe Christians that live here, and it gets there ideas some attention.

No harm is done to anyone or anything :)

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Here's an idea: Let's determine who wins the great ThaiVisa religion war by seeing which side expresses more tolerance, compassion, and understanding for the other in this thread. Winner gets eternal salvation, online bragging rights, and a Reuben sandwich on cardboard rye at the Duke's. Ready? 1...2...3...go!

I'll develop tolerance for them when they develop tolerance and respect my desire that they leave me alone. Of course, that will never happen but you will continue to hear them whine when others don't tolerate them and their obnoxious behavior.


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Whereabouts are these please?

I've seen them all over the North almost everywhere I've been.

I'd love to see the people who put them up prosecuted for desecrating the countryside.

In my opinion these signs are criminally offensive.

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I hate labels, but If I'm forced to pick one I choose Humanist. Humans have been around for about 3.5 million years and we all have evolved to desire a close connection to other humans. Because we have that inate desire it makes us subject to manipulation. All of the worlds religions have contributed some good and some bad. Obviously the problems come when the religion gets hijacked by power hungry individuals, thus the bad.

One of the things that I admire about the Thai's is their connection to each other and their sense of community. There are lots of people working to try to exploit those connections. We have not sorted out what is good and what is bad but I think it is happening. I just hope that we don't run out of time before we recognize that it all boils down to staying connected to other humans and our own humanity. It's simple, love yourself and love others as you love yourself and everything else will fall into place.

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These signs, all on metal boards and mounted about 3-5 meters off the road on poles and trees, are EVERYWHERE on side roads in Chiang Mai, Lampang, Chiang Rai, Phrae, Phayou.... It is my suspicion that they are installed by PSP satelight company because their own signs are ofen mounted too, under the Christian signs.

My feeling is no big deal, there are many Thai and hilltribe Christians that live here, and it gets there ideas some attention.

No harm is done to anyone or anything :)

I'd like to see Buddhist signs go up in NY or London or Berlin - on public poles! it's absurd and totally arrogant

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Whenever I see something like this, whether ot be a sign, or a street preacher, or Karen nuns, I always think to myeslf what a lovely and tolerant society this is that I live in. When I read these kinds of comments and think about the kinds of people that must be making them, that view is reinforced with respect to Thai tolerance.

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Whenever I see something like this, whether ot be a sign, or a street preacher, or Karen nuns, I always think to myeslf what a lovely and tolerant society this is that I live in. When I read these kinds of comments and think about the kinds of people that must be making them, that view is reinforced with respect to Thai tolerance.

you're missing the point.... they take advantage of that tolerance in a way Buddhists do not - it's disrespectful

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Whenever I see something like this, whether ot be a sign, or a street preacher, or Karen nuns, I always think to myeslf what a lovely and tolerant society this is that I live in. When I read these kinds of comments and think about the kinds of people that must be making them, that view is reinforced with respect to Thai tolerance.

you're missing the point.... they take advantage of that tolerance in a way Buddhists do not - it's disrespectful

Well, lots of people take advantage of circumstances. You like to post about all the young women you can have here. You think that's got nothing to do with the tolerance of Thais? You think it's not disrespectful or taking advantage?

Think about the tolerance of your nation to allow the purchase of labd by foreigners. Then think about Thailand not allowing the same. If you notice they tend to be less tolerant of permanent types of change and quite tolerant of things that can be reversed quickly.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Whenever I see something like this, whether ot be a sign, or a street preacher, or Karen nuns, I always think to myeslf what a lovely and tolerant society this is that I live in. When I read these kinds of comments and think about the kinds of people that must be making them, that view is reinforced with respect to Thai tolerance.

you're missing the point.... they take advantage of that tolerance in a way Buddhists do not - it's disrespectful

Well, lots of people take advantage of circumstances. You like to post about all the young women you can have here. You think that's got nothing to do with the tolerance of Thais? You think it's not disrespectful or taking advantage?

I refuse to veer totally off topic and am happy to discuss that under a different thread if you so wish

It is unrelated to putting up signs on poles that are intended to 'convert' and frighten Thais with eternal damnation if they remain Buddhists - that's the bottom line - be 'saved' or suffer in Hell

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Whenever I see something like this, whether ot be a sign, or a street preacher, or Karen nuns, I always think to myeslf what a lovely and tolerant society this is that I live in. When I read these kinds of comments and think about the kinds of people that must be making them, that view is reinforced with respect to Thai tolerance.

you're missing the point.... they take advantage of that tolerance in a way Buddhists do not - it's disrespectful

Well, lots of people take advantage of circumstances. You like to post about all the young women you can have here. You think that's got nothing to do with the tolerance of Thais? You think it's not disrespectful or taking advantage?

I refuse to veer totally off topic and am happy to discuss that under a different thread if you so wish

It is unrelated to putting up signs on poles that are intended to 'convert' and frighten Thais with eternal damnation if they remain Buddhists - that's the bottom line - be 'saved' or suffer in Hell

You don't know about Buddhist hell, huh? Ever been to Wat Rong Khun?

I think you have an elitist attitude and don't give people enough credit. I went to parochial schools for 13 years, know the Catechism pretty well and yet I'm not a Christian. My wife who attended the "King's School" in Ayudhaya also went to free Christian sponsored English language schools. She could not even tell you now any of the prime tenets of Christianity. If the Thais thought it was problem it wouldn't be happening, period.

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Whenever I see something like this, whether ot be a sign, or a street preacher, or Karen nuns, I always think to myeslf what a lovely and tolerant society this is that I live in. When I read these kinds of comments and think about the kinds of people that must be making them, that view is reinforced with respect to Thai tolerance.

Agreed, it is worth note that Thai law protects religion, not only Buddhism. The people that are bothered by religion simply don't have to participate :)

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<snip>just after money to build more and more gold plated temples, get more and more power and exclusive cars but not helping people with their sorrows<snip>

And the roman catholic church is not like that at all is it? (to single out just one obvious example)

I think it's good Christians step in, even if they might be a bit fanatic sometimes but they are OK and want to help the people from their heart

Comes down to how you define "help" I guess. Let the bible-bashers help by providing an example of exemplary and self-less living and giving (as a minority actually do) and not by just collecting scalps for the lord ... mainly by way of dishing out feelings of guilt or inadequacy onto people walking along an alternative path

LOL, I can't forget one of the more strident variety I met in northern Thailand a while back. She was visting her son who had married a Thai and was railing about a spirit house that a member of her extended family had installed in the grounds. I actually thought she was joking and asked her if it was the colour that troubled her (it was one of those garish concrete ones) ... but nope it was the godless ones that had dared to erect this heathen symbol in her living space. Oh please! We have real troubles in the world .. and spirit houses don't rank on my list

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Religious freedom is one category Thailand does rate high compared to other countries. A lot of the other freedoms by comparison are far overrated and largely illusions.

Economic, press, speech, internet, legal, and drug freedoms when compared globally are little for Thailand to brag about.

Religious freedom and tolerance in Thailand should be one of it's finer selling points.

Religious Freedom in Thailand

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<snip>just after money to build more and more gold plated temples, get more and more power and exclusive cars but not helping people with their sorrows<snip>

And the roman catholic church is not like that at all is it? (to single out just one obvious example)

I think it's good Christians step in, even if they might be a bit fanatic sometimes but they are OK and want to help the people from their heart

Comes down to how you define "help" I guess. Let the bible-bashers help by providing an example of exemplary and self-less living and giving (as a minority actually do) and not by just collecting scalps for the lord ... mainly by way of dishing out feelings of guilt or inadequacy onto people walking along an alternative path

LOL, I can't forget one of the more strident variety I met in northern Thailand a while back. She was visting her son who had married a Thai and was railing about a spirit house that a member of her extended family had installed in the grounds. I actually thought she was joking and asked her if it was the colour that troubled her (it was one of those garish concrete ones) ... but nope it was the godless ones that had dared to erect this heathen symbol in her living space. Oh please! We have real troubles in the world .. and spirit houses don't rank on my list

So did the narrow minded Christian lady you refer to change anyone's mind or behaviour? I seriously doubt it. They probably fely sorry for her.

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I think the vast majority of missionaries (certanly not all) do what they do so as to continue to receive overseas funding. I think it is largely "about the money". I think the Thai government sees it the same way and thus is extremely tolerant of it. Same like retirees who bring their money here to spend.

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Religious freedom is one category Thailand does rate high compared to other countries. A lot of the other freedoms by comparison are far overrated and largely illusions.

Economic, press, speech, internet, legal, and drug freedoms when compared globally are little for Thailand to brag about.

Religious freedom and tolerance in Thailand should be one of it's finer selling points.

Religious Freedom in Thailand


The fact that they made religious intolerance forbidden (even to the point of making it against the law,) speaks well of the society as a whole.

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You don't know about Buddhist hell, huh? Ever been to Wat Rong Khun?

I think you have an elitist attitude and don't give people enough credit. I went to parochial schools for 13 years, know the Catechism pretty well and yet I'm not a Christian. My wife who attended the "King's School" in Ayudhaya also went to free Christian sponsored English language schools. She could not even tell you now any of the prime tenets of Christianity. If the Thais thought it was problem it wouldn't be happening, period.

Please stick to the subject of putting up 'you will be damned' signs all over Chiang Mai - nothing to do with me having an 'elitist' attitude which is a personal attack and nothing to do with the subject in hand and yes I have studied Buddhism but that, again, is irrelevant.

What next? Muslim signs? Zorostarian signs? I have no objection to them preaching and praying in private and all the other stuff but not in a effort to subject their belief system onto others with signs condemning people to Hell etc. - that is NOT tolerant nor is it respectful.

Let's face it Christians cannot convert many more in Western countries so they come here and it's food and education for compliance - to uneducated Hill-tribes mostly.

You see? I have not attacked you personally - please do the same and argue your case thoughtfully - thank you and God Bless you jap.gif

So you're saying they are giving an education to the uneducated. That's good isn't it? Please describe the compliance that is expected?

I guess you could argue that any education is better than no education yes - I could buy that.

The compliance is 'Jesus', Bible Lessons, Hymns and Prayers - I know this because I know some of them (and one or two are friends) but it isn't education and food for nothing! it's education and food IF you believe in Da Lord and come to bible lessons etc.

In other words do YOU believe they get this education for nothing? that the Missionaries (mostly farang followed by Thai) have come all this way to help - unconditionally? without expecting conversion? don't think so...

I think the vast majority of missionaries (certanly not all) do what they do so as to continue to receive overseas funding. I think it is largely "about the money". I think the Thai government sees it the same way and thus is extremely tolerant of it. Same like retirees who bring their money here to spend.

no I don't think that's right but never mind

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