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Monthly Budget For Life In Bkk


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I returned to the UK from BKK 2 months ago..quite down really.I have done loads of reading on these forums since then and can see the errors of my ways.I had never tried to live in BKK before ( although having been to Thailand for extended travel before) I tried to live on a tight budget together with wandering around in a T Shirt and Shorts unable to gain any eye contact from decent looking girls,now I know why,or have a better idea why.

So I am trying to be realistic,as I said earlier,after much research on these forums,as to what is a realistic monthly budget to have a decent life and support a girlfriend.

I have come up with the following costs/buget and would really appreciate "constructive" comments on the numbers,and as to if I have missed anything or allowed too much for another cost.( I am aware a girfriend can be an infinite cost!)

So my shot at a monthly budget ( baht) is as follows ;

Apartment 20000 baht ( On Nut area,c 45sqm 6 month contract)

Utilities 2400

Food&Drink 14400 ( not bar girls/fines)

Spending Money 20000

Gym 1000

Internet 1000

Girlfriend Support 10000 ( tried to base this on forum comments)

Health/Travel Ins. 2500

BTS/MRT 5000

Language Learn 1500

Other/Misc 7200

Total. 85000

Just to add finally, this is much more than I want to spend, but I love BKK and when I return I want to avoid the mistakes I made last time.

Many Thanks in advance.........

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travelling by BTS or MRT will save you a lot of money. Buy monthly card it will save you even more. I think 1500 baht a month will do for MRT/BTS even if you will be travelling a lot. The sum could add up if you travel by cab.

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It's certainly enough, but you could save on the apartment costs and if as your list your not interested in bar girls/fines I wonder why you have budgeted 10 grand a month for a girlfriend ,you dont have to pay a girlfriend who has a job surely

For sure you probably won't be going Dutch on your nights out with her but no reason to chuck her 10 grand just for being with you

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I tried to live on a tight budget together with wandering around in a T Shirt and Shorts unable to gain any eye contact from decent looking girls,now I know why,or have a better idea why.

I'm not sure you do

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You're going to get the whole range of responses from the (already mentioned) 100,000 /month minimum ( I live in London on that and know many many people who live here on MUCH less!) to the 25k is fine!

i reckon you can slash the apartment rent by over half though. My friend lives in Sathorn (with her b/f who doesn't pay her anything btw!) and they pay 8,500/month. The rest is dependant on your lifestyle, eating habits etc.

You can spend as much as you' like living in a big city, you can also do it on a budget and still have a good quality of life.

Having said that, quality of life is a very personal thing. Who knows what things you like to do? You do! :)

For apartments, have a look on 9apartment.com rather than the 'ahem' higher end stuff you might see 'elsewhere' ;)

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You're going to get the whole range of responses from the (already mentioned) 100,000 /month minimum ( I live in London on that and know many many people who live here on MUCH less!) to the 25k is fine!

i reckon you can slash the apartment rent by over half though. My friend lives in Sathorn (with her b/f who doesn't pay her anything btw!) and they pay 8,500/month. The rest is dependant on your lifestyle, eating habits etc.

You can spend as much as you' like living in a big city, you can also do it on a budget and still have a good quality of life.

Having said that, quality of life is a very personal thing. Who knows what things you like to do? You do! :)

For apartments, have a look on 9apartment.com rather than the 'ahem' higher end stuff you might see 'elsewhere' ;)

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Trust me , 40k is enough if you dont have a GF to support. :rolleyes:

This is my monthly budget :

Rent 2 br apartment with kitchen in a nice location (near Wongwian Yai BTS) with security and swimming pool : 14000

Internet : 700 baht

Electricity/water: 2200 baht (air con in all 3 rooms)

Phone: 400 baht

Transportation/Taxi/BTS : 2000 baht

Total: 19300 baht.

So that leaves me with 20k to buy food/drinks/entertainment/shopping.

Can even afford to buy my gf dinner in a nice restaurant a few times every month. :)

Edited by balo
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You're going to get the whole range of responses from the (already mentioned) 100,000 /month minimum ( I live in London on that and know many many people who live here on MUCH less!) to the 25k is fine!

i reckon you can slash the apartment rent by over half though. My friend lives in Sathorn (with her b/f who doesn't pay her anything btw!) and they pay 8,500/month. The rest is dependant on your lifestyle, eating habits etc.

You can spend as much as you' like living in a big city, you can also do it on a budget and still have a good quality of life.

Having said that, quality of life is a very personal thing. Who knows what things you like to do? You do! :)

For apartments, have a look on 9apartment.com rather than the 'ahem' higher end stuff you might see 'elsewhere' ;)

Thanks thats really helpful,its seems incredible that it costs 100,000 baht a month to live in Bangkok.as you say its the same cost as living in London,I just do not understand how it works,its very difficult to work here but

the living cost,gross of UK taxation seems to be around £32,000 to £ 35,000 per annum,how do people afford this year on year............????

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You're going to get the whole range of responses from the (already mentioned) 100,000 /month minimum ( I live in London on that and know many many people who live here on MUCH less!) to the 25k is fine!

i reckon you can slash the apartment rent by over half though. My friend lives in Sathorn (with her b/f who doesn't pay her anything btw!) and they pay 8,500/month. The rest is dependant on your lifestyle, eating habits etc.

You can spend as much as you' like living in a big city, you can also do it on a budget and still have a good quality of life.

Having said that, quality of life is a very personal thing. Who knows what things you like to do? You do! :)

For apartments, have a look on 9apartment.com rather than the 'ahem' higher end stuff you might see 'elsewhere' ;)

Thanks thats really helpful,its seems incredible that it costs 100,000 baht a month to live in Bangkok.as you say its the same cost as living in London,I just do not understand how it works,its very difficult to work here but

the living cost,gross of UK taxation seems to be around £32,000 to £ 35,000 per annum,how do people afford this year on year............????

In London you mean? Well, we share houses/apartments mostly. That's the biggest expense. We also give the chauffeur Wednesdays off twice a month :P

In Bangkok there's lots of people living the expat job for multi-national corporations lifestyle, who just can't figure out how people survive without large condos with high rents, electric gates on the car park, car with driver (couldn't possibly manage without it!), servants (they'll call them maids so it doesn't sound too grand) eating western food everyday, school fees etc. etc.

Every big city has people who just won't believe that people can possibly enjoy their lives without thousands of pounds to spend. The truth is, it can be done, and unless you're a high-flyer in one industry or another, for most people, it's just the way it is. We have no choice, that doesn't mean our lives are an endless drudge of scraping from one day to the next wishing we could have the 'bare minimum' 100,000Baht/month existence.

It just means we spend less money, on everything!

I'm not suggesting you live like a poor Thai family in a slum or anything, but I reckon you can definitely find somewhere decent to live for less than 10KBaht/month, and there really is no need to budget for supporting a g/f. If you do meet someone then, and this is only my opinion of course, take your time, don't flash the cash, don't move her in and see where it goes. Not every relationship with a Thai woman needs to be budgeted for. Ok maybe most of them do :lol:

Anyway, I hope you get things sorted out, oh and get a 2 bed apartment, we can share! :lol:

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You must ask yourself what will you do all day???.......living in BKK, get up, check emails, have breakfast, then what?????...why not think about working here, even working as a teacher is better than nothing...this way, you will fill tyour day, earn some money and also get to meet people, and maybe a girlfriend that dosnt need your 'support'....e its the same in BKK as anywhere else in the world...you could live here in a 2,500 Baht room in Ratchada, eat noodles 3 times a day and live on 20K a month...if you intend on spending 20K a just on rent and going out plus 'supporting' a partner then your budget will be in the 100K a month region...now thats 2K Sterling, and it dosnt cost that much a month in the UK so BKK wont be cheap for the kind of holiday/bachelor lifestyle you intend on living.

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Your target budget is right on. 85,000 a month is enough to live on.

You may need more if you plan to have a hobby or travel, make large purchases such as motorbike, computer, camera, car etc..

The beauty of Bangkok is, It's easy to cut back on food and entertainment if you have a tight month.

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Sorry, but I don't see where all the money is going to live here on a TIGHT ?????? budget of 85,000 to 100,000 Baht a month, unless you are going to the bars everynight or you are a big drinker.

I have a friend here that is married, build a house, bought a house, goes out occasionally, drinks at home nearly every night and spends about 50,000 a month.

From your Budget; Apt: 20,000 (about 10,000 high)

Food & Drink 14,400

Spending Money 20,000

Miscl. 7,200

Girlfriend Allow 10,000

Talking about your Budget not counting the Apt. that is 51,600 a month just only in spending money and that is about 20,000 more a month that most of the native English Teachers make so at the end of the day on your budget you are living large.

My 2 Baht :jap:

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Wow ... how could anybody "love Bangkok"? Good thing we are all different. I live in a Provincial Capital City about 3 hours from Bkk. Rent a 3 story house with roof deck garden for 6k. Buy what I want, when I want and support the Thai family which I did meet here. Everything you have in Bkk , I have here except the pollution, crime, traffic and madness. My average monthly budget for the last 3 years has been 30-35k baht. And I do live very well.

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 The girlfriend is the real unknown in your budget.   My longtime girlfriend, officially, gets 30000 baht per month.  But it's the extras that can really add up.  Overall her extras can be anywhere from an extra 20 - 40000 per month.  Like most Thai girls, she is supporting mama and papa, and to a lesser extent the rest of the family in Udon.  So when something happens (mama/papa sick and needs to go to the hospital) the extras kick in.

I know many working girls, and I doubt many of them would quit their night jobs for much less than 25000 a month.  In fact I just had this conversation two days ago with a girl I have known a long time.  She had a man who wanted to take care of her, but would only offer 20000.  She turned him down.  Not enough.

That's not to say you cannot find women for less.  You can, but most likely not in the bars. 

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You havent told us how old you are. If youre in your fifties which i suspect ,then trouble is waiting for you at every corner in Thailand. Your budget of 85,000 b is absurd. You can do everything here on half that money.Accomodation is everywhere and cheap. No more than 10,000 b/month incl swimming pool. Your biggest problem is going to be girls. Most western men aged between 45-75 are living with a poor Thai mans woman. ie wife ,girlfriend ... You will be expected to pay for everyone including their soi children.You will be told nothing.If your main reason for coming to Thailand is sex then i suggest you stay in England where youre safe. Only poor isan women marry elder western men. They marry you for money not love.You should consult your embassy in bangkok for advice ; not this forum.You sound like a typical Brit heading for trouble overseas.Good luck.

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Many thanks for all the responses,the views on living costs vary widely.Last time I tried to live on 40,000 baht a month and struggled like mad,but I was in a " month ny month" serviced apartment and that was 20,000/month.Obviously from the advice give here I can locate something suitable,at the most, half that.

Yes to answer a recent question I am in my fifties.

I was planning to absorb myself for the first 6 months at a Thai Learning School,I like working out at the gym also,so hopefully not too much free time.

Regarding girls,"obviously" I am looking for one and it does seem a complete minefield,some people here do seem lucky though............. but there is no way I could run to the figures mentioned in some responses.

I agree wirh others 100,000 baht/month seems absurb,it is more than it costs to live in the Uk,I would like to budget/live on 40,000 month which was my target last time,but as I said struggled like mad.

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Many thanks for all the responses,the views on living costs vary widely.Last time I tried to live on 40,000 baht a month and struggled like mad,but I was in a " month ny month" serviced apartment and that was 20,000/month.Obviously from the advice give here I can locate something suitable,at the most, half that.

Yes to answer a recent question I am in my fifties.

I was planning to absorb myself for the first 6 months at a Thai Learning School,I like working out at the gym also,so hopefully not too much free time.

Regarding girls,"obviously" I am looking for one and it does seem a complete minefield,some people here do seem lucky though............. but there is no way I could run to the figures mentioned in some responses.

I agree wirh others 100,000 baht/month seems absurb,it is more than it costs to live in the Uk,I would like to budget/live on 40,000 month which was my target last time,but as I said struggled like mad.

Get yourself a reasonable apt in Ratchada at 6-8k a month, MRT card 980 amonth and gets you around BKK...you still got 1,000 a day after paying gym and utilities.....if you are learning Thai thats a great start to meeting people, just keep out of the bars as money will slip through your fingers like water......many girls dont want 'supporting' and its unbelievable that one poster buys his 'long term GIRLFRIEND' for 30k a month and then extra on top of that!!!!!:bah: :bah: :bah: .......its the same here as at home...you are more likely to meet a decent girl through work/study/hobbies etc rather than the bars.....just remember you are in your fifties, so expect to meet someone in a similar age bracket, if your after a 20 something expect to pay.

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Wow ... how could anybody "love Bangkok"? Good thing we are all different. I live in a Provincial Capital City about 3 hours from Bkk. Rent a 3 story house with roof deck garden for 6k. Buy what I want, when I want and support the Thai family which I did meet here. Everything you have in Bkk , I have here except the pollution, crime, traffic and madness. My average monthly budget for the last 3 years has been 30-35k baht. And I do live very well.

When I say I love Bangkok,I agree it is mad also.Just think I need to learn Thai first ( I know I can learn this almost anywhere) and once I have grasped some of it then review where I live.

So in the short term I think I would be more comfortable where there are a level of English Speakers around.

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I know many working girls, and I doubt many of them would quit their night jobs for much less than 25000 a month. In fact I just had this conversation two days ago with a girl I have known a long time. She had a man who wanted to take care of her, but would only offer 20000. She turned him down. Not enough.

If you want to RENT a PROSTITUTE then yeah pay them to stay out of the bar. But when the moneys gone so will she. That's not anyones definition of a true girlfriend. Seriously, it's how much you don't give them that will determine how true the love is.

Most western men aged between 45-75 are living with a poor Thai mans woman. ie wife ,girlfriend ... You will be expected to pay for everyone including their soi children.You will be told nothing.If your main reason for coming to Thailand is sex then i suggest you stay in England where youre safe. Only poor isan women marry elder western men. They marry you for money not love.

Another Xenophobic Thai no doubt?

See above. If you have to pay a girl then she is a PROSTITUTE. No wonder so many western men end up in trouble. Go read some stickman readers stories and be afraid, be very afraid.

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Proper apartments at good location in Bkk are expensive. If you can live in a small box of 45m2, then ok, 20000 should be sufficient. Otherwise count on 40-50000 a month. Yeah, same or more what you'd pay in your home country.

So you may end with 100k/month for everything, but add some extra cash for travelling and visits to your home country.

Thailand is NOT cheap if you need some standards.

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Live on the outskirts of BKK, and live like a normal human being, avoid the night life scene, if you are seen to be on the level plenty of decent Thai women will take an interest in you.

Your neighbors will become matchmakers

Learning the language is a must.

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Food&Drink 14400 ( not bar girls/fines)

Spending Money 20000

Gym 1000

Bangkok fare is as cheap as you want - you can get rice and meat with drink for about 100 baht or less.

Think about preparing/cooking some meals yourself using food from Makro - breakfast muesli, milk and dirt cheap excellent fresh veg, fruit and bread. If u budget 20000 spending money I assume this includes alcohol - so 14400 is more than you need for food and drink.

I got a lifetime's membership at California Wow in Silom for use anywhere in Bangkok for about 14000 baht - just pay 100 baht per year to renew but have only been once. You can bargain very easily for life membership.

You should also consider using buses whenever convenient - I love 'em - all rickety and unsafe - get anywhere for about 10 baht.

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Live on the outskirts of BKK, and live like a normal human being, avoid the night life scene, if you are seen to be on the level plenty of decent Thai women will take an interest in you.

Your neighbors will become matchmakers

Learning the language is a must.

Thanks,yes this is what I going to do,I really appreciate all the constructive and balanced help here,I feel much more confident about the way forward.

The first thing I will do is visit some thai language schools,researching now.

Also to ask is there a social scene for expats ( not involving the bar/bar girl scene) that i can get involved in ?,or if you can direct me to a website to research etc

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Food&Drink 14400 ( not bar girls/fines)

Spending Money 20000

Gym 1000

Bangkok fare is as cheap as you want - you can get rice and meat with drink for about 100 baht or less.

Think about preparing/cooking some meals yourself using food from Makro - breakfast muesli, milk and dirt cheap excellent fresh veg, fruit and bread. If u budget 20000 spending money I assume this includes alcohol - so 14400 is more than you need for food and drink.

I got a lifetime's membership at California Wow in Silom for use anywhere in Bangkok for about 14000 baht - just pay 100 baht per year to renew but have only been once. You can bargain very easily for life membership.

You should also consider using buses whenever convenient - I love 'em - all rickety and unsafe - get anywhere for about 10 baht.

Thanks I did not know there was a Makro in Bangkok so thats really useful info.

Also great advice re the gym pricing,thanks again

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Hi striking sunset

As many have said it can cost as much or as little as you like, but where apartments are concerned there have been some stupid quotes on here. If you are happy to live on the outskirts look around the Bangna/Srinakarin/Udom suk areas, the sky train stations are complete and are rumoured to be opening later this year ;)

I would also approach the owners direct through some Thai websites ( can PM me for sites ). There are a few good priced gyms and the restaurant/bars are fine and far cheaper than any along the Sukhumvit. I live in a modern 2 bed/2 bath place that has a great garden and swimming pool area, fully furnished for a lot less than your budget.

As for the gf, have said already you do not need to be giving her money like in your budget...unless she is working in a bar :whistling:

I wish you luck

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