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UN: attacks against civilians in Misrata, Libya may be international crimes


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UN: attacks against civilians in Misrata, Libya may be international crimes

2011-04-20 21:25:12 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations (UN) on Wednesday warned that the reported repeated use of cluster munitions and heavy weaponry by Libyan Government forces against civilians in Misrata could constitute international crimes.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay urged the Libyan authorities "to face the reality that they are digging themselves and the Libyan population deeper and deeper into the quagmire."

"They must halt the siege of Misrata and allow aid and medical care to reach the victims of the conflict," Pillay stated.

Misrata is a north-western city with an estimated population of 300,000 people and has been the scene of continuous fighting since earlier this year between military forces allied to the regime of Muammar al-Qadhafi and opposition groups.

"Since the city is largely cut off, it is not known precisely how many civilians have died or been injured during two months of fighting there, but it is clear that the numbers are now substantial, and that the dead include women and children," said Pillay.

"Using imprecise weaponry such as cluster munitions, multiple rocket launchers and mortars, and other forms of heavy weaponry, in crowded urban areas will inevitably lead to civilian casualties," she noted, adding that there are also reports of snipers deliberately targeting civilians in Misrata and other places in Libya.

Pillay also warned that the pro-Government forces besieging the city, including their commanders and all other personnel, should be aware that – with the International Criminal Court investigating possible crimes – their orders and actions will be subject to "intense scrutiny."

"Under international law, the deliberate targeting of medical facilities is a war crime, and the deliberate targeting or reckless endangerment of civilians may also amount to serious violations of international human rights law or international humanitarian law," Pillay continued, stating that the unhindered presence of international observers, including media, would help calm the situation and curb excesses.

In addition, Pillay voiced serious concern about the treatment of journalists by the Libyan authorities, and called on the Government to immediately release those detained.

At least two journalists have been killed, and some 16 others are missing, including ten international journalists and six Libyans. Dozens of others have been detained, assaulted, physically abused – possibly to the point of torture – or expelled.

Pillay also urged NATO forces to exercise the utmost caution and vigilance so as not to kill civilians by mistake. The alliance has been carrying out air strikes in response to Security Council resolution 1973, which was adopted last month and authorized Member States to take "all necessary measures" to protect civilians in Libya.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-04-20

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