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American With Severe Head Wound Found Dead In Pattaya Apartment

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What! No indications of an attack?

The guy's head is smashed to a pulp and his body covered in bruises.

The man and his girlfriend had an argument and then she left the scene. Of course she did and had no idea that the guy was bleeding to death, bless her little heart.

Total, Total, total, BS.


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Why there isn't a sub forum for topics of this kind?

Call it the inspector clouseau forum.

How about calling it the farang death by misadventure forum? Because according to the police, no farangs are ever murdered in Thailand.


There is no way i would turn to my THAI neighbours if i was in his situation, as i am quite sure they would prevent me from seeking any help while empting out my property,

unlucky. I know my neighbours pretty well. I could always turn to them for help. If I were you, I'd think about moving.


Thanks for the laughs this morning folks. I enjoy black humour. The various replies reflect on how the general public feels about Police investigation in Thailand. People do foolish things and sometimes they die from the consequences. Meanwhile, life goes on as usual.


Over one million people commit suicide every year. The World Health Organization estimates that it is the thirteenth-leading cause of death worldwide and the National Safety Council rates it sixth in the United States. It is a leading cause of death among teenagers and adults under 35. Rates of suicide are higher in men than in women. There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year worldwide.

I lay the blame entirely on Thailand, The Thai Police and especially Thai people. The fact that 99% take place outside of Thailand and has nothing at all to do with Thailand makes no difference, just remember, they're all out to get us, they all hate us, be scared, be very scared !!! biggrin.gif

The victim's girlfriend, Miss Nantakarn Sudsri, 25 (resides in Dansai, Loei) stated that she stepped outside for a moment after a heated argument with Mr. Singha, who was drunk at the time.

When she came back to the apartment, which they have moved in a few months ago, she found her boyfriend dead, Miss Sudsri reported.

Stepped outside for a moment - came back and found him dead - reported to the police 24 hours later. Yes, just an accident. :(

That would have been what most people would do, correct? wait 24 hrs after you have had plenty of time to assure that your loved one is completely dead!

..........I can understand that!.:blink:.Then just tell the police how things happens. The problem is, these so called "wives" can't even make up a good story to fit the scenerio of the facts. But it is taken as said by the perp. (that's police talk)...:rolleyes::whistling:....The police, in turn, make thier report. It goes like this,

" one dead drunk falang found and looks as though he cut himself while drunk and is confirmed by the wife" case closed! ..."p.s..We don't want this type of thing getting around as it may take tourist dollars away from us" to think there might be violent crimes committed by the smilng faces we all see. ...

This of course is subjective and in Los no one can be objective with anything ....one poster said something about "thier logic" ...I don't know about anyone else but I have seen very little logic come into play, nor questioned, even if the story sounds completely impossible....So many Thai's are connected in some way to someone that can help take of the business at hand, no matter what that "business" is! I guarantee that anyone down the line will never face any scrutiny. ......those so called honest police oficers do have brothers and sisters and cousin's so far down the line that no one in the line will be placed under scrutiny. Los is a Dangerous place, no doubt about it! Number" 2" right under Columbia, South America for murder. Go figure, huh...Most of the death's in los are from falling off balcony's or found dead unexplained because we all know that ALL falang;'s are just drunks and only come for one thing.....right?...bs!!.......I have never spent one day in any nana, or phuket or pattaya, or anywhere of the such let alone a go go bar type place but I have seen and been victim or they have tried to make me, of about every scam you have ever heard of in los. Once one lives and learns , then it gets a tad scary as you do know the extent and depth of corruption, and for what? you ask?.......$$$$$$$$$.....!!!. Life is cheap in Los, believe it! or lose it and just be darn careull and keep your head working and always think that it is your money somone is after in some way or manner or form, and you may be safe for awhile, hopefully. Unless you let your guard down, then you may find yourself falling from the 9th floor balcony after drinking a chang ....the sound of you hitting the ground won't sound like chang to you, but it sure will sound like that to "her" This is an objective blog!. coming from true experience in "the land of smiles"


Another way of looking at it.She pushed him away whilst he was making aggressive drunk advances, he trips, falls and hits the table. She runs away, scared, and goes to ground (family). The family, being good, call the police and they meet up. She tells the whole story and, in the way that things work here, they "simplify" the process.In England the police would take bloods, see he was drunk, understand that she was frightened, account for her missing time, try her for murder, immediately this would be dropped to manslaughter in self-defence. She would get a suspended sentence and a "nominal" criminal record (i.e. one that would only require a tiny bit of explanation for any future employer to understand) and be on with her life.

Here, they just cut out a lot of bureaucracy. Not every Farang is innocent....in fact quite a lot of them abuse their Thai partners. This is why they are here, can't get a girl in their own country because the women can spot them a mile off and don't bother. They come here, bringing their bad traits with them. This is NOT everybody, but we all know AT LEAST 1 of these....even if we don't do the bar thing.

Simply put a 5' girl can't inflict a serious wound to the top of a 6' man's head whilst both are standing up (unless she is holding an unusual weapon and has considerable strength). Particularly when he weighs 80kg and she weighs 40kg.

Please understand, before flaming me to a crisp, that I am just thinking about how this COULD be accurate. I really can't tell what is going on here.

I agree, that is another way it could have happened.

Just to add an alternative possibility on the likely results if indeed it did happen in England.

The Police take bloods, see he was drunk, understand she was frightened, account for her missing time, arrest her for murder, take her into custody, call a duty solicitor, keep her overnight, she attends court, bail is refused, she goes to prison on remand, waits three months for a hearing, CPS go for manslaughter she gets 3-5 years. Which would need more than a tiny bit of explanation for a future employer. Down the tubes goes her life.

This, of course, depends on her 'activities' in the past, if she's already got a criminal record, no decent job, from a 'not very nice' area, poorly educated, no decent representation in court etc. etc.

British justice isn't even handed in how it deals with people.

Anyway, RIP the victim, however he met his end.


In the Bangsaen Post he's reported as being half-American, half-Indian, which might explain the surname.


So that'll be a Mr Singh then. I understand that the surname Singh means lion, derived from Sanskrit. It is pronounced Singh in Thai also but for some reason written in English 'Singha' hence the confusion.

the link .... to that web ...... says they are in Bangsaen Not Pattaya.........

Hum....................... it's very different Bangsaen != Pattaya... .....

the name is ok... Singh.... for common Indian name


Mr. R.Singha also ain't a real name .........


Mr "Singha"', editor's generic fill-in for their stereo-typical Singha drinking farang, succumbing to tragedy thru own high-jinx,

Haven't they ever heard of the analog "John Doe",


she/he was holdin' a bottle of Singha while composin' this article.................

Yep..... John Doe..................... for every dude..........

.if the name is not known...?


With the huge number of seriously hardcore alcoholic foreigners living or visiting here this isn't a surprising story at all. I've met plenty of people who are drinking at least a klom of whiskey a day, every day, and get injured from accidents they have while falling down drunk

Glad to hear you keep excellent company of friends and people you meet.

I do not know any foreigners who are drunks or have had any injury's such as falling down on the bottles or falling off the balcony's

Of course they all have a drink, myself including and do get drunk but hardly every day and hardly to a state of total inebriation.

Even the tourists who drink all day and night, its more like 1 in 200 who gets legless but never seen them "have accidents" themselves, (only with help).

PS. Most men come to Pattaya NOT to get drunk, but to get a company of a sweet female, so hardly ever someone gets totally wasted as it defeats the purpose of his visit

An expert on why people come to Pattaya? I think you left out a few items out. Contrary to popular opinion Pattaya has many thngs to offer besides sex, as all of Thailand does. How many times have you been down to the guts of Pattaya at midnight to see these falling down drunks? There are there, almost everywhere. My friends get drunk sometimes. I don't think I have any friends that do nothing wrong anytime. Congratulations!!!!!


With the huge number of seriously hardcore alcoholic foreigners living or visiting here this isn't a surprising story at all. I've met plenty of people who are drinking at least a klom of whiskey a day, every day, and get injured from accidents they have while falling down drunk

Glad to hear you keep excellent company of friends and people you meet.

I do not know any foreigners who are drunks or have had any injury's such as falling down on the bottles or falling off the balcony's

Of course they all have a drink, myself including and do get drunk but hardly every day and hardly to a state of total inebriation.

Even the tourists who drink all day and night, its more like 1 in 200 who gets legless but never seen them "have accidents" themselves, (only with help).

PS. Most men come to Pattaya NOT to get drunk, but to get a company of a sweet female, so hardly ever someone gets totally wasted as it defeats the purpose of his visit

An expert on why people come to Pattaya? I think you left out a few items out. Contrary to popular opinion Pattaya has many thngs to offer besides sex, as all of Thailand does. How many times have you been down to the guts of Pattaya at midnight to see these falling down drunks? There are there, almost everywhere. My friends get drunk sometimes. I don't think I have any friends that do nothing wrong anytime. Congratulations!!!!!

You may need to actually read the article, he was not a tourist who came for 10 days but someone living here.

It so happens that i have a hotel in the guts of the city and as i clearly stated while there are some who get very very drunk to a legless state, its rather a minority.

Doing wrong and falling on coffee tables splitting head open is 2 very different things, just as having fatal accidents just by being there.blink.gif

PS. Considering that there are more bars and "girls for rent" then trees in the city, i would make a guess that the majority come for just that and certainly not for the museums.


While Thailand continue to have such a poorly trained and paid Police force this sort of thing will always happen.

If they are on Licence Duty they ignore helmets - While on Helmet duty they ignore licences. The Police here ca't or wont multitask.

They were probably called to an Accident scene and as the caller said it was an accident they used their brilliant Thai (non) logic to concoct an elaborate accident story. Saves them from thinking outside the box which as we all know Thai's aren't taught to do, their whole education system is indoctrination and parrot fashion.

We Westerners have to get used to this fact it wouldn't make any difference if the deceased was foreign or Thai this will always have been an accident to the Buffallo with guns.


Pattaya has many thngs to offer besides sex, as all of Thailand does.

Like what ?.....a world class beach with crystal clear waters full of marine life ?

The establishment of Pattaya was based in sex and has remained very true to its origins to this day...


Another coincidence?

But more to this I am sure, but what we may never know.

Special note, after reading the short story here, I went to the main and read the whole available,,, ummm Story :whistling:

Then I came back here to comment and hit page down, and got slapped with Ads By Google "Meet Your Asian Lady Today" <_<


Why there isn't a sub forum for topics of this kind?

Call it the inspector clouseau forum.

Yes, and then the rest of us wouldn't have to be bothered reading their reflexive inane conspiracy drivel every time there is a farang death in Thailand. No police report, no problem---the board members (must be really boring upcountry) will supply all the speculative details we might ever want to read. If they had their own crime forum they could all gather for the metaphorical circle jerk every time there is a questionable death in LOS---project theories ad nauseam (with no real facts to point to of course--except a feeble few paragraphs in the local rag) about police incompetence, police conspiracies, universal Thai loathing of all the simple good-hearted farangs who come to Thailand for the purist reasons, and just the general overall perfidy of several millions of Thais. Seems like the perfect solution both for them and for those of us who prefer to save ourselves the teeth-gnashing caused by accidentally starting to read this nonsense......because, really, once you start reading all the crack-pot theories it becomes almost impossible to turn away.....a little like watching a train wreck......


With the huge number of seriously hardcore alcoholic foreigners living or visiting here this isn't a surprising story at all. I've met plenty of people who are drinking at least a klom of whiskey a day, every day, and get injured from accidents they have while falling down drunk

Glad to hear you keep excellent company of friends and people you meet.

I do not know any foreigners who are drunks or have had any injury's such as falling down on the bottles or falling off the balcony's

Of course they all have a drink, myself including and do get drunk but hardly every day and hardly to a state of total inebriation.

Even the tourists who drink all day and night, its more like 1 in 200 who gets legless but never seen them "have accidents" themselves, (only with help).

PS. Most men come to Pattaya NOT to get drunk, but to get a company of a sweet female, so hardly ever someone gets totally wasted as it defeats the purpose of his visit

An expert on why people come to Pattaya? I think you left out a few items out. Contrary to popular opinion Pattaya has many thngs to offer besides sex, as all of Thailand does. How many times have you been down to the guts of Pattaya at midnight to see these falling down drunks? There are there, almost everywhere. My friends get drunk sometimes. I don't think I have any friends that do nothing wrong anytime. Congratulations!!!!!

Do governments send all the heavy drinkers to Thailand as a punishment ???B) Most of these deaths and incidents are drink related, and a majority are in fact DRUNK. I like a drink now and again, but CAN limit the amount and still enjoy the day without getting drunk. People have a right to drink and enjoy, but every day ?? what is their problem ?? Most of the accidents/incidents/deaths are related to alcohol-farrangs are vunerable when in this state in any country.


What's great about Pattaya is it sucks in most of the 'edgy people' (most posters seem to use slightly more offensive words), thus keeping them away from normal places. Visiting it is not compulsory. I don't know why the offended want the place pushed into the ocean or otherwise cleaned up. It serves an important function - like a vacuum cleaner.

Don't get me wrong. I quite like the place to visit, so I guess that makes me edgy. :lol:


Natural Consequences eventually steps in to settle things.

A good friend of mine died here after years of drunkeness and abuse of his thai girlfriend. Why would I care about the nuance of exactualy what happened the problem took care of itself.

I don't go to the bars anymore and have curtailed my own drinking because I am sick of seeing drunken farangs. I wish I had a nickle for each time I tried to talk my friend out of climbing on a motorbike with his devoted thai gf drunk as a skunk. He even attacked me once when I tried to talk some sense into him. It was pathetic.

I got my a$$ kicked in a bar in the states and the cops told me that they are not going to waste their time trying to sort out who did what because 99% of the time the victim got what he deserved. In hindsight, I got what I deserved, natural consequence, case closed.


With the huge number of seriously hardcore alcoholic foreigners living or visiting here this isn't a surprising story at all. I've met plenty of people who are drinking at least a klom of whiskey a day, every day, and get injured from accidents they have while falling down drunk

Glad to hear you keep excellent company of friends and people you meet.

I do not know any foreigners who are drunks or have had any injury's such as falling down on the bottles or falling off the balcony's

Of course they all have a drink, myself including and do get drunk but hardly every day and hardly to a state of total inebriation.

Even the tourists who drink all day and night, its more like 1 in 200 who gets legless but never seen them "have accidents" themselves, (only with help).

PS. Most men come to Pattaya NOT to get drunk, but to get a company of a sweet female, so hardly ever someone gets totally wasted as it defeats the purpose of his visit

An expert on why people come to Pattaya? I think you left out a few items out. Contrary to popular opinion Pattaya has many thngs to offer besides sex, as all of Thailand does. How many times have you been down to the guts of Pattaya at midnight to see these falling down drunks? There are there, almost everywhere. My friends get drunk sometimes. I don't think I have any friends that do nothing wrong anytime. Congratulations!!!!!

Do governments send all the heavy drinkers to Thailand as a punishment ???B) Most of these deaths and incidents are drink related, and a majority are in fact DRUNK. I like a drink now and again, but CAN limit the amount and still enjoy the day without getting drunk. People have a right to drink and enjoy, but every day ?? what is their problem ?? Most of the accidents/incidents/deaths are related to alcohol-farrangs are vunerable when in this state in any country.

do you have an official autopsy statistics that MAJORITY( as you stated) were in fact drunk??? not what police like to claim but autopsy statistics.

PS. Drunk by legal definition or drunk by what definition? Some can drink a bottle of vodka and while legally drunk, are hardly drunk and can walk, talk and hardly be noted as being drunk, while others can have 1 beer and while legally not drunk, can not even talk.

PPS. How does local police determine the drunk factor?


Natural Consequences eventually steps in to settle things.

A good friend of mine died here after years of drunkeness and abuse of his thai girlfriend. Why would I care about the nuance of exactualy what happened the problem took care of itself.

I don't go to the bars anymore and have curtailed my own drinking because I am sick of seeing drunken farangs. I wish I had a nickle for each time I tried to talk my friend out of climbing on a motorbike with his devoted thai gf drunk as a skunk. He even attacked me once when I tried to talk some sense into him. It was pathetic.

I got my a$ kicked in a bar in the states and the cops told me that they are not going to waste their time trying to sort out who did what because 99% of the time the victim got what he deserved. In hindsight, I got what I deserved, natural consequence, case closed.

In other words, if someone goes to a bar to have a few drinks, and gets killed-thats his fault?

and if someone has a few at home and gets killed, thats also his fault ?


Why there isn't a sub forum for topics of this kind?

Call it the inspector clouseau forum.

Yes, and then the rest of us wouldn't have to be bothered reading their reflexive inane conspiracy drivel every time there is a farang death in Thailand. No police report, no problem---the board members (must be really boring upcountry) will supply all the speculative details we might ever want to read. If they had their own crime forum they could all gather for the metaphorical circle jerk every time there is a questionable death in LOS---project theories ad nauseam (with no real facts to point to of course--except a feeble few paragraphs in the local rag) about police incompetence, police conspiracies, universal Thai loathing of all the simple good-hearted farangs who come to Thailand for the purist reasons, and just the general overall perfidy of several millions of Thais. Seems like the perfect solution both for them and for those of us who prefer to save ourselves the teeth-gnashing caused by accidentally starting to read this nonsense......because, really, once you start reading all the crack-pot theories it becomes almost impossible to turn away.....a little like watching a train wreck......


Perfect post :thumbsup:


They relased a recording of the girl calling the police. Here's the transcipt:

Police: "191, what is your emergency?"

Girl: "Help! My boyfriend fall and hit head! He's dead!"

Police: "Wait, maybe we should send an ambulance...are you sure he's dead?"

Girl: "OK, just a minute!"

...sound of footsteps and a bottle breaking...

Girl: "Yes, I'm sure he dead now..."


"In other words, if someone goes to a bar to have a few drinks, and gets killed-thats his fault?

and if someone has a few at home and gets killed, thats also his fault ?"

Reread my post. The victim apparantly had a long history of drunkenness. The example I gave of my friend also had a long history of conflict and drunkenness, There are also many posts on this forum of farangs who live that lifestyle. So the short answer to your question is yes, if you are a drunk your odds of producing a bad outcome are increased and no, I do not have much sympathy.

For those of us who come here and try to respect the culture and behave in ways that are somewhat respectable it is a embarrassment to share the city. I've had my share of good times here and I have pushed the limits. If I would have been burned by my bad choices I would not be complaining about it.

This does not sound like a case of a "few drinks"


Another coincidence?

But more to this I am sure, but what we may never know.

Special note, after reading the short story here, I went to the main and read the whole available,,, ummm Story :whistling:

Then I came back here to comment and hit page down, and got slapped with Ads By Google "Meet Your Asian Lady Today" <_<

Yep noticed the very same thing myself?


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