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maybe you should take them a video Locked up Abroad. As for learning, yes I'm sorry I didn't learn to take drugs.

So by your own admission you are ill equipped to comment on them as you know absolutely nothing about them apart from what you are told about them ? :o

The so called war on drugs has been an utter and abject failure for the last 50 odd years. It has done nothing to stop the production or distribution of them and in real terms they are cheaper than ever. The only way to stop people from taking drugs is education. I have also watched many episodes of locked up abroad. It is a made for TV docu-drama which is designed to be shocking. I go and see the real thing. Try wearing 5kg leg irons 24/7 for 6 months in a sweaty, hot room where you have nothing but a blanket on a concrete floor.

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maybe you should take them a video Locked up Abroad. As for learning, yes I'm sorry I didn't learn to take drugs.

So by your own admission you are ill equipped to comment on them as you know absolutely nothing about them apart from what you are told about them ? :o

The so called war on drugs has been an utter and abject failure for the last 50 odd years. It has done nothing to stop the production or distribution of them and in real terms they are cheaper than ever. The only way to stop people from taking drugs is education. I have also watched many episodes of locked up abroad. It is a made for TV docu-drama which is designed to be shocking. I go and see the real thing. Try wearing 5kg leg irons 24/7 for 6 months in a sweaty, hot room where you have nothing but a blanket on a concrete floor.

Aside of the fact thats its against the Geneva Convention (leg irons), i believe.


Guys I'm just giving my view mainly on drug users or pusher's. I don't need experience if it's illegal and they know. As for feeling sorry or any compassion no way just do the time as for chains it's nothing new been around for years. This might educate them but I would say not the rewards are too great. As for open season bring Thaksin back again he had the right idea lost a few to collateral damage but small price to pay. Ok I will not comment more as it's gone to far off what the OP had asked for.


Again your views on drugs are based on the propaganda the Governments feed you and nothing else. and your so called " pushers " I have yet to meet a drug pusher that you think of. in all my years I have never ever had anybody come and try to " push " drugs

People who take drugs go and buy them. They don't sit there and wait for somebody to come and force them to buy them.

You sy bring back Thaksin as he just shot alleged drug dealers.

It didn't stop the sale of drugs 1% and never will.

In mexico over 30,000 people have died in the war on drugs over the last few years and guess what they still keep doing it. Can you honestly tell me your way of trying to stop drug taking is working ?

Your hang em high and jail them for years has been a complete failure.

As said the people I go to visit are not murderers, rapists or child molesters so I will continue to help them where I can.

You continue in your little bubble of LA LA land.


Again your views on drugs are based on the propaganda the Governments feed you and nothing else. and your so called " pushers " I have yet to meet a drug pusher that you think of. in all my years I have never ever had anybody come and try to " push " drugs

People who take drugs go and buy them. They don't sit there and wait for somebody to come and force them to buy them.

You sy bring back Thaksin as he just shot alleged drug dealers.

It didn't stop the sale of drugs 1% and never will.

In mexico over 30,000 people have died in the war on drugs over the last few years and guess what they still keep doing it. Can you honestly tell me your way of trying to stop drug taking is working ?

Your hang em high and jail them for years has been a complete failure.

As said the people I go to visit are not murderers, rapists or child molesters so I will continue to help them where I can.

You continue in your little bubble of LA LA land.


Yes drug 'pushers'.....try to imagine the same as breweries or tobacco companies if you please. No difference just they are not 'allowed' to pay their taxes!


It varies from some diving instructors in there for working without a work permit on Tao to 35 years for shed loads of methamphetamine. They do reckon it is one of the better prisons in Thailand so not many want to get shipped out. The prison is designed to hold 240 people and at the moment there are 525 people in there. The Farangs all share 1 cell with no beds just a blanket and thats it.

A proper prison which the Government in the UK should send somebody to study and copy ;)

how tough can working with out a permit get ? fine - years ?


Previously, i just arrived at the prison and mentioned a name which i got from Samui Express. Yes the man was a rogue, but a fellow human being and he could not do me any harm seeing where he was ! I know that some on TV thought i was a fool, but i was happy with it. If i brought some happiness to the person (Paul Stone) then thats my business. I used to take him Ham and other meats which was shared around the other cell mates. I soon found out that i was not allowed to take loaves of bread , but was able to take Bread rolls to him. !

i went to visit someone once i gave them my name. they welcomed me and and were so happy to see me thaty they did not let me out for 1 year. minde u that was in the u.k and i was such a vip that apparently i was their as her majisties pleasure. She must have been very happy when i bashed some pikies on the feild.

Must have been my gift for helping the country.

food was a bit rough though. though the Queen would have had better food prepared. the rooms were a bit rough but it was a pleasure because i was a guest of the queen so.

thank you england.


as for giving them a camera to film. why not. on a serious note. it might put people off doing crimes in thailand. this is 2011. before people used pen and paper to write about prison life. now with the aid of the future why not video it.




I agree they are humans if not they would be in a zoo. As for not being murders or rapists who knows? If they are dealing in drugs let them rot there for a while longer some people never learn. Look at the Aussies who go to Bali get caught ever week then cry about it.

i could be wrong, but my information was that all the "hardcore" crims do not stay on Samui, but are transferred off the island. Although at the time there was one Nigerian waiting sentence and the judge had told him "I hope you realise that you are facing a death sentence" he had been caught with drugs concealed in his anus. For him i have no sympathy whatsoever


The purpose of prison is punishment for breaking the law.

Foreigners are guests of this country and, in my opinion, we have a special responsibility to behave well to our hosts.

Making law-breakers more comfortable is ridiculous. And this, "They are human too" BS is ill-conceived. People are saying, "Well, they are not rapists or murderers," as if breaking those laws results in that perpetrator becoming "un-human." Do you think the parents of the girl who got hooked on "ice" because her farang supplier made it available to her and encouraged her to "party" are going to bring this prisoner food and books and whatnot to make is stay in prison just a little more comfortable?

And those here who say, "I also do charitable work for people who did not break the law," are missing the point. It's about who is deserving and who is not. Those who are incarcerated knew what they were risking and they knew full well what country they were in and what the reputation is regarding jails and prisons here.

Giving gifts to miscreants, delinquents, pushers and law-breakers is warped.


The purpose of prison is punishment for breaking the law.

Foreigners are guests of this country and, in my opinion, we have a special responsibility to behave well to our hosts.

Making law-breakers more comfortable is ridiculous. And this, "They are human too" BS is ill-conceived. People are saying, "Well, they are not rapists or murderers," as if breaking those laws results in that perpetrator becoming "un-human." Do you think the parents of the girl who got hooked on "ice" because her farang supplier made it available to her and encouraged her to "party" are going to bring this prisoner food and books and whatnot to make is stay in prison just a little more comfortable?

And those here who say, "I also do charitable work for people who did not break the law," are missing the point. It's about who is deserving and who is not. Those who are incarcerated knew what they were risking and they knew full well what country they were in and what the reputation is regarding jails and prisons here.

Giving gifts to miscreants, delinquents, pushers and law-breakers is warped.

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.


The purpose of prison is punishment for breaking the law.

Foreigners are guests of this country and, in my opinion, we have a special responsibility to behave well to our hosts.

Making law-breakers more comfortable is ridiculous. And this, "They are human too" BS is ill-conceived. People are saying, "Well, they are not rapists or murderers," as if breaking those laws results in that perpetrator becoming "un-human." Do you think the parents of the girl who got hooked on "ice" because her farang supplier made it available to her and encouraged her to "party" are going to bring this prisoner food and books and whatnot to make is stay in prison just a little more comfortable?

And those here who say, "I also do charitable work for people who did not break the law," are missing the point. It's about who is deserving and who is not. Those who are incarcerated knew what they were risking and they knew full well what country they were in and what the reputation is regarding jails and prisons here.

Giving gifts to miscreants, delinquents, pushers and law-breakers is warped.

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

Fair point but you don't get 40 years for smoking a joint.


The purpose of prison is punishment for breaking the law.

Foreigners are guests of this country and, in my opinion, we have a special responsibility to behave well to our hosts.

Making law-breakers more comfortable is ridiculous. And this, "They are human too" BS is ill-conceived. People are saying, "Well, they are not rapists or murderers," as if breaking those laws results in that perpetrator becoming "un-human." Do you think the parents of the girl who got hooked on "ice" because her farang supplier made it available to her and encouraged her to "party" are going to bring this prisoner food and books and whatnot to make is stay in prison just a little more comfortable?

And those here who say, "I also do charitable work for people who did not break the law," are missing the point. It's about who is deserving and who is not. Those who are incarcerated knew what they were risking and they knew full well what country they were in and what the reputation is regarding jails and prisons here.

Giving gifts to miscreants, delinquents, pushers and law-breakers is warped.

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

Fair point but you don't get 40 years for smoking a joint.

True, but don't you get five years and six months of that in leg irons? You know, i do believe in the "do the crime, do the tie" thing i really have a problem in understanding the need or necessity of leg irons.

It just seems so inhumane.


Its archaic although I'm all in favour of prisoners earning their chicken neck stew through work. Its prison....part of the deal is punishment....part should be rehabilitation.

Its refreshing to see Thailand hasn't forgotten the deterrent unlike so many western countries. ;)

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

I agree, but people who overstay to the point that they have earned a little jail time are idiots in my book. As I said, you are a guest here and it is your responsibility to keep your visa in proper order. I recently heard of some fellow who is in the country now, Samui, and has overstayed something like two years. I can't remember the particulars, but this sort of behavior should be punished. But when he gets caught, you do-gooders can bring him some fruit to make life easier for him in the pokey. . .

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

I agree, but people who overstay to the point that they have earned a little jail time are idiots in my book. As I said, you are a guest here and it is your responsibility to keep your visa in proper order. I recently heard of some fellow who is in the country now, Samui, and has overstayed something like two years. I can't remember the particulars, but this sort of behavior should be punished. But when he gets caught, you do-gooders can bring him some fruit to make life easier for him in the pokey. . .

i suppose u have a point the police don't lock u up for a few days weeks or even a few months over stay. They tend to lock up peoplle that over stay for years and people who r repeatedly over staying for months at a time.

In America it is the same people get locked up for over staying visas and england infact everywhere.

as for the uk i wish we would give the death penalty to anyone who is in our country illegally as i see it as an act of war and tresparsing.

then i suppose i am on my own on that opinin i just cannot be bother to pretend that i am not right wing i suppose i will go down as hated from now on but allot of the people who agree with me just shut their lips.

hence the reason why i cannot live in england because too many people are tight lipped and do nothing and just moan. Then when u try to do something noone backs me up and i get left wing bashed.


anyway england can rot. Thailand has a system that puts its own people first. i am an outsider so i try to behave the way i wish aliens would behave back home.


I do have a problem with foreign and even thai nationals that have been stitched up. Prisons have to allow for that fact that some prisoners might later be found innocent which is why I disagree with the death penalty.

The UK has many innocent people behinde bars who have later been let out of jail due to new evidence that proves there innocents.

What I am trying to say is that prisons should be harsh but fair.

Specially with drug enforcement. It is very easy to wake up with old bill out side year house and half a tone of whatsits somewhere in year house which means that u would have been a victim of a stitch up. Maybe someone with a grudge.

Maybe someone could sweet it out for 2 years but 99 years that is allot of spent time.

Also assuming that legal system is just and fair

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

I agree, but people who overstay to the point that they have earned a little jail time are idiots in my book. As I said, you are a guest here and it is your responsibility to keep your visa in proper order. I recently heard of some fellow who is in the country now, Samui, and has overstayed something like two years. I can't remember the particulars, but this sort of behavior should be punished. But when he gets caught, you do-gooders can bring him some fruit to make life easier for him in the pokey. . .

i suppose u have a point the police don't lock u up for a few days weeks or even a few months over stay. They tend to lock up peoplle that over stay for years and people who r repeatedly over staying for months at a time.

In America it is the same people get locked up for over staying visas and england infact everywhere.

as for the uk i wish we would give the death penalty to anyone who is in our country illegally as i see it as an act of war and tresparsing.

then i suppose i am on my own on that opinin i just cannot be bother to pretend that i am not right wing i suppose i will go down as hated from now on but allot of the people who agree with me just shut their lips.

hence the reason why i cannot live in england because too many people are tight lipped and do nothing and just moan. Then when u try to do something noone backs me up and i get left wing bashed.


anyway england can rot. Thailand has a system that puts its own people first. i am an outsider so i try to behave the way i wish aliens would behave back home.

Yes mate , Poms always were "whingers"

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

I agree, but people who overstay to the point that they have earned a little jail time are idiots in my book. As I said, you are a guest here and it is your responsibility to keep your visa in proper order. I recently heard of some fellow who is in the country now, Samui, and has overstayed something like two years. I can't remember the particulars, but this sort of behavior should be punished. But when he gets caught, you do-gooders can bring him some fruit to make life easier for him in the pokey. . .

i suppose u have a point the police don't lock u up for a few days weeks or even a few months over stay. They tend to lock up peoplle that over stay for years and people who r repeatedly over staying for months at a time.

In America it is the same people get locked up for over staying visas and england infact everywhere.

as for the uk i wish we would give the death penalty to anyone who is in our country illegally as i see it as an act of war and tresparsing.

then i suppose i am on my own on that opinin i just cannot be bother to pretend that i am not right wing i suppose i will go down as hated from now on but allot of the people who agree with me just shut their lips.

hence the reason why i cannot live in england because too many people are tight lipped and do nothing and just moan. Then when u try to do something noone backs me up and i get left wing bashed.


anyway england can rot. Thailand has a system that puts its own people first. i am an outsider so i try to behave the way i wish aliens would behave back home.

Yes mate , Poms always were "whingers"

Stop whinging oldsailor, or should we say after the ashes series...."stop have a Ponting" what a whinging dwarf that guy is. Anyway, more importantly. what did we send you down to Oz for anyway?



I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

I agree, but people who overstay to the point that they have earned a little jail time are idiots in my book. As I said, you are a guest here and it is your responsibility to keep your visa in proper order. I recently heard of some fellow who is in the country now, Samui, and has overstayed something like two years. I can't remember the particulars, but this sort of behavior should be punished. But when he gets caught, you do-gooders can bring him some fruit to make life easier for him in the pokey. . .

i suppose u have a point the police don't lock u up for a few days weeks or even a few months over stay. They tend to lock up peoplle that over stay for years and people who r repeatedly over staying for months at a time.

In America it is the same people get locked up for over staying visas and england infact everywhere.

as for the uk i wish we would give the death penalty to anyone who is in our country illegally as i see it as an act of war and tresparsing.

then i suppose i am on my own on that opinin i just cannot be bother to pretend that i am not right wing i suppose i will go down as hated from now on but allot of the people who agree with me just shut their lips.

hence the reason why i cannot live in england because too many people are tight lipped and do nothing and just moan. Then when u try to do something noone backs me up and i get left wing bashed.


anyway england can rot. Thailand has a system that puts its own people first. i am an outsider so i try to behave the way i wish aliens would behave back home.

Yes mate , Poms always were "whingers"

yes well we do have a reson to whing. we put all our criminal in austrailia which is a lovely country then give the country away to them. sen me to jai old fashon style. england is backwards. life in jail in the old days. now we can't even get a visa to go to our old jail. prison really is a holiday camp.

well anything is better than Butlins. that place just takes the piss out of the holiday system.

I think it is important to diferentiate between someone that has been smuggling or dealing ice and someone that has overstayed or other such violations. I'm not so sure that someone caught smoking a joint is quite as harmful to the human race as someone peddling ice or heroin. Just my opinion.

I agree, but people who overstay to the point that they have earned a little jail time are idiots in my book. As I said, you are a guest here and it is your responsibility to keep your visa in proper order. I recently heard of some fellow who is in the country now, Samui, and has overstayed something like two years. I can't remember the particulars, but this sort of behavior should be punished. But when he gets caught, you do-gooders can bring him some fruit to make life easier for him in the pokey. . .

have refrigeration companies been effected by ICE smuggling




I agree they are humans if not they would be in a zoo. As for not being murders or rapists who knows? If they are dealing in drugs let them rot there for a while longer some people never learn. Look at the Aussies who go to Bali get caught ever week then cry about it.

i could be wrong, but my information was that all the "hardcore" crims do not stay on Samui, but are transferred off the island. Although at the time there was one Nigerian waiting sentence and the judge had told him "I hope you realise that you are facing a death sentence" he had been caught with drugs concealed in his anus. For him i have no sympathy whatsoever

they were not in yr anus ?




I agree they are humans if not they would be in a zoo. As for not being murders or rapists who knows? If they are dealing in drugs let them rot there for a while longer some people never learn. Look at the Aussies who go to Bali get caught ever week then cry about it.

i could be wrong, but my information was that all the "hardcore" crims do not stay on Samui, but are transferred off the island. Although at the time there was one Nigerian waiting sentence and the judge had told him "I hope you realise that you are facing a death sentence" he had been caught with drugs concealed in his anus. For him i have no sympathy whatsoever

they were not in yr anus ?

WOW...i dread to think where this threads going Rooooooooooooooooooo :o




I agree they are humans if not they would be in a zoo. As for not being murders or rapists who knows? If they are dealing in drugs let them rot there for a while longer some people never learn. Look at the Aussies who go to Bali get caught ever week then cry about it.

i could be wrong, but my information was that all the "hardcore" crims do not stay on Samui, but are transferred off the island. Although at the time there was one Nigerian waiting sentence and the judge had told him "I hope you realise that you are facing a death sentence" he had been caught with drugs concealed in his anus. For him i have no sympathy whatsoever

they were not in yr anus ?

Bring back the stocks and we can all throw tomatoes like they do in Spain every year....who cares if they're guilty it will be a great stress reliever for everyone. :D


I do have a problem with foreign and even thai nationals that have been stitched up. Prisons have to allow for that fact that some prisoners might later be found innocent which is why I disagree with the death penalty.

The UK has many innocent people behinde bars who have later been let out of jail due to new evidence that proves there innocents.

What I am trying to say is that prisons should be harsh but fair.

Specially with drug enforcement. It is very easy to wake up with old bill out side year house and half a tone of whatsits somewhere in year house which means that u would have been a victim of a stitch up. Maybe someone with a grudge.

Maybe someone could sweet it out for 2 years but 99 years that is allot of spent time.

Also assuming that legal system is just and fair


Yep I am for the stock usage. Depending on the crime depends on what we throw at them. I would like to though bird seed so the birds crap on himn


I do have a problem with foreign and even thai nationals that have been stitched up. Prisons have to allow for that fact that some prisoners might later be found innocent which is why I disagree with the death penalty.

The UK has many innocent people behinde bars who have later been let out of jail due to new evidence that proves there innocents.

What I am trying to say is that prisons should be harsh but fair.

Specially with drug enforcement. It is very easy to wake up with old bill out side year house and half a tone of whatsits somewhere in year house which means that u would have been a victim of a stitch up. Maybe someone with a grudge.

Maybe someone could sweet it out for 2 years but 99 years that is allot of spent time.

Also assuming that legal system is just and fair

Correct Mr BigC. It also seems that the British Embassy does'nt seem to give a toss about such incidents of :stitch ups" Quite worrying really.

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