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Spartacus Hbo


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I saw this series last year "UN-CUT". I believe it was 20 one hour programs in the entire series if not mistaken. Great series made and produced in Australia by Australian actress Linda Lovelace. But this ought to be good. Considering how the Thai Censors ruin so many of western movies, I can't wait to see the results. Spartacus coming to HBO April 24 late at night for good reason. It contains serious adult content. Severe blood and guts fights. AND lots of nudity. In fact some whole scenes may not be aired because of it. And if they are, then entire story line is ruined. It is truly a soft-core presentation. Linda Lovelace holds nothing back. It has its twist and turns in the story line and is very shocking at times to say the least, even for an old salt who's seen a lot.

Extensive historical research went into making this series and the story line and its depictions were considered very accurate. It depicts life as it was back then. So I hoping it is shown as intended and is not modified. Censors would not be doing the film any justice if they edit it in any way. I welcome any Austrialian comments because you may have insights on this series that I don't have. I enjoyed the series and would like to see the next twenty. I suggest only viewing this film if this style interest you.:jap:

Edited by Mrjlh
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Simple solution really, dont watch it on Thai hbo. Why would you even try? That show is loaded with cock, yes COCK. Not the rooster kind, the purple headed monstrosity kind, for a raging hetero like myself it was slightly unnerving, but I did appreciate the change in social norms for TV, male genetalia should be more common I guess, maybe get an eyeful while the family eats dinner in front of the TV together!

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Linda Lovelace - long-dead I think? Australians?

Try Lucy Lawless, formerly played Xena: Warrior Princess

She is from New Zealand

The series Spartacus: Blood and Sand is an American production filmed in Auckland, New Zealand - as were Xena and Hercules from the 90s

13 episodes

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

and second series - which is actually a prequel, also filmed in NZ

Spartacus: Gods of the Arena

as for historical research . . . . about as much as went into Xena! with less clothes

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Bare breasts being on display in the series should not be problem as the series would be considered a "work of art" according to Khun Nipit at the ministry of culture....:whistling:

Regards the "blood & guts".......you ever looked at Thai TV or the newspaper's ?.......lots of real life blood and guts always on display

So provided the series has no scenes which show booze bottles or people pointing guns at each other, should be aired uncensored....:rolleyes:


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Linda Lovelace - long-dead I think? Australians?

Try Lucy Lawless, formerly played Xena: Warrior Princess

She is from New Zealand

:lol: :lol: :lol: I knew the name didn't sound right! Just could put my finger on it last night. Thanks for the clarification!:jap:

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I won't watch any critically acclaimed series on Thai television. I can't stand the censorship. I tried watching both The Pacific and The Wire, but gave up when so much was cut out.

Now, I either buy the dvd's or torrent them ( I pay for the shows on my US television, and I can then slingbox them here, but I don't like watching them on my computer, so I prefer to torrent or buy the dvd.)

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I saw this series last year wasn't it on HBO? I can't remember now. I don't remember any gratuitus nudity :( bare breasts? :( The other mentioned has no appeal to me quite the opposite in fact but there were a lot of nice looking ladies in that series too :( but only a lot of slow motion blood spattering scenes I had no idea it was supposed to be that sexually racy. I hate the censorship yet they have no problem with dead torsos etc. on live news during dinner or on the internet, so many hypocrits not enough time :( ..

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Yeah awesome series, torrent'd S1 + prequel earlier this year, absolutely amazing. Very very graphic though, I was initially a little taken aback by it, but it all goes with the historical context + storyline. They'd have to simply not air it if they wanted to apply any censorship norms to it, as it's just too graphic throughout the entire series.

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I saw this series last year wasn't it on HBO? I can't remember now. I don't remember any gratuitus nudity :( bare breasts? :( The other mentioned has no appeal to me quite the opposite in fact but there were a lot of nice looking ladies in that series too :( but only a lot of slow motion blood spattering scenes I had no idea it was supposed to be that sexually racy. I hate the censorship yet they have no problem with dead torsos etc. on live news during dinner or on the internet, so many hypocrits not enough time :( ..

The first couple episodes were really heavy on the slow motion blood spatter and not much else. Wasn't that good a show at the start. It got a lot better later and turned in to a great show. There was a lot of nudity later. Female and male

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On a bus last week.

UNCENSORED Thai horror film with 90 minutes of up-close and graphic non-stop killing including decapitations, disembowelments and a truck squashing a girl's head (the truck backed up a few times to be sure it was flat enough).

Made it difficult to read the biography of Roosevelt and Churchill's relationship.

But the little girls--maybe 6 or 7 years old--in the seats in front of me sure enjoyed the film....while their parents slept or yacked on cell phones.

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Blood and Sand was the first series. Gods of the Arena is a follow on which is showing in the UK at the moment. The guy who played Spartacus in series 1 has had to drop out of series 2 as he has some form of cancer :huh:

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Yeah Gods of the Arena is the prequel. They made it because the lead actor from the original has cancer and had to undergo treatment. They were hoping to give him time to recover for season 2. Unfortunately he did not, so they have cast a new lead actor for season two of the original.

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Wait...it'll get better! Every week the next two episodes will be shown late at night.

Lucy Lawless ( not Linda..Duh) in time will bare it all and so will others. The biggest problem is the under lying sub plots will be lost if too many scenes are cut. What is especially annoying is the "double standard" imposed. OK for Thai movies but not OK for western movies.

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I won't watch any critically acclaimed series on Thai television. I can't stand the censorship. I tried watching both The Pacific and The Wire, but gave up when so much was cut out.

Now, I either buy the dvd's or torrent them ( I pay for the shows on my US television, and I can then slingbox them here, but I don't like watching them on my computer, so I prefer to torrent or buy the dvd.)

Absolutely this.

I don't want what some conservative bureaucrat with the mental age of a Western teenager wants me to see, I want to see it how the directors and producers intended.

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  • 4 months later...

'Spartacus' Star Andy Whitfield dead at 39


Andy Whitfield -- who left the show "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" after he was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma -- died today in Sydney, Australia. He was 39.

Whitfield's wife issued a statement, saying her husband died on a "sunny Sydney morning" in the "arms of his loving wife."

Edited by Atmos
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