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Thaksin Ready To Return And 'Serve The People'

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For those that lived through the 1997 economic disaster and that has been in business . . . We know the miracles Thaksin did....

It is a fact of history; go look at the Asian economic disater after the financial colapse in 1997....

Only Thailand got out of it, in the last year of Thaksin - Thailand even repaid all debts to the World Bank; clearing out the help they got.

A large number of devellopment sin Thailand got underway during his reign....

Do you understand :

a ) Thaksin was standing 1 step behind Chavalit when he said 'We will not devalue the baht' on friday, and on monday Chavalit devalued the baht causing the Asian Tiger economimic crash. Thaksin was Deputy PM. and was one of the ONLY people who turned a profit from hedging his baht investments, before the devaluation....

Please read in the assumtions of how that happened with his position at the time. This also goes to the heart of the Sondhi/Thaksin bad blood. Sondhi was not let in on the deal and was ruined and knew Thaksin could have given him the same insider trading knowledge but didn't. Fearing Sondhi and the Lao Satellite deal would be too great a competition for Shinsat... Later Thaksin used banker friend leverage to drive final nails into Sondhi financially for many years.. and the seed of an intense desire for vendetta was planted.

b ) Thaksin did NOT like the "World Banks*" reporting restrictions. It prevented him from cooking the books and doing deals he wanted to do. So he SOLD the "World Banks*" or more correctly IMF International Monetary Fund debt to... TEMASEK, yes Singapore bought it,

as LONG TERM DEBT, with no oversight restrictions, lower interest, but because of the longer time MORE COST TO THAILAND.

c ) Thailand was an original signatory of the IMF was and STILL IS, a member and contributor yearly based on % of national revenues. As short term safety valve, in times of financial distress. This is why Thailand joined and used the IMF funds. Because it is like a global insurance pool for members if they ever needed.

So Thaksin sold everyone the fiction that the debt was paid off, when it only was shifted to a less observent local 'owner', so he was not under such strong scrutiny, and played the nationalist card to make it seem he was getting some great satan off of Thailands back. But in reality sold the debt to a commercial entity, rather than the international governmental safety valve insurance agency, that Thailand is a part of.

Masterfully played since some still believe this fiction even now.

Ignoring the fact that he was in the heart of the cockup that CAUSED the need for that loan. Chuan took those fair and typical IMF loan agreements, for a time, in an attempt to clean up the Thai banking world. Thaksin made nationalist points while dialing back all those reforms to an ailing system, while benefiting from a return to strength of the REGIONAL economy. And taking full credit for the tough love repairs of others, while blaming them for the pain needed to do those repairs.

Similarly to how Abhisit is being blamed for external factors to Thailand's economy beyond his control.

* "World Banks*" or more correctly IMF

a) So, regarding Taksin/Sondhi, you advocate Macy should tell Saks? That's left of Castro and Kim Jong Il.

B) Supposition rarely rings authoritative and this is no exception. Did or did not Thailand weather the financial crisis better than other regional governments? Believing your own conjecture does not reality make.

c) So what really bothers you is not that the country benefitted, but that he may have. You can say that the country did not benefit, but who is one supposed to believe, the articulate crowing of isolated foreigners that should not be involved in Thai politics, or the legions of people to whom the country truly belongs?

Thaksin had invested in Sondhi's company and Sondhi had paid him out almost double in cash.

Sondhi thought he was a friend till that point when he got shafted. Until that point they had been business partners on good terms

When Thaksin didn't need him anymore he burned him.

It is simply supposition because there was no mechanism to prosecute insider trading with enough teeth at the time to nail Thaksin.


Ah yes, so your think an articulate foreigner who lives in Thailand full time, has no right to have a public say in matters that affect him? My wife and child are two of those 'legions of people' you mention.


Thaksin woos voters with promises, ready to return and 'serve the people'

Reminds me of that Twilight Zone episode where the aliens landed and presented their manifesto "to serve man". When the earthlings finaly got it translated as their citizens were boarding the spaceship-- "it's a cookbook, it's a cookbook!"


Thaksin did not mention anything about corruption.

With a corrupt billionaire and his mafia men the country, we can be quite sure that all those mega projects would involve significant graft.

It is still behind me why a banned politician and fugitive convict is allowed to run a political party in this country?

Ask Newin, he's banned and his party are part of the current coalition government.

With a corrupt billionaire and his mafia men the country, we can be quite sure that all those mega projects would involve significant graft.

We already have that in this government, again, Newin and his mafia clan from Buriram.

It is still behind me why a banned politician and fugitive convict is allowed to run a political party in this country?

Ask Newin, he's banned and his party are part of the current coalition government.

With a corrupt billionaire and his mafia men the country, we can be quite sure that all those mega projects would involve significant graft.

We already have that in this government, again, Newin and his mafia clan from Buriram.

Well other than the 'convicted for corruption, that's been validated through all courts, and he is now on the run from justice' part.

Newin is banned and running a part like Banharn and others.


Well other than the 'convicted for corruption, that's been validated through all courts, and he is now on the run from justice' part.

Newin is banned and running a part like Banharn and others.

Newin has a previous conviction from 1998 for vote-buying yet for some unfathomable reason was allowed to continue in politics. Ironically the case was filed by a Democrat MP.

Let's not get into petty bickering about who is worse; Thaksin, Banharn or Newin, they are all equally bad, financial disparity notwithstanding.

My point is people are very vocal about criticising Thaksin and Puea Thai while overlooking the banned and corrupt politicians directly involved in running the country at the moment. A complete hypocrisy.


I am amazed at the people, including foreigners - failing to realize what S. Thaksin did for this country and its people; including foregn businesses.

I am amazed the red apologists don't realize the same thing.

At least in the telecom industry which I am familiar with, he drove everyone else out of business, changed the laws to unfairly advantage himself, and then funnelled billions from the state into his own corporate pockets.

Yes. It is high time everyone started to recognize what Thaksin truly did to this country and its people, and that we all join hands to make sure this charlatan is incarcerated for the rest of his days.


Let's not get into petty bickering about who is worse; Thaksin, Banharn or Newin, they are all equally bad, financial disparity notwithstanding.

Wrong. Thaksin is 1000 times worse. I doubt you've ever had to deal with any of them. You don't know what you are saying.


My point is people are very vocal about criticising Thaksin and Puea Thai while overlooking the banned and corrupt politicians directly involved in running the country at the moment. A complete hypocrisy.

Those other politicians are not trying to become Prime Minister of Thailand, whereas Thaksin is craving intensely to return to rule Thailand.

Have those other politicians corruptly enriched themselves to the degree that Thaksin did during his reign?


Well other than the 'convicted for corruption, that's been validated through all courts, and he is now on the run from justice' part.

Newin is banned and running a part like Banharn and others.

Newin has a previous conviction from 1998 for vote-buying yet for some unfathomable reason was allowed to continue in politics. Ironically the case was filed by a Democrat MP.

Let's not get into petty bickering about who is worse; Thaksin, Banharn or Newin, they are all equally bad, financial disparity notwithstanding.

My point is people are very vocal about criticising Thaksin and Puea Thai while overlooking the banned and corrupt politicians directly involved in running the country at the moment. A complete hypocrisy.

I think Barnaharn is too old to be too dangerous at this point, Newin is young, but not certifiably insane. Thaksin may not have been certified, yet, but his malevolent actions far far out weight anything the Barnharn or Newin have done, even added together.


Newin has a previous conviction from 1998 for vote-buying yet for some unfathomable reason was allowed to continue in politics. Ironically the case was filed by a Democrat MP.

Let's not get into petty bickering about who is worse; Thaksin, Banharn or Newin, they are all equally bad, financial disparity notwithstanding.

My point is people are very vocal about criticising Thaksin and Puea Thai while overlooking the banned and corrupt politicians directly involved in running the country at the moment. A complete hypocrisy.

The difference is that there is a movement and political party trying to whitewash the crimes of one of them, and a lot of posters supporting that.

If Barnham or Newin were trying to become PM, there would be a lot of posts against that happening too.


Let's not get into petty bickering about who is worse; Thaksin, Banharn or Newin, they are all equally bad, financial disparity notwithstanding.

The only thing those people have in common is that they are Thai and corrupt, though to hugely varying degrees. Where Thaksin seperates himself from the pack is that he is additionally a psycopath. A better comparison might be to Kim Jong Il.

At least in the telecom industry which I am familiar with, he drove everyone else out of business

The Junta forced Temasek to divest it's holding in Shin Corp after the coup. The nationalist and protectionist policies of the Junta at this time caused the Stock Exchange to drop substantially and caused panic in the foreign business community.

Of course this also resulted in Thailand's only independent television station (iTV) that was ironically formed as a direct result of the military dictator Suchinda's power grab in 1991/92 and the subsequent protests by the pro-democracy movement being taken over by the Junta then conveniently closed down in 2008.


The only thing those people have in common is that they are Thai and corrupt, though to hugely varying degrees. Where Thaksin seperates himself from the pack is that he is additionally a psycopath. A better comparison might be to Kim Jong Il.

And Newin isn't with his allegedly thuggery and blue shirt vigilantes?


At least you said Kim Jong Il and didn't follow Godwin's Law though.


The difference is that there is a movement and political party trying to whitewash the crimes of one of them, and a lot of posters supporting that.

If Barnham or Newin were trying to become PM, there would be a lot of posts against that happening too.

Where is Thaksin trying to become PM?

Both Newin's and Banharn's parties have done similar things to varying degrees, being just a vehicle for those people to enrich themselves.

I don't believe Thaksin is any different, he's just flavour of the month because he's a bit more clever than Newin and Banharn and has public support due to his populist policies.

It shouldn't be surprising to see Thaksin return and be exonerated due to the circumstances under which he was removed and subsequently vilified, tried and convicted.


Perhaps dear Mr Thaksin is mentally slightly unwell.

Top start with, no so long ago he made a public statement that he was no longer interested in politics......... so what has changed? he ran out of money and needs to refill his pockets?

Secondly, how does he expect or propose he returns when he has been convicted and sentenced by the court?

Legally government can not over turn his conviction just with a flick of a finger, so it seems he is proposing that PTP should break the law to accommodate him? and after all that he has the nerve to claim that he was never corrupt or did anything illegal?

And lastly i am glad to see he is "wiling" to build, develop and give more money to the people, but just one little question, where does he propose the money will come from?


The Junta forced Temasek to divest it's holding in Shin Corp after the coup. The nationalist and protectionist policies of the Junta at this time caused the Stock Exchange to drop substantially and caused panic in the foreign business community.


Interesting then that Temasek was still the major shareholder of Shin Corp in 2010 and controlled 96% of the company.

At least in the telecom industry which I am familiar with, he drove everyone else out of business

The Junta forced Temasek to divest it's holding in Shin Corp after the coup. The nationalist and protectionist policies of the Junta at this time caused the Stock Exchange to drop substantially and caused panic in the foreign business community.

Of course this also resulted in Thailand's only independent television station (iTV) that was ironically formed as a direct result of the military dictator Suchinda's power grab in 1991/92 and the subsequent protests by the pro-democracy movement being taken over by the Junta then conveniently closed down in 2008.

Itv was started only in 1995 and was part of Shin(awatra) corporation.


The difference is that there is a movement and political party trying to whitewash the crimes of one of them, and a lot of posters supporting that.

If Barnham or Newin were trying to become PM, there would be a lot of posts against that happening too.

Where is Thaksin trying to become PM?

Both Newin's and Banharn's parties have done similar things to varying degrees, being just a vehicle for those people to enrich themselves.

I don't believe Thaksin is any different, he's just flavour of the month because he's a bit more clever than Newin and Banharn and has public support due to his populist policies.

It shouldn't be surprising to see Thaksin return and be exonerated due to the circumstances under which he was removed and subsequently vilified, tried and convicted.

Agree , but very worrisome what might happen if he does , the political landscape will change fully , and don't think the millitary and other no name elite will let that happen , in fact , GOD forbid , might need a civil war if Thaksin is able to achieve these goals and the country to function normally . My guess is its more likely the other way around , meaning

up until now happenings may repeat itself , but not the outcome .


Perhaps dear Mr Thaksin is mentally slightly unwell.

Top start with, no so long ago he made a public statement that he was no longer interested in politics......... so what has changed? he ran out of money and needs to refill his pockets?

Secondly, how does he expect or propose he returns when he has been convicted and sentenced by the court?

Legally government can not over turn his conviction just with a flick of a finger, so it seems he is proposing that PTP should break the law to accommodate him? and after all that he has the nerve to claim that he was never corrupt or did anything illegal?

And lastly i am glad to see he is "wiling" to build, develop and give more money to the people, but just one little question, where does he propose the money will come from?

I presume military spending will be cut and better spent on other things.

I also suspect there is a deal in the making to exonerate him if he returns and I have heard from people in the know that there are negotiations taking place at the moment to that effect. How that will be reconciled with the courts and bureaucracy is anyone's guess.


Where is Thaksin trying to become PM?

True. He hasn't stated that he is trying to become PM.

He's just picking the PM candidate and setting PTP policy.

If PTP win the election and Thaksin returns, he probably won't be PM, but he will be telling the PM what to do.

At least in the telecom industry which I am familiar with, he drove everyone else out of business

The Junta forced Temasek to divest it's holding in Shin Corp after the coup. The nationalist and protectionist policies of the Junta at this time caused the Stock Exchange to drop substantially and caused panic in the foreign business community.

Of course this also resulted in Thailand's only independent television station (iTV) that was ironically formed as a direct result of the military dictator Suchinda's power grab in 1991/92 and the subsequent protests by the pro-democracy movement being taken over by the Junta then conveniently closed down in 2008.

Itv was started only in 1995 and was part of Shin(awatra) corporation.

As a direct result of the factors I outlined above.

Previously, as is the case now, all terrestrial TV channels were government or military controlled. The events in 1992 led directly to the need for a fully independent TV station.


It's almost an inevitability PT are going to win and he's going to come back eventually. Isn't it?

Nope :)


Where is Thaksin trying to become PM?

True. He hasn't stated that he is trying to become PM.

He's just picking the PM candidate and setting PTP policy.

If PTP win the election and Thaksin returns, he probably won't be PM, but he will be telling the PM what to do.

There are money people behind just about every political party in the world.............the unusual element is the transparency where Thaksin is involved......


I am amazed at the people, including foreigners - failing to realize what S. Thaksin did for this country and its people; including foregn businesses.

I am amazed the red apologists don't realize the same thing.

At least in the telecom industry which I am familiar with, he drove everyone else out of business, changed the laws to unfairly advantage himself, and then funnelled billions from the state into his own corporate pockets.

Yes. It is high time everyone started to recognize what Thaksin truly did to this country and its people, and that we all join hands to make sure this charlatan is incarcerated for the rest of his days.

Not to mention the deal he made with the Australian Government. This 'saint' traded a concession for Shincorp to own a slice of the satellite TV network in exchange for a guaranteed tonnage of imported Australian rice. This rice was far more costly than rice grown in Thailand and was contracted to be supplied to government establishments, the military, educational establishments and so on.

Whilst the peasants all licked his boots because of the 30 baht scheme he was vigorously shafting them behind their backs.




Taksin is now proposing:

_ Ten new electric rail lines would be introduced in Bangkok with a fixed fee of Bt20 per ride.

_ New flats and houses would be built to allow students and poor people to rent at Bt1,000 per month.

_ Some 25 river-basin areas would also be improved and water channelled from Burma, Laos and Cambodia.

_ Build a bullet train line from Bangkok to Chiang Mai as well as to other cities like Nakhon Ratchasima, Hua Hin, Rayong

_ Building a two-track rail line linking Bangkok's vicinity together

_ Extend the airport link rail to Chachoengsao province and Pattaya

_ Construct a land bridge linking the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea.

_ Eliminate the drugs problem within 12 months and eradicate poverty within four years.

_ Debt moratorium to those owing between Bt500,000 to Bt1 million for three to five years.

_ Unmilled rice would be guaranteed at Bt15,000 per tonne.

_ Minimum corporate income tax would be reduced from 30 per cent to 23 per cent within the next year.

_ Fresh university graduates would be guaranteed a minimum monthly salary of Bt15,000 and the minimum wage will be set at Bt300 per day.

_ A Bt1-billion fund would be created to help state and private universities.

_ Tax deductions for those buying their first home or economy car.

_ The oil-subsidy fund would be managed reasonably and alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and water would be developed.

_ Thai food will be promoted abroad and Suvarnabhumi Airport will be developed into a regional travel hub.


To recap -

"eradicate poverty within 4 years" - whatever that means ...

20 baht fixed rail fares in BKK,

cheap rents,

tax reductions for new cars and houses,

NOTE no mention of schools and introducing an affective system of education or welfare system for the nation.

"The Thaksin government has used populist programmes and quasi-fiscal measures to gain political popularity. According to influential social critic and academic Thirayuth Boonmee, “The government in fact set aside THB 780 billion (USD 20.8 billion) for the restructuring of bad debts by the Thailand asset Management Corporation. THB 2 trillion (USD 53.4 billion) would be required for the construction of new cities and mass transport system; another USD 2.56 billion was to be given to the Vayupak Fund to support the stock market; and USD 17.95 billion was earmarked as a fund for public utilities. All these projects amounted to about USD 91.79 billion. In the meantime, health care got USD 1.46 billion while USD 1.71 billion was given to the village fund. USD 365 million went to the farmers’ debt relief project. Altogether, about USD 4 billion of the budget was allocated to support the low-income people, 20 times lower than the money set aside for big troubled business companies and financial institutions.”

In other words - he and his cronies who own 50% of the country in terms of the stock market, diverted all the cash into their own pockets or to their own advantage. BUT at the same time he made a big song and dance about what he was doing for the poor and loudly showered pennies upon them, for which they began to worship him.

Even the 30-baht hospital scheme was a con:

"The Village Fund, through which BHT 1 million was given to each village to be borrowed by the community members, has now become a tool for local politicians. Community members have become divided and forced to compete with each other for these funds. In the area of health, civil society had initially advocated the government’s 30-baht-per-visit health scheme before the TRT adopted it as a policy platform during its election campaign in 2000. Once elected, the TRT immediately put this scheme into practice to obtain popular support. But because the government did not provide the required budget to support it, hospitals have had to shift their other non-budgetary income to cover its costs."

PLUS - - - maybe he also wants his 1.5 billion dollars back from his frozen assets and bank accounts?


extracted from http://www.socialwatch.org/node/11006

Previously, as is the case now, all terrestrial TV channels were government or military controlled

Well OBK you seem to have forgotton the TV channel (Voice TV) owned and run by Thaksins son which has been on air all through the red riots and is on as I write this.

Then there is the yellow shirt TV station which is also on air at present lambasting the Govt over the Cambodia border situation and calling for a no vote.

Perhaps this is some sort of proof that it is not what a channel, or even a website, is or who ownes it that gets it banned but what it broadcasts.

Previously, as is the case now, all terrestrial TV channels were government or military controlled

Well OBK you seem to have forgotton the TV channel (Voice TV) owned and run by Thaksins son which has been on air all through the red riots and is on as I write this.

Then there is the yellow shirt TV station which is also on air at present lambasting the Govt over the Cambodia border situation and calling for a no vote.

Perhaps this is some sort of proof that it is not what a channel, or even a website, is or who ownes it that gets it banned but what it broadcasts.

Reference my point regarding Aus broadcasting concessions and the rice deal!


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