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Thai's Have No Expectations For A Better Goverment After The Election

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ABAC POLL: No expectations for a better Goverment after the election

By Sodchuen Limkriangkrai.

BANGKOK APRIL, 24 2011 (NNT)- ABAC Poll Director Dr Noppadol Kanika, disclosed results on the survey to find out public’s decision on the election of political parties and the expectations towards political issues after the next general election. The survey was conducted among the people aged 18 and above in 17 provinces of Thailand.

According to the survey, 52% of people have low expectations and are hopeless to obtain an improved goverment after the general election. 47.6% are rather having high expectations, 44 % perceives the election having no affects or alleviations to political conflicts, 18% percent thought the opposite and 37% unsure.

However,a majority of 65% are determined to vote in the election, 24% intend to abstain and 10% are indecisive. 58% of public think the elections ought to be more competitive so it will provide them with more options and at the same time giving opportunities to other polical parties to show their capabilities in governing the country. Furthermore, only 17 pecent refuse to vote.

Meanwhile, 51% intend to vote for the same polical party, whereas 42.% are still indecisive. 6.5% will vote for a new polical party.


-- NNT 2011-04-24 footer_n.gif


To Quote - "However,a majority of 65% are determined to vote in the election, 24% intend to abstain and 10% are indecisive. 58% of public think the elections ought to be more competitive so it will provide them with more options and at the same time giving opportunities to other polical parties to show their capabilities in governing the country. Furthermore, only 17 pecent refuse to vote. "

Which instantly becomes nonsensical.

According to this guru, 99% of the population are going to vote, abstain or aren't sure. The remaining 17% refuse to vote.

He obviously didn't have a calculator handy!

You just gotta love Thailand!



There is a buddist saying that "all suffering is a result of expectations not meeting reality" I think that the Thai's tend to lower their expectations to reduce the suffering where we farang have been brain washed to believe that we can achieve anything if we put our minds to it.

What works for me is to attempt to make progress and not expect perfection. It's easy to forget that we are still essentually the same humans of 70,000 years ago. The culture might have changed but who we are as a result of several million years of evolution is essentually the same. We need community and we need a balance between work and play. If you put a bunch of rats in a cage and mess with their evolutionary expectations they do all sorts of bizzare things. Same goes for humans as evidenced by the rate of depression, sleep disorders obesity and many many other afflictions related to western isolation and over work.

It is sadly ironic that we encourage our young people to become educated and experts at objective analysis, but when that analysis produces results that conflict with the esisting structures it is either ignored or attacked. Human emotions are so easily manipulated that people seeking power are using the science in negative ways against people to get them to vote against their own self interest. The combined wrecking balls of Fox and the Koch brothers are a perfect example of this.


There is a buddist saying that "all suffering is a result of expectations not meeting reality" I think that the Thai's tend to lower their expectations to reduce the suffering where we farang have been brain washed to believe that we can achieve anything if we put our minds to it.

What works for me is to attempt to make progress and not expect perfection. It's easy to forget that we are still essentually the same humans of 70,000 years ago. The culture might have changed but who we are as a result of several million years of evolution is essentually the same. We need community and we need a balance between work and play. If you put a bunch of rats in a cage and mess with their evolutionary expectations they do all sorts of bizzare things. Same goes for humans as evidenced by the rate of depression, sleep disorders obesity and many many other afflictions related to western isolation and over work.

It is sadly ironic that we encourage our young people to become educated and experts at objective analysis, but when that analysis produces results that conflict with the esisting structures it is either ignored or attacked. Human emotions are so easily manipulated that people seeking power are using the science in negative ways against people to get them to vote against their own self interest. The combined wrecking balls of Fox and the Koch brothers are a perfect example of this.

Sorry - can you please explain what this might be in reference to? It's a mellow and philosophical drift but, pray, quite what is your point? :blink:



Your right it was a bit of a drift...

The numbers speak for themself, I was expressing my opinion that one way to lower frustration is to lower expectations. I have no objective data that Thai's have lower expectations than farangs.

The rest of my rant is off topic so I think I'll let it go.


It will be either the same government or a PTP government. It's understandable that most people don't think that there will be a better government after the election.

58% of public think the elections ought to be more competitive so it will provide them with more options and at the same time giving opportunities to other polical parties to show their capabilities in governing the country.

How to make elections more competitive? Probably only possible with more parties and new candidates rather than the old, 'well known' ones. Of course this assumes an active participation of the populace in politics, parties, etc., etc. Just complaining doesn't really help :ermm:


Would that mean they think the one we have now is good enough and any aulternative would be worse?

It means it's what we have now or worse. No chance of better.

And that says books worth about the respect Thai politicians get and deserve.

A country of Zen pessimists.

If you don't expect better you will not be saddened if you don't get it.


There is a buddist saying that "all suffering is a result of expectations not meeting reality"

I've not heard this "saying", but I think t's sound logic and certainly not a sentiment which is confined to Buddhists (whom I believe would be more likely to say, as the Buddha did, that that suffering is a result of one’s desires for pleasure, power, and continued existence or attachment) and I know I've heard it plenty, elsewhere.

I think it's interesting that you apparently think the Buddhists are taught things but we are "brainwashed" (into believing, incidentally, something that is arguably positive and empowering).

Would that mean they think the one we have now is good enough and any aulternative would be worse?

I t would means they are realistic and understandably very cynical about the politics in this country -- it has largely been that way here ever since I began discussing politics with Thais nearly 20 years ago.

Ask a Thai how they feel about politics and I'll wager that the most common answer is fed up (but in a resigned way, rather than an angry one). That's certainly been the most common answer I've gotten after asking countless numbers of Thais.


To have better government you have to believe. “Government forthe people by the people”

Lack of true involvement always will result in corruptgovernment


To have better government you have to believe. "Government forthe people by the people"

Lack of true involvement always will result in corruptgovernment

Huh. That simple, is it?


Why does this not surprise...?

At least they understand the reality of their existence. Same as it ever was.


Why does this not surprise...?

At least they understand the reality of their existence. Same as it ever was.

Time isn't holding us, time isn't after us...


It will be either the same government or a PTP government. It's understandable that most people don't think that there will be a better government after the election.

It certainly will not be the same .... Thailand has a coalition government headed by a Democrat, (Abhisit) Because the Democrats do not have an overall majority, they can do nothing without help. For that help they and the people of this country are being blackmailed always by the small parties whos votes are needed... and lets get it straight , a very heavy price is being paid for this support. What we should hope is that the Thai people gets a government in a majority... then the policies they voted for can in fact be put in place , jobs can go to the right peoples, and corruption can begin to be eradicated..... Unluckily , many people here only go to vote for someone who paid them to vote, those very same people, know nothing about politics and do not care either... but 500 bahts x a family of 5 or 6 people is a good days pay.. Amazing Thailand...


Why does this not surprise...?

At least they understand the reality of their existence. Same as it ever was.

Time isn't holding us, time isn't after us...

TIme is simply sign posts in our progress; slow, fast or negative.


It is unnatural for a majority to rule,

for a majority can seldom be organized

and united for specific action,

and a minority can.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.



Would that mean they think the one we have now is good enough and any aulternative would be worse?

It means it's what we have now or worse. No chance of better.

If the current government remains in power, things will mostly be the same. If Pheu Thai forms a new government, things will be worse.

Despite some people having disdain for the unelected elites who they claim are backing the current government, they should support the current government as the alternative is far worse.

If we had a political party of high quality politicians in opposition (and had nothing to do with Thaksin), it would be a completely different situation to how things are now.


A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side.


Or believe that he is actually a reincarnation of a God.


If we had a political party of high quality politicians in opposition (and had nothing to do with Thaksin), it would be a completely different situation to how things are now.

What's the criteria?

Of course if high-quality means enriching oneself through one's position, nepotism, cronyism, favouritism, corruption, bullying, lying and total lack of culpability or responsibility is the criteria Thailand surely has hundreds of candidates.

It's a moot point anyway as the military will ultimately render any vote meaningless in the longer term.


begin removed ...

It's a moot point anyway as the military will ultimately render any vote meaningless in the longer term.

Does this mean we actually agree that short term (like this year) there will not be a coup ?


begin removed ...

It's a moot point anyway as the military will ultimately render any vote meaningless in the longer term.

Does this mean we actually agree that short term (like this year) there will not be a coup ?

I would not say there will or won't be a coup, and I have never said there would be at any specific time.

There's always that possibility though, and I would never discount it happening.

There's other ways of interfering with the political process however, without the extremes of staging a coup.


If we had a political party of high quality politicians in opposition (and had nothing to do with Thaksin), it would be a completely different situation to how things are now.

What's the criteria?

The opposite of:

enriching oneself through one's position, nepotism, cronyism, favouritism, corruption, bullying, lying and total lack of culpability or responsibility

Thailand surely has hundreds of candidates.

We could probably count on one hand the number of "high quality" Thai politicians there currently are.

But over time as education improves and new generations of people enter politics, I think the number would grow.


We could probably count on one hand the number of "high quality" Thai politicians there currently are.

But over time as education improves and new generations of people enter politics, I think the number would grow.

You might be overestimating. But I am (cautiously) inclined to agree with your view of the potential future.


... the expectations of a significant percentage of the Thai people are that their system of governance is failing ... I don't know how their opinions are trending over, say, the last decade ... but, a continuing trend toward this view is disturbing, in that it portends of a day when the Thais will see their SYSTEM of government as ineffective in representing the nation's best interests, not that it is merely intractibly infected by Thai political crooks.

... a failure of a nation's governance system would seem to pave the way for a broad civil movement to change the SYSTEM of governance ... but, into what? ... and there follows the threat of major civil unrest (e.g. Egypt, Libiya, Baharain, Yemen, and on, and on) and the threat of a failed nation.

... these seem as decisive times for the futures of Thai children.

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