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I have to admit the red light scene in CNX went downhill in a hurry when the former PM took over. I still remember the police in numbers standing in front of the bars at 9-10-11 PM just to intimidate the patrons. He sent Bangkok BIB's up as I recall. I'm sure my perspective has changed over the years but back then when John's Place had girls soaping each other down and the bathtub in the middle of the horseshoe bar it drew a lot of customers. Stairway to Heaven comes to mind as well as many others. When there were a lot of customers there were a lot of younger girls looking to make a living. When the closing hours changed and there were surprise visits by the BIB's, the customers left and so did the stunners. Off to greener pastures. Too bad, it used to be fun.

You are a man after my own heart, my sentiments exactly.

Some years ago, being in Chiang Mai was fun; a party every night is how we used to describe it.

I can remember the nine stars bar, the Wild Orchid mostly Hill Tribe girls in there and just outside they served some great pizzas. Then there was the Smiling Monkey restaurant.

John's Place was the place to be, secondary to the Spot lite. Across the road from Spot lite was the Paradise bar, also owned at one time by the owners of Spot lite, I believe.

There was a wonderful open Thai fish restaurant in the area, cant remember the name, served the best Tab Tim fish in Chiang Mai, a big meal for only 60 baht.

The Las Vagas was in full swing, rough and ready, but fun.

I could go on and on.

We hardly visited the bars and massage parlours in the Loi Kroh road, there were by far much better places around the city.

What days, before it all became grot.

If you look at yourself very carefully in the mirror, you may, just possibly find that it's you that's changed! Loi Kroh is the same as ever - better in many respects: loud and garish and raucus and great fun on a good night. Weekends especially!

Cold Beer, Warm Atmosphere


TBH compared to other places like BKK, Phuket and Pattaya, the P4P scene in Chiang Mai is tiny so im not sure why you are getting so hot under the collar. Aldo ladyboys and katoeys have always been a part of Thailand and always will. Your just a farang there so it's not for you to say what should be done there just because you may not agree with it.

Huh? Have you been to Thailand/Chiang Mai? Oh yeah ... no

Besides the point, which is... that regardless of if i've been, im right.

Ummm no, actually you aren't. Thankfully, much of the "scene" isn't so in your face in CNX and it is less oriented towards foreign tourists, but it is pretty large and diverse. The internet wouldn't tell you this though (nor would the common experience of tourists and most foreigners.)

Aand what did I say? That the P4P scene was tiny compared to Pattaya and Phuket. It goes without saying thai on thai places are not really frquented by farangs so naturally I wouldn't include them in my previous statement. THe only exception maybe being somewhere like the darkside/Sattahip in Pattaya.


I have to admit the red light scene in CNX went downhill in a hurry when the former PM took over. I still remember the police in numbers standing in front of the bars at 9-10-11 PM just to intimidate the patrons. He sent Bangkok BIB's up as I recall. I'm sure my perspective has changed over the years but back then when John's Place had girls soaping each other down and the bathtub in the middle of the horseshoe bar it drew a lot of customers. Stairway to Heaven comes to mind as well as many others. When there were a lot of customers there were a lot of younger girls looking to make a living. When the closing hours changed and there were surprise visits by the BIB's, the customers left and so did the stunners. Off to greener pastures. Too bad, it used to be fun.

You are a man after my own heart, my sentiments exactly.

Some years ago, being in Chiang Mai was fun; a party every night is how we used to describe it.

I can remember the nine stars bar, the Wild Orchid mostly Hill Tribe girls in there and just outside they served some great pizzas. Then there was the Smiling Monkey restaurant.

John's Place was the place to be, secondary to the Spot lite. Across the road from Spot lite was the Paradise bar, also owned at one time by the owners of Spot lite, I believe.

There was a wonderful open Thai fish restaurant in the area, cant remember the name, served the best Tab Tim fish in Chiang Mai, a big meal for only 60 baht.

The Las Vagas was in full swing, rough and ready, but fun.

I could go on and on.

We hardly visited the bars and massage parlours in the Loi Kroh road, there were by far much better places around the city.

What days, before it all became grot.

If you look at yourself very carefully in the mirror, you may, just possibly find that it's you that's changed! Loi Kroh is the same as ever - better in many respects: loud and garish and raucus and great fun on a good night. Weekends especially!

I agree, there is still plenty of action around, but those were halcyon days for many of us old timers. old_man-3569.gif


I have to admit the red light scene in CNX went downhill in a hurry when the former PM took over. I still remember the police in numbers standing in front of the bars at 9-10-11 PM just to intimidate the patrons. He sent Bangkok BIB's up as I recall. I'm sure my perspective has changed over the years but back then when John's Place had girls soaping each other down and the bathtub in the middle of the horseshoe bar it drew a lot of customers. Stairway to Heaven comes to mind as well as many others. When there were a lot of customers there were a lot of younger girls looking to make a living. When the closing hours changed and there were surprise visits by the BIB's, the customers left and so did the stunners. Off to greener pastures. Too bad, it used to be fun.

You are a man after my own heart, my sentiments exactly.

Some years ago, being in Chiang Mai was fun; a party every night is how we used to describe it.

I can remember the nine stars bar, the Wild Orchid mostly Hill Tribe girls in there and just outside they served some great pizzas. Then there was the Smiling Monkey restaurant.

John's Place was the place to be, secondary to the Spot lite. Across the road from Spot lite was the Paradise bar, also owned at one time by the owners of Spot lite, I believe.

There was a wonderful open Thai fish restaurant in the area, cant remember the name, served the best Tab Tim fish in Chiang Mai, a big meal for only 60 baht.

The Las Vagas was in full swing, rough and ready, but fun.

I could go on and on.

We hardly visited the bars and massage parlours in the Loi Kroh road, there were by far much better places around the city.

What days, before it all became grot.

If you look at yourself very carefully in the mirror, you may, just possibly find that it's you that's changed! Loi Kroh is the same as ever - better in many respects: loud and garish and raucus and great fun on a good night. Weekends especially!

I agree, there is still plenty of action around, but those were halcyon days for many of us old timers. old_man-3569.gif

And..the beer bar centre was worth visiting with live bands playing before someone decided to put a boxing ring in there and started charging entry, it was a long descent after that. No idea what its like now.


@wellred... I am 100% sure that you are pulling our legs and are a seasoned sexpat in Thailand. I've never met anyone that has never been to Thailand before that refers to foreigners as 'farangs', knows about "Thai on Thai places", knows where to go to find the transvestites (even referring to them as kathoeys), and can name all the seedy spots in cities all over Thailand.


@wellred... I am 100% sure that you are pulling our legs and are a seasoned sexpat in Thailand. I've never met anyone that has never been to Thailand before that refers to foreigners as 'farangs', knows about "Thai on Thai places", knows where to go to find the transvestites (even referring to them as kathoeys), and can name all the seedy spots in cities all over Thailand.



It is neither seedy or squalid. But it is Asian. Thankfully.

There is somethng for everyone. The Nimmenhamen part of Chiang Mai is probably more suitable to your taste. I over look the few low class joints and the occasional boor. I can find them in every town.

This is more like what I see along Loy Kroh... just friendly people enjoying themselves. In the past 8 years I've never had a bad experience there despite spending most evenings in that part of town.

I'll admit the street massage parlours on Loy Kroh leave a lot to be desired, but those gals have not much else to offer. If you get a reasonable massage at not too high a price then what else do you want.

In the day time it doesn't look any dirtier than any other part of Chiang Mai. Maybe the dirt is in the mind of the OP.

Just edited to note that not all women working on Loy Kroh bars are for rent on a P4P basis. In fact many are married or have boy friends.

I'm disgusted at the seediness and the squalor. Good pics by the way. :rolleyes:


@wellred... I am 100% sure that you are pulling our legs and are a seasoned sexpat in Thailand. I've never met anyone that has never been to Thailand before that refers to foreigners as 'farangs', knows about "Thai on Thai places", knows where to go to find the transvestites (even referring to them as kathoeys), and can name all the seedy spots in cities all over Thailand.

Why be so jaded about it? He could simply be telling the truth. He read it on the internet so it must be true and it doesn't make any difference at all that he has never actually set foot in Thailand! There are a large number of people out there in the world that have never been some place but certainly feel as if they are experts on the place!


I have to admit the red light scene in CNX went downhill in a hurry when the former PM took over. I still remember the police in numbers standing in front of the bars at 9-10-11 PM just to intimidate the patrons. He sent Bangkok BIB's up as I recall. I'm sure my perspective has changed over the years but back then when John's Place had girls soaping each other down and the bathtub in the middle of the horseshoe bar it drew a lot of customers. Stairway to Heaven comes to mind as well as many others. When there were a lot of customers there were a lot of younger girls looking to make a living. When the closing hours changed and there were surprise visits by the BIB's, the customers left and so did the stunners. Off to greener pastures. Too bad, it used to be fun.

You are a man after my own heart, my sentiments exactly.

Some years ago, being in Chiang Mai was fun; a party every night is how we used to describe it.

I can remember the nine stars bar, the Wild Orchid mostly Hill Tribe girls in there and just outside they served some great pizzas. Then there was the Smiling Monkey restaurant.

John's Place was the place to be, secondary to the Spot lite. Across the road from Spot lite was the Paradise bar, also owned at one time by the owners of Spot lite, I believe.

There was a wonderful open Thai fish restaurant in the area, cant remember the name, served the best Tab Tim fish in Chiang Mai, a big meal for only 60 baht.

The Las Vagas was in full swing, rough and ready, but fun.

I could go on and on.

We hardly visited the bars and massage parlours in the Loi Kroh road, there were by far much better places around the city.

What days, before it all became grot.

If you look at yourself very carefully in the mirror, you may, just possibly find that it's you that's changed! Loi Kroh is the same as ever - better in many respects: loud and garish and raucus and great fun on a good night. Weekends especially!

I agree, there is still plenty of action around, but those were halcyon days for many of us old timers. old_man-3569.gif

but it's Us that's changed UG! I know you go back much further in Chiang Mai than me, but I think the street is more fun than it was 18 years ago when I first came here - and there's more in the way of, dare I say it - legitimate night life, mixed up with the naughty stuff!

Cold Beer, Warm Atmosphere


@wellred... I am 100% sure that you are pulling our legs and are a seasoned sexpat in Thailand. I've never met anyone that has never been to Thailand before that refers to foreigners as 'farangs', knows about "Thai on Thai places", knows where to go to find the transvestites (even referring to them as kathoeys), and can name all the seedy spots in cities all over Thailand.

Why be so jaded about it? He could simply be telling the truth. He read it on the internet so it must be true and it doesn't make any difference at all that he has never actually set foot in Thailand! There are a large number of people out there in the world that have never been some place but certainly feel as if they are experts on the place!

True. Anything is possible I suppose. It just seems odd.


I'm flattered you think I've been there before. Guess I must be doing my homework right. Honestly though what would I have to gain from playing like I've never been there?

Truth be told I've been planning this trip for a while and as such have been doing some research into it. Im on that secrets forum and I read a few books too, namely that private dance one. Between a forum and some sexy thai literature there isn't much one doesn't pick up.

Btw I'm not trying to come across as any sort of expert either but I think I've read up enough on pattaya to be able to handle myself there. But I know fk all about Chiang Mai hence why I joined up here.Hope I havent rubbed anyone the wrong way here. First round is on me when I come!


UG and Pedr both make valid points, but so does Beetlejuice. I remember the STH (Stairway to Heaven) being a very active bar with lots of pretty ladies, but that was about 5 or 6 years ago before the financial crunch caused a downturn in customers. And, the owner of the building started over charging on rent for the number of customers the bar could take care of. The STH bar closed last year and I think it's now a massage parlour. The various police raids collecting their tea money was another change that cut down the customer traffic.

But, nothing stays the same and we all age in our own way. As already pointed out it is us that change the most. I no longer wander from bar to bar searching for "action". I only visit two bars where I know the owners and the staff. They know what I like and I know who they like. We all have our own comfort zone and its just like being with friends anywhere. We play pool, flirt a little and joke around, and nobody gets upset. I even get invited to the home of one bar owner for Christmas. The regular customers know who is avaiable and who is not. Nobody worries too much, and if one of the girls has problems then the others are there to help. Money gets loned and sometimes paid back. Everyone seems to share. They know I'm always a soft touch if someone wants something to eat or is a little short on rent money. It's like a big, extended family and I enjoy it for what it is.


To Pedr:

You maybe right, Pedr, I am not disagreeing with you, neither am I knocking any businesses.

I have been in Chiang Mai, a long, long time, first visited during the early 1970s. Somehow the old days seemed to have a lot more choice and were much more fun.

To me, what is left of the Chiang Mai entertainments scene seems pitiful, not because the remaining bars and restaurants are no good, but because it has all been contained in one very small area by the clampdown. quite limited now compared to what used to be on offer.

So as you say, Pedr, it maybe because we the old farts have changed, you could well be right, but I would think that anything new and interesting would attract more customers, be beneficial for tourists, those living here and businesses such as your restaurant.

Again I am not suggesting that the existing businesses be shut down, only revitalised with some new boys/girls on the block, unless some are affraid of a little competition?

I could be wrong and this is why I was hoping that others, perhaps living in Chiang Mai would give their opinions, just out of interest.


To Pedr:

You maybe right, Pedr, I am not disagreeing with you, neither am I knocking any businesses.

I have been in Chiang Mai, a long, long time, first visited during the early 1970s. Somehow the old days seemed to have a lot more choice and were much more fun.

To me, what is left of the Chiang Mai entertainments scene seems pitiful, not because the remaining bars and restaurants are no good, but because it has all been contained in one very small area by the clampdown. quite limited now compared to what used to be on offer.

So as you say, Pedr, it maybe because we the old farts have changed, you could well be right, but I would think that anything new and interesting would attract more customers, be beneficial for tourists, those living here and businesses such as your restaurant.

Again I am not suggesting that the existing businesses be shut down, only revitalised with some new boys/girls on the block, unless some are affraid of a little competition?

I could be wrong and this is why I was hoping that others, perhaps living in Chiang Mai would give their opinions, just out of interest.

You started a good post Beetlejuice and have received some good replies. I agree "somewhat" with what you said... just not all of it. I DO think it's because a few of us remember the good old days and would like to see an increase in the activity. But, I think the present economy and certain BIB restrictions are holding it back. Businesses have to earn a profit and with restrictions at certain levels, and high rent it's hard for anyone to invest without some hope for a return.


I agree, there is still plenty of action around, but those were halcyon days for many of us old timers. old_man-3569.gif

but it's Us that's changed UG! I know you go back much further in Chiang Mai than me, but I think the street is more fun than it was 18 years ago when I first came here - and there's more in the way of, dare I say it - legitimate night life, mixed up with the naughty stuff!

You are right, but as we were younger then, many of us enjoyed it more than we might now. Of course, Ian Forbes never ages, so he still going strong.  :thumbsup:


Sawasdee Khrup, TV CM Friends,

We believe this video (kid-sister safe) Essence of Farang on Loy Kroh captures the "spiritual essence" of the icon that "Loy Kroh" has become in the minds of certain expats in Chiang Mai, but we suggest you be patient for the first 22 seconds of it: you can last that long, can't you ?

best, ~o:37;


I went to Loy Kroh today as i was starving for some eye candy . :lol: ( i am stuck out in the sticks with a thai wife in San Sai )


If that is where you go in CNX for eye candy, I would suggest that living in San Sai has made you blind ;)

In some of the massage parlours we could see the farang guy sitting outside trying to look inconspicuous and to not bring attention upon himself that he is the owner.

Actually, those guys are usually tourists trying to get a "good girl' to date them for free. They really get in the way of real customers. :annoyed:

Seriously..? As if there's much difference in background between bargirls, massage girls, waitresses and other lower-end jobs? That's a bit misguided, but up to them of course. (As long as they don't start yapping on TV or elsewhere about having landed a 'good girl' who's actually an hilltribe massage girl or whatever, and how he's so much better than 'those guys who married bargirls' :rolleyes: . )


"I was taken back just how seedy, dirty and squalid that area has become."

What was it like before?

Sometimes its not the pIace that changes, but our perception and expectations.

True, but in this case, around 1998 or so, 2-3 girls would physically block your path and grab you as you walked down Loi Kroh and try to drag you inside.

The OP seems to speak of a trend towards seediness, but I bet he only arrived a year or 2 ago. :rolleyes:

Clearly the trend is towards it becoming more up-market. How newbie would one have to be to not see that. :D


It is more about the "free' part I think, but these guys are always sitting in front of massage parlors trying to chat up the girls and getting in the way of real customers who are willing to pay for a massage.


Let me add some more for comparison.

Look at IanForbes pictures of Loi Kroh by day. I was in Bangkok yesterday and walked around the lower Sukhumvit area. Do you have ANY idea what, say, Nana Entertainment Plaza looks like by day? It's a certified sight to behold. And the Sleaze Explosion late at night? Any street in Chiang Mai including LK looks like sacred temple ground compared to that.

In NEP by the way, bars tend to charge 135 or even 145 baht for a small glass of Sangsom & Coke or a beer. Out on the street it's still a hefty 80-100. Of course you do get to experience the Tsunami of Sleaze for that. A mix of crazy young chicks, desperate old aunties, plenty ladyboys, a big contingent of African hookers, tuk tuk drivers thinking you might want a sexy lady or a body massage, and that in a steaming hot, grimy street filled with the trash of the earlier night market. Loi Kroh and the moat near Thapae? It's the Champs-Élysées in comparison!


Let me add some more for comparison.

Look at IanForbes pictures of Loi Kroh by day. I was in Bangkok yesterday and walked around the lower Sukhumvit area. Do you have ANY idea what, say, Nana Entertainment Plaza looks like by day? It's a certified sight to behold. And the Sleaze Explosion late at night? Any street in Chiang Mai including LK looks like sacred temple ground compared to that.

In NEP by the way, bars tend to charge 135 or even 145 baht for a small glass of Sangsom & Coke or a beer. Out on the street it's still a hefty 80-100. Of course you do get to experience the Tsunami of Sleaze for that. A mix of crazy young chicks, desperate old aunties, plenty ladyboys, a big contingent of African hookers, tuk tuk drivers thinking you might want a sexy lady or a body massage, and that in a steaming hot, grimy street filled with the trash of the earlier night market. Loi Kroh and the moat near Thapae? It's the Champs-Élysées in comparison!

You should be writing copy for TAT adverts,...... got me missing BKK.


Another very informative and interesting post from WTK! First Russian and now African hookers in Thailand? What is this country coming to?

The 'invisible hand', demand and supply?

  • 3 weeks later...

The 'Gross drunken farangs' are probably not in any fit state to recognise an attractive woman if they saw one, so why do the BG's need to be under 30 and eye candy? I think the bar owners have the right idea; employ cheap old slappers to keep the drunken clients happy. Meanwhile, those who are looking for a decent woman are far away from Loi Kroh that's for sure.

Absolutely. You'd have to get drunk to go home with any of those Loy Kroh ladies. Its what happens in the morning that bothers me.

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