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STANDARD SteeleJoe DISCLAIMER: I know next to nothing about IT. Snicker and disdain as much as you like (don't blame you) but anything beyond basic explanations and descriptions are likely to be wasted on me.

I haven't had a notebook for years because while it might have been nice, it wasn't at all necessary -- due tothe nature of my work, a PC at home and one at the office was sufficient. I'm one of those old school guys who uses a phone for calling peope and sending the occasional text and that's it. I've never felt the need to impress anyone with the phone and quite happy with using an 8,000 baht model.

I have an a new job now in which I need to be able to do work on the go (using only basic stuff like Word and Excel or equivalents thereof). My clients want to buy me a Blackberry so that I can send and receive emails without having to worry about WiFi. I don't want to mess around with a freakin' toy like that -- OK, I'm unreasonably associating Blackberry's w/ the Thai teenagers who apparently have them surgically attached to their hands but as a writer I want something that's more like a page than some tiny little screen and as an middle aged dude, I need something I can see and something that I can easily type on (not those tiny little buttons).

So I suggested a notebook but they mentioned an occasional problem with WiFi availability and the impracticality of using a notebook in a taxi etc. So I thought of a tablet (like the Galaxy?). Now the truth is I want a tablet as a toy and have since they came out. But if it will serve my work needs and thus I can justify its purchase to myself and my clients, that would be excellent.

So -- is a tablet really a practical choice for doing what I want (writing emails, proposals, copy and such)? As much as i want a tablet, I'm inclined to think a notebook is a better choice. I'm hoping someone can convince me otherwise (ie that a tablet would be just as good) - and in the process provide me with the reason that i give to the folks who will buy it!


I'd be genuinely grateful if someone were to bother with advising me on this. I'm always impressed with how kind people can be on forums and I'm hoping I'll benefit from that again. I always a have and will try to return the favor in kind whenever I can.

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Personally I would go for the in-between and get a netbook, slightly larger than the Galaxy and smaller than a notebook and is therefore lighter and easier to carry around but gives you all the connectivity and production and storage you are likely to need. A very cost efficient alternative.

Thats my half-penny worth.:jap:


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I know of a guy who owns a multimillion $$$ business in OZ whom basically runs its from his blackberry (he travels 200 days per year) he would have nothing else, infact he travels with only his blackberry !!

I my self am a pleb employee of a multinational company, I only need to access emails and the occasional exel spread sheet, when "on the road" my samsung net-book is awesome, light and portable with an amazing battery life.

I think its "each to their own" kinda deal.

FWIW, just purchased an Acer Aspire net-book for the missus........... I'm jealous.


I am not a writer, but I have similar needs to the OP. I need email and text and calls at all times of the day/night. I also need to be able to review excel spreadsheets, adobe pdf files, and view photo attachments to my emails. Therefore, I carry the iPhone, it does all those things. But, as I am not a writer, I don't type long emails on it, just too impractical. I have desktop PCs at the office and at home, and a laptop. I find myself carrying laptop less and less (actually now don't carry it around at all unless I am flying somewhere). I also am considering a tablet, if only for the larger screen to see more of the spreadsheets and pdf files (often small details make all the difference in the photos I need to view).

My point is OP, get what feels right for you, but I would think that a laptop would be overkill, and too much of a leap for you. Remember K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid), by no means at all calling you stupid, it is just the saying, but keep the solution to your needs as simple as possible. All you really need is mobile email and texts, and Word and Excel. The Blackberry and iPhone are too small to truly edit spreadsheets and documents and PowerPoint presentations. You do need something larger, so I would go with the Apple Ipad 2 because it is so very simple, and completely user friendly, ie geared towards non techies like yourself, and you can view and edit Microsoft Office documents. You could go with the Smaller Galaxy Tab, but the user interface is not as friendly, but it is smaller and more portable.

Just my 2 cents. Good luck in your choice.


I bought a Netbook about two years ago but gave up on it pretty quickly. Screen way too small for me. Daughter took it over for some time but after borrowing my 15" notebook she took that instead and now the Netbook has been relegated as a glorified media player.

I'm not sure about tablets. They are still way too expensive for what they are, they need to come down to 10,000 baht or less to be interesting imo. At this time the only real choice is the Ipad and there is just no way I am getting into the Apple fold. A lot of Android tables are about to come out this year and next, which will surely make a big change. A tablet with an optional portable Bluetooth keyboard (not necessarily this model, just an example) for the occasional typing requirement, would be very handy.


Personally I would go for the in-between and get a netbook, slightly larger than the Galaxy and smaller than a notebook and is therefore lighter and easier to carry around but gives you all the connectivity and production and storage you are likely to need. A very cost efficient alternative.

Thats my half-penny worth.:jap:

Second you CharlieH

Let me add my 2 cents

A tablet is basically a toy to consume datas (songs,games,movies......)

It is designed to be a cash cow for the hardware manufacurer through

1 their extortionate share of the sales of apps by independant soft houses.

2 the sales of datas(songs....)

It could only be useful in a business environment if you need specifically designed app for your line of business (point of sales for example)

Creating datas is less efficient than with a Netbook.And a lot more expensive too.For 10000 to 12000B the OP will have a lot of choice between many good Netbooks

Even web browsing can be more frustrating on tablets.For example,If you work on Ipad ,you have no real multi windows on your screen.You touch by mistake one advertising icon,you have to close it,then call again the browser /application you were in...

You could avoid this if you choose a Win7 tablet but these are (till now) slow,heavy and not as responsive as an Android tablet or an Ipad

Hope this help :jap:

NB I use daily a PC a Netbook and a tablet (gaming;business;movies/magazines reading)


Thanks Floridaguy and Spoonman. Eminently sensible advice, I'm sure -- but not what I wanted to hear! biggrin.gif

I bought a Netbook about two years ago but gave up on it pretty quickly. Screen way too small for me. Daughter took it over for some time but after borrowing my 15" notebook she took that instead and now the Netbook has been relegated as a glorified media player.

I'm not sure about tablets. At this time the only real choice is the Ipad and there is just no way I am getting into the Apple fold. A lot of Android tables are about to come out this year and next, which will surely make a big change. A tablet with an optional portable Bluetooth keyboard (not necessarily this model, just an example) for the occasional typing requirement, would be very handy.

Thanks Phil...

Yeah, I'm not keen on a netbook. I've always thought why have one instead of a notebook?

But a tablet - I really like the idea of not having to open and close it or necessarily set it down on something. But you think that none of the current androids are worth having? The Galaxy? The Blackberry PlayBook? The ASUS Eee pad? The Acer Iconia Tab? The Motorola Xoom?

Truth be told I'd reached the same conclusion -- that the Ipad was the maybe the only real choice -- but was hoping someone would tell me otherwise.

And I'd also already decided if I got a tablet, I'd definitely want the keyboard option.


Personally I would go for the in-between and get a netbook, slightly larger than the Galaxy and smaller than a notebook and is therefore lighter and easier to carry around but gives you all the connectivity and production and storage you are likely to need. A very cost efficient alternative.

Thats my half-penny worth.:jap:

Second you CharlieH

Let me add my 2 cents

A tablet is basically a toy to consume datas (songs,games,movies......)

It is designed to be a cash cow for the hardware manufacurer through

1 their extortionate share of the sales of apps by independant soft houses.

2 the sales of datas(songs....)

It could only be useful in a business environment if you need specifically designed app for your line of business (point of sales for example)

Creating datas is less efficient than with a Netbook.And a lot more expensive too.For 10000 to 12000B the OP will have a lot of choice between many good Netbooks

Even web browsing can be more frustrating on tablets.For example,If you work on Ipad ,you have no real multi windows on your screen.You touch by mistake one advertising icon,you have to close it,then call again the browser /application you were in...

You could avoid this if you choose a Win7 tablet but these are (till now) slow,heavy and not as responsive as an Android tablet or an Ipad

Hope this help :jap:

NB I use daily a PC a Netbook and a tablet (gaming;business;movies/magazines reading)

Very helpful. Just what I feared (and the reason for the OP). Thanks.


You say you're a writer. Have you tried typing on a tablet screen? Some people don't adapt well to a "virtual keyboard" and need tactile feedback from actually pushing physical keys.


Hate to say it, but I own 2 netbooks! and one external dvd/rw.

You can get a decent netbook for less than 10k now and they are lightweight and travel well. Add it to 2 desktops (IMAC and Dell) and a BB and I am WAY too over connected BUT it is extremely useful to me. I can't WORK on my BB, but it is great for emails etc AND I can use the BB to provide me with internet for one of the netbooks anywhere in Thailand at no additional charge.

I think my next purchase will be another all-in-one like the IMAC for my main office at work.


I've had a netbook for two years and use it only for work. It's on 9 hours a day and gets a lot of abuse being lugged around by motorbike in a bag. Absolutely nothing on it has ever gone wrong and, with a 1GB upgrade on the RAM, it has handled Windows 7 better than my personal laptop I keep at home. I wouldn't want to work with anything else as my job requires me to be moving from location to location throughout the day. Benefit over a notebook - size. I have friends who went for a 14" notebook instead, half of them switched to a netbook when they realised how much more portable they are.

I wouldn't swap it for a tablet for all the money in the world. Any kind of heavy typing on a touch screen I find incredibly frustrating. Tablets are perfect as a portable multimedia device, but for work, I'd steer well clear.


In your place I would do a hybrid...

Go and get yourself a IPhone (Used 3GS in good condition can be had at MBK for 10K) or Android Phone with a nice big screen (Galaxy or HTC).

Get an unlimited 3G (TrueMove 599/month)

This will give you communication, Email, Skype, Internet and is a fun toy for you to play with...

Then get a small Netbook 10" (Samsung makes nice ones - but whatever brand have them install Window for a bit more)

Add MS Office Suite and if the screen is too small buy a cheap 20 inch flat screen monitor & keyboard to plug into for home use.

Then learn how to "tether" them so the phone 3g data plan can be used by the netbook for internet access.


Thanks Floridaguy and Spoonman. Eminently sensible advice, I'm sure -- but not what I wanted to hear! biggrin.gif

I bought a Netbook about two years ago but gave up on it pretty quickly. Screen way too small for me. Daughter took it over for some time but after borrowing my 15" notebook she took that instead and now the Netbook has been relegated as a glorified media player.

I'm not sure about tablets. At this time the only real choice is the Ipad and there is just no way I am getting into the Apple fold. A lot of Android tables are about to come out this year and next, which will surely make a big change. A tablet with an optional portable Bluetooth keyboard (not necessarily this model, just an example) for the occasional typing requirement, would be very handy.

Thanks Phil...

Yeah, I'm not keen on a netbook. I've always thought why have one instead of a notebook?

But a tablet - I really like the idea of not having to open and close it or necessarily set it down on something. But you think that none of the current androids are worth having? The Galaxy? The Blackberry PlayBook? The ASUS Eee pad? The Acer Iconia Tab? The Motorola Xoom?

Truth be told I'd reached the same conclusion -- that the Ipad was the maybe the only real choice -- but was hoping someone would tell me otherwise.

And I'd also already decided if I got a tablet, I'd definitely want the keyboard option.

I agree, one of the things that I don't like is typing longer emails on my iPhone, and it would be almost as inconvenient on a tablet, but I like the idea of a tablet for the same reason SteeleJoe said, I don't like opening and closing the notebook, and the instant on feature of a tablet would be fantastic. I also am looking at ViewSonic's dual boot windows 7 and android tablet, but would like to try one out first. I don't really want an iPad 2, because it really is just a large iPhone, but then again, all I really want is a bigger screen.


Thanks Floridaguy and Spoonman. Eminently sensible advice, I'm sure -- but not what I wanted to hear! biggrin.gif

I bought a Netbook about two years ago but gave up on it pretty quickly. Screen way too small for me. Daughter took it over for some time but after borrowing my 15" notebook she took that instead and now the Netbook has been relegated as a glorified media player.

I'm not sure about tablets. At this time the only real choice is the Ipad and there is just no way I am getting into the Apple fold. A lot of Android tables are about to come out this year and next, which will surely make a big change. A tablet with an optional portable Bluetooth keyboard (not necessarily this model, just an example) for the occasional typing requirement, would be very handy.

Thanks Phil...

Yeah, I'm not keen on a netbook. I've always thought why have one instead of a notebook?

But a tablet - I really like the idea of not having to open and close it or necessarily set it down on something. But you think that none of the current androids are worth having? The Galaxy? The Blackberry PlayBook? The ASUS Eee pad? The Acer Iconia Tab? The Motorola Xoom?

Truth be told I'd reached the same conclusion -- that the Ipad was the maybe the only real choice -- but was hoping someone would tell me otherwise.

And I'd also already decided if I got a tablet, I'd definitely want the keyboard option.

I agree, one of the things that I don't like is typing longer emails on my iPhone, and it would be almost as inconvenient on a tablet, but I like the idea of a tablet for the same reason SteeleJoe said, I don't like opening and closing the notebook, and the instant on feature of a tablet would be fantastic. I also am looking at ViewSonic's dual boot windows 7 and android tablet, but would like to try one out first. I don't really want an iPad 2, because it really is just a large iPhone, but then again, all I really want is a bigger screen.

Just to suggest CRAZY --- look at Apple's new http://www.apple.com/macbookair/ (instant on --- lightweight --- flash memory --- standby life >1month

Watch the viedo! I want one!


I also use a netbook, Ansus with 10" screen. Very nice bit of kit, big enough to watch a movie (with head set, inbuild speakers are crap) and big enough for writing mails, I never leave town without it.


Why not consider a Transformer? It can be a Net-book or a Tablet. Uses Android's new 3.0 Honeycomb OS. Just released this month.


Currently only supports WiFi, but there will be 3G options coming (just like Thailand).

It has great reviews, Google it.

That's an awesome device! Sold out in both UK and US already. US price tag $400. I want one! :lol:

Oh, I just realized the keyboard/docking station is another $150. Well, the price will probably come down a lot over the next 6-9 months, just like with Android phones in the past.


And I'd also already decided if I got a tablet, I'd definitely want the keyboard option.

I think you have answered your own question with this admission ;)


In your place I would do a hybrid...

Go and get yourself a IPhone (Used 3GS in good condition can be had at MBK for 10K) or Android Phone with a nice big screen (Galaxy or HTC).

Get an unlimited 3G (TrueMove 599/month)

This will give you communication, Email, Skype, Internet and is a fun toy for you to play with...

Then get a small Netbook 10" (Samsung makes nice ones - but whatever brand have them install Window for a bit more)

Add MS Office Suite and if the screen is too small buy a cheap 20 inch flat screen monitor & keyboard to plug into for home use.

Then learn how to "tether" them so the phone 3g data plan can be used by the netbook for internet access.

Alternatively buy a yumcha phone for 1500baht and tether it instead......... why waste good money on something decent (lol @ Iphone being decent, my bad) if your only gunna use it as a modem ?


Don't get a tablet for a writing job. A netbook would be a better choice, but get one with a full size keyboard, and don't get one with a super hi-res screen (hard to read on a small screen).


First anyone who doesn't have a tablet, please don't comment on it. You can't know anything about the iPad if you don't have one, and if you haven't used it for at least a month or two - it's that different from a PC / notebook / netbook. Whether you are pro or against, if you're not using one your advice is about as useful as advice on colors from a blind man.

Second, if you want an iPad, get it. If Norway's prime minister can run his country from it, it will do for you. It's not for everything, or for everyone, but I dare say that it's way better than a Netbook in pretty much every way.

I just met a guy yesterday who did a bike trip around northern Thailand; he put his helmet cam videos on the iPad courtesy of the USB camera connection kit and showed us the videos - it looked simply stunning.

I haven't used the productivity apps but the iWork suite is supposed to be very good. If you do a lot of writing, get a bluetooth keyboard. The on screen keyboard is OK, but not for writing longer texts.

The only caveat is that Microsoft Word and Excel have a habit of being incompatible with everything else; I would recommend googling "edit word and excel files on iPad" to make sure it's going to work. If you are creating the documents it's probably no problem.

Ok I did some googling and "Documents to Go" seems to be the most compatible iPad app; it's getting great reviews. It costs $10. Another thing I love about the iPad - apps are dirt cheap.

See here: http://www.bnet.com/blog/businesstips/edit-word-excel-and-powerpoint-documents-on-your-ipad/7732


Personally, I am waiting for the Samsung Sliding PC7 B)

Are they going to make an Android version? That would be cool.

Windows 7 ... eh... not so much :bah:

Here's an interesting article about the End of the PC Era, here's a quote that I like particularly:

The PC was all about electronics, economics, and empowerment. When computer components could cheaply be placed on a silicon wafer, society could take advantage of a device that entertained, educated, and empowered it beyond anything that had been known before. Once men and women with vision saw the same result being delivered with more powerful chips and more friendly devices, the death of the personal computer was inevitable.

  • 1 month later...

Another one of the attempts -- inevitably of somewhat limited success I imagine -- to get the best of both worlds:

ACER Iconia w500



Just laid hands on one earlier today. Seemed pretty nice. What say you oh, wise and geekish ones?

Again, my work needs out of the home or office are simple: emails and very basic reports in MS Word or Excel and I have quite a good PC at home and one at work for any more heavy duty stuff. I want portability and I love the option of having a tablet for an e-reader (or maybe games or movies on the road).

I now know enough to realize without a doubt that a tablet can NOT be equal to a notebook or even netbook for work related uses. And I've considered going for an Apple 11" Airbook which is obviously a far better notebook and I love it's size and weight. But I don't really need that good of a notebook and it's very nearly twice the cost. Plus, I just can't help it...tablets are cool.

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