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Obama releases long form birth certificate to end debate


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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo. I can't wait to see Obama kick these right wing reactionary asses one more time!

The quest from the right to degrade Obama knows no bounds.

I would add to that -- FOX so called NEWS.


Edited by Jingthing
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BHO's birth date is listed as August 4, 1961 -- Hawaii did not become a state until August 21, 1959, Maybe they forward-dated that birth certificate to show that BHO was born when Hawaii was a state and that he is actually 2 years older and born when Hawaii was still a territory ... or maybe ....

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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo. I can't wait to see Obama kick these right wing reactionary asses one more time!

The quest from the right to degrade Obama knows no bounds.

The Left had no problem taking racist pot shots at Condoleeza Rice.

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BHO's birth date is listed as August 4, 1961 -- Hawaii did not become a state until August 21, 1959, Maybe they forward-dated that birth certificate to show that BHO was born when Hawaii was a state and that he is actually 2 years older and born when Hawaii was still a territory ... or maybe ....

If Title 8 1401(e) was in effect then, the difference between state and territory would have been irrelevant.

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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo.

Good for the goose. Good for the gander - remember these? :whistling:



Edited by Ulysses G.
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Well then maybe he wasn't born in Hawaii at all ... maybe he was whisked in by secret charter flight from Vanuatu hours after his birth ... I'm just trying to give Donald Trump and the gang some new leads.

You are a crackpot conspiracy nutter. It wasn't Vanuatu. BHO was obviously born in Surabaya to Jemaah Islamiah and was then jettted to Hawaii to act as a sleeper agent. (Vanuatu is a Christian nation, and we know BHO is not that). He went back to Indonesia as a child to get his indoctrination/programming and learn how to do all the dastardly deeds such an agent would have to do.

Now he is awaiting the code word issued by a cabal of the Iranian Supreme Leader, Osama bin Laden (for the Muslim side) and their close friends,. North Korea's Dear Leader and Fidel Castro (for the socialist/communist side) which will activate his programming. We have to figure out just what will that programming make him do.

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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo.

Good for the goose. Good for the gander - remember these? :whistling:



Come on, let's be reasonable here. There is a long-standing association with racist overtones and comparing African-Americans with apes and monkeys. So like it or not, comparing a white man with a chimp is not the same as comparing a black man with a chimp. Fair or not, that is the way it is.

Comparing Obama with, let's say, a rabbit, does not have any racial connotation. Nor does comparing Bush with a chimp. But yes, for most people, any comparison of Obama with an ape does bring about racial overtones even if not a direct racist attack.

Just trying to keep it real, folks.

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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo.

Good for the goose. Good for the gander - remember these? :whistling:



Come on, let's be reasonable here. There is a long-standing association with racist overtones and comparing African-Americans with apes and monkeys. So like it or not, comparing a white man with a chimp is not the same as comparing a black man with a chimp. Fair or not, that is the way it is.


Horse manure. No disrespect to the President intended, but he has big ears that remind one of a monkey and nothing to do with his race. I have heard white kids with ears like this called "monkey" numerous time over the years. Turn-about is fair play.

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While this post does not directly relate to the disclosure of Obama's birth certificate, it is interesting in light of current events.


Obama's father forced out at Harvard


BOSTON — President Barack Obama’s father was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his Ph.D. in economics because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances, according to newly public immigration records.

Harvard had asked the Immigration and Naturalization Service to delay a request by Barack Hussein Obama Sr. to extend his stay in the U.S., “until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him,” immigration official M.F. McKeon wrote in a June 1964 memo.

Harvard administrators, the memo stated, “were having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn’t seem to figure out how many wives he had.”

An earlier INS memo from McKeon said that while the elder Obama had passed his exams and was entitled on academic grounds to stay and complete his thesis, the school was going to try and “cook something up to ease him out.”

“They are planning on telling him that they will not give him any money, and that he had better return to Kenya and prepare his thesis at home,” the memo stated.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0411/53968.html#ixzz1L5Bi1MBK

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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo. I can't wait to see Obama kick these right wing reactionary asses one more time!

The quest from the right to degrade Obama knows no bounds.

The Left had no problem taking racist pot shots at Condoleeza Rice.

Her policies were attacked, but not her personally. I think you will find that there was considerable respect for an educated woman that had attained academic achievement and that was quite the talented piano player. Many of the most hurtful comments originated with the extremists on the "right" wing that felt that she wasn't tough enough. They were the ones that questioned whether or not a woman was right for the job.

Professor Rice had some interesting friendships in Washington that included people that were labeled rigth and left wing. Her relationships were really no different than those that occur at the Supreme Court. It might surprise some to know that Justice Ginsburg and Justice Scalia are very close friends, despite being described as polar opposites in terms of legal positions. Justice Scalia is also friends with Justice Kagan. The point here is that professionals that take their responsibilities make an effort to get along.

One of the reasons why Senator McCain is civil with the President is that he had the experience of working with him in the U.S. Senate. the same goes for alot of other Senators one might term as right wing. These people have a bit of class. And then there are those people who just couldn't make it in life that resort to the cheap shots, and the innuendo because they do not have anything substantive to say.

The extremist views are the ones that make the newsmedia. What people do not see is that often the people charged with making things run, do get along and do have some basic manners.

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The Left had no problem taking racist pot shots at Condoleeza Rice.

Her policies were attacked, but not her personally. I think you will find that there was considerable respect for an educated woman that had attained academic achievement and that was quite the talented piano player.

Oh I think not.....Politicians were & always will be targets of one side or the other. That is how it always is.

Here are but a few.....Just google image her name & take safe search off.



Edited by flying
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This pretty much sums it up. And don't miss the link to the racist republican leader's Chimpanzee/Obama family photo.

Good for the goose. Good for the gander - remember these? :whistling:



I'm sorry but if you don't understand the difference between a black man and a white man being called a monkey then you are very naive.

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This happened about 25 years ago in English football. It was seen as a joke and it came about because fans couldn't pronounce his name, Imre varadi. they started calling his surname banana and buying inflatable bananas. Because he was a white football player and none of it was directed towards black players it was seen as a joke and not racist. Now can you imagine the difference if fans started buying bananas because one of their players was black.

Ulysses now there is the diffence for you and you have to be crazy not to see it. And I know from your posts on CM forum that you're not crazy.


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While this post does not directly relate to the disclosure of Obama's birth certificate, it is interesting in light of current events.


Obama's father forced out at Harvard


BOSTON — President Barack Obama's father was forced to leave Harvard University before completing his Ph.D. in economics because the school was concerned about his personal life and finances, according to newly public immigration records.

Harvard had asked the Immigration and Naturalization Service to delay a request by Barack Hussein Obama Sr. to extend his stay in the U.S., "until they decided what action they could take in order to get rid of him," immigration official M.F. McKeon wrote in a June 1964 memo.

Harvard administrators, the memo stated, "were having difficulty with his financial arrangements and couldn't seem to figure out how many wives he had."

An earlier INS memo from McKeon said that while the elder Obama had passed his exams and was entitled on academic grounds to stay and complete his thesis, the school was going to try and "cook something up to ease him out."

"They are planning on telling him that they will not give him any money, and that he had better return to Kenya and prepare his thesis at home," the memo stated.

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz1L5Bi1MBK

I'm sorry but what does any of this have to do with where Obama was born?

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BHO's birth date is listed as August 4, 1961 -- Hawaii did not become a state until August 21, 1959, Maybe they forward-dated that birth certificate to show that BHO was born when Hawaii was a state and that he is actually 2 years older and born when Hawaii was still a territory ... or maybe ....

or maybe you're just nuts. Come on look at what your posting. This is why mainstream Republicans wanted to move away from this issue. They knew the fringes were painting them all in a bad light.

Edited by Throatwobbler
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I'm sorry but if you don't understand the difference between a black man and a white man being called a monkey then you are very naive.

That would be a lot more true if the black man did not have protruding ears and very little else in his physical appearance to make jokes about. There are undoubtedly some racists doing this, but it is mostly folks who do not like him or his policies and could care less that he is part black.

This all stems from liberal commentators playing the race card when it is not warrented.

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Can any of you supporters please tell me just why somebody would spend around 3 million dollars keeping this and his school records hidden if there is nothing wrong ? :huh:

Why didn't / doesn't he just show them ? :o

I couldn't care less either way whether he is a naturtally born American or not just can't understand the reason he has spent so much money trying to stop people from seeing his records ? :blink:

Ithought him winning would have been a good thing for America but he seems to be like the rest of them :o

What business is it of yours or anyone elses to see someone's school records? I'd block nosey people from seeing my record too.

What's next a daily report on how many times he goes to the loo?

Because Obama is not a joe-average citizen, he is an elected public official that effectively has his finger on the nukes and could change the course of history. Birth certificate, academic transcripts should be open to the public. Holding things like this back leaves him vulnerable to blackmail and extortion. The public interest is therefore much more important than his right to privacy.

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I'm sorry but if you don't understand the difference between a black man and a white man being called a monkey then you are very naive.

That would be a lot more true if the black man did not have protruding ears and very little else in his physical appearance to make jokes about. There are undoubtedly some racists doing this, but it is mostly folks who do not like him or his policies and could care less that he is part black.

This all stems from liberal commentators playing the race card when it is not warrented.

Utter garbage, you can deny it all you like and only a dumbass couldn't see the difference. Protruding ears? Should have used an elephant then.

It is plainly just a racist attack, whether you can see it or not is irrelevant.

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The Left had no problem taking racist pot shots at Condoleeza Rice.

That's news to me. Prove it.

Ths cartoon is based on one of slaves from the film "Gone With the Wind". Butterfly McQueen's character's says, "I don't know nuthin' about birthin' babies".



Portraying Rice as a barefoot, ignorant slave was considered racist enough that Danziger and the NYT removed it from their sites shortly after it came out.



By Michelle Malkin • October 14, 2004 12:19 AM Thanks to all the readers who sent me their e-mail and phone exchanges with the Condoleezza Rice-hating Jeff Danziger. While he defended his sophomoric racist cartoon to tons of you over the past day ("Think for yourself," he admonished in his insulting boilerplate response to you), he has now removed the offensive cartoon from his own site. It is also no longer available via Google cache. If anyone saved a copy of it that I can link to, please let me know.

And this is incredible: The New York Times Syndicate, which carries his work, has replaced the cartoon in its online Danziger archive with a photo of a black man in Detroit's African Town.


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It is plainly just a racist attack, whether you can see it or not is irrelevant.

That is just what you would like believe. Whether you think so or not is just as "irrelevant" in case you can't figure it out on your own. :rolleyes:

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