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Osama Bin Laden dead - USA has his body


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Good - but wont make one bit of difference. There are hundreds willing to 'martyr' themselves in his place.

Don't agree...Nazism pretty much died along with HItler...Italian and Spanish racism with Musolini and Franco. Individuals in history make a difference.

What about the troubles in Northern Ireland, rearing their ugly head again?

The original poster is confused. Fascism in Spain and Italy were not racist in ideology or practice, that's what differentiated them from the Nazis. However, he so called "Real IRA" is a very small organisation without the same support as the Provisional IRA had in Republican areas. I guess there will always be the same, small, minority who represent a dark undercurrent. So that kind of murderous bigotry on both sides will never be entirely eradicated.

Edited by EastSaxCol
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Glad this prick is dead! sorry it took so long! Glad that they got one of his son I hope there were more! But 35 miles from the capital of Pakistan supports that this country was hiding him for years especially the size of the compound which stood out like a palace! This government has lots to answer for and U.S. should seriously think about stopping support this country with money! If they are being overun by Al Quada they deserve it. They should keep his body frozen and once the World Trade Towers are built should throw his body down from the top to celebrate. I myself am heading down to Walking Street tonight to celebrate with some ping pongs.

Nobody said this man was not scum. But i think you are very short sighted. And maybe the U.S. should remove their troops from around the globe and concentrate on all the shit they have going on in the U.S. And let those who have oil decided who to sale it to and who not to sale it to and then maybe the world would be a better place for all of us .Have you ever served in the armed force? most of the soldiers believe that they are doing no good for the countries they are based in and would rather be at home having a cold one not walking around waiting to be shoot ,blow up in some shit hole were the majority of the countries people think you have no right there . When the f** k will it end.

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A US spokesman has announced the body of Bin Laden will be treated with the utmost respect. It will be wrapped in pig skin for burial. :o

The U.S. team took custody of bin Laden's remains, which American officials said were being handled in accordance with Islamic tradition. Obama said no Americans were harmed in the operation.

Osama will have his virgins. All of them are Christians, ate pork all their lives and are over 77...........:jap:

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Good - but wont make one bit of difference. There are hundreds willing to 'martyr' themselves in his place.

Don't agree...Nazism pretty much died along with HItler...Italian and Spanish racism with Musolini and Franco. Individuals in history make a difference.

This isn't a quiz with 'agree-disagree' tick the box. Hitler, Mussolini, Franco - are dead. So are Lenin, Stalin, Mao and many others.

Look around. Is the world any better?

Saddam, Osama, Obama - what difference does it make, really?

The people die, their ideas live. More people will die. And back to normal life is returning...

I'm really sorry for us all.:jap:

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And special thanks to the People's Republic of China for lending us the cash at reasonable rates to take care of this bidness.



Are you not a Chinese Thai?

bidness?? is that Chinglish??:D

he has a cold, a little bit nasal!:o

Too many Lone Star beers often has that effect on a person's ability to pronounce business.

Edited by Pakboong
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Good - but wont make one bit of difference. There are hundreds willing to 'martyr' themselves in his place.

Don't agree...Nazism pretty much died along with HItler...Italian and Spanish racism with Musolini and Franco. Individuals in history make a difference.

This isn't a quiz with 'agree-disagree' tick the box. Hitler, Mussolini, Franco - are dead. So are Lenin, Stalin, Mao and many others.

Look around. Is the world any better?

Saddam, Osama, Obama - what difference does it make, really?

The people die, their ideas live. More people will die. And back to normal life is returning...

I'm really sorry for us all.:jap:

Who knows what horrors we would have been living in if these people had lived.

I don't need you feeling sorry for me thanks.

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Just heard they have buried the body at sea. How very convenient for all concerned. I treated with disdain the comments saying that we would never see the body and it would never be produced. They have proved unfortunately to be correct.

This fact makes the whole thing stink to high heaven.

I for one now do not believe a word we are being fed.

The excuse as to why they did this also holds no water !

Absolute <snip!> bullshit ! :sorry:

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CNN reporting that Osama Bin Laden buried at sea. - CNN

On brother that takes the cake

10 years hunting him...(supposedly)

Now less than xx hours after getting him dispose of the evidence

You cannot make this stuff up.....even in the best movie it would not be believed

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Many may well be applauding the death of Osama Bin Laden and with it the so called figure head of Al Qaeda and the mastermind of 9/11.

There is no denying that he caused the death of many innocent people and that he was a ruthless ambitious man.

However a more careful analysis would reveal that in fact it was the US and their western allies that have continually meddled in Middle East politics supporting corrupt regimes like the Saud Royal Family in Saudi Arabia and other tin pot dictators in the region in their quest for cheap oil to keep their economies growing that actually spawned the likes of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda.

The West has ruthlessly exploited the middle east oil reserves for its own economic benefit showing scant regard for the hopes needs and aspirations of the average Arab man in the street.

Bin Laden and Al Qaeda have exploited this and helped created a terrorist industry based on the west's exploitation of Arab oil reserves.

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let him burn in hell

That's a bit strong - he'll get what he deserves.

millions of people thought he was a great man.

millions of people thought that the earth was flat. agreement amongst the ignorant is quite common.

Edited by OzMick
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Due to Islamic burial rites he had to be buried within 24 hours of death.

the guy lost his rights years ago...... they should have kept his body for proof of death, nt thrown it out to sea !

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Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion. Now we have to determine who did it, in which room and with what object.

Of all posts, this has to be the killer line. Classic.I just wish that I knew how to insert emoticons to show just how much I am still laughing at the comment. 555 will do I suppose.

Edited by Scout666
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let him burn in hell

That's a bit strong - he'll get what he deserves.

millions of people thought he was a great man.

millions of people thought that the earth was flat. agreement amongst the ignorant is quite common.

You are showing your ignorance. Osama dies - Americans are happy. Obama dies - many poeple from many country are happy.

There is no right and no wrong. personally I like neither of these guys.

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CNN reporting that Osama Bin Laden buried at sea. - CNN

On brother that takes the cake

10 years hunting him...(supposedly)

Now less than xx hours after getting him dispose of the evidence

You cannot make this stuff up.....even in the best movie it would not be believed

It stretches credulity does it not? Just how stupid do they think we are? Never mind.

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let him burn in hell

That's a bit strong - he'll get what he deserves.

millions of people thought he was a great man.

millions of people thought that the earth was flat. agreement amongst the ignorant is quite common.

You are showing your ignorance. Osama dies - Americans are happy. Obama dies - many poeple from many country are happy.

There is no right and no wrong. personally I like neither of these guys.

There is ALWAYS right and wrong. The individual chooses which side to take.

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I wonder how long it will be until certain UK councils declare an official period of mourning....

:lol: And readers will think your joking, your spot on, also some in the Labour Party camp will also demand it eh. :huh:

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I wonder how lonng it will be until certain UK councils declare an official period of mourning....

i bloody hpe the uk withdraw the funding they where going to send them !!!!

I would also refuse to play them at cricket.

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I wonder how lonng it will be until certain UK councils declare an official period of mourning....

I would have thought that at least he will have some university student union buildings named in his memory. :ph34r:

As for burial at sea, call me vindictive, but I'd have the body sealed in a metal cylinder full of pig shit and dropped it to the bottom of the deepest ocean trench.

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Due to Islamic burial rites he had to be buried within 24 hours of death.

But he's supposedly been dead for a several days to a week according to most all news agencies before Obama gave his speech.

(See my previous post). However, Obama claimed he gave the order to strike "TODAY" (during his speech).

The architect of the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil was killed a week ago...

The U.S. had been waiting for the results of a DNA test to confirm his identity before going public. Sources said the vice president informed congressional leaders late Sunday night that the world’s most wanted man had indeed been killed.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/05/01/usama-bin-laden-dead-say-sources/#ixzz1LBDgwRtK

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It stretches credulity does it not? Just how stupid do they think we are? Never mind.

Well they have stretched credulity for 10 years & figured whats a bit more.

As for stupidity just be thankful it is not contagious

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Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion. Now we have to determine who did it, in which room and with what object.

it was either the butler or the gardener who caught him in the powder room :ph34r:

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