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Anybody care to recommend some software that will allow me to create some graphics for my website. I want the wording to stand out (you know the kind of thing with the words outlined or fat font).

Ideas gratefully accepted.




Photoshop is the industry standard graphics software for windows. Expensive but you can get a 30 day trial from the adobe site and other things from other places.

But another idea to consider, is CSS3, which is getting very widely supported and can do all kinds of fancy text effects - shadows, strokes, bold, attaching specialist fonts etc.

The advantage of CSS is it's easier to update the text and it gets read by search engines.


Thanks innerspace.

CSS3 is a non-runner as it needs to be part of an image.

Yes, Photoshop is expensive, I'll take a look at the 30 day trial.

I was kind of wondering if there was some great utility out there for doing this type of thing that I hadn't heard of. I've Googled a lot and took the trial version from many sites. Photo Pos Pro is free and it kind of does what I want.


OK, just thought that I'd share...

If you need software like I described and you have a Facebook account then go to LaughingBird and you can have the software for free.

It's really quite good and easy to use. (I'm not connected in anyway - apart from being a user)


Try his for free for 30 days and guess u love it !

Used by professionals around the world and very affordable not like the Adobe rip-offs.


This kind of very simple logos you make in 3 minutes with Xara, just focus on your creativity and the rest is very easy. PS there is no need to buy the PRO version, they are the same but PRO has just few extras for the professional users. You can also create complete webpages with both versions, it includes an uploader.



Another option for a great graphics software that is 100% free is GIMP.

A little bit of a learning curve when switching from photoshop but it is just as powerful.

Only trouble is it doesn't run on windows, linux only.

If you consider yourself reasonably competent with computers try giving ubuntu a go under virtualbox to check it out.


Another option for a great graphics software that is 100% free is GIMP.

A little bit of a learning curve when switching from photoshop but it is just as powerful.

Only trouble is it doesn't run on windows, linux only.

If you consider yourself reasonably competent with computers try giving ubuntu a go under virtualbox to check it out.

Not run on Windows ?

GIMP 2.6.11 for Windows

GIMP 2.6.9 for Mac

GimPhoto (GIMP modification)

Great for photo editing but not my tool for graphic design.



GIMP Tutorials I

GIMP Tutorials II

Metacafe - GIMP

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