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Rights Group Says Thai Troops 'Murdered' Civilians During Red-Shirts Protest Last Year


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as opposed to the pack of lies Robert Amsterdam version he is going to present to the court?

''Another example of this high-stakes form of negative public relations strategy involved the evacuation of Chulalongkorn Hospital in Bangkok on April 30, 2010. It was widely reported that the evacuation was prompted by an invasion of Red Shirt demonstrators searching for snipers. In fact, the incident was planned in advance by the Government Leadership and the Army Leadership, in collusion with certain members of the Thai media and certain members of the board of Chulalongkorn Hospital. After members of the press challenged Red Shirt leaders to back up their claims that Army snipers had fired shots from atop the hospital,hospital management immediately ordered the evacuation. There was never any genuine belief that the Red Shirt leaders presented a threat, and the orders to evacuate were given in order to heighten tensions and reinforce the false impression that the Red Shirts were violent and a threat to the Monarchy.The Government Leadership's postponement of the beginning of the school year in May 2010 was also part of this anti-Red Shirt public relations strategy. The decision was not based on any actual or perceived threat from the Red Shirts, but was designed to create the illusion that they were dangerous.''

I give HRW much more credence than Robert Amsterdam, particularly because as well as having a fine track record it is independent.Amsterdam isn't given that he's paid by Thaksin.

Also on HRW generally I don't succumb to the hypocrisy of invoking it when it supports my political position and belittling it when it doesn't.

On Amsterdam I prefer to look at what he has to say rather than abuse the man personally

i belittle all human rights groups and PC do gooders

the world was a much better place without them

Amsterdam is a law whore, he will say whatever he is asked to, if the pay is good enough

he is a man truly devoid of any morals or principles

i think that reflects on what he has to say and therefore taints my view of it

"i belittle all human rights groups and PC do gooders the world was a much better place without them" - provided the rest of the world agrees with your views. Sadly you have belitteled your self.

As to your next comment, I hope you plenty of money to hire a good lawyer to defend your liblellous comments. You do not need to be a member of TV to read what is posted here. Nor do you need to be in Thailand. It may come as a surprise to know that Google indexes posts in this forum.

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Whoa, there Tonto! It was he who writes in Zen Haiku stylee, aka Animatic that asked for those stupid insignificant details, not me. I could have googled to see if the black shirts had invested in sky hooks so they could cleverly shoot from above and behind the special forces troops on the BTS tracks so they could blacken the name of the thai army, but I just wrote it off as a "I've got to come up with something" moment on his behalf - so don't go blaming that BS on me.

My apologies, dear phiphidon, you're right. Don't know how that happened, maybe I got confused between

and "text" and 'text'. Please consider the blame on that part shifted :ermm:


Way to obvious, no doubt elevators would have been more than enough.

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