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Thailand Can No Longer Celebrate Freedom Of Speech

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Robby nz posts the truth...

complaints from local residents about the illegal radio stations' frequencies interfering with regular radio broadcasts


Even Bucholz must understand why quoting a lying ISOC goon might not satisfy most people.But perhaps not.

snapback.pngtimekeeper, on 2011-05-04 18:58:50, said:

snapback.pngjayboy, on 2011-05-04 18:48:22, said:

snapback.pngRobby nz, on 2011-05-04 18:06:59, said:

robby The radio stations were shut down because they did not have licences and the public had complained that they were interfearing with the broadcaste of licenced stations not the content of what they were broadcasting

gayboy Sorry that's a lie propagated by the military, nor is there any evidence of public complaints.There are hundreds of unlicensed community radio stations in Thailand but only those sympathetic to the Red shirts were shut down.

timekeeper where are the sources of your claims Jayboy?

wheres the evidence ?

or is this just a lie propagated by you?


you started it Jayboy by calling them liars and are still doing so

however you have failed to answer a request for your sources or justify your own speculation that they lied (as usual)

you will forgive us cynical TV members, if you we choose to believe a genuine source with a name who can be held accountable for lying rather than an anonymous red sympathizer on a forum who has no basis for the accusation but himself

i think we should start to refer to these quotes from you as ''jayboyisms''

it can be known as a general term for things that look to be true, as they are eloquently written but aren't ............

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Robby nz posts the truth...

complaints from local residents about the illegal radio stations' frequencies interfering with regular radio broadcasts


Even Bucholz must understand why quoting a lying ISOC goon might not satisfy most people.But perhaps not.

snapback.pngtimekeeper, on 2011-05-04 18:58:50, said:

snapback.pngjayboy, on 2011-05-04 18:48:22, said:

snapback.pngRobby nz, on 2011-05-04 18:06:59, said:

robby The radio stations were shut down because they did not have licences and the public had complained that they were interfearing with the broadcaste of licenced stations not the content of what they were broadcasting

gayboy Sorry that's a lie propagated by the military, nor is there any evidence of public complaints.There are hundreds of unlicensed community radio stations in Thailand but only those sympathetic to the Red shirts were shut down.

timekeeper where are the sources of your claims Jayboy?

wheres the evidence ?

or is this just a lie propagated by you?


you started it Jayboy by calling them liars and are still doing so

however you have failed to answer a request for your sources or justify your own speculation that they lied (as usual)

you will forgive us cynical TV members, if you we choose to believe a genuine source with a name who can be held accountable for lying rather than an anonymous red sympathizer on a forum who has no basis for the accusation but himself

i think we should start to refer to these quotes from you as ''jayboyisms''

it can be known as a general term for things that look to be true, as they are eloquently written but aren't ............

I have already pointed out sources including HRW and AHRC.Unusually the matter was well covered in the press.

I have not suggested any member was dishonest, in the way you speculate about me.

Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

If you don't understand the reputation and history of ISOC, I suggest you do some research.


Robby nz posts the truth...

complaints from local residents about the illegal radio stations' frequencies interfering with regular radio broadcasts


Even Bucholz must understand why quoting a lying ISOC goon might not satisfy most people.But perhaps not.

snapback.pngtimekeeper, on 2011-05-04 18:58:50, said:

snapback.pngjayboy, on 2011-05-04 18:48:22, said:

snapback.pngRobby nz, on 2011-05-04 18:06:59, said:

robby The radio stations were shut down because they did not have licences and the public had complained that they were interfearing with the broadcaste of licenced stations not the content of what they were broadcasting

gayboy Sorry that's a lie propagated by the military, nor is there any evidence of public complaints.There are hundreds of unlicensed community radio stations in Thailand but only those sympathetic to the Red shirts were shut down.

timekeeper where are the sources of your claims Jayboy?

wheres the evidence ?

or is this just a lie propagated by you?


you started it Jayboy by calling them liars and are still doing so

however you have failed to answer a request for your sources or justify your own speculation that they lied (as usual)

you will forgive us cynical TV members, if you we choose to believe a genuine source with a name who can be held accountable for lying rather than an anonymous red sympathizer on a forum who has no basis for the accusation but himself

i think we should start to refer to these quotes from you as ''jayboyisms''

it can be known as a general term for things that look to be true, as they are eloquently written but aren't ............

I have already pointed out sources including HRW and AHRC.Unusually the matter was well covered in the press.

I have not suggested any member was dishonest, in the way you speculate about me.

Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

If you don't understand the reputation and history of ISOC, I suggest you do some research.

thanks for the suggestion and its a valid one but unnecessary.

one knows already that when you appear and critique others posts in an effort to defend the red menace that its based only your feelings very rarely facts.

you are a red sympathizer you will always see an issue through red tinted glasses

based on the hostility often directed at your posts, i would suggest that puts you in the minority on this forum

i do not accept the ''poor down trodden masses rising up to get a fair shake'' argument, its total bullshit

i have been all over these supposed poor areas, i see new pickups and imported quality cars, top quality mobile phones, new motorbikes, flat screen TV , satellite dishes, busy restaurants, busy markets and shopping malls

theres a feeling of general well being, and that people are happy with their lot

i was looking for the general overall poverty i have read so much about since the red menace was formed

i did not see it, its just a much vaunted vehicle for the reds and Thaksin to ride on.

red propaganda, its proponents and its supporters created this so called ''divide'' for their own ends and stirred up the otherwise settled people into an unruly, revolutionary mob whose main tactic was violence or the threat of it to get their own way

i am sure you know what they say about violence? ''its the last refuge of the incompetent''

if that's true then the reds are truly incompetent

they came to Bangkok with threats of burning down the city, bringing down the government and more

they brought armed mercenaries paid for by Thaksin to kill anyone who stood in their way

they drew first blood and murdered army personnel defending the law of the land

in the end after many warnings to leave peacefully over many months , they were physically removed

the battle was lost, they went home with their tails between their legs on Government paid for buses

since then they have done nothing but whinge and whine about it.

i personally do not give a fig about them or their losses

they should not have been there

its all fruit of the poisoned tree that is owned and its fruit distributed by Thaksin

if he ever gets back here, he will need to live in a nuclear bunker to survive

in my opinion, reds are bully boys, and i despise bullies ...................



Robby nz's post =

The radio stations were shut down because they did not have licences and the public had complained that they were interfearing with the broadcaste of licenced stations not the content of what they were broadcasting


Sorry that's a lie propagated by the military, nor is there any evidence of public complaints.There are hundreds of unlicensed community radio stations in Thailand but only those sympathetic to the Red shirts were shut down.

Robby nz posts the truth...

complaints from local residents about the illegal radio stations' frequencies interfering with regular radio broadcasts

and then we're informed

that's a lie

without any reference.


Even Bucholz must understand why quoting a lying ISOC goon might not satisfy most people.But perhaps not.

Please quote/link any outside source or reference that the quote that complaints have been made regarding the illegal radio stations was a lie.



Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

It would a pleasant and most welcome change if you could follow that advice. :rolleyes:


Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

It would a pleasant and most welcome change if you could follow that advice. :rolleyes:

Please don't try and pick a fight.There are serious issues under discussion.


Defination: Banana republic is a pejorative term originally used to refer to a country that is politically unstable, dependent on limited agriculture (e.g. bananas), and ruled by a small, self-elected, wealthy, and corrupt clique. ..

LOL some might argue that Thailand has already accomplished this status.

I watched an interesting new item on BBC re: "the royal weeding" people openly discussed their view of the institutional of the "royals." Refreshing to see more evidence of how a democracy functions. Is Thailand a democracy now?

I am British and loved watching the royal wedding, so did a lot of my Thai friends. The hundreds of thousands of people that lined the streets and the millions that watched the wedding on TV show just how popular the British royal family is. Britain is a democracy with a strong belief in freedom of speech, no need for draconian laws in the UK to censor expression of opinions.

In Brave New World the masses were given the drug 'soma' to make them feel happy and content with their lot. In Britain we have TV, soaps and Royal Weddings. The latter having life long far reaching effects from some go-lucky intellectually challenged ex-pats who just can't seem to shake off the voices of their education and think freely for themselves.

Heaven only knows what such persons might make of free speech, if they ever tried it along with free thought. But there you go.

Thailand remains a banana democracy; clearly bent out of shape, starts off green, changes to yellow throughout, before going brown then black as though it just can't make its mind up what colour it should be.

As long as there is a taboo subject that is not sexual or obscene in the same way that discussions of pedophilia can never be held, then there is no freedom of speech. Nor has there been.

As long as Thailand hurts only itself; remains of no consequence internationally; its people failing to realise that revolution can be some thing other than a turning motorcy wheel; its education system a fine example of failure; its political system a product of its education system; then, and only then will there be no harm done.

The sad fact about the Thais is that they remain the Swiss of the far east minus the ingenuity. The Swiss having at least to have given the world fine time pieces, superb chocolate and a banking system where the world's money can be laundered.

You see if you're going to be corrupt at least be good at it, get away with it, and make yourself attractive to the rest of the corrupt world. For example, even Gaddaffi has 400 million stashed there. Thaksin too squirrllled it away via Zurich.

But Thailand manages prawns [ tasteless and soft ] and rice [bland and fiddly to cook.] And both of them are quite easily done without. But where it does match the Swiss in in its neutrality, managing to support the japanese then the British then finally declare ite neutrality during the Second World War. Furthermore, the proud boast that they were never colonialised is really admitting to being responsible for their own parlous state of affairs, ineptitude and corruption as an institution, as no foreign hand ever took control. So Thailand is as Thailand as because the Thais have run the show unimpeded. Well at least that's clear.

Malaysia soars ahead in so many ways even coping with its religions and managing without a little civil war down south. Burma waits to rise no doubt like malaysia once the genehrals have been strung up and the once colonised state reeps the benefit from British rule ala Malaysia. Laos can at least blame cold war communism ala North Korea for going nowhere fast while Cambodia having shunned communism is now rocketting forward as is Vietnam economically.

But where is the land of prawns and crackers going anywhere soon other than in its ever decreasing circles the Thai way: a highway to nowhere particularly attractive other than coups, corruption and Krap trap.

So in this nation where its almost to boastful to brag of how many daughters work as Pattaya prostitutes; where the sons and daughters finish their education aged 10 to work on the farm; where being born into a rural community means a shortened life time of ill health, high mortality, hard physical labour, weak immune system and abject poverty; where checks and balances do not exist; where the Police are a force to be avoided; where corruption reaches deep into every corner of the land; and , disputes are settled by murder for which there is every chance of getting away with it as the Police understand 'forensics' to be some foreign zic. What's a zic they ask.

We are given to question the availability of freedom of speech.


Why am I not surprised.

Libya, Yemen, Syria, Egypt ............................... but not Thailand. And why? Full bellies and a lack of intellect, education or idealism. And that covers not just the rural poor but rather 99.9% of this nation's population. They worship wealth to an irrational level. They mock disability. They are racist to their own darker skinned people and extremist in their attitude to person's of colour. Add to this a religion which basically allows you to do anything you want to do without fear of chastisement and mix ina blend of animism, tree worship and idolotry.

It's a third world country which, when the definition of a failed state is re-drawn in 50 years will see the likes of Thailand red lined.

It is not going to get any better. It is in a state of death throe already and nothing will be done to save it simply because their isn't the impetus, need or desire on behalf of the first world. China will not build it's CU or United Provinces and geographically Thailand without any ideology is of no use to China or any one else. Economically it is by-passed. Wars do not have to be fought from friendly logistical places any more, which leaves Thailand isolated and uselessly unattractive as a proposition to the US or the EU.

When push comes to shove it will be all too late for what will be banana democracies. Thailand is simply a casualty waiting to happen. The suspected nose bleed is actually a severed artery and we're about to witness a steady irreversible blood flow.

Do I care? They do it to them selves. they loath foreigners, disdain and dismiss our advcie, education and input.

We do not understand Thai ways. That's true because the train has left the station without them.

The US shooting of Osama will have repurcussions beyond our expectations. The world is changing. Do you seriously think that anyone will care much for a state that can't run itself and function effectively. Are prawns and rice going to swing it for them? Bush said you're either with us or against. And the UK jumped on board in first place. No one doubts the US Europe relationship today what with our joint bombing of Libya and killing of Gaddaffi's youngest son. The next week we kill Osama and family members.

In all truth what time do you think the sharp end has for corrupt, uneducated, undemocratic out posts?

They can't see the big picture themselves in Thailand and yet the Pakistanis are already contemplating the fall out from harbouring Bin Laden. Terrorists were passing freely through and into this corrupt land and we can all remember Victor Bout, or should remember he was caught - here!

With no house in order and the world being cleaned up does Thailand think it can continue offering nothing whilst holding out its hand? pakistan is to receiev 7 billion in aid prior to harbouring Bin Laden around the corner from the secret service headquarters. The US will deliver something unexpected.

Thailand ...................................... Ts Elliot complained that he grew old. I suggest wiser too.

Thailand is just old. Somebody will shoot it.

And that is freedom of speech.

An interesting post but I have to say that if you like Royal weddings it does not prove that you are unable to think freely indeed it is quite the opposite. My point is that as a British citizen I can choose to like or disslike them and say it publicly without fear of politically motivated retribution. The voices of my education did not thrust the Royal family on me in fact they were hardly ever mentioned except for in history lessons where we were taught about Oliver Cromwell as well as Kings and Queens. As for being intellectually challenged I have a well above average IQ and a degree. ;)


Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

It would a pleasant and most welcome change if you could follow that advice. :rolleyes:

Please don't try and pick a fight.There are serious issues under discussion.

More good words to live by.

Now then, how about those quotes/links from sources, other than yourself, that say it is a lie that complaints over illegal radio stations were ever made?

Thank you.


Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

It would a pleasant and most welcome change if you could follow that advice. :rolleyes:

Please don't try and pick a fight.There are serious issues under discussion.

More good words to live by.

Now then, how about those quotes/links from sources, other than yourself, that say it is a lie that complaints over illegal radio stations were ever made?

Thank you.

That's a prescriptive definition which stands out like a sore thumb.Who knows what the ISOC goons have done to "justify" their action: there are always military cheerleaders around so I wouldn't rule out ventriloquised "complaints".Odd though that nobody has "complained" about the many unlicensed non-redshirt stations.

The big lie is of course nothing to do with "complaints".Thats just the military dishonesty about its real motives.

I have already (actually quite a few times) given sources.Read the HRW and AHRC comments.


Do try and focus on arguments and facts, rather than personalities.

It would a pleasant and most welcome change if you could follow that advice. :rolleyes:

Please don't try and pick a fight.There are serious issues under discussion.

you would not get this kind of response, if you backed up your claims instead of stating your opinion with no sources

you always fend off any requests for facts by saying you are not getting into a bar room brawl or stop trying to pick a fight with me or if you want a fight then look elsewhere

forums are places where opinions are exchanged, some times strong ones, there are interactions are about serious issues where people may have strong views

you have strong controversial views so you should expect a mauling now and then

by simply not responding or whining about being picked on, you are simply side stepping the issues and not defending yourself or your stated position

its just a tactic of yours to avoid making a response to your controversial ''jayboyisms ''

if you do not want to answer a question because you do not like the question or its tone, and it offends your sensibilities then simply do not post here

the way you respond to questions in your high brow, holier than though manner is as if we other mere mortals on TV aren't deemed worthy of a response from you

for that alone you deserve a tongue lashing

rest assured Jayboy, you will always find a fight with me whether you want one or not and side stepping the fight says a lot about you and how much you truly value your opinions

i believe a man without enemies never stood up for anything

i have many enemies and proud of it............


It would a pleasant and most welcome change if you could follow that advice. :rolleyes:

Please don't try and pick a fight.There are serious issues under discussion.

More good words to live by.

Now then, how about those quotes/links from sources, other than yourself, that say it is a lie that complaints over illegal radio stations were ever made?

Thank you.

That's a prescriptive definition which stands out like a sore thumb.Who knows what the ISOC goons have done to "justify" their action: there are always military cheerleaders around so I wouldn't rule out ventriloquised "complaints".Odd though that nobody has "complained" about the many unlicensed non-redshirt stations.

The big lie is of course nothing to do with "complaints".Thats just the military dishonesty about its real motives.

I have already (actually quite a few times) given sources.Read the HRW and AHRC comments.

why don't you quote them Jayboy?

i believe its a requirement when posting on TV to justify the sources of your remarks

its a reportable to mods offense to propagate lies on TV as fact

when confronted its your job to quote the quote, not ours to find

is that too confrontational for you?

am i picking a fight?


Now then, how about those quotes/links from sources, other than yourself, that say it is a lie that complaints over illegal radio stations were ever made?

Thank you.

I have already (actually quite a few times) given sources.Read the HRW and AHRC comments.

I have read those comments, but never came across them saying what you are saying, which is, that it is a lie that residents complained about illegal radio station broadcasts.


Now then, how about those quotes/links from sources, other than yourself, that say it is a lie that complaints over illegal radio stations were ever made?

Thank you.

I have already (actually quite a few times) given sources.Read the HRW and AHRC comments.

I have read those comments, but never came across them saying what you are saying, which is, that it is a lie that residents complained about illegal radio station broadcasts.

Please read my posts more carefully.I have made my position clear on the ISOC lies - the complete dishonesty in the excuses for closing down the red shirt stations.

If you have read the HRW comments the position should be clear to you.


Now then, how about those quotes/links from sources, other than yourself, that say it is a lie that complaints over illegal radio stations were ever made?

Thank you.

I have already (actually quite a few times) given sources.Read the HRW and AHRC comments.

I have read those comments, but never came across them saying what you are saying, which is, that it is a lie that residents complained about illegal radio station broadcasts.

Please read my posts more carefully.I have made my position clear on the ISOC lies - the complete dishonesty in the excuses for closing down the red shirt stations.

If you have read the HRW comments the position should be clear to you.

So it's just you then making the claim. Thanks for the clarification.


why don't you quote them Jayboy?

i believe its a requirement when posting on TV to justify the sources of your remarks

its a reportable to mods offense to propagate lies on TV as fact

when confronted its your job to quote the quote, not ours to find

is that too confrontational for you?

am i picking a fight?

Yes it's fairly confrontational.I'm not too bothered about that since it's devoid of relevant content. You might want to take better advice on forum rules.

On the matter at hand, the redshirt stations were closed down by ISOC.The excuse it provided was complaints from the public on wavelength confusion.That was a lie.If you contend otherwise you are suggesting there was no political motivation in the action.No other unlicensed stations have been closed.That's all folks.


Housepainter hit so many nails on the head he should be a carpenter instead.

Seems people get the governments they deserve. Thais don't seem to care how much they get screwed by the ruling class.

But I do find it hard to believe that some of you still believe the bs about red shirts only supporting because some of them may have gotten some money to protest. It does seems the movement has lost it's populace base and is now being used to promote agendas that aren't so much from the people...

I didn't think Thailand had freedom of speech before, what with so many subjects that could land you in jail for years. Or in court.


why don't you quote them Jayboy?

i believe its a requirement when posting on TV to justify the sources of your remarks

its a reportable to mods offense to propagate lies on TV as fact

when confronted its your job to quote the quote, not ours to find

is that too confrontational for you?

am i picking a fight?

Yes it's fairly confrontational.I'm not too bothered about that since it's devoid of relevant content. You might want to take better advice on forum rules.

On the matter at hand, the redshirt stations were closed down by ISOC.The excuse it provided was complaints from the public on wavelength confusion.That was a lie.If you contend otherwise you are suggesting there was no political motivation in the action.No other unlicensed stations have been closed.That's all folks.

still no proof, only you saying it and with your record of spreading red propaganda that means nothing

as to Thaivisa forum rules

how about this one?

does it fit the bill?

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law


... to put a fine point on this article, what was not expressly stated is that Freedom House this week reduced Thailand's press freedom status to "Not Free" ... there are but three scores Freedom House issues: "Free" ... "Partially Free" ... "Not Free".

... good job, Thailand ... well done ... welcome to Pakistan's world, which scored one notch better than Thailand ... I am just disgusted at what these cretinous inbreds are doing to my children's future.

... the original report can be viewed at www.freedomhouse.org ... if the Royal Thai Government has not blacklisted the web site.


... to put a fine point on this article, what was not expressly stated is that Freedom House this week reduced Thailand's press freedom status to "Not Free" ... there are but three scores Freedom House issues: "Free" ... "Partially Free" ... "Not Free".

... good job, Thailand ... well done ... welcome to Pakistan's world, which scored one notch better than Thailand ... I am just disgusted at what these cretinous inbreds are doing to my children's future.

... the original report can be viewed at www.freedomhouse.org ... if the Royal Thai Government has not blacklisted the web site.


Interestingly, Thailand comes above all countries in the region except Indonesia and Philippines.

Country - Place - Score

Philippines - 93 - 46

Indonesia - 108 - 53

Thailand - 138 - 62

Cambodia - 141 - 63

Malaysia - 143 - 64

Singapore - 150 - 68

Vietnam - 177 - 83

Laos - 184 - 85

Burma - 191 - 94


[[in Brave New World the masses were given the drug 'soma' to make them feel happy and content with their lot. In Britain we have TV, soaps and Royal Weddings. The latter having life long far reaching effects from some go-lucky intellectually challenged ex-pats who just can't seem to shake off the voices of their education and think freely for themselves.

Heaven only knows what such persons might make of free speech, if they ever tried it along with free thought. But there you go.

Thailand remains a banana democracy; clearly bent out of shape, starts off green, changes to yellow throughout, before going brown then black as though it just can't make its mind up what colour it should be.

As long as there is a taboo subject that is not sexual or obscene in the same way that discussions of pedophilia can never be held, then there is no freedom of speech. Nor has there been.

As long as Thailand hurts only itself; remains of no consequence internationally; its people failing to realise that revolution can be some thing other than a turning motorcy wheel; its education system a fine example of failure; its political system a product of its education system; then, and only then will there be no harm done.

The sad fact about the Thais is that they remain the Swiss of the far east minus the ingenuity. The Swiss having at least to have given the world fine time pieces, superb chocolate and a banking system where the world's money can be laundered.

You see if you're going to be corrupt at least be good at it, get away with it, and make yourself attractive to the rest of the corrupt world. For example, even Gaddaffi has 400 million stashed there. Thaksin too squirrllled it away via Zurich.

But Thailand manages prawns [ tasteless and soft ] and rice [bland and fiddly to cook.] And both of them are quite easily done without. But where it does match the Swiss in in its neutrality, managing to support the japanese then the British then finally declare ite neutrality during the Second World War. Furthermore, the proud boast that they were never colonialised is really admitting to being responsible for their own parlous state of affairs, ineptitude and corruption as an institution, as no foreign hand ever took control. So Thailand is as Thailand as because the Thais have run the show unimpeded. Well at least that's clear.

Malaysia soars ahead in so many ways even coping with its religions and managing without a little civil war down south. Burma waits to rise no doubt like malaysia once the genehrals have been strung up and the once colonised state reeps the benefit from British rule ala Malaysia. Laos can at least blame cold war communism ala North Korea for going nowhere fast while Cambodia having shunned communism is now rocketting forward as is Vietnam economically.

But where is the land of prawns and crackers going anywhere soon other than in its ever decreasing circles the Thai way: a highway to nowhere particularly attractive other than coups, corruption and Krap trap.

So in this nation where its almost to boastful to brag of how many daughters work as Pattaya prostitutes; where the sons and daughters finish their education aged 10 to work on the farm; where being born into a rural community means a shortened life time of ill health, high mortality, hard physical labour, weak immune system and abject poverty; where checks and balances do not exist; where the Police are a force to be avoided; where corruption reaches deep into every corner of the land; and , disputes are settled by murder for which there is every chance of getting away with it as the Police understand 'forensics' to be some foreign zic. What's a zic they ask.

We are given to question the availability of freedom of speech.


Why am I not surprised.

Libya, Yemen, Syria, Egypt ............................... but not Thailand. And why? Full bellies and a lack of intellect, education or idealism. And that covers not just the rural poor but rather 99.9% of this nation's population. They worship wealth to an irrational level. They mock disability. They are racist to their own darker skinned people and extremist in their attitude to person's of colour. Add to this a religion which basically allows you to do anything you want to do without fear of chastisement and mix ina blend of animism, tree worship and idolotry.

It's a third world country which, when the definition of a failed state is re-drawn in 50 years will see the likes of Thailand red lined.

It is not going to get any better. It is in a state of death throe already and nothing will be done to save it simply because their isn't the impetus, need or desire on behalf of the first world. China will not build it's CU or United Provinces and geographically Thailand without any ideology is of no use to China or any one else. Economically it is by-passed. Wars do not have to be fought from friendly logistical places any more, which leaves Thailand isolated and uselessly unattractive as a proposition to the US or the EU.

When push comes to shove it will be all too late for what will be banana democracies. Thailand is simply a casualty waiting to happen. The suspected nose bleed is actually a severed artery and we're about to witness a steady irreversible blood flow.

Do I care? They do it to them selves. they loath foreigners, disdain and dismiss our advcie, education and input.

We do not understand Thai ways. That's true because the train has left the station without them.

The US shooting of Osama will have repurcussions beyond our expectations. The world is changing. Do you seriously think that anyone will care much for a state that can't run itself and function effectively. Are prawns and rice going to swing it for them? Bush said you're either with us or against. And the UK jumped on board in first place. No one doubts the US Europe relationship today what with our joint bombing of Libya and killing of Gaddaffi's youngest son. The next week we kill Osama and family members.

In all truth what time do you think the sharp end has for corrupt, uneducated, undemocratic out posts?

They can't see the big picture themselves in Thailand and yet the Pakistanis are already contemplating the fall out from harbouring Bin Laden. Terrorists were passing freely through and into this corrupt land and we can all remember Victor Bout, or should remember he was caught - here!

With no house in order and the world being cleaned up does Thailand think it can continue offering nothing whilst holding out its hand? pakistan is to receiev 7 billion in aid prior to harbouring Bin Laden around the corner from the secret service headquarters. The US will deliver something unexpected.

Thailand ...................................... Ts Elliot complained that he grew old. I suggest wiser too.

Thailand is just old. Somebody will shoot it.

And that is freedom of speech.

I've never heard of any Thai parent boasting his daughter works in Pattaya.

If you compared Thailand to 20 years ago the progress is outstanding- the development of roads, hospitals and schools is truly remarkable, I remember as a child in Ban Pai district in Khon Kaen province, having to walk or ride a bicycle to Ban Pai from our village 8 kilometres away. It was a muddy and slippery in the rainy season and dry and bumpy in the the winter and hot season, and took a whole day. Now it's a 15 minute journey on a motorbike, an item possessed by nearly all villagers.

Nearly every home has a TV, fridge and vehicle.

I've heard Thais compared to the Brazilians for their joi de vivre, but never to the prudent and restrained Swiss.

There's plenty of freedom of speech in Thai newspapers and magazines, I once read the English langusge newspaper in Malaysia,it was so boring, every article praised the government's latest project, and as for Singapore, do they allow any opposition ?!

In Buddhism there's plenty of chastisement, unlike Christianity, you cannot escape the consequences of your actions by merely claiming you have seen the errors of your ways. You must pay for your karma.

Thais don't hate foreigners, who do you spend your time with?


The radio stations were shut down because they did not have licences and the public had complained that they were interfearing with the broadcaste of licenced stations not the content of what they were broadcasting

Sorry that's a lie propagated by the military, nor is there any evidence of public complaints.There are hundreds of unlicensed community radio stations in Thailand but only those sympathetic to the Red shirts were shut down.

where are the sources of your claims Jayboy?

wheres the evidence ?

or is this just a lie propagated by you?

Several of the operators have been on Asia update displaying their recently renewed temporary broadcasting licences.Obviously not shown on the purple shellfish channel. Don't worry go on believing your government propaganda.


thanks for the suggestion and its a valid one but unnecessary.

one knows already that when you appear and critique others posts in an effort to defend the red menace that its based only your feelings very rarely facts.

you are a red sympathizer you will always see an issue through red tinted glasses

based on the hostility often directed at your posts, i would suggest that puts you in the minority on this forum

i do not accept the ''poor down trodden masses rising up to get a fair shake'' argument, its total bullshit

i have been all over these supposed poor areas, i see new pickups and imported quality cars, top quality mobile phones, new motorbikes, flat screen TV , satellite dishes, busy restaurants, busy markets and shopping malls

theres a feeling of general well being, and that people are happy with their lot

i was looking for the general overall poverty i have read so much about since the red menace was formed

i did not see it, its just a much vaunted vehicle for the reds and Thaksin to ride on.

red propaganda, its proponents and its supporters created this so called ''divide'' for their own ends and stirred up the otherwise settled people into an unruly, revolutionary mob whose main tactic was violence or the threat of it to get their own way

i am sure you know what they say about violence? ''its the last refuge of the incompetent''

if that's true then the reds are truly incompetent

they came to Bangkok with threats of burning down the city, bringing down the government and more

they brought armed mercenaries paid for by Thaksin to kill anyone who stood in their way

they drew first blood and murdered army personnel defending the law of the land

in the end after many warnings to leave peacefully over many months , they were physically removed

the battle was lost, they went home with their tails between their legs on Government paid for buses

since then they have done nothing but whinge and whine about it.

i personally do not give a fig about them or their losses

they should not have been there

its all fruit of the poisoned tree that is owned and its fruit distributed by Thaksin

if he ever gets back here, he will need to live in a nuclear bunker to survive

in my opinion, reds are bully boys, and i despise bullies ...................


and what coloured tints do your glasses have buddy? This rant is as biased as Arisiman on yabaa. Get a grip on reality. Things are not nearly that clear cut.


Oops, sorry, there was just a report that the link doesn't work.

Here it is again:


It is there, honest, I saw it.

"Freedom for all Thais has suffered badly because the government and military have cast aside the rule of law to clamp down on critical speech," Adams said.

Cast aside the rule of law? I thought these radio stations were operating illegally (ie without a licence).


... to put a fine point on this article, what was not expressly stated is that Freedom House this week reduced Thailand's press freedom status to "Not Free" ... there are but three scores Freedom House issues: "Free" ... "Partially Free" ... "Not Free".

... good job, Thailand ... well done ... welcome to Pakistan's world, which scored one notch better than Thailand ... I am just disgusted at what these cretinous inbreds are doing to my children's future.

... the original report can be viewed at www.freedomhouse.org ... if the Royal Thai Government has not blacklisted the web site.


Interestingly, Thailand comes above all countries in the region except Indonesia and Philippines.

Country - Place - Score

Philippines - 93 - 46

Indonesia - 108 - 53

Thailand - 138 - 62

Cambodia - 141 - 63

Malaysia - 143 - 64

Singapore - 150 - 68

Vietnam - 177 - 83

Laos - 184 - 85

Burma - 191 - 94

Well it would be interesting if it wasn't for the fact that all the countries (in the region) below Thailand in this shameful table (with the arguable exception of Malaysia) are all one party states.............


Interestingly, Thailand comes above all countries in the region except Indonesia and Philippines.

Country - Place - Score

Philippines - 93 - 46

Indonesia - 108 - 53

Thailand - 138 - 62

Cambodia - 141 - 63

Malaysia - 143 - 64

Singapore - 150 - 68

Vietnam - 177 - 83

Laos - 184 - 85

Burma - 191 - 94

Well it would be interesting if it wasn't for the fact that all the countries (in the region) below Thailand in this shameful table (with the arguable exception of Malaysia) are all one party states.............

Thank you for this observation, phiphidon. With k. Thaksin's statement he could rule for another 20 years six or seven years ago, you may wonder where Thailand would be now had that happened ?

"Money no longer talks for Thai PM

By Connie Levett, Bangkok

February 18, 2006

Page 1 of 2

WHEN telecommunications billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra became Thailand's Prime Minister in 2001 he celebrated his extraordinary wealth, telling voters he had so much money they would never have to worry about political corruption again.

He promised a CEO-style leadership that would cut through the bureaucracy of government and talked of wanting to lead the country for 20 years. In the wake of Thailand's 1997 economic meltdown, the promise resonated."



Interestingly, Thailand comes above all countries in the region except Indonesia and Philippines.

Country - Place - Score

Philippines - 93 - 46

Indonesia - 108 - 53

Thailand - 138 - 62

Cambodia - 141 - 63

Malaysia - 143 - 64

Singapore - 150 - 68

Vietnam - 177 - 83

Laos - 184 - 85

Burma - 191 - 94

Well it would be interesting if it wasn't for the fact that all the countries (in the region) below Thailand in this shameful table (with the arguable exception of Malaysia) are all one party states.............

Thank you for this observation, phiphidon. With k. Thaksin's statement he could rule for another 20 years six or seven years ago, you may wonder where Thailand would be now had that happened ?

"Money no longer talks for Thai PM

By Connie Levett, Bangkok

February 18, 2006

Page 1 of 2

WHEN telecommunications billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra became Thailand's Prime Minister in 2001 he celebrated his extraordinary wealth, telling voters he had so much money they would never have to worry about political corruption again.

He promised a CEO-style leadership that would cut through the bureaucracy of government and talked of wanting to lead the country for 20 years. In the wake of Thailand's 1997 economic meltdown, the promise resonated."


And you know as well as I know that that will never have been allowed to happen and it didn't. However at times it seems that the Democrat Party and more than a few posters on TV seem to want a one party state with no credible opposition (and spare me the jokes that the PTP isn't a credible opposition). Just think what Thailand would be like with Newin (how long to the ban runs out?) in charge, or surely not, Suthep, once Abhisit has been discarded.


Thank you for this observation, phiphidon. With k. Thaksin's statement he could rule for another 20 years six or seven years ago, you may wonder where Thailand would be now had that happened ?

"Money no longer talks for Thai PM

By Connie Levett, Bangkok

February 18, 2006

Page 1 of 2

WHEN telecommunications billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra became Thailand's Prime Minister in 2001 he celebrated his extraordinary wealth, telling voters he had so much money they would never have to worry about political corruption again.

He promised a CEO-style leadership that would cut through the bureaucracy of government and talked of wanting to lead the country for 20 years. In the wake of Thailand's 1997 economic meltdown, the promise resonated."


And you know as well as I know that that will never have been allowed to happen and it didn't. However at times it seems that the Democrat Party and more than a few posters on TV seem to want a one party state with no credible opposition (and spare me the jokes that the PTP isn't a credible opposition). Just think what Thailand would be like with Newin (how long to the ban runs out?) in charge, or surely not, Suthep, once Abhisit has been discarded.

True speculation as what worse things might have happened if k. Thaksin was still ruling now, or if k. Newin would be in the position, or even k. Suthep for what it matters.

The Democrats have never said to want a 'one party state', probably not even the TRT. It's more like k. Thaksin being very democratically busy to corner the market, from July 2003:

"Thaksin has been as busy in the corridors of power as on the streets. Through adroit mergers and coalitions with other political groups, his five-year-old Thai Rak Thai party has a lock on the current parliament. In May he said other parties "shouldn't even contemplate" trying to beat Thai Rak Thai at the polls. This is a stupendous change for Thailand, whose past governments have been run by the military or shaky political coalitions. When Thaksin completes his stint in office within the next 19 months, his will be the first civilian government to last a full parliamentary term. In April, Thaksin told members of his party that Thai Rak Thai would govern Thailand for the next 20 years—presumably with him as leader."



And you know as well as I know that that will never have been allowed to happen and it didn't. However at times it seems that the Democrat Party and more than a few posters on TV seem to want a one party state with no credible opposition (and spare me the jokes that the PTP isn't a credible opposition). Just think what Thailand would be like with Newin (how long to the ban runs out?) in charge, or surely not, Suthep, once Abhisit has been discarded.

Many pro-red posters complain about there being a coup. Were they in support of a one party state? That's the direction it was heading.

I think most (particularly anti-red) posters would love to have a credible opposition. One that worried about more than getting one man back in power.

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