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Obama says he will not release Bin Laden pictures


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You should give that "Next" back to the guy you borrowed it from.(Naam)

Its not working for you.....

I agree "Good Day" is the much better door-slammer that you frequently use as the be-all and end-all of conversation.

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I think that with respect even you American guys must admit that something is not quite right about this whole affair. We have the most wanted man in the world and for at least 10 years he could not be found even with today's high technology.

He is then some how located, shot in the head and thrown overboard all in the space of 24 hours and then Obama declares him dead. He would have been worth more to the allies alive, so this makes no sense.

It is now obvious that Osama was receiving help from well connected friends in Pakistan. The motive for the Pakistanis? The billions of aid dollars that the search for Osama contributed to the Pakistani economy.

The lastest identification started in August 2010. It took the US intelligence service(s) months to verify the info.

What is not mentioned is that there were similar likely identifications over the years, but Osama had disappeared before he could be apprehended.

People are drawing conclusions based upon initial information. The complete debriefings have not been released, Nothing sinister, nothing mysterious.It is just the typical aftermath of an attempt to prevent alot of cibvilian casualties. The US had the option of bombing the safe house, but President Obama said no. The President took the risk of ensuring it was Osama. He took the risk of preventing civilian casualties and the navy seals put their lives on the line to do it.

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Violence spirals into ever decreasing circles of violence. Now someone will avenge the death of bin Laden. Then the US and/or her allies will avenge that, and we continue spiraling on, out of control. Had anyone considered WHY the Twin Towers were attacked? They didn't do it because they were bored one Sunday.

I'm reminded of the Good Friday agreement. To try to end the spiraling of violence, both sides stood up and said ENOUGH! Enough of killing, revenge, killing again, more revenge. ENOUGH! It doesn't work. There must be another way. And there was. And after 80 years of 'live by the bomb, die by the bomb' they stopped. And there is peace. And isn't that a much nicer way to live our lives?

You apparently live in a parallel universe. When the Soviet union collapsed it set forth a new line of violence. The cold war war just that.

The American response to the soviet presence in Afghanistan should have been to help them.

Edited by Gonsalviz
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One of his wives says he's dead. Give it a rest.

You heard this from his wife?

No you heard a report of it & a report of many other things

You will *see* none of them

Look at this another way. The Navy Seals. Not a group you would associate with liberal democrats. If they didn't kill OBL and this was all a big snow job, don't you think one would spill the beans? It would ruin Obama.

Next ...

Just as an aside, the only SEAL to my knowledge that was in the Senate, Bob Kerry, was a Democrat, and a pretty liberal one. Another SEAL, Mike Lumpkin, ran for congress from California's 52nd District---as a Democrat.

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And of course footage of many in the US yahooing and celebrating Bin Laden's death like a football victory hardly seem like the appropriate response to his death.

He was a mass murderer who would have kept on killing. Removing him from the planet is a lot more important than any football victory.


Nobody minded when he was killing Russians!! How times change

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Following the demise of bin laden, I was celebrating this event at local pub. There were many of the usual overweight, drunken ex-special forces and intelligence types there relating stories of when they had done similar black ops type missions. Why are so many of ex-commandos in Thailand drunk and out of shape. Hard to figure. Some people expressed opinion that bin laden was not really dead and it was some kind of scam. I tried to comprehend how anyone could believe anything this stupid, but then in further discussion with these geniuses I found that these same individuals believe there 25 year old wives prefer fat drunk guys and are not with them for financial reasons. No doubt bin laden is alive right now and is hanging out with Elvis. Perhaps I can sell these guys something, like tickets for a flight on a spaceship or membership in the Illuminati.

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To Obama: Post a picture or it didn't happen

A tree falls in the forest, but you neither see, nor hear it fall. Does that mean the tree did not fall?

Subsequent to the release of the Obama long form birth certificate, youtube and blogs were filled with comments and "analysis" that the document was a fake.

Same thing will happen with the photos. Senior elected officials and public servants have seen the evidence and accept that Osama is dead. There is no need for the photos to be released. People like you will still continue to deny the event.

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Subsequent to the release of the Obama long form birth certificate, youtube and blogs were filled with comments and "analysis" that the document was a fake.

Same thing will happen with the photos. Senior elected officials and public servants have seen the evidence and accept that Osama is dead. There is no need for the photos to be released. People like you will still continue to deny the event.

Good point. :thumbsup:

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Subsequent to the release of the Obama long form birth certificate, youtube and blogs were filled with comments and "analysis" that the document was a fake.

Same thing will happen with the photos. Senior elected officials and public servants have seen the evidence and accept that Osama is dead. There is no need for the photos to be released. People like you will still continue to deny the event.

Good point. :thumbsup:

No sorry I call BS.

Just because some people wear tin foil hats doesn't give the govt an excuse to treat us all that way. Will some people still believe Osama's alive even if they see the video? Sure, but you know what, F them. Seriously, they are such a small minority of citizens that it doesn't even matter. However for the majority of Americans who would seek out the video, it would provide the real closure it deserves. Kinda like when a parent who looses a child for years,needs to either see the child alive or at least their body to move on.

Stop using that old "Oh well some people still won't believe it" cop out and make the video public.

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Just as an aside, the only SEAL to my knowledge that was in the Senate, Bob Kerry, was a Democrat, and a pretty liberal one. Another SEAL, Mike Lumpkin, ran for congress from California's 52nd District---as a Democrat

Sorry to disagree but let's not give Kerry any more credit than he is due.

Kerry was commander of a Swift Boat for four months in 1968. I can find nothing to indicate he was ever a SEAL.

However, Mike Lumpkin apparently was a SEAL.

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The other Kerry was the Swift boat guy. :)

By George, you are right and I stand corrected.

I saw Kerry and immediately went crazy thinking it was JOHN Kerry.

Joseph R. Kerry was a SEAL and was awarded the Congressional Medal Of Honor for his service.

My apologies to Bonobo and Senator Bob Kerry.

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The other Kerry was the Swift boat guy. :)

By George, you are right and I stand corrected.

I saw Kerry and immediately went crazy thinking it was JOHN Kerry.

Joseph R. Kerry was a SEAL and was awarded the Congressional Medal Of Honor for his service.

My apologies to Bonobo and Senator Bob Kerry.

Yea, he lost half of his leg in Vietnam while earning his MOH. He was also governor of Nebraska, and he dated Deborah Winger. Like the other Kerry, he threw his hat into the ring for president, but he couldn't beat Clinton.

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To Obama: Post a picture or it didn't happen

Al Queda is already admitting it did happen. That is good enough for me.

An anonymous post on an Islamic message board is good enough for you?

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To Obama: Post a picture or it didn't happen

Al Queda is already admitting it did happen. That is good enough for me.

Fascinating, of all the organizations to trust, that is the one you go with?

I think if the US was inventing the death of OBL, who was already dead, it would have occurred to them to also fabricate an Al Qaeda announcement to back up their claims. Especially because fake OBL broadcasts have been the key to government fear mongering for many years already.

I think that the US got tired of the OBL bogeyman, and now that they have the Muslim brotherhood, they decided to put the OBL fairy tale into retirement.

The dog is wagging mightily in 2011.

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I think if the US was inventing the death of OBL, who was already dead, it would have occurred to them to also fabricate an Al Qaeda announcement to back up their claims. The dog is wagging mightily in 2011.

Of course. Of course.


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The thing that saddened me was the dancing in the streets in the US at the news of OBL's death. Reminded me of some middle east countries when they celebrate certain deaths.

I'm sure if George W died and the Iraqis and Afghans danced and sang in the streets there would be condemnation.

Edited by Wallaby
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The New York Times is currently running a story:

‘Job Well Done,’ Obama Tells Assault Team


The comment session is open and as of now there are no comments -- you guys on the fringe now have a chance to join THE BIG SHOW instead of your usual back-water (apologies to George)


BTW comments are pre-moderated rather than the post-moderated you are used to on ThVi.

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The thing that saddened me was the dancing in the streets in the US at the news of OBL's death. Reminded me of some middle east countries when they celebrate certain deaths.

There is a very big diiference. The Islamic masses are usually celebrating the cold blooded killing of innocent men ,women and children - civilians.

The US is celebrating the execution of a mass murderer of those very same innocents.

I'm pretty sure that there was some celebrating when Hitler commited suicide too.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The thing that saddened me was the dancing in the streets in the US at the news of OBL's death. Reminded me of some middle east countries when they celebrate certain deaths.

There is a very big diiference. The Islamic masses are usually celebrating the cold blooded killing of innocent men ,women and children - civilians.

The US is celebrating the execution of a mass murderer of those very same innocents.

I'm pretty sure that there was some celebrating when Hitler commited suicide too.

Innocent in whos view? I'm sure they think George W and company are just as bad as we think OBL is.

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The thing that saddened me was the dancing in the streets in the US at the news of OBL's death. Reminded me of some middle east countries when they celebrate certain deaths.

There is a very big diiference. The Islamic masses are usually celebrating the cold blooded killing of innocent men ,women and children - civilians.

Innocent in whos view?

You do not think that the men ,women and children killed in the World Trade Center, the Bali bombings and the London transport bombings - among many others - ,were innocent victims? I must very much disagree. :rolleyes:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The thing that saddened me was the dancing in the streets in the US at the news of OBL's death. Reminded me of some middle east countries when they celebrate certain deaths.

There is a very big diiference. The Islamic masses are usually celebrating the cold blooded killing of innocent men ,women and children - civilians.

The US is celebrating the execution of a mass murderer of those very same innocents.

I'm pretty sure that there was some celebrating when Hitler commited suicide too.

Innocent in whos view? I'm sure they think George W and company are just as bad as we think OBL is.

They also probably think God/Allah is on their side yet are at a loss to explain why they suffer so much and seem to constantly end up on the losing side.

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To Obama: Post a picture or it didn't happen

Al Queda is already admitting it did happen. That is good enough for me.

An anonymous post on an Islamic message board is good enough for you?

YUP. Those twits would never admit he was dead if he wasn't. I am amazed they haven't been putting together faked vids to prove to the world that the infidels haven't gotten him yet.

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