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I'm shopping for one of those prepaid usb internet thingies.....I think they are called aircards that accept sim cards and give you slow, but sure connections anywhere that has a cel signal.

A couple of questions....

once you buy the stick, can you use either AIS or DTAK sims??

and what about overseas use, are they compatable in other countries [with the local prepaid sim]??

And finally, what is the correct term for the device??

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What mobile phone do you have ?

Tethering your phone works just as well without the need to outlay more money on other hardware.


What mobile phone do you have ?

Tethering your phone works just as well without the need to outlay more money on other hardware.

My current phone is a basic/no frills Nokia that makes calls only.

So, SM, you're saying that I can get the same connectivity by upgrading my phone and it can be 'tethered' by bluetooth?

If that is so, then how much would I have to pay for one of those more modern phones?? and any suggested models/brands??

Pardon me for being such a dummie.....but the tech world is moving faster than my old mind can keep up with.


They are called 'aircards'....i have a AIS one and works a treat most times.

Connection slow at times, but for simple stuff and browsing it is fine......big dowloads or uploads very slow.

As for using different company in and AIS usb.....I would say not, doubt they would want that happening.

no idea re overseas, but doubt it.


What mobile phone do you have ?

Tethering your phone works just as well without the need to outlay more money on other hardware.

My current phone is a basic/no frills Nokia that makes calls only.

So, SM, you're saying that I can get the same connectivity by upgrading my phone and it can be 'tethered' by bluetooth?

If that is so, then how much would I have to pay for one of those more modern phones?? and any suggested models/brands??

Pardon me for being such a dummie.....but the tech world is moving faster than my old mind can keep up with.

Yeah a usb aircard dongle will be cheaper than purchasing a new phone.


OK......the 'aircards' work just about anywhere you can get a cel signal......are they interchangable.....meaning can I get a DTAC aircard and put an AIS [or another company] sim card in??


once you buy the stick, can you use either AIS or DTAK sims?? Yes

and what about overseas use, are they compatable in other countries [with the local prepaid sim]?? Yes (GSM countries)

And finally, what is the correct term for the device?? Aircard




You should be able to source a new handset, with an GPRS/EDGE modem, which can connect to your PC via USB or bluetooth and act as a dial-up modem, for ~ 3,000 baht. An aircard will be ~ 1,700.


OK......the 'aircards' work just about anywhere you can get a cel signal......are they interchangable.....meaning can I get a DTAC aircard and put an AIS [or another company] sim card in??

I have no idea, I would have thought they are locked to the supplier.

I would have thought you can purchase a "non branded" aircard and simply put what ever sim in it though.


once you buy the stick, can you use either AIS or DTAK sims?? Yes

and what about overseas use, are they compatable in other countries [with the local prepaid sim]?? Yes (GSM countries)

And finally, what is the correct term for the device?? Aircard




You should be able to source a new handset, with an GPRS/EDGE modem, which can connect to your PC via USB or bluetooth and act as a dial-up modem, for ~ 3,000 baht. An aircard will be ~ 1,700.

OK, thanks lomatopo for the info, which brings up another question.....would the 'aircard'dongle be any faster or different than a new handset, with an GPRS/EDGE modem??


OK......the 'aircards' work just about anywhere you can get a cel signal......are they interchangable.....meaning can I get a DTAC aircard and put an AIS [or another company] sim card in??

I have no idea, I would have thought they are locked to the supplier.

I would have thought you can purchase a "non branded" aircard and simply put what ever sim in it though.

Operator-supplied/subsidized aircards in some/most GSM countries are often locked. Aircards from AIS/One-2-Call, DTAC/HAppy and TrueMove here (Thailand) are not.

A great aircard for use here is the D-Link DWM-156, I think you can find it for ~ 1,500 baht.


They are called several things: USB Wireless Modem, Aircard, Dongle, thingies, or any combination of these terms. Plus a few other things. ;)


OK, thanks lomatopo for the info, which brings up another question.....would the 'aircard'dongle be any faster or different than a new handset, with an GPRS/EDGE modem??


In theory data throughput would be a function of available time-slots on that base-station at any particular moment. Since voice has priority in the network, time-slots get taken away from data sessions and given over to voice when required, say when your neighbors make/receive a telephone call.

Further, not all handsets are DTM-capable (dual transfer mode, i.e. simultaneous voice and data) so an aircard has some advantages, leaving your phone free for use. Without DTM the handset would put the data session on hold, and process the voice call.

However you will need a second SIM with the aircard, unless you choose to share your existing SIM between your old phone and new aircard. There are many possible solutions, but perhaps only you, with a detailed knowledge of your requirements, can source the best, most cost-effective one?



In theory data throughput would be a function of available time-slots on that base-station at any particular moment. Since voice has priority in the network, time-slots get taken away from data sessions and given over to voice when required, say when your neighbors make/receive a telephone call.

Further, not all handsets are DTM-capable (dual transfer mode, i.e. simultaneous voice and data) so an aircard has some advantages, leaving your phone free for use. Without DTM the handset would put the data session on hold, and process the voice call.

However you will need a second SIM with the aircard, unless you choose to share your existing SIM between your old phone and new aircard. There are many possible solutions, but perhaps only you, with a detailed knowledge of your requirements, can source the best, most cost-effective one?

Thanks again for your input lomatopo....

The reason for all these questions is that I am leaving LOS for 3 weeks in the Phil and wondering if I should get the aircard here and you just implied that AIS and DTAC are unlocked.....even if they have their logo imprinted on the stick?? I have seen an AIS aircard in our local Tesco for 1,250thb and may go for it, as a trip to Pantip is too far, this late inthe game.

Sim cards are cheap, both here and in the Phil and easy to get one for the phone and one for the aircard.

Or, the Phil cel provider 'Smart' in the Phil has one for about the same amount http://smart.com.ph/bro/products/plugit.htm Do you think that it is locked??

I guess that I could just gamble and buy an AIS aircard and see if it works there.......if not, then can they be unlocked easily??

What do ya think??


A lot of people around here call them ''Edge connectors''. Last time I checked, they were about 1200 baht. I use a dedicated Sim for the device, and normally you can use AIS or Dtac.


For some years I use the "ZTE MODEM mobile connection". It's like an usb stick, swallows any sim-card of any country and, up to the contract of the sim you insert, it will connect you to GSM/EDGE/UMTS and and and..network. If you insert a valid sim it will work, anywhere. It is made in China and I bought it in SaudiArabia. Since then I used it in UAE, Malaysia, Singapore, Germany/Europe, Ukraine and in Thailand. If I didn't had any other connection it worked always fine for me. (as mentioned in a post before, a modern mobilephone can do the same. The advantage of an external modem is that your mobile isn't chained to the computer/laptop, I always use an extra sim for data)



What mobile phone do you have ?

Tethering your phone works just as well without the need to outlay more money on other hardware.

My current phone is a basic/no frills Nokia that makes calls only.

So, SM, you're saying that I can get the same connectivity by upgrading my phone and it can be 'tethered' by bluetooth?

If that is so, then how much would I have to pay for one of those more modern phones?? and any suggested models/brands??

Pardon me for being such a dummie.....but the tech world is moving faster than my old mind can keep up with.

Yeah a usb aircard dongle will be cheaper than purchasing a new phone.

A 5 or 6 year old Nokia with EDGE is pretty darn cheap these days. You certainly don't need a modern phone to tether to your computer, old ones work fine.

You could go to the 4th floor of MBK or any other phone market and get a 2nd hand phone with bluetooth and EDGE very cheaply. You'll have a better phone and an internet connection for your computer.


Make sure that the modem is 3G capable. An EDGE modem is just a waste of money.

Whilst the Thai products may not be SIM locked, it's worth checking that they haven't locked down the software in order to prevent you from entering any other profiles....effectively locking you to their network.

The SmartBro will almost certainly be locked. It looks like a ZTE MF627. Unlocking guide using Windows 7 here if using Windows XP here(Use the same ZTE627 Unlock firmware).

Update March 31, 2011

Smart has restarted the 50 peso a day unlimited surfing just like SUN. But the added hassle with SMART is that you get charged for every load you send and must maintain a one peso load while SUN is more customer friendly not charging additional for the broadband loading or requiring any remaining balance after the broadband load. This hassle should be elimated from SMART unli broadband as they are getting your money to load why make it more hassles?

For just P200, get 5 days of unlimited surfing -- that's just P40 per day! smart To register, text UNLISURF 200 to 2200! For P50, you get unlimited fun for one whole day! To register, text UNLISURF 50 to 2200 from your SmartBro account. You may also log on to www.smart.com.ph/connect

50 peso unlimited details here http://smart.com.ph/bro/products/prepaid/Smart+Bro+Unli50.htm

200 peso unlimited http://smart.com.ph/bro/promos/unlisurf200.htm


Network Settings: Go to TOOLS, Options, Profile Management, New

1. SMART Postpaid Profile Name : SMART Postpaid

Select Static APN : internet Access number : *99# Save Activate SIM: text MMS ON send to 3401

2. SMART Prepaid Profile Name : SMARTPrepaid Select Static APN : internet Access number : *99#

Save Activate SIM: text MMS ON send to 3401

I am not sure about any 100 peso unlisurf package now like SUN offers which includes 3 days surfing

Where are you currently located? In other words, where will you be using Internet.


To underline the point from Jiu-Jitsu...

There are two speed versions of these USB Air sim card...

There is a 3G speed and a slower EDGE models

Buy one that is 3G capable


To underline the point from Jiu-Jitsu...

There are two speed versions of these USB Air sim card...

There is a 3G speed and a slower EDGE models

Buy one that is 3G capable

And supports the 3G frequency for the carrier you plan to use:

CAT/True - 850mhz

AIS - 900mhz (very limited locations)

TOT and it's MVO's - 2100mhz


Ok, now I think I got it....3g capable, but not locked to AIS/DTAC. Now what brand, where can I get it and how much??

hopefully my last ?? on this as I'm flying out tomorrow.


Ok, now I think I got it....3g capable, but not locked to AIS/DTAC. Now what brand, where can I get it and how much??

hopefully my last ?? on this as I'm flying out tomorrow.

Where are you flying out from?

I would have said you could by them at Pantip or Fortune (or probably MBK) in Bangkok, but then noticed you're from "Up North".


Ok, now I think I got it....3g capable, but not locked to AIS/DTAC. Now what brand, where can I get it and how much??

hopefully my last ?? on this as I'm flying out tomorrow.

I still don't fully understand your requirements.

Do you plan to use Smart 3G in the Phillipines? Are you sure you will have coverage? Which 3G frequencies do they use? (I see public references to 850, 1900 and 2100.)

Which service provider(s) do you plan to use in Thailand? Do you plan to use 3G? Do you have access to any 3G networks?

As long as you do not live in Chiang Mai and expect to use the AIS 3G network (900 Mhz) then the previously suggested D-Link DWM-156 might be a good solution for Thailand and the Phillipines.


Ok, now I think I got it....3g capable, but not locked to AIS/DTAC. Now what brand, where can I get it and how much??

hopefully my last ?? on this as I'm flying out tomorrow.

I still don't fully understand your requirements.

Do you plan to use Smart 3G in the Phillipines? Are you sure you will have coverage? Which 3G frequencies do they use? (I see public references to 850, 1900 and 2100.)

Which service provider(s) do you plan to use in Thailand? Do you plan to use 3G? Do you have access to any 3G networks?

As long as you do not live in Chiang Mai and expect to use the AIS 3G network (900 Mhz) then the previously suggested D-Link DWM-156 might be a good solution for Thailand and the Phillipines.

Here in CM, we are just outside of the 3g 'cloud', but it may expand some day and where I'll be in the Phil will {I'm sure] be outside the 3g range. I'm just trying to minimise gadgets and still keep up with the changes which seems to be comming at us at a faster pace.....leading to more gadgets.

Thanks for the tips


To underline the point from Jiu-Jitsu...

There are two speed versions of these USB Air sim card...

There is a 3G speed and a slower EDGE models

Buy one that is 3G capable

And supports the 3G frequency for the carrier you plan to use:

CAT/True - 850mhz

AIS - 900mhz (very limited locations)

TOT and it's MVO's - 2100mhz

Why have you linked CAT with TRUE??

CAT is on CDMA, not WCDMA. So no chance of picking up their signal on UMTS 850MHz.


Ok, now I think I got it....3g capable, but not locked to AIS/DTAC. Now what brand, where can I get it and how much??

hopefully my last ?? on this as I'm flying out tomorrow.

I still don't fully understand your requirements.

Do you plan to use Smart 3G in the Phillipines? Are you sure you will have coverage? Which 3G frequencies do they use? (I see public references to 850, 1900 and 2100.)

Which service provider(s) do you plan to use in Thailand? Do you plan to use 3G? Do you have access to any 3G networks?

As long as you do not live in Chiang Mai and expect to use the AIS 3G network (900 Mhz) then the previously suggested D-Link DWM-156 might be a good solution for Thailand and the Phillipines.

Here in CM, we are just outside of the 3g 'cloud', but it may expand some day and where I'll be in the Phil will {I'm sure] be outside the 3g range. I'm just trying to minimise gadgets and still keep up with the changes which seems to be comming at us at a faster pace.....leading to more gadgets.

Thanks for the tips

Chiang Mai has both True 3G and AIS 3G. Sadly there are no modems that cover both frequencies. So you have to choose one or the other.

The D-Link looks a good choice.

The SmartBro, although cheaper, can only see UMTS 2100MHz(TOT3G).


To underline the point from Jiu-Jitsu...

There are two speed versions of these USB Air sim card...

There is a 3G speed and a slower EDGE models

Buy one that is 3G capable

And supports the 3G frequency for the carrier you plan to use:

CAT/True - 850mhz

AIS - 900mhz (very limited locations)

TOT and it's MVO's - 2100mhz

Why have you linked CAT with TRUE??

CAT is on CDMA, not WCDMA. So no chance of picking up their signal on UMTS 850MHz.

Because CAT has signed a deal with True to convert most of CAT's 850mhz band to 3G (HSPA/HSDPA). It looks like CDMA will be a thing of the past. However, I don't know what will happen with current CDMA users.


Hello jaideeguy, I've use a PhoneOne 2-years with AIS or DTAC, beats dialup.

I started with AIS, 6-9 months OK, then had speed problems and later trying

to do my OLB, could only connect with 'https' 1 out of 30 tries, and the speed

was not much more than dialup at times.

Switched to DTAC and had better speed and no problem with 'https' connections.

DTAC has never been as fast as AIS was at it's best, but it too, is not what it use

to be. I put some time back on the AIS Sim to try to see if the speed has improved.

Do get both sims to try out and see which one works best in the area.

rice555 8km E of Korat



To underline the point from Jiu-Jitsu...

There are two speed versions of these USB Air sim card...

There is a 3G speed and a slower EDGE models

Buy one that is 3G capable

And supports the 3G frequency for the carrier you plan to use:

CAT/True - 850mhz

AIS - 900mhz (very limited locations)

TOT and it's MVO's - 2100mhz

Why have you linked CAT with TRUE??

CAT is on CDMA, not WCDMA. So no chance of picking up their signal on UMTS 850MHz.

Because CAT has signed a deal with True to convert most of CAT's 850mhz band to 3G (HSPA/HSDPA). It looks like CDMA will be a thing of the past. However, I don't know what will happen with current CDMA users.

No, the 25 provinces in question are the provinces covered by HUTCH.


buy a new phone and iuse it for everything.

I have a Nokia E 51 that wokrs great.

I also, pre nokia phone, used and have a Tegno adapter which accepts any sim card and u can connect to the internet via a usb port,( this is pre dongle days)

Cost me over 9,000 baht about 7 years ago. anyone want it i will sell it for 1,000. Speeds depend on the sim ur using.

Unlike the cat cdma, (which is shit service and speeds now) a dongle or the Tegno will work anywhere in thailand. (or Cambodia with a combodian sim )


buy a new phone and iuse it for everything.

I have a Nokia E 51 that wokrs great.

I also, pre nokia phone, used and have a Tegno adapter which accepts any sim card and u can connect to the internet via a usb port,( this is pre dongle days)

Cost me over 9,000 baht about 7 years ago. anyone want it i will sell it for 1,000. Speeds depend on the sim ur using.

Unlike the cat cdma, (which is shit service and speeds now) a dongle or the Tegno will work anywhere in thailand. (or Cambodia with a combodian sim )

Of course it's not true that the speed depends on the SIM.

You can't be serious. A GPRS modem for 1000 baht? It probably maxes out at less than 90kbps regardless of the SIM used.

You can get a much faster and equally compatible EDGE modem for much the same price. You can even get a 3G modem for less in some quarters. Where there is no 3G it can be used via GPRS/EDGE.

1000 baht? I don't think anyone will thank you when they are downloading at 5kB/s.

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