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Bin Laden says America 'will not dream of security' until Palestine has security


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Bin Laden says America 'will not dream of security' until Palestine has security

2011-05-09 03:19:13 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- In a soon to be published audio recording from Osama bin Laden, the former leader of al-Qaeda will say the United States will have no security until Palestine has security, according to a Jihadist website.

The leadership of al-Qaeda earlier confirmed that it would 'soon' publish a final audio tape from Bin Laden which was recorded one week before he was killed by U.S. special forces in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

According to a brief message published on a Jihadist website on Sunday, which frequently carries messages from al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations, Bin Laden will address U.S. President Barack Obama in his last recording.

"God willing [..], America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad, peace be upon him," the website cited Osama as saying, without giving other details.

On Friday, a statement released by al-Qaeda said Bin Laden would discuss the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt in his last recording. "It includes greetings, advice and guidance, and we will publish it soon," the statement said.

In Bin Laden's most recent audio recording, which was released in January, the al-Qaeda leader said the release of French hostages would depend on the pullout of French soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bin Laden, who is believed to have ordered the attacks of September 11, 2001, was killed on Sunday during a secret U.S. mission at a compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-05-09

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous! the Israel/Palestine problem is the root of most islamist terrorist activities.

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I think that the damage done by our own leaders, who have used the fear generated by the attack is far greator than the damage from the attack itself.

Fear is a powerful emotion. OBL knew that and the people he left behind know that.

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They want to establish Sharia law in Western countries and are willing to kill innocent people to do it. .That would severely curtail our freedoms. :whistling:

right you are! that Sharia Law is about to be implemented in Wyoming, Montana and North Dakota will surely curtail the freedoms (sic!) in Chiang Mai. thanks God we in the Pattaya area do not have to worry. our comrades in Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia will fight these bloody Islamists teeth and claws.

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"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous!

Does freedom of religion count? :whistling:

"I have been ordered to fight with the people till they say, none has the right to be worshipped but Allah" (Al Bukhari vol. 4:196).

- Mohammed

Edited by Ulysses G.
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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous! the Israel/Palestine problem is the root of most islamist terrorist activities.

Is that why Al Qaeda is hardly present in Palestineblink.gif

Or perhaps the reason why Iran is investigating human rights abuse in Bahrain

or perhaps the reason for Iran- Iraq war for 8 years

or may be its why over 800 people have been shot in Syria for opposing the government or is that the reason for internal conflict in Lebanon between christians and muslims

But putting all aside, since the muslim world is so concerned, is there any reason why the largest proportion of the aid comes from the West and NOT the muslim world?

What is the reason for Jordan to kill thousands of them?

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People say a lot of things in war to motivate the people who are doing the fighting and dying. I was taught to hate "gooks" in boot camp even though I never met one and didn't have a clue about what the conflict was about.

Intelligent leaders should be able to define the conflict and guide the combatants toward the solutions that are inevitable. The problem is not that there are peaceful solutions it is that that the motives of the powers that are being resisted are selfish and driven by greed.

My security and that of my family does not depend on governments. Intelligent leadership can make all this stop whenever they want. They just don't want and they are lying about their motives.

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It would seem God is punishing Muslims. They seem to get the short end of the stick every single time in just about every human endeavor. That woon't change either the way they are going.

Could that not also be applied to to others like Israel? Seems they have had problems since the days of the old testament.

Then the whole WWII deal was not favorable to them either.

Just saying.... if we want to use some God/Karma as a measuring stick not too many *powers* ( not least current affairs in the USA ) that have failed over the decades come up smelling great.

Or was various gods on vacation during those events?

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous! the Israel/Palestine problem is the root of most islamist terrorist activities.

Rubbish. If it wasn't Israel, it would be something else. Bin laden never cared about his fellow arabs. If he did, he wouldn't have ordered his minions set off bombs in Iraqi mosques and markets. Last time I looked, Iraq had become judenfrei when the Iraqi jews were either slaughtered or murdered in the 1940's and 50's so I don't think you can blame Iraq on Israel either.

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It would seem God is punishing Muslims. They seem to get the short end of the stick every single time in just about every human endeavor. That woon't change either the way they are going.

Could that not also be applied to to others like Israel? Seems they have had problems since the days of the old testament.

Then the whole WWII deal was not favorable to them either.

Just saying.... if we want to use some God/Karma as a measuring stick not too many *powers* ( not least current affairs in the USA ) that have failed over the decades come up smelling great.

Or was various gods on vacation during those events?

Israel and the USA are countries. Muslims aren't a country, they are followers of Islam (I know you know, I'm just clarifying my previous post). Besides, which Muslim countries have been as successful as Israel? I've lived in the UAE and it is A-OK in my book but Muslims have had little to do with making it what it is today.

Also, "Various gods"? Just one as Muslims-Christian-Jews all three worship the same God. btw - I don't follow a religion, but since these fanatics do, maybe they should examine their lot in life more closely and figure out what they are doing to suffer the wrath of their God.

Overall the Jews have been very successful since WWII when the decade of horrors against them ended (Muslims would love to have only ten bad years):

* God obviously wasn't against them all those times they kicked butt against much larger Muslim armies. Muslim armies have succeeded only when fighting other Muslims. Well, actually I think they just fight to a draw.

* They turned a desert wasteland into something their neighbors now covet. The Gulf Arabs have paid non-Muslims to create their paradise.

* Jews have excelled in all areas of science, the arts and finance. Muslims have failed in these areas.

Again, I don't follow any religion but any objective observer can see that among the big three, Islam is screwing the pooch.

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Israel and the USA are countries. Muslims aren't a country,

Also, "Various gods"? Just one as Muslims-Christian-Jews all three worship the same God

Yes excuse my transcribing :)

I look at it as countries rather than ( insert faith here ) because the reality is in the end it is countries they inhabit that suffer as a whole regardless of the makeup of various religious groups within many countries.

As for Muslims, Jews & Christians all worshiping the same God....... I think you would find that a large discussion going in many directions. But that would take it so far OT it may never return :)

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

yeah funny how this story has been covered on every tv channel continuosly for the last

7 days and yet not once have they even mentioned this alternative view ? :rolleyes:

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous! the Israel/Palestine problem is the root of most islamist terrorist activities.

because if he hated freedom in the West he couldn't have had his

Coke and Pepsi as well B)

" The grocery basket included extensive supplies of Pepsi and Coke - U.S. brands that have become the face of western commercialism that Bin Laden claimed to despise."

more like " the face of western commercialism that governments of certain countries claimed Bin Laden despised." :rolleyes:

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous! the Israel/Palestine problem is the root of most islamist terrorist activities.

Utter hogwash! The Israel/Palestine 'problem' is a cynical device intended to encourage the western useful idiots liberal left to do their dirty work for them. As it is I'd wager most Arab leaders find Israel very useful in distracting their uneducated masses from the fact they have little or no freedom whilst their leaders live in conditions the masses could only ddream of. A cursory glance at the world map shows sundry flashpoints where Muslim populations border any other non-Muslim population, but of course by the west dropping Israel off the back of the sledge all of this could be solved overnight. :cheesy:

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Osama bin Laden is right its the Israel/Palestinian conflict that's causing all these problems.

We are often told that Israel is our only friend in the ME, but before Israel came along wee had no enemies in the region.

All the wars we are fighting are on behalf of Israel

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Osama bin Laden is right its the Israel/Palestinian conflict that's causing all these problems.

We are often told that Israel is our only friend in the ME, but before Israel came along wee had no enemies in the region.

All the wars we are fighting are on behalf of Israel

Yes of course Israel specifically requested intervention in Bosnia and East Timor and forced the U.N into declaring a no fly zone above Libya. They also have armies of robotic sharks and vultures they use as drones to further their plans of world domination. :whistling: P.S A dead terrorist icon seems so much more heroic to follow do they not. :rolleyes:

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Osama bin Laden is right its the Israel/Palestinian conflict that's causing all these problems.

We are often told that Israel is our only friend in the ME, but before Israel came along wee had no enemies in the region.

All the wars we are fighting are on behalf of Israel

You are claiming Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq are being fought for the benefit of and on behalf of Israel?

What about Kosovo, Kuwait and Gulf War I? Do you want to lump them under the same claim?

How about supporting your claim.

The US developed enemies in the Middle East when we supported Israel's right to exist.

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America will not dream of living in security before we experience security in Palestine and not before all infidel armies have left the land of Muhammad,

Somewhat different from the "They hate us for our freedoms" rhetoric we so often hear as the reason for terrorism

"They hate us for our freedoms" = ridiculous! the Israel/Palestine problem is the root of most islamist terrorist activities.

Utter hogwash! The Israel/Palestine 'problem' is a cynical device intended to encourage the western useful idiots liberal left to do their dirty work for them. As it is I'd wager most Arab leaders find Israel very useful in distracting their uneducated masses from the fact they have little or no freedom whilst their leaders live in conditions the masses could only ddream of. A cursory glance at the world map shows sundry flashpoints where Muslim populations border any other non-Muslim population, but of course by the west dropping Israel off the back of the sledge all of this could be solved overnight. :cheesy:

hogwash is referring to Arab leaders when the discussion is about the root of islamist terrorism. and hogwash is that Osama arranged sept 11 because the WTC towers represented "American Freedom".

next irrelevant remark please.

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hogwash is referring to Arab leaders when the discussion is about the root of islamist terrorism. and hogwash is that Osama arranged sept 11 because the WTC towers represented "American Freedom".

next irrelevant remark please.

Arab leaders and terrorism go together hand in hand, but I think you know that very well. It's funny how every action taken by the U.S or Israel is never accepted at face value by the tinfoil hat brigade but the motives of a terrorist are trusted implicitly as stated by some. I would remind you that one of Bin Laden's first beefs with the U.S was the liberation of East Timor from Muslim rule, nothing whatsoever to do with Israel, nor coming to think of it is Kashmir or the problems in the South of Thailand.

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chuckd: The US developed enemies in the Middle East when we supported Israel's right to exist.

correct, there is no doubt about that. correct is also that the animosity got much stronger after 1967 with (until this very day) the continous stealing of land from the Palestinians with the ridiculous excuse that the Almighty himself has condoned the theft a few milleniae ago.

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It's sounding like the "dead man talking" has some big fans on this board. The "blame everything on the Jews" tactic appears to have timeless resonance. Predictable, I suppose.

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Arab leaders and terrorism go together hand in hand..

a generalising remark which cannot be substantiated. yes, there was Lockerbie and there is Ghadhafi. what other Arab leaders are going hand in hand with terrorism? besides... terrorism is -as reality shows- not a matter of definition but a matter of perspective.

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It's sounding like the "dead man talking" has some big fans on this board. The "blame everything on the Jews" tactic appears to have timeless resonance. Predictable, I suppose.

I do not claim to be a fan of OBL, nor did I mention "jews", how many terrorist attacks were there against the West before 1948

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It's sounding like the "dead man talking" has some big fans on this board. The "blame everything on the Jews" tactic appears to have timeless resonance. Predictable, I suppose.

I do not claim to be a fan of OBL, nor did I mention "jews", how many terrorist attacks were there against the West before 1948

Is Israel a Hindu state, then? Don't kid yourself. Islamic terrorism is linked to intolerance of both Christians and Jews. It's interesting also how many people critical of Israel have issues with capitalizing Israel and Jews.

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Arab leaders and terrorism go together hand in hand..

a generalising remark which cannot be substantiated. yes, there was Lockerbie and there is Ghadhafi. what other Arab leaders are going hand in hand with terrorism? besides... terrorism is -as reality shows- not a matter of definition but a matter of perspective.

The theocracy in Iran (Hezbollah, Hamas), the princes in Saudi Arabia (pretty much everyone else), Saddam against the Kurds, Karazai threatening to join the Taliban, etc., etc., etc.

But yeah, it can't be substantiated.  I humbly ask you to provide a list of Arab leaders who do (and did not) support terrorism; it'd be a much shorter list.

Terrorism is very carefully defined.  Any attacks against a civilian population to strike terror (hence the terrorism in the name) is by international law terrorism.  It's common for people to point out that since military service is mandatory in Israel for nearly everyone the whole nation is non-civilian.  But that's idiotic since the cause of the national army was the original terrorism brought upon normal citizens.  I.E., the terrorists terrorised civilians, than when the government formed them into an army it's all of a sudden not terror any more because the population could be called up to serve?

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It's sounding like the "dead man talking" has some big fans on this board. The "blame everything on the Jews" tactic appears to have timeless resonance. Predictable, I suppose.

I do not claim to be a fan of OBL, nor did I mention "jews", how many terrorist attacks were there against the West before 1948

How long before 1948?  Because if you wish to discuss history, why the conspicuous absence of facts?  Wasn't that part of the world under pretty brutal colonial rule at the time?  Weren't the Dutch, English, and French known for ruthlessly putting down, for lack of a better term, tomfoolery?  If you go back before the West conquered that area and perhaps civilised it slightly, there were numerous attacks.  The multiple attacks on Egypt that has almost erased the Coptic presence and nearly lost all the ancient literature stored there.  Or the savages sweeping up into Byzantine Europe.  Or the Moors pillaging and raping across the Iberian peninsula.  Or the Berbers putting so much pressure on the coastline that few European cities were founded there.  Or the brutal genocide against the Sudanese Christians and animists.  Do you really need more?

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