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Can't you stop writing in cliches ? If a French guy rips you off and you are hurt by that does it make you a "French" hater if you warn people ? No ! It make s you a hater of liars --- whoever they are !!! If a Thai family rips you off ... indeed if TWO Thai families rip you off does it make you a Thai woman hater to say so ? Do you have no intelligence at all ? You don't becaome a "Thai woman hater" if you warn somebody how these cons work You don't become a " Thai woman hater" if you say to somebody to be careful . That's all people are saying . But you come in with these ill-thought-out repetitive and unoriginal comments that somebody who treads more warily is automatically a " Thai woman hater " !!! How fatuous a comment is that !!! It's like a school playground where if you try to help someone you just get called names . If you're old then you're automatically a " pervert" . If you warn people then you are a " Thai woman hater " . If you have moved past 50 then you are automatically " jealous" of someone in his twenties . All utter garbage .


Yoshi, Don't pay too much attention to the cynics and Thai women haters here. If it is not a burden to you and it makes you happy, go for it. You will likely be well rewarded. The losers here think everyone is as stupid as they were.

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You talk of reality, what's reality to many of life's up's and downs and how to move on and live a life instead of curling up and dying. For the brave, what ever age, go for it and live, not listen to whipper snappers who have done nothing in their lives or are afraid to do something. :huh:

"Curling up and dying " translate : date women of their age in their own country.

"live a life" translate : Get a thai gf half my age, try to believe she's not here for the money, and moan on ThaiVisa when I realize it's not the case laugh.gif

Then tell me oh wise one why ageing film and rock stars pay their wives millions of £/$ so they can go with a young lady and perhaps again will cost them millions. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. ?

Oh wise one, come on, what is the difference ???? Cost them money yes, but they have done what they want, NOT marry or team up with someone their age to listen to them fart all night and give them verbal abuse. Some older guys have what it takes to live life to the full UNTIL their maker calls. Seems some here have no balls. :huh:


Yoshi i'm a really nice thai lady, i'm 23, I like Japanese men because they treat me good.

I have my own hairdressing business, but times are hard, not many customer and I can't survive on 10,000 baht a month.

I live in small room with 7 people, very uncomfortable, but cheap rent!

I'm a genuine person and I only want 30,000 baht a month, that is 10,000 baht less than the other woman who I think was money grabber!

Please reply, I love you :)


You talk of reality, what's reality to many of life's up's and downs and how to move on and live a life instead of curling up and dying. For the brave, what ever age, go for it and live, not listen to whipper snappers who have done nothing in their lives or are afraid to do something. :huh:

"Curling up and dying " translate : date women of their age in their own country.

"live a life" translate : Get a thai gf half my age, try to believe she's not here for the money, and moan on ThaiVisa when I realize it's not the case laugh.gif

Then tell me oh wise one why ageing film and rock stars pay their wives millions of £/$ so they can go with a young lady and perhaps again will cost them millions. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. ?

Oh wise one, come on, what is the difference ???? Cost them money yes, but they have done what they want, NOT marry or team up with someone their age to listen to them fart all night and give them verbal abuse. Some older guys have what it takes to live life to the full UNTIL their maker calls. Seems some here have no balls. :huh:

oh this is precious ! your are soooo funny !

I literally laughed out loud, thank you !!!

Do you actually need an answer or is it a rhetorical question like "Do they know it's Christmas" lol ?

erm ... ok

Has it ever occurred to you that your are not a rock-star ?


You talk of reality, what's reality to many of life's up's and downs and how to move on and live a life instead of curling up and dying. For the brave, what ever age, go for it and live, not listen to whipper snappers who have done nothing in their lives or are afraid to do something. :huh:

"Curling up and dying " translate : date women of their age in their own country.

"live a life" translate : Get a thai gf half my age, try to believe she's not here for the money, and moan on ThaiVisa when I realize it's not the case laugh.gif

Then tell me oh wise one why ageing film and rock stars pay their wives millions of £/$ so they can go with a young lady and perhaps again will cost them millions. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. ?

Oh wise one, come on, what is the difference ???? Cost them money yes, but they have done what they want, NOT marry or team up with someone their age to listen to them fart all night and give them verbal abuse. Some older guys have what it takes to live life to the full UNTIL their maker calls. Seems some here have no balls. :huh:

oh this is precious ! your are soooo funny !

I literally laughed out loud, thank you !!!

Do you actually need an answer or is it a rhetorical question like "Do they know it's Christmas ? " lol ?

erm ... ok The difference is ...

1.Has it ever occurred to you that your are not a rock-star ? Rock-star in itself, even ex-rock-star is a huge sex-appeal, beside their money which I assume is also much more than yours too.

2. Getting a woman half one's age in a country where they are just desperate to marry anyone that has a pulse and a passport, is not sign of courage, it's just sad.

3. If old women fart, old men your age snore, that's the way the cookie crumbles.


Lets face it, if the old mans wife who gets 20,000 Baht per month can get 20,000 Baht per month from a young fit guy who she actually likes and likes to be seen with and actually enjoys his company who do you think she would prefer ?

Neither, that type would prefer to get the 20k from both, while still looking for a 3rd and a 4th and a 5th. Otherwise they'd work a normal job and date someone they liked to begin with.


I think that's a Bullseye for you DP25 !!!!

Lets face it, if the old mans wife who gets 20,000 Baht per month can get 20,000 Baht per month from a young fit guy who she actually likes and likes to be seen with and actually enjoys his company who do you think she would prefer ?

Neither, that type would prefer to get the 20k from both, while still looking for a 3rd and a 4th and a 5th. Otherwise they'd work a normal job and date someone they liked to begin with.


oh this is precious ! your are soooo funny !

I literally laughed out loud, thank you !!!

Do you actually need an answer or is it a rhetorical question like "Do they know it's Christmas ? " lol ?

erm ... ok The difference is ...

1.Has it ever occurred to you that your are not a rock-star ? Rock-star in itself, even ex-rock-star is a huge sex-appeal, beside their money which I assume is also much more than yours too.

2. Getting a woman half one's age in a country where they are just desperate to marry anyone that has a pulse and a passport, is not sign of courage, it's just sad.

3. If old women fart, old men your age snore, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

This is true to some extent. But, I ask myself every time I read one of these threads just what it is that a man wants from a woman. Or, in the case of a woman, just what does she wants from a man.

Is it sex? If it is only sex then you are better off staying single and renting the latest model. Then age doesn't matter.

Is it because a man needs a mommy to take care of him? You know, someone to do the cooking cleaning, laundry and doing the dishes? The simple and cheapest solution to that is to hire a maid and eat in cheap, Thai cafes.

Is it because the man is lonely and just wants company? That is the tricky question. You won't find that unless you can easily converse in the same language and you both have similar interests. Finding a much younger woman having the same interests as a 50 year old man (or older) is highly unlikely.

Is it an interest in raising a family? That is another factor and one that needs serious thought. Most (not all) older men do not want to start raising a new family, but are conned into it by much younger wives. It can be a blessing if you TRULY love children, but it DOES put a strain on any relationship no matter how old the couple is.

Women have different needs and parameters. They also have a biological clock that keeps ticking if they want children.


My feeling is that the whole thing is simply a trade . Men know perfectly well that they are not so very attractive past a certain age . And the young Thai women have one set of priorities - which is their family . So how can you take care of your ageing mum and your child when your Thai partner has walked away ? Trade . Trade your physical self for that desirable thing - security . The men are not at all stupid . They too are trading . And for supplying the security they get a partner who is very often a genuinely kind and caring partner despite the difference in age . It's the same deal my dad and my mum did . My dad went out to work . My mum maintained the home and looked after the children. It's not fashionable now but that was the deal . The definition of a good man then was someone who had a job and put a wage packet on the table on Friday night . The definition of a good trade in the older farang-younger Thai is exactly the same . You supply the financial security and I supply a warm home environment . It's no different . I don't blame any Thai lady for putting her family first and I don't blame any farang for accepting what's a good deal both ways .


The men are not at all stupid . They too are trading .

It's no why they do it (which is obvious), it's the moaning I just can't take

If they know they are just trading, why do they keep coming here and moan about their GF doubling them, or "laughing with her Thai BF when she receives monthly payment"? Or call them names because she does it with others"?

Since when trading does imply exclusivity?

They pay for sex services, which in Thailand and in their country is still regarded as wrong regardless of how easy it is here.

So they should have the decency not to moan about whatever the girl does with her money.

Do crack-heads come to forums to complain he's been ripped off by their dealer ?

They just act as like they are at Big C and their coffee machine does not work and seem surprised that prostitution does not provide customer support nor compensation.


Yoshi i'm a really nice thai lady, i'm 23, I like Japanese men because they treat me good.

I have my own hairdressing business, but times are hard, not many customer and I can't survive on 10,000 baht a month.

I live in small room with 7 people, very uncomfortable, but cheap rent!

I'm a genuine person and I only want 30,000 baht a month, that is 10,000 baht less than the other woman who I think was money grabber!

Please reply, I love you :)




IF you actually are 17 then you really have not lived enough. Not a slight, but just the facts. You are still learning about yourself/life the world.



The wisdom on ThaiVisa is precious, I may only be 17 but looking through my earlier posts in other threads were I state that I have lived in Thailand for 20 years is rather disturbing.

I sometimes have to look at my log in name to know who I am, or who I pretend to be. :)


You talk of reality, what's reality to many of life's up's and downs and how to move on and live a life instead of curling up and dying. For the brave, what ever age, go for it and live, not listen to whipper snappers who have done nothing in their lives or are afraid to do something. :huh:

"Curling up and dying " translate : date women of their age in their own country.

"live a life" translate : Get a thai gf half my age, try to believe she's not here for the money, and moan on ThaiVisa when I realize it's not the case laugh.gif

Then tell me oh wise one why ageing film and rock stars pay their wives millions of £/$ so they can go with a young lady and perhaps again will cost them millions. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE. ?

Oh wise one, come on, what is the difference ???? Cost them money yes, but they have done what they want, NOT marry or team up with someone their age to listen to them fart all night and give them verbal abuse. Some older guys have what it takes to live life to the full UNTIL their maker calls. Seems some here have no balls. :huh:

oh this is precious ! your are soooo funny !

I literally laughed out loud, thank you !!!

Do you actually need an answer or is it a rhetorical question like "Do they know it's Christmas ? " lol ?

erm ... ok The difference is ...

1.Has it ever occurred to you that you are not a rock-star ? Rock-star in itself, even ex-rock-star is a huge sex-appeal, beside their money which I assume is also much more than yours too.

2. Getting a woman half one's age in a country where they are just desperate to marry anyone that has a pulse and a passport, is not sign of courage, it's just sad.

3. If old women fart, old men your age snore, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

1. You are assuming l have a young wife, wrong, just responding.

Yes, l suppose when the old rock star removes his wig at night it really turns his young lady on eh.

2. Sad in your eye's but a new life for both parties.

3. I have snored since a kid :).



IF you actually are 17 then you really have not lived enough. Not a slight, but just the facts. You are still learning about yourself/life the world.



The wisdom on ThaiVisa is precious, I may only be 17 but looking through my earlier posts in other threads were I state that I have lived in Thailand for 20 years is rather disturbing.

I sometimes have to look at my log in name to know who I am, or who I pretend to be. :)

Think we already know you meant you ''like'' to act 17 in old ladies outfits. :)


Or maybe posts stating that young guys send money to Thai women are threatening to the old men who pay for women in Thailand.

Lets face it, if the old mans wife who gets 20,000 Baht per month can get 20,000 Baht per month from a young fit guy who she actually likes and likes to be seen with and actually enjoys his company who do you think she would prefer ?

Boot on the other foot, who would you prefer if you were her ?

No wonder there is so much hostility here !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Old men are miserable.

I dont think you know too much about the ladies in this region of the world.

If they are "sponsored" by a man, for various reasons not to be talked about here, they will indeed choose an older man.

And why is that you might ask.


Because the old guy would most likely have already "butterflied" enough, and is happy with what he is about to settle with.

He is more stable as a "sponsor".

The young guy will most likely move on and "sponsor" another lady rather sooner than later.

It is in our genes.



Or maybe posts stating that young guys send money to Thai women are threatening to the old men who pay for women in Thailand.

Lets face it, if the old mans wife who gets 20,000 Baht per month can get 20,000 Baht per month from a young fit guy who she actually likes and likes to be seen with and actually enjoys his company who do you think she would prefer ?

Boot on the other foot, who would you prefer if you were her ?

No wonder there is so much hostility here !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Old men are miserable.

I dont think you know too much about the ladies in this region of the world.

If they are "sponsored" by a man, for various reasons not to be talked about here, they will indeed choose an older man.

And why is that you might ask.


Because the old guy would most likely have already "butterflied" enough, and is happy with what he is about to settle with.

He is more stable as a "sponsor".

The young guy will most likely move on and "sponsor" another lady rather sooner than later.

It is in our genes.


Unfortunately many older guys that marry younger women are unlikely to give up being a 'butterfly'.

Some old Westerners are incredibly happy, believing they've found a young, attractive woman that loves them (something they were unable to find in their home countries). Consequently all they want in life is to settle down to a 'normal' family life with this wonderful young woman that loves them so much.....

Older Thai men have not had the same problems finding women in the past so, like many Westerners who suddenly realise how easy it is - will continue to be 'butterflies'.


haha this is true!!!!!

The young guy will most likely move on and "sponsor" another lady rather sooner than later.

It is in our genes.


How bout making a poll? there are people who said both negative and positive according to their experiences.

donate some in a Tsunami's Fund ? alternatively!!!!;)

Let me clarify this. -_-

before You meet your girl she could live in such way I mean fitting herself in a small room with other 4 and supporting her family.

once you jumped in to her life, You begin to spoil her by giving what she doesn't deserve to have in order to please her. I don't know how long you have been together.:closedeyes:

My question is "what if you don't give any"? what if You don't have money? -_-

Most of the cases, girls will turn away from you. This is a good way of testing a woman though. It's depending on your relationship with her and much more from her side on what she is expecting from you. I read a news a Japanese guy attempted suicide when a Thai girl left him after he went broke within a couple of months.There are many reasons for a woman,such a complicated thing. :crazy:

Not sure. If i can say this "Why don't you take more time to find the one who is able to live like other many Thai girls who have proper jobs do". :thumbsup:One guy told me he doesn't need an educated woman. Just throw 'em money that is enough. Is that what you are thinking?ermm.gif

They only need your support that is money. A wealthy hubby is the short cut. huh.gif

there are rules.

Top 10: Ways To Be The Man Women Want :coffee1:

Learn to attract women by just being yourself

Get "unstuck" and grow up

It's OK to be a man

Never follow the woman

Take personal responsibility

Stop giving away your power

"Man up" about your insecurities

Stop needing a woman to need you

Give up "girly man" behavior

Constantly grow yourself to get an unfair advantage

Some guys moaned 'bout their divorces. You can see in this forum.:crying:

Bless ya!


Or maybe posts stating that young guys send money to Thai women are threatening to the old men who pay for women in Thailand.

Lets face it, if the old mans wife who gets 20,000 Baht per month can get 20,000 Baht per month from a young fit guy who she actually likes and likes to be seen with and actually enjoys his company who do you think she would prefer ?

Boot on the other foot, who would you prefer if you were her ?

No wonder there is so much hostility here !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Old men are miserable.

I dont think you know too much about the ladies in this region of the world.

If they are "sponsored" by a man, for various reasons not to be talked about here, they will indeed choose an older man.

And why is that you might ask.


Because the old guy would most likely have already "butterflied" enough, and is happy with what he is about to settle with.

He is more stable as a "sponsor".

The young guy will most likely move on and "sponsor" another lady rather sooner than later.

It is in our genes.


Unfortunately many older guys that marry younger women are unlikely to give up being a 'butterfly'.

Some old Westerners are incredibly happy, believing they've found a young, attractive woman that loves them (something they were unable to find in their home countries). Consequently all they want in life is to settle down to a 'normal' family life with this wonderful young woman that loves them so much.....

Older Thai men have not had the same problems finding women in the past so, like many Westerners who suddenly realise how easy it is - will continue to be 'butterflies'.

I see your point.


But still, no doubt a lady would rather have an older sponsor than a younger one.


Just to clarify in case any misunderstandings.


I am talking about a lady who has what I call a "sponsor".

You're being too subtle :lol:. Western men with younger wives genuinely believe it is a 'love match' - certainly not being a "sponsor"....


Just to clarify in case any misunderstandings.


I am talking about a lady who has what I call a "sponsor".

You're being too subtle :lol:. Western men with younger wives genuinely believe it is a 'love match' - certainly not being a "sponsor"....

Well, I didnt want to contribute to the thread moving into illegal territories regarding what we can discuss.


The OP, Troll or not, can call it what he wants, but "sponsoring" a lady is nothing less than........right.

And this is why the lady most likely would prefer the older guy to the younger, if she had to choose.


Just to clarify in case any misunderstandings.


I am talking about a lady who has what I call a "sponsor".

You're being too subtle :lol:. Western men with younger wives genuinely believe it is a 'love match' - certainly not being a "sponsor"....

Well, I didnt want to contribute to the thread moving into illegal territories regarding what we can discuss.


The OP, Troll or not, can call it what he wants, but "sponsoring" a lady is nothing less than........right.

And this is why the lady most likely would prefer the older guy to the younger, if she had to choose.

Surely, "sponsoring" is just another definition of the distribution of monthly housekeeping expenses ?


Do you ever say anything positive or do you just sit there criticising other people's thoughts ? With your small collection of standard insults and generalisations . You don't even read what people are saying . You just see what you want to see and then criticise it . Quite sad really . ....

The men are not at all stupid . They too are trading .

It's no why they do it (which is obvious), it's the moaning I just can't take

If they know they are just trading, why do they keep coming here and moan about their GF doubling them, or "laughing with her Thai BF when she receives monthly payment"? Or call them names because she does it with others"?

Since when trading does imply exclusivity?

They pay for sex services, which in Thailand and in their country is still regarded as wrong regardless of how easy it is here.

So they should have the decency not to moan about whatever the girl does with her money.

Do crack-heads come to forums to complain he's been ripped off by their dealer ?

They just act as like they are at Big C and their coffee machine does not work and seem surprised that prostitution does not provide customer support nor compensation.


Just to clarify in case any misunderstandings.


I am talking about a lady who has what I call a "sponsor".

You're being too subtle :lol:. Western men with younger wives genuinely believe it is a 'love match' - certainly not being a "sponsor"....

Well, I didnt want to contribute to the thread moving into illegal territories regarding what we can discuss.


The OP, Troll or not, can call it what he wants, but "sponsoring" a lady is nothing less than........right.

And this is why the lady most likely would prefer the older guy to the younger, if she had to choose.

Surely, "sponsoring" is just another definition of the distribution of monthly housekeeping expenses ?

I am guessing you are not married.



[/Troll shield on]


Seeing as your English is so good I think you would benefit greatly from a reading of www.stickmanbangkok.com . . . both the weekly columns and the reader's submissions.

Good luck and banzai,


[/Troll shield off]


My three little comments on me getting tired of the "my half-my-age thai gf doubled me" story, is really a tiny drop in the ocean of these stories here.

Do you ever say anything positive or do you just sit there criticising other people's thoughts ? With your small collection of standard insults and generalisations . You don't even read what people are saying . You just see what you want to see and then criticise it . Quite sad really . ....

The men are not at all stupid . They too are trading .

It's no why they do it (which is obvious), it's the moaning I just can't take

If they know they are just trading, why do they keep coming here and moan about their GF doubling them, or "laughing with her Thai BF when she receives monthly payment"? Or call them names because she does it with others"?

Since when trading does imply exclusivity?

They pay for sex services, which in Thailand and in their country is still regarded as wrong regardless of how easy it is here.

So they should have the decency not to moan about whatever the girl does with her money.

Do crack-heads come to forums to complain he's been ripped off by their dealer ?

They just act as like they are at Big C and their coffee machine does not work and seem surprised that prostitution does not provide customer support nor compensation.

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