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Rubber Trees

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Here's another wierd Thai way, have a family living at the rubber factory. Cute, smart girl and a good tapper to boot, her husband and brother, all tappers. Her father lives there as well ,as the alleged caretaker, 3,000 Baht a month. Now I have said to the wife that I am not happy, as the father does FA. His best effort was to burn off some grass killing a few coconui trees that I had planted. Anyway wife has let it go, but about 10 mins ago I say what's planned for tomorrow. She says we are going to the factory to fire those workers, why I say, father's a lazy SOB, but the others are good tappers. Told them to get wood and cut the grass yesterday, they haven't, so their out. More to it than I am being told of course, not theft, but some face thing. Now I will be looking for more tappers, but we may not have to look hard as the other family from the south is still looking at returning home. Nothing is ever as it seems here. Jim

Hi Jim,Are you saying ''the workers that just arrived last month,are already going to go back down south.Not staying with you.

No theses have been here for over a year now. I will be told the truth when the reason no longer matters. It will have something to do with the girl, very cute and smart, maybe just tried to be a little too smart. Wife is the boss and the help is supposed to do as told. New family is waiting for the phone call to start. Jim

What are they on,?60% 40%?If you have trouble keeping workers ,maybe try 50% 50%.Takes money out of your poket but so does not cuting..Might make it worth there wile to stay.I think though you are not the only 1 with stressed out workers.The price being as it is.Hopefully that will change soon.

Cheers Cobbler

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Here's another wierd Thai way, have a family living at the rubber factory. Cute, smart girl and a good tapper to boot, her husband and brother, all tappers. Her father lives there as well ,as the alleged caretaker, 3,000 Baht a month. Now I have said to the wife that I am not happy, as the father does FA. His best effort was to burn off some grass killing a few coconui trees that I had planted. Anyway wife has let it go, but about 10 mins ago I say what's planned for tomorrow. She says we are going to the factory to fire those workers, why I say, father's a lazy SOB, but the others are good tappers. Told them to get wood and cut the grass yesterday, they haven't, so their out. More to it than I am being told of course, not theft, but some face thing. Now I will be looking for more tappers, but we may not have to look hard as the other family from the south is still looking at returning home. Nothing is ever as it seems here. Jim

Hi Jim,Are you saying ''the workers that just arrived last month,are already going to go back down south.Not staying with you.

No theses have been here for over a year now. I will be told the truth when the reason no longer matters. It will have something to do with the girl, very cute and smart, maybe just tried to be a little too smart. Wife is the boss and the help is supposed to do as told. New family is waiting for the phone call to start. Jim

What are they on,?60% 40%?If you have trouble keeping workers ,maybe try 50% 50%.Takes money out of your poket but so does not cuting..Might make it worth there wile to stay.I think though you are not the only 1 with stressed out workers.The price being as it is.Hopefully that will change soon.

Cheers Cobbler

Nothing to do with the %, really the percentage thing is a bit misleading, one guy can be on 50/50 and he gets 20 kilos a tap. Another on 40/60 gets 35 kilos a tap, the 40/60 gets a lower %, but makes more money then the 50/50 man.

Anyway the firing has not happened yet, there is to be some meeting with the family, I couldn't careless if they stay or go as long as the trees get tapped by the next family and I don't lose any money. All the status and face stuff means nothing to me, it's the Baht in my hand that counts. Jim

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Hi all, can someone do me a favor and watch this vid. My signal is just to slow and the net drops out ever few minutes. Even this I have to type in notes and just keep trying to post.

It's a tapping knife and if it looks good I will go to town and watch the vid tomorrow. Thanks Jim

Has anyone used this new designed knife yet? Looks pretty good! I would say give it a go James.

On the tapping news.... We'll have 2 more plots coming online this year for a total of 45 (ish) rai tapping. BUT.... tapping hasn't even started this year yet!!! Last time was in end of January. Though it's only 'Kee Yang" it's all part of a master plan. Long "resting / weather" period in between!!! Looks like we'll get in 180 - 195 days per year if this weather persists. The upside would be the long rest period for the trees.

Edited by scotbeve
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Hi all, can someone do me a favor and watch this vid. My signal is just to slow and the net drops out ever few minutes. Even this I have to type in notes and just keep trying to post.

It's a tapping knife and if it looks good I will go to town and watch the vid tomorrow. Thanks Jim

Has anyone used this new designed knife yet? Looks pretty good! I would say give it a go James.

On the tapping news.... We'll have 2 more plots coming online this year for a total of 45 (ish) rai tapping. BUT.... tapping hasn't even started this year yet!!! Last time was in end of January. Though it's only 'Kee Yang" it's all part of a master plan. Long "resting / weather" period in between!!! Looks like we'll get in 180 - 195 days per year if this weather persists. The upside would be the long rest period for the trees.

Hey mate I think I don't understand something.If you have had 6 months not cutting.Does that mean you will cut every day for the other 6 months to make your cutting days 180 - 195 days in the year.Because there are only 364 days in 1 year.blink.png

Cheers Cobbler

Edited by cobbler
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Hi every one,

Maybe some of you will think my question is a bit too vague or impossible to answer?

"Is there a part of Thailand where rubber trees thrive better", for my wife would like us to buy a 55 rai of rubber trees in North, I have a friend whose family own rubber trees not far from Patalong (south), my wife is convince it is better in North (in the region of Phon Charoen not far the Lao border) her region, I know the climate is different that's all!

I am not asking for a study on rubber trees all over Thailand LOL

If someone knows, thanks in advance for answering

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Regarding cutting knives; there is a great difference between the good (expensive) and poor (cheap) knives available to buy in the various agri-shops. Some of the best i have seen, are handmade blades grafted onto std handles, made from old leafsprings etc. Some tappers like a weighted handle, and some like a light knife. There is a thriving market here in Udon in custom knives (350 baht up). My BIL is mad for his particular knives and is constantly (getting me to weld one new blade on another handle) modifying knives and buying new ones. And obviously, knives are purchased by them, not me. But then he is also a dam_n good cutter, and along with his wife can cut 1900 trees per night betwwen them.. Sharpened bi-daily.



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Hi every one,

Maybe some of you will think my question is a bit too vague or impossible to answer?

"Is there a part of Thailand where rubber trees thrive better", for my wife would like us to buy a 55 rai of rubber trees in North, I have a friend whose family own rubber trees not far from Patalong (south), my wife is convince it is better in North (in the region of Phon Charoen not far the Lao border) her region, I know the climate is different that's all!

I am not asking for a study on rubber trees all over Thailand LOL

If someone knows, thanks in advance for answering

Simple answer, someplaces are better then others, biggest factor rain. Too much, too little, too long, too short. In a perfect place it would rain for 1 hour everyday 11 months of the year, Unfortunately sometimes it rains all day all night for weeks on end, when the rain stops nothing for months.

Don't know the area so can't comment on good or bad. Jim

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Hi all, can someone do me a favor and watch this vid. My signal is just to slow and the net drops out ever few minutes. Even this I have to type in notes and just keep trying to post.

It's a tapping knife and if it looks good I will go to town and watch the vid tomorrow. Thanks Jim

Has anyone used this new designed knife yet? Looks pretty good! I would say give it a go James.

On the tapping news.... We'll have 2 more plots coming online this year for a total of 45 (ish) rai tapping. BUT.... tapping hasn't even started this year yet!!! Last time was in end of January. Though it's only 'Kee Yang" it's all part of a master plan. Long "resting / weather" period in between!!! Looks like we'll get in 180 - 195 days per year if this weather persists. The upside would be the long rest period for the trees.

Hey mate I think I don't understand something.If you have had 6 months not cutting.Does that mean you will cut every day for the other 6 months to make your cutting days 180 - 195 days in the year.Because there are only 364 days in 1 year.blink.png

Cheers Cobbler

Hi Cobbler,

No, When all trees are on line (for example), we'll have approx 7500. Of these, we'll be tapping 3750 per day during the tapping season. My point being is that there was a long break in between tapping sessions due to (mostly) weather/rain this time. We were hoping on getting 200 - 220 days a year up here in the area of Chiang Mai province we planted in....

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Hi every one,

Maybe some of you will think my question is a bit too vague or impossible to answer?

"Is there a part of Thailand where rubber trees thrive better", for my wife would like us to buy a 55 rai of rubber trees in North, I have a friend whose family own rubber trees not far from Patalong (south), my wife is convince it is better in North (in the region of Phon Charoen not far the Lao border) her region, I know the climate is different that's all!

I am not asking for a study on rubber trees all over Thailand LOL

If someone knows, thanks in advance for answering

Simple answer, someplaces are better then others, biggest factor rain. Too much, too little, too long, too short. In a perfect place it would rain for 1 hour everyday 11 months of the year, Unfortunately sometimes it rains all day all night for weeks on end, when the rain stops nothing for months.

Don't know the area so can't comment on good or bad. Jim

And that, folks, is where I'm at at the moment. Too much rain. Last time we tapped was January.

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Hi every one,

Maybe some of you will think my question is a bit too vague or impossible to answer?

"Is there a part of Thailand where rubber trees thrive better", for my wife would like us to buy a 55 rai of rubber trees in North, I have a friend whose family own rubber trees not far from Patalong (south), my wife is convince it is better in North (in the region of Phon Charoen not far the Lao border) her region, I know the climate is different that's all!

I am not asking for a study on rubber trees all over Thailand LOL

If someone knows, thanks in advance for answering

Simple answer, someplaces are better then others, biggest factor rain. Too much, too little, too long, too short. In a perfect place it would rain for 1 hour everyday 11 months of the year, Unfortunately sometimes it rains all day all night for weeks on end, when the rain stops nothing for months.

Don't know the area so can't comment on good or bad. Jim

And that, folks, is where I'm at at the moment. Too much rain. Last time we tapped was January.

Wow thats amazing scotbeve.Maybe you beter go live with Mosha lol Edited by cobbler
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Hi every one,

Maybe some of you will think my question is a bit too vague or impossible to answer?

"Is there a part of Thailand where rubber trees thrive better", for my wife would like us to buy a 55 rai of rubber trees in North, I have a friend whose family own rubber trees not far from Patalong (south), my wife is convince it is better in North (in the region of Phon Charoen not far the Lao border) her region, I know the climate is different that's all!

I am not asking for a study on rubber trees all over Thailand LOL

If someone knows, thanks in advance for answering

Simple answer, someplaces are better then others, biggest factor rain. Too much, too little, too long, too short. In a perfect place it would rain for 1 hour everyday 11 months of the year, Unfortunately sometimes it rains all day all night for weeks on end, when the rain stops nothing for months.

Don't know the area so can't comment on good or bad. Jim

And that, folks, is where I'm at at the moment. Too much rain. Last time we tapped was January.

Wow thats amazing scotbeve.Maybe you beter go live with Mosha lol

We have a rent rooom empty 555. It is frustrating. He goes up and taps and just as he finishes. the rain comes.

Edited by Mosha
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You should talk to the locals, how many tapping days/year. How much a mature plot produces/Rai. This link will show you the rainfall figures. http://www.tmd.go.th/en/climate.php

Without knowing the area though, it's like asking how long is a piece of string. tbh though for me in Ranong, I'm wondering if rubber was the right choice.

It's just one of those years for all throughout the county... There may be a few places where there are better returns for THIS YEAR due to weather. I've waited 7 yrs. (and subsequent years...) and I can wait some more. This is not my daytime job.... My teak trees have also (finally!) come to their maturity point for selling. Don't need a rental room. My 3 houses and 2 condos will do fine thank you. If you have enough land 100++ rai then it won't be a problem IF you must rely on just rubber sales.

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You should talk to the locals, how many tapping days/year. How much a mature plot produces/Rai. This link will show you the rainfall figures. http://www.tmd.go.th/en/climate.php

Without knowing the area though, it's like asking how long is a piece of string. tbh though for me in Ranong, I'm wondering if rubber was the right choice.

Region of Nong Khai, I guess I understand between North and South it is not obvious.

In France for instance, tomatoes in South you will have plenty not in North, Cabbage potatoes the opposite (sorry for such an example LOL)

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You should talk to the locals, how many tapping days/year. How much a mature plot produces/Rai. This link will show you the rainfall figures. http://www.tmd.go.th/en/climate.php

Without knowing the area though, it's like asking how long is a piece of string. tbh though for me in Ranong, I'm wondering if rubber was the right choice.

It's just one of those years for all throughout the county... There may be a few places where there are better returns for THIS YEAR due to weather. I've waited 7 yrs. (and subsequent years...) and I can wait some more. This is not my daytime job.... My teak trees have also (finally!) come to their maturity point for selling. Don't need a rental room. My 3 houses and 2 condos will do fine thank you. If you have enough land 100++ rai then it won't be a problem IF you must rely on just rubber sales.

Good call Scot,about this year.We have friend in this area ,he cut last night 3000 trees normally not less than 45 KG of sheet .Last night got only some Kee yang.Very windy.We also have 20 rai on a mountain Last week got 30KG sheet in 1 night ,.Last night 15KG sheet ,because very windy.Every body here is saying the same thing.The weather this year is very unusual.

Cheers Cobbler

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You should talk to the locals, how many tapping days/year. How much a mature plot produces/Rai. This link will show you the rainfall figures. http://www.tmd.go.th/en/climate.php

Without knowing the area though, it's like asking how long is a piece of string. tbh though for me in Ranong, I'm wondering if rubber was the right choice.

Hi Mosha,Try mixing things up a bit ,so as to not have all your eggs in the 1 basket.Try some prick thai or prick Hom ,as they can grow in filtered light..Try some bananas Nam wa is good.If seed bananas are prolific around your farm,put in finger bananas as seeds don't effect them.You may not get a lot of money from any of these things,but it will give you a top up, Cheers Cobbler
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82 Baht for sheets today, I'm just happy we had some to sell.

Similar price to us up in Nong Khai province.

However, we are buying back in at this price and storing. Sub 90 is too little for matts for my liking.

Just built a smoker, nothing on a par with Jims industrial one, but a bit of tin and an oil drum - seems to work ok and reduces/stops the mould when you are storing sheet long term.

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82 Baht for sheets today, I'm just happy we had some to sell.

Similar price to us up in Nong Khai province.

However, we are buying back in at this price and storing. Sub 90 is too little for matts for my liking.

Just built a smoker, nothing on a par with Jims industrial one, but a bit of tin and an oil drum - seems to work ok and reduces/stops the mould when you are storing sheet long term.

Surprising how much sheet you can put through a small shed and if kept in a dry place after, no problem a year.

If the oil drum is your fire pit you may want to try how the locals here do it. Tin shed with a hole in the side and an earthen chamber for the fire pit. Similar to the way they make charcoal makers. Seems to holed the smoke and heat very well and won't burn through over time. Jim

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Hi Jim,

Here's what they have done, used an oil drum as opposed to a pit, could be good to smoke some fish with as well whistling.gif

Thank the fish will be a bit rubber in taste. Shed looks good, you can always tell when a farang makes something. It looks like it can stand on it's own.

As for the fire pit same place as the locals, they just use wet clay to make a thing that looks like an olden day bread oven. If I can find a camera that works I will try and get a pic of one. Keep on smoking Jim

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Hi Jim,

Here's what they have done, used an oil drum as opposed to a pit, could be good to smoke some fish with as well whistling.gif

Thank the fish will be a bit rubber in taste. Shed looks good, you can always tell when a farang makes something. It looks like it can stand on it's own.

As for the fire pit same place as the locals, they just use wet clay to make a thing that looks like an olden day bread oven. If I can find a camera that works I will try and get a pic of one. Keep on smoking Jim


So what you are saying is that you can easily keep sheets in a smoke oven like this for up to 1 year ???

Do this mean you will have to fire up the oven everyday?.


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Hi Jim,

Here's what they have done, used an oil drum as opposed to a pit, could be good to smoke some fish with as well whistling.gif

Thank the fish will be a bit rubber in taste. Shed looks good, you can always tell when a farang makes something. It looks like it can stand on it's own.

As for the fire pit same place as the locals, they just use wet clay to make a thing that looks like an olden day bread oven. If I can find a camera that works I will try and get a pic of one. Keep on smoking Jim


So what you are saying is that you can easily keep sheets in a smoke oven like this for up to 1 year ???

Do this mean you will have to fire up the oven everyday?.


No. once it's smoked you can store it. Smoking is just away of preserving for storage or shipping. Think from memory it can be stored in a purpose built shed for up to 3 years without the rubber degrading. Don't know in this climate if that would work, but in theory a buyer from London, New York or Tokyo can buy and warehouse the stuff for years and still have high grade rubber. Jim
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Hi Jim,

Here's what they have done, used an oil drum as opposed to a pit, could be good to smoke some fish with as well whistling.gif

Thank the fish will be a bit rubber in taste. Shed looks good, you can always tell when a farang makes something. It looks like it can stand on it's own.

As for the fire pit same place as the locals, they just use wet clay to make a thing that looks like an olden day bread oven. If I can find a camera that works I will try and get a pic of one. Keep on smoking Jim


So what you are saying is that you can easily keep sheets in a smoke oven like this for up to 1 year ???

Do this mean you will have to fire up the oven everyday?.


No. once it's smoked you can store it. Smoking is just away of preserving for storage or shipping. Think from memory it can be stored in a purpose built shed for up to 3 years without the rubber degrading. Don't know in this climate if that would work, but in theory a buyer from London, New York or Tokyo can buy and warehouse the stuff for years and still have high grade rubber. Jim

So Jim, are you producing smoked sheets and then store them until the price is high and then sell??

If yes, what is the longest time you have stored smoked sheets??

and how do you store the smoked sheets??

another issue i would like your comments on

we have 2 plots of land with yang, both about 50 rai each. They are about 3 to 4 hours car dive from each-other, would it be possible to transport the fresh latex from 1 plot to the other and use the fresh latex to make sheets. i ask as i do not plan to have 2 sheet factories running, i just want to have 1 sheet factory. for your info 1 plot is about 4 years old the other 1 year old so still some years before we start tapping.


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