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Rubber Trees

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Now I can't edit my posts biggrin.png

OK 2 questions. If the local buyers are not buying, how long will unsmoked mats keep?, And is there an idiots guide to the smoking process please?


You can buy some powder from the fertiliser shop to sprinkle on the mats before you stock pile them its circa 100bht a bag. Dont stack them too high as they fuse together and a big pile to unfuse is a bstard. Make sure they are off the ground on pallets if possible to give it some airflow.

We stored non smoked from Dec till May, small bit of mould and we got knocked back about 2bht a kilo because of it, but it was still worth doing and we are doing the same now but with smoked.


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Hi Mosha.You can easily smoke your own sheets.Just get some coconut husks and light a small fire under the sheets .Try not to burn your house downclap2.gif .Just let it smoke for about an hour or something like that.It's a big help if your room is closed,but if not just give it a go.

Yep don't stack it too high.Like we did last year .I was very proud of my piles 2meters high.Took lots of photos.Then when we went to sell the bloody stuff we could hardly pull the shit apart.<deleted>.LOOSERblink.png Got docked a liottle bit but not much ,thanks to my wife's aunty.I said at that time.Shit we wont do dat again.sell every month . Now we are doing it again Shit fk dam minus the 2 meter high stacks.

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Hi Mosha.You can easily smoke your own sheets.Just get some coconut husks and light a small fire under the sheets .Try not to burn your house downclap2.gif .Just let it smoke for about an hour or something like that.It's a big help if your room is closed,but if not just give it a go.

Yep don't stack it too high.Like we did last year .I was very proud of my piles 2meters high.Took lots of photos.Then when we went to sell the bloody stuff we could hardly pull the shit apart.<deleted>.LOOSERblink.png Got docked a liottle bit but not much ,thanks to my wife's aunty.I said at that time.Shit we wont do dat again.sell every month . Now we are doing it again Shit fk dam minus the 2 meter high stacks.


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Internet is down again, get maybe 5 minutes of connection every hour, drives me to madness, I pay for unlimited and get hours a month.

Anyway Mosha, smoking is easy, have a look at my youtube vid. Family run latex factory Buntharik.

Some bamboo and sheet tin and you are off.. nothing grand, but it works.

On the other stealing front and the Lao guy buying.

Lucky I got a bottle of Johnny or they would be changing this forum from rubber to rubber room.

When the firing was going on, no word of rubber stealing was mentioned. Husband and all new what it was about, husband was crying, wife a smart girl never flinched.

They new the game was up, but I have to give the girl credit, she was smart. Her trees were doing well and she copied the other half of the plantation in out put.

When I would go and swing in my hammock, counted the barrels and sheet. I got what I expected, it was on the money. The output increased as I had predicted, but the output was much better than I had figured. They were pocketing the difference. If I could trust the girl I would hire her as a manager, she was good.

The Lao buyer turns out to be not from Lao and the rubber he bought at the factory was picked up about an hour after I left. Now when we have an outside buyer. he kicks out 1000 Baht for use of the scales, name and location. plus 1 Baht a kilo.

How much did he pay, 0 Baht and it turns out he bought 4000 kilos.

Said to wife, think this is a con, he uses our factory, does a buy and is gone rubber and all. No no. he tell me he buy for Lao man and he will be back next week.

I will see next week.

No wonder I drink. Jim

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Internet is down again, get maybe 5 minutes of connection every hour, drives me to madness, I pay for unlimited and get hours a month.

Anyway Mosha, smoking is easy, have a look at my youtube vid. Family run latex factory Buntharik.

Some bamboo and sheet tin and you are off.. nothing grand, but it works.

On the other stealing front and the Lao guy buying.

Lucky I got a bottle of Johnny or they would be changing this forum from rubber to rubber room.

When the firing was going on, no word of rubber stealing was mentioned. Husband and all new what it was about, husband was crying, wife a smart girl never flinched.

They new the game was up, but I have to give the girl credit, she was smart. Her trees were doing well and she copied the other half of the plantation in out put.

When I would go and swing in my hammock, counted the barrels and sheet. I got what I expected, it was on the money. The output increased as I had predicted, but the output was much better than I had figured. They were pocketing the difference. If I could trust the girl I would hire her as a manager, she was good.

The Lao buyer turns out to be not from Lao and the rubber he bought at the factory was picked up about an hour after I left. Now when we have an outside buyer. he kicks out 1000 Baht for use of the scales, name and location. plus 1 Baht a kilo.

How much did he pay, 0 Baht and it turns out he bought 4000 kilos.

Said to wife, think this is a con, he uses our factory, does a buy and is gone rubber and all. No no. he tell me he buy for Lao man and he will be back next week.

I will see next week.

No wonder I drink. Jim

Are you sure you just wanted to employ her?biggrin.png
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Internet is down again, get maybe 5 minutes of connection every hour, drives me to madness, I pay for unlimited and get hours a month.

Anyway Mosha, smoking is easy, have a look at my youtube vid. Family run latex factory Buntharik.

Some bamboo and sheet tin and you are off.. nothing grand, but it works.

On the other stealing front and the Lao guy buying.

Lucky I got a bottle of Johnny or they would be changing this forum from rubber to rubber room.

When the firing was going on, no word of rubber stealing was mentioned. Husband and all new what it was about, husband was crying, wife a smart girl never flinched.

They new the game was up, but I have to give the girl credit, she was smart. Her trees were doing well and she copied the other half of the plantation in out put.

When I would go and swing in my hammock, counted the barrels and sheet. I got what I expected, it was on the money. The output increased as I had predicted, but the output was much better than I had figured. They were pocketing the difference. If I could trust the girl I would hire her as a manager, she was good.

The Lao buyer turns out to be not from Lao and the rubber he bought at the factory was picked up about an hour after I left. Now when we have an outside buyer. he kicks out 1000 Baht for use of the scales, name and location. plus 1 Baht a kilo.

How much did he pay, 0 Baht and it turns out he bought 4000 kilos.

Said to wife, think this is a con, he uses our factory, does a buy and is gone rubber and all. No no. he tell me he buy for Lao man and he will be back next week.

I will see next week.

No wonder I drink. Jim

Are you sure you just wanted to employ her?biggrin.png

Never buy your meat where you get your bread. Jim
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This is an actual review on amazon.co.ukfor Veet Hair Removal for Men...

A. Chappell

This review is from: Veet for Men Hair Removal Gel Creme 200 ml (Personal Care)

After having been told my danglies looked like an elderly rastafarian I decided to take the plunge and buy some of this as previous shaving attempts had only been mildly succesful and I nearly put my back out trying to reach the more difficult bits. Being a bit of a romantic I thought I would do the deed on the missus's birthday as a bit of a treat.

I ordered it well in advance and working in the North sea I considerd myself a bit above some of the characters writing the previous reviews and wrote them off as soft office types...oh my fellow sufferers how wrong I was. I waited until the other half was tucked up in bed and after giving some vague hints about a special surprise I went down to the bathroom. Initially all went well and I applied the gel and stood waiting for something to happen. I didn't have long to wait.

At first there was a gentle warmth which in a matter of seconds was replaced by an intense burning and a feeling I can only describe as like being given a barbed wire wedgie by two people intent on hitting the ceiling with my head. Religion hadn't featured much in my life until that night but I suddenly became willing to convert to any religion to stop the violent burning around the turd tunnel and what seemed like the destruction of the meat and two veg. Struggling to not bite through my bottom lip I tried to wash the gel of in the sink and only succeeded in blocking the plughole with a mat of hair. Through the haze of tears I struggled out of the bathroom across the hall into the kitchen by this time walking was not really possible and I crawled the final yard to the fridge in the hope of some form of cold relief. I yanked the freezer drawer out and found a tub of ice cream, tore the lid of and positioned it under me. The relief was fantastic but only temporary as it melted fairly quickly and the fiery stabbing soon returned .

Due to the shape of the ice cream tub I hadn't managed to give the starfish any treatment and I groped around in the draw for something else as I was sure my vision was going to fail fairly soon.I grabbed a bag of what I later found out was frozen sprouts and tore it open trying to be quiet as I did so.I took a handful of them and tried in vain to clench some between the cheeks of my arse. This was not doing the trick as some of the gel had found it's way up the chutney channel and it felt like the space shuttle was running it's engines behind me.

This was probably and hopefully the only time in my life I was going to wish there was a gay snowman in the kitchen which should give you some idea of the depths I was willing to sink to in order to ease the pain. The only solution my pain crazed mind could come up with was to gently ease one of the sprouts where no veg had gone before.

Unfortunately, alerted by the strange grunts coming from the kitchen the other half chose that moment to come and investigate and was greeted by the sight of me, arse in the air, strawberry ice cream dripping from my bell end pushing a sprout up my arse while muttering..." Ooooh that feels good ". Understandably this was a shock to her and she let out a scream and as I hadn't heard her come in it caused an involutary spasm of shock in myself which resulted in the sprout being ejected at quite some speed in her direction. I can understand that having a sprout farted against your leg at 11 at night in the kitchen probably wasn't the special surprise she was expecting and having to explain to the kids the next day what the strange hollow in the ice cream was didn't improve my status...So to sum it up Veet removes hair, dignity and self respect...:)

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Back in the real world of farming and the commodity market, we use to sell on the futures market at a price that we were satisfied with, but if required could also provide the commonity for delivery to cover our contracts ( if the price went up vs what we sold at)

.We did this with hard winter wheat and live cattle and delivery could be made via transport. We never had to deliver the commodity as we would cover our sell orders with a purchase, when price droped. We worked on a 6 month time frame and as noted had the ability to deliver the commodity, unless of course we lost the entire crop/herd. W

Would it be possible for some of you larger rubber producers to do this?.

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Three rubber producing countries agree on price-boosting measures

BANGKOK, 16 August 2012 (NNT) - Thailand and two other rubber-producing countries, namely Indonesia and Malaysia, have agreed on measures to shore up the declining rubber prices.

Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister Nattawut Saikua said that following the meeting of the International Tripartite Rubber Council (ITRC) held in Bangkok yesterday, the three parties agreed to reduce the overall natural rubber exports by as many as 300,000 tons in combined amount and to begin cutting down 100,000 rai of aging rubber trees. The two measures are expected to cut the total rubber exports by 450,000 tons.

Mr Nattawut elaborated that the ministry is set to compensate farmers participating in the aging tree-cutting scheme 16,000 baht per 1 rai of rubber trees.

The ministry, he said, is instructing the Department of Agriculture to hold talks with rubber farmers and exporters to introduce these urgent measures in detail. w_l_top.gif

News ID: 255508160023 w_r_top.gif

btn_web-users_bg.gif Reporter : Orapa Chueyprasit

News Date : 16 August 2012

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well of course, rather than find a way to add value and/or a way to be more efficient, just kill off some producers to balance to the reduced world demand and so be able to say you've done something. Typical govt flunkies with no responsibility other than finding a way to bezel the game and screw everyone else.

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well of course, rather than find a way to add value and/or a way to be more efficient, just kill off some producers to balance to the reduced world demand and so be able to say you've done something. Typical govt flunkies with no responsibility other than finding a way to bezel the game and screw everyone else.

And this would be different from which other country. Douglas Adams [ Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy ] anyone one how aspires to enter politics, should automatically be banned.


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Sad fact is by economics that most family run plots are about 10 rai if that. They will not be able partake in this scheme. Plus correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this (Culling mature trees) started under the Dems with co-operation with the Malay, and Indonesian governments? It will be a talking exercise, and F all will be done by the big guys,

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Sad fact is by economics that most family run plots are about 10 rai if that. They will not be able partake in this scheme. Plus correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't this (Culling mature trees) started under the Dems with co-operation with the Malay, and Indonesian governments? It will be a talking exercise, and F all will be done by the big guys,

Yes I remember the 20,000 baht a rai sup proposed years ago for people to cut old trees. There is always a new proposal, but as Margie said, the markets will set the price.

Money talks and bull shit walks.

If the Governments of Thailand, Malaysian an Indonesia do want they say, rubber will go up, but when a country offers one of them 100 Mil US to sell their reserves on the side, will they say no.Look at the oil embargo, everyone trying to circumvent by shipping to second counties.

Money is money and I don't care if my rubber ends up on truck tires carrying a machine gun in Africa and if the Governments of the world really cared all the bad people would be on foot with spears. Jim

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It'll just be more money for there mates.By the way how do you stop people going into the national parks and planting 500,000 rai of yang the same year.

As James said,politics is the same any country in the world.Only difference in the western world is , they pass a law ,to suit them selves in the middle of the night. and call it leagle.

Love your comment about spears(fella)(Hey bud you got a smoke?)cheesy.gif Sorry if you non Australians don't get that joke.smile.pngsmile.png

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Hey Mosha,Just as a matter of interest.What's a rai of land worth down there in your area,if the paper is torbo 5 , also for chanort.?With rubber trees on it at cutting age or already being cut.Not if they are broke and really need money ,but just an average price.

Cheers Cobbler

P's' I have to go and dig 200 holes now ,we are getting 200 banana tree (small ) in beginning of September,.This gives me about 20 days to do it..My hands have blisters on blisters,Not to mention,I really got to eat more meat,.

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I'll ask, very little Chanote, it's a mountainous province. Mostly Totbor 5 and Sor Por Kor 4.01, the Torbor are is under review, and has been for 4 years. We are still waiting on ours.

Edited by Mosha
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Just put on Thai news on TV now.If gov didn't kill the price of yang with this buy back scam,which didn't help farmers at all..Price of yang would now fly because oil is set to go up in price now until October at least.

Now is the time we will see if yang price is set by demand and oil price or country politics.

Edited by cobbler
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Would any of you Rubber Tree farmers know if this approximate number is anywhere near correct ? If you were selling the liquid rubber, you could make a profit of about 1000 baht per month for every rai of rubber trees you have. This is figuring a 40% cut to the staff who cares for and collect the rubber. For example, if you had 30 rai of rubber trees, you might make a clear profit of 30,000 baht a month? Please feel free to correct me where ever you thing I am way off. Thanks

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Would any of you Rubber Tree farmers know if this approximate number is anywhere near correct ? If you were selling the liquid rubber, you could make a profit of about 1000 baht per month for every rai of rubber trees you have. This is figuring a 40% cut to the staff who cares for and collect the rubber. For example, if you had 30 rai of rubber trees, you might make a clear profit of 30,000 baht a month? Please feel free to correct me where ever you thing I am way off. Thanks

You could get that,or more , or less if sheet , not sure about liquid
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Would any of you Rubber Tree farmers know if this approximate number is anywhere near correct ? If you were selling the liquid rubber, you could make a profit of about 1000 baht per month for every rai of rubber trees you have. This is figuring a 40% cut to the staff who cares for and collect the rubber. For example, if you had 30 rai of rubber trees, you might make a clear profit of 30,000 baht a month? Please feel free to correct me where ever you thing I am way off. Thanks

As I have said many, many times on this subject. Everything depends on the trees, your numbers are ball park correct. You can make more or a lot less, lots of factors and right now the big one is rubber price. Jim
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Would any of you Rubber Tree farmers know if this approximate number is anywhere near correct ? If you were selling the liquid rubber, you could make a profit of about 1000 baht per month for every rai of rubber trees you have. This is figuring a 40% cut to the staff who cares for and collect the rubber. For example, if you had 30 rai of rubber trees, you might make a clear profit of 30,000 baht a month? Please feel free to correct me where ever you thing I am way off. Thanks

As I have said many, many times on this subject. Everything depends on the trees, your numbers are ball park correct. You can make more or a lot less, lots of factors and right now the big one is rubber price. Jim

Thanks for the info. I realize that many factors will affect your final profit. You answered my question, as I just wanted a "ballpark" number. Thanks
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how241,welcome to the yang subject,bye the way you'll have to change your name to how24/7 because thats how much time you'll spend thinking about it if you go into this type of farming..giggle.gif

Go the yang farmers

Cheers Cobbler

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Would any of you Rubber Tree farmers know if this approximate number is anywhere near correct ? If you were selling the liquid rubber, you could make a profit of about 1000 baht per month for every rai of rubber trees you have. This is figuring a 40% cut to the staff who cares for and collect the rubber. For example, if you had 30 rai of rubber trees, you might make a clear profit of 30,000 baht a month? Please feel free to correct me where ever you thing I am way off. Thanks

As I have said many, many times on this subject. Everything depends on the trees, your numbers are ball park correct. You can make more or a lot less, lots of factors and right now the big one is rubber price. Jim

Thanks for the info. I realize that many factors will affect your final profit. You answered my question, as I just wanted a "ballpark" number. Thanks

Just give yo a real idea on true numbers. We have round 100 rai, now take out unusable land,trees that have died or not yet good enough to tap, so say 70 rai of good trees, 2nd year of tapping, making RSS. We sold over 2 mil Baht of rubber last year. Output is up this season, but prices are down. There is a living to be made, but it is not as simple as plant some trees and collect the money. Jim
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How 24/7.As Jim said a long time ago.Go for 3000 trees ,and a falang can have a good living on that.Most of the time.I don't have 3000.We have only 2000 blink.png

Cheers cobbler

PS your liquid will have a rubber content percentage.The older your trees become the better your percentage.So the more your liquid will be worth.

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3 nations withdraw 450,000 tonnes of rubber

Published: 2012/08/17


ico_pdf.gif PDF icoEmail.gif EMAIL ico_print.gif PRINT ico_conv.gif CURRENCY CONVERTER ico_plus.gifLARGER TYPE ico_minus.gifSMALLER TYPE TOOLS DICTIONARY : THESAURUS : button1-share.gif

Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand have taken two measures that will withdraw a total of 450,000 tonnes of natural rubber (NR) from the market in order help the rubber price recover.

In a joint statement, the countries said they had finalised the mechanism for the implementation of Agreed Export Tonnage Scheme under which they would withdraw exports of 300,000 tonnes of NR.

The statement said the countries also agreed to accelerate the replanting programme of 100,000 hectares which would result in a further reduction of exports by 150,000 tonnes.

"We are optimistic with joint implementation of these measures, the rubberv price will recover and continue to be fair and remunerative to all smallholders and other stakeholders in the natural rubber industry," it said. The statement said the implementation would be closely monitored by the International Tripartite Rubber Council (ITRC) Monitoring and Surveillance Committee.

It said the three countries were concerned about the recent drop in NR prices which had a direct effect on the income of their rubber smallholders.

"This is despite the fact that the demand for natural rubber remains strong with low stock level," it said.

The drop in price was mainly contributed by negative market sentiment caused by various other factors including uncertainties in global economic growth, it said. -- Bernama

Read more: 3 nations withdraw 450,000 tonnes of rubber http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/20120817153534/Article/index_html#ixzz23nvnnNaz

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Thats a very good piece of imformation.Problem is '' the amount of yang planned to be cut out , is nothing compared to the 100s of 1000s of new rai of yang being planted in the national parks every year.Amazing ,I've been here 12 months permanent and I know this,but they have lived here all there life and they don't know this.Wow gee wiz

You watch .not long time from now the government will be encouraging farmers to plant avacardo 100 baht per kilo or other things.

Cheers Cobbler

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"It said the three countries were concerned about the recent drop in NR prices which had a direct effect on the income of their rubber smallholders."

Now what's the betting these same small holders will be the ones "asked" to cut back on production?

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