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Hamas refuses to recognize Israel


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Hamas refuses to recognize Israel

2011-05-11 23:20:23 GMT+7 (ICT)

BETHLEHEM (BNO NEWS) -- Hamas party leader Mahmoud Az-Zahhar on Wednesday said that his faction refuses to recognize Israel as it would be the best for future generations, the Ma'an news agency reported.

Az-Zahhar also said that Hamas is ready to recognize a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders or any part of Palestine. Traditionally, the Hamas party demanded a modern state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

"However, a formal recognition of Israel would cancel the right of the next generations to liberate the lands," added Az-Zahhar "What will be the fate of the five million Palestinians who have been exiled since 1948 when Israel was recognized by the United Nations?"

On the other hand, the Hamas leader confirmed the decision to maintain the truce with Israel as decided along the Fatah party. Az-Zahhar added the move was part of the resistance and stressed that "truce is not peace."

On May 4, Fatah, Hamas and all other Palestinian factions signed an historic unity deal in Cairo which was welcomed by the international community but condemned by the Israeli government.

After the signing, the two main factions, Hamas and Fatah, began talks to form the technocrat government, which will take responsibility to prepare for new parliamentary and presidential elections.

As a result, the Hamas-led government in Gaza and the Fatah-led cabinet in the West Bank (Palestinian Authority) will be dissolved and replaced by a single cabinet of independent technocrats. Details of the unity government have not been released.

It is expected that elections will be held within a year. In addition, the Palestinian security forces in the two territories will be unified and a reconstruction project in Gaza will be launched.

The factions are also discussing the fate of current Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, Salam Fayyad, as some say he should remain in his post, mainly due to his successful 2009 state-building plan.

Israel urged the Palestinian Authority to choose either peace with Israel or peace with Hamas as there "is no possibility for peace with both." The two sides engaged in the last year's unsuccessful peace talks amidst Hamas rejection.

The negotiations were stalled after Israel refused to extend a moratorium on settlement building in occupied Palestinian territory in September. In response, the Palestinian Authority broke off direct talks after as recommended by Hamas.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-05-11

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True to the spirit of 'head in the sand' Arafat. Hamas sounds like they're determined to reside in the problematic past, rather than check out the possibility of a bright future for the long suffering Palestinians. Incidentally, if Palestinians can find a way to peacefully coexist with their Israeli neighbors, then large foreign grants will be given to them from other countries. It happened in Bosnia and in E.Timor and various other places which were able to break free from the cycle of oppression (whether real or perceived).

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In other words give us the 1967 borders so at a future date we can attempt to eradicate you (for the fourth time) from a more advantageous position. In return for this concession we will recognise a Palestinian state and only a Palestinian state. :blink:

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In other words give us the 1967 borders so at a future date we can attempt to eradicate you (for the fourth time) from a more advantageous position. In return for this concession we will recognise a Palestinian state and only a Palestinian state. :blink:

Az-Zahhar also said that Hamas is ready to recognize a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders or any part of Palestine. Traditionally, the Hamas party demanded a modern state from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.

"However, a formal recognition of Israel would cancel the right of the next generations to liberate the lands," added Az-Zahhar "What will be the fate of the five million Palestinians who have been exiled since 1948 when Israel was recognized by the United Nations?

Agreed Steely Dan and , it confirms a point I made yesterday that any comment made by Hamas leadership is to be taken with a pinch of salt unless it's part of their charter.

Give us more land, let us get stronger and, we may well attack you again. Somehow I can't see Israel jumping up and down for joy at this proposal.

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Maybe you need to read the OP before commenting. :rolleyes:

Hamas refuses to recognize Israel

Yes. I read the OP.

Its because the Supremacists don't want share the land but keep it for the chosen ones only. Time to recognize that.

Edited by bangkokeddy
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Maybe you need to read the OP before commenting. :rolleyes:

Hamas refuses to recognize Israel

Yes. I read the OP.

Its because the Supremacists don't want share the land but keep it for the chosen ones only. Time to recognize that.

Thesupremacists being Hamas?

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Somehow I can't see Israel jumping up and down for joy at this proposal.

Because the Supremacists don't want share the land but keep it for the chosen ones only.

I have a question for you BE.

Let's look at this situation without the blinkers of emotion. The scenario is: Imagine two groups, we will call them Team A and Team B. These groups are involved in a conflict against one another with Team A holding the advantage. Team B asks for a "time out" to allow it to regroup and strengthen it's position. Without emotion, does it make any sense whatsoever for Team A to agree?

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Maybe you need to read the OP before commenting. :rolleyes:

Hamas refuses to recognize Israel

Yes. I read the OP.

Its because the Supremacists don't want share the land but keep it for the chosen ones only. Time to recognize that.

The Israelis have offered peace deals over and over again and the Arabs keep turning them down and starting wars. Time to recognize that you have it backwards. ;)

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Maybe you need to read the OP before commenting. :rolleyes:

Hamas refuses to recognize Israel

Yes. I read the OP.

Its because the Supremacists don't want share the land but keep it for the chosen ones only. Time to recognize that.

Thesupremacists being Hamas?

supremacist (sʊˈprɛməsɪst, sjʊ-)


a person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of a particular group, especially a racial group: a white supremacist.

Hamas? No.

Our message to the Israelis is this: we do not fight you because you belong to a certain faith or culture. Jews have lived in the Muslim world for 13 centuries in peace and harmony; they are in our religion "the people of the book" who have a covenant from God and His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) to be respected and protected. Our conflict with you is not religious but political. We have no problem with Jews who have not attacked us - our problem is with those who came to our land, imposed themselves on us by force, destroyed our society and banished our people.

Khalid Mish'al is head of the political bureau of Hamas


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Hamas is well known for speaking out of both sides of the mouth.

"Palestinian propagandists can say and do anything they please without concern for the truth, in the belief that if they repeat it often enough it will simply become the truth."

Jack Schwartz

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Hamas is well known for speaking out of both sides of the mouth.

"Palestinian propagandists can say and do anything they please without concern for the truth, in the belief that if they repeat it often enough it will simply become the truth."

Jack Schwartz

Yes, Supremacists will also tell the Palestinians that they don't even exist.

Btw. Who is Jack Schwartz?

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Pretty sure the Jews were living there before Muhammed popped out of the sky.

No one has problems with Jews here.

Our struggle is not against the Jewish people, but against oppression and occupation. This is not a religious war. We have no quarrel with the Jewish people. We welcome and appreciate the stand taken by leading Jewish figures in Britain and around the world against Israel's aggression against Gaza and for the rights of our people. It is also not the case, as has been claimed, that Hamas is seeking to enforce sharia law in Gaza: we respect the democratic process and individual rights.

Basim Naim is the minister of health in the Hamas government in Gaza.


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Not a good start to try and resurrect the peace process. :(

Why not?

Are you for real?

OK, assuming that you can't understand the obvious. Israel is here to stay. It is not going away. In the USA, the land is not going to be broken up and given back to the native Americans. Russia is not going back and give up its Asian holdings. Israel ain't gonna lower its flag, get on planes, and disperse throughout the world. And the Arab world does not have the military ability to erase Israel without suffering huge damages even if they could win such a conflict.

The Palestinians are also here to stay, and I think Israel understands that. Israel knows that a Palestinian state will come. THey are just trying to position themselves to make whatever happens the most advantageous to their national interests.

So for Hamas to come out and say that they won't recognize Israel, that they don't want to keep future Palestinians from "liberate their lands," (and what can that mean except armed conflict). Given that, what possible motivation will Israel have to negotiate in good faith? WIth their backs to the wall, they have no reason to give an inch.

I do not blindly support Israel. I find many faults there. But if I was an Israeli, and if I had Hamas telling me they will never recognize us, I would tell them to kiss my butt.

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One would think that if Hamas was serious about negotiating a lasting peace and an establishment of a country, it would simply accept that israel exists and that it isn't going anywhere. With that, it would sit down and make some reasonable proposals. They don't have to drop their pants, but if they just acted in good faith, a deal could be made. The refusaal to accept that Israel exists means that there will never be a viable peace process. How hard is it to accept that Israel is there?

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One would think that if Hamas was serious about negotiating a lasting peace and an establishment of a country, it would simply accept that israel exists and that it isn't going anywhere. With that, it would sit down and make some reasonable proposals. They don't have to drop their pants, but if they just acted in good faith, a deal could be made. The refusaal to accept that Israel exists means that there will never be a viable peace process. How hard is it to accept that Israel is there?

What 'Israel's right to exist' means to Palestinians


Read the article. It maybe answer some of your questions.

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Hamas know full well that Israel can not and will not recognise a Palestinian state which does not recognise it - this is the whole point. I suspect that Hamas and it's western enablers will mount a campaign to get Countries to recognise a Palestinian state at the UN in September using Arab oil money for coercive purposes. Whosoever does so will give a pseudo legitimacy to such a state which will be used as a cassus belli if Israel does not move back to the pre-1967 borders. This imho is the game, but as we well know from the UNHRC the Arab league have politicised the workings of the UN to the degree that nobody can rationally claim it to be an impartial referee so the whole exercise is a sham and merely clearing the decks for war by attempting to neutralize any outside intervention in support of Israel.

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One would think that if Hamas was serious about negotiating a lasting peace and an establishment of a country, it would simply accept that israel exists and that it isn't going anywhere. With that, it would sit down and make some reasonable proposals. They don't have to drop their pants, but if they just acted in good faith, a deal could be made. The refusaal to accept that Israel exists means that there will never be a viable peace process. How hard is it to accept that Israel is there?

What 'Israel's right to exist' means to Palestinians


Read the article. It maybe answer some of your questions.

Semantics, and biased at that. Yes, Hamas is a political party, but if they are the government of a future Palestine, then their opinions hold water now.

And the article says that Hamas will not "recognize" Israel, not that they do not recognize Israel's "right" to exist, or that by "right," they mean that the original formation was right.

Somewhere in all of this, a solution can be found respecting both Palestinians and Israelis. But not with groups such as Hamas and a few equally rabid Israeli factions.

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In other words give us the 1967 borders so at a future date we can attempt to eradicate you (for the fourth time) from a more advantageous position. In return for this concession we will recognise a Palestinian state and only a Palestinian state. :blink:

Or in other words, we have no interest in REALLY having a state because we are well aware what this statement means.So we will continue nonsense demands, whining and relying on foreign aid to support us.

If we were by some crazy notion get what we want, we will not stop, we will just adjust and continue with the same nonsense, because we do not know any better and prefer to live the way we do.

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Somehow I can't see Israel jumping up and down for joy at this proposal.

Because the Supremacists don't want share the land but keep it for the chosen ones only.

Why would Israel share the land? was it historically different?or because Hamas or you said so?

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