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Hide Files On Your System - Recommended Software Only Today Free

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Giveawayoftheday.com a website that 9 out of 10 promotes crap software today has a very good deal, the paid version of IObit's Protected Folder.

Protected Folder is designed to password-protect your folders and files from being seen, read or modified in Windows 7, Vista, XP and Server 2008, 2003. It works like a safety box, just drag and drop the folders or files you want to hide or protect into Protected Folder, then no one can see, read or modify them. Whether you are concerned with privacy, data theft, data loss, or data leaks, Protected Folder is an ideal tool for you. Protected Folder is safe and secure, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

This software cannot be compared by e.g. TrueCrypt or BestCrypt, but to hide files for family members or co-workers this is a great tool.

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Still 7 hours left on this offer.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Just learned though, strange enough the license expires after 1 year. Guess they make a marketing mistake with this. But IObit has very good software that are in the Cnet / Download top 5, Advanced System Cleaner, Toolbox is also recommendable and few others.

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